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path: root/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 414 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 126d1da..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-source /usr/share/makepkg/util/
-shopt -s nullglob
-default_makepkg_args=(--syncdeps --noconfirm --log --holdver --skipinteg)
-declare -a install_pkgs
-declare -i ret=0
-[[ -n ${SUDO_USER:-} ]] && copy=$SUDO_USER
-[[ -z "$copy" || $copy = root ]] && copy=copy
-usage() {
- echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [options] -r <chrootdir> [--] [makepkg args]"
- echo ' Run this script in a PKGBUILD dir to build a package inside a'
- echo ' clean chroot. Arguments passed to this script after the'
- echo ' end-of-options marker (--) will be passed to makepkg.'
- echo ''
- echo ' The chroot dir consists of the following directories:'
- echo ' <chrootdir>/{root, copy} but only "root" is required'
- echo ' by default. The working copy will be created as needed'
- echo ''
- echo 'The chroot "root" directory must be created via the following'
- echo 'command:'
- echo ' mkarchroot <chrootdir>/root base-devel'
- echo ''
- echo 'This script reads {SRC,SRCPKG,PKG,LOG}DEST, MAKEFLAGS and PACKAGER'
- echo 'from makepkg.conf(5), if those variables are not part of the'
- echo 'environment.'
- echo ''
- echo "Default makepkg args: ${default_makepkg_args[*]}"
- echo ''
- echo 'Flags:'
- echo '-h This help'
- echo '-c Clean the chroot before building'
- echo '-d <dir> Bind directory into build chroot as read-write'
- echo '-D <dir> Bind directory into build chroot as read-only'
- echo '-u Update the working copy of the chroot before building'
- echo ' This is useful for rebuilds without dirtying the pristine'
- echo ' chroot'
- echo '-r <dir> The chroot dir to use'
- echo '-I <pkg> Install a package into the working copy of the chroot'
- echo '-l <copy> The directory to use as the working copy of the chroot'
- echo ' Useful for maintaining multiple copies'
- echo " Default: $copy"
- echo '-n Run namcap on the package'
- echo '-C Run checkpkg on the package'
- echo '-T Build in a temporary directory'
- echo '-U Run makepkg as a specified user'
- exit 1
-# {{{ functions
-# Usage: sync_chroot $chrootdir $copydir [$copy]
-sync_chroot() {
- local chrootdir=$1
- local copydir=$2
- local copy=${3:-$2}
- if [[ "$chrootdir/root" -ef "$copydir" ]]; then
- error 'Cannot sync copy with itself: %s' "$copydir"
- return 1
- fi
- # Get a read lock on the root chroot to make
- # sure we don't clone a half-updated chroot
- slock 8 "$chrootdir/root.lock" \
- "Locking clean chroot [%s]" "$chrootdir/root"
- stat_busy "Synchronizing chroot copy [%s] -> [%s]" "$chrootdir/root" "$copy"
- if is_btrfs "$chrootdir" && ! mountpoint -q "$copydir"; then
- subvolume_delete_recursive "$copydir" ||
- die "Unable to delete subvolume %s" "$copydir"
- btrfs subvolume snapshot "$chrootdir/root" "$copydir" >/dev/null ||
- die "Unable to create subvolume %s" "$copydir"
- else
- mkdir -p "$copydir"
- rsync -a --delete -q -W -x "$chrootdir/root/" "$copydir"
- fi
- stat_done
- # Drop the read lock again
- lock_close 8
- # Update mtime
- touch "$copydir"
-# Usage: delete_chroot $copydir [$copy]
-delete_chroot() {
- local copydir=$1
- local copy=${1:-$2}
- stat_busy "Removing chroot copy [%s]" "$copy"
- if is_subvolume "$copydir" && ! mountpoint -q "$copydir"; then
- subvolume_delete_recursive "$copydir" ||
- die "Unable to delete subvolume %s" "$copydir"
- else
- # avoid change of filesystem in case of an umount failure
- rm --recursive --force --one-file-system "$copydir" ||
- die "Unable to delete %s" "$copydir"
- fi
- # remove lock file
- rm -f "$copydir.lock"
- stat_done
-install_packages() {
- local -a pkgnames
- local ret
- pkgnames=("${install_pkgs[@]##*/}")
- cp -- "${install_pkgs[@]}" "$copydir/root/"
- arch-nspawn "$copydir" "${bindmounts_ro[@]}" "${bindmounts_rw[@]}" \
- bash -c 'yes y | pacman -U -- "$@"' -bash "${pkgnames[@]/#//root/}"
- ret=$?
- rm -- "${pkgnames[@]/#/$copydir/root/}"
- return $ret
-prepare_chroot() {
- (( keepbuilddir )) || rm -rf "$copydir/build"
- local builduser_uid builduser_gid
- builduser_uid="$(id -u "$makepkg_user")"
- builduser_gid="$(id -g "$makepkg_user")"
- local install="install -o $builduser_uid -g $builduser_gid"
- local x
- # We can't use useradd without chrooting, otherwise it invokes PAM modules
- # which we might not be able to load (i.e. when building i686 packages on
- # an x86_64 host).
- sed -e '/^builduser:/d' -i "$copydir"/etc/{passwd,shadow,group}
- printf >>"$copydir/etc/group" 'builduser:x:%d:\n' "$builduser_gid"
- printf >>"$copydir/etc/passwd" 'builduser:x:%d:%d:builduser:/build:/bin/bash\n' "$builduser_uid" "$builduser_gid"
- printf >>"$copydir/etc/shadow" 'builduser:!!:%d::::::\n' "$(( $(date -u +%s) / 86400 ))"
- $install -d "$copydir"/{build,startdir,{pkg,srcpkg,src,log}dest}
- sed -e '/^MAKEFLAGS=/d' -e '/^PACKAGER=/d' -i "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf"
- for x in BUILDDIR=/build PKGDEST=/pkgdest SRCPKGDEST=/srcpkgdest SRCDEST=/srcdest LOGDEST=/logdest \
- do
- grep -q "^$x" "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" && continue
- echo "$x" >>"$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf"
- done
- cat > "$copydir/etc/sudoers.d/builduser-pacman" <<EOF
-builduser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacman
- chmod 440 "$copydir/etc/sudoers.d/builduser-pacman"
- # This is a little gross, but this way the script is recreated every time in the
- # working copy
- {
- printf '#!/bin/bash\n'
- declare -f _chrootbuild
- declare -p SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH 2>/dev/null || true
- declare -p BUILDTOOL 2>/dev/null
- declare -p BUILDTOOLVER 2>/dev/null
- printf '_chrootbuild "$@" || exit\n'
- if (( run_namcap )); then
- declare -f _chrootnamcap
- printf '_chrootnamcap || exit\n'
- fi
- } >"$copydir/chrootbuild"
- chmod +x "$copydir/chrootbuild"
-# These functions aren't run in makechrootpkg,
-# so no global variables
-_chrootbuild() {
- # No coredumps
- ulimit -c 0
- # shellcheck source=/dev/null
- . /etc/profile
- # Beware, there are some stupid arbitrary rules on how you can
- # use "$" in arguments to commands with "sudo -i". ${foo} or
- # ${1} is OK, but $foo or $1 isn't.
- #
- sudo --preserve-env=SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH \
- --preserve-env=BUILDTOOL \
- --preserve-env=BUILDTOOLVER \
- -iu builduser bash -c 'cd /startdir; makepkg "$@"' -bash "$@"
- ret=$?
- case $ret in
- 0|14)
- return 0;;
- *)
- return $ret;;
- esac
-_chrootnamcap() {
- pacman -S --needed --noconfirm namcap
- for pkgfile in /startdir/PKGBUILD /pkgdest/*; do
- echo "Checking ${pkgfile##*/}"
- sudo -u builduser namcap "$pkgfile" 2>&1 | tee "/logdest/${pkgfile##*/}-namcap.log"
- done
-download_sources() {
- setup_workdir
- chown "$makepkg_user:" "$WORKDIR"
- # Ensure sources are downloaded
- sudo -u "$makepkg_user" --preserve-env=GNUPGHOME,SSH_AUTH_SOCK \
- makepkg --config="$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" --verifysource -o "${verifysource_args[@]}" ||
- die "Could not download sources."
-move_logfiles() {
- local l
- for l in "$copydir"/logdest/*; do
- [[ $l == */logpipe.* ]] && continue
- chown "$src_owner" "$l"
- mv "$l" "$LOGDEST"
- done
-move_products() {
- local pkgfile
- for pkgfile in "$copydir"/pkgdest/*; do
- chown "$src_owner" "$pkgfile"
- mv "$pkgfile" "$PKGDEST"
- # Fix broken symlink because of temporary chroot PKGDEST /pkgdest
- if [[ "$PWD" != "$PKGDEST" && -L "$PWD/${pkgfile##*/}" ]]; then
- ln -sf "$PKGDEST/${pkgfile##*/}"
- fi
- done
- move_logfiles
- for s in "$copydir"/srcpkgdest/*; do
- chown "$src_owner" "$s"
- mv "$s" "$SRCPKGDEST"
- # Fix broken symlink because of temporary chroot SRCPKGDEST /srcpkgdest
- if [[ "$PWD" != "$SRCPKGDEST" && -L "$PWD/${s##*/}" ]]; then
- ln -sf "$SRCPKGDEST/${s##*/}"
- fi
- done
-# }}}
-while getopts 'hcur:I:l:nCTD:d:U:' arg; do
- case "$arg" in
- c) clean_first=1 ;;
- D) bindmounts_ro+=("--bind-ro=$OPTARG") ;;
- d) bindmounts_rw+=("--bind=$OPTARG") ;;
- u) update_first=1 ;;
- r) passeddir="$OPTARG" ;;
- I) install_pkgs+=("$OPTARG") ;;
- l) copy="$OPTARG" ;;
- n) run_namcap=1; makepkg_args+=(--install) ;;
- C) run_checkpkg=1 ;;
- T) temp_chroot=1; copy+="-$$" ;;
- U) makepkg_user="$OPTARG" ;;
- h|*) usage ;;
- esac
-[[ ! -f PKGBUILD && -z "${install_pkgs[*]}" ]] && die 'This must be run in a directory containing a PKGBUILD.'
-[[ -n $makepkg_user && -z $(id -u "$makepkg_user") ]] && die 'Invalid makepkg user.'
-# Canonicalize chrootdir, getting rid of trailing /
-chrootdir=$(readlink -e "$passeddir")
-[[ ! -d $chrootdir ]] && die "No chroot dir defined, or invalid path '%s'" "$passeddir"
-[[ ! -d $chrootdir/root ]] && die "Missing chroot dir root directory. Try using: mkarchroot %s/root base-devel" "$chrootdir"
-if [[ ${copy:0:1} = / ]]; then
- copydir=$copy
- copydir="$chrootdir/$copy"
-# Pass all arguments after -- right to makepkg
-# See if -R or -e was passed to makepkg
-for arg in "${@:$OPTIND}"; do
- case ${arg%%=*} in
- --skip*|--holdver) verifysource_args+=("$arg") ;;
- --repackage|--noextract) keepbuilddir=1 ;;
- --*) ;;
- -*R*|-*e*) keepbuilddir=1 ;;
- esac
-umask 0022
-IFS=: read -r _ _ _ _ _ HOME _ < <(getent passwd "${SUDO_USER:-$USER}")
-# Use PKGBUILD directory if these don't exist
-[[ -d $PKGDEST ]] || PKGDEST=$PWD
-[[ -d $SRCDEST ]] || SRCDEST=$PWD
-[[ -d $LOGDEST ]] || LOGDEST=$PWD
-# Lock the chroot we want to use. We'll keep this lock until we exit.
-lock 9 "$copydir.lock" "Locking chroot copy [%s]" "$copy"
-if [[ ! -d $copydir ]] || (( clean_first )); then
- sync_chroot "$chrootdir" "$copydir" "$copy"
-(( update_first )) && arch-nspawn "$copydir" \
- "${bindmounts_ro[@]}" "${bindmounts_rw[@]}" \
- pacman -Syuu --noconfirm
-if [[ -n ${install_pkgs[*]:-} ]]; then
- install_packages
- ret=$?
- # If there is no PKGBUILD we are done
- [[ -f PKGBUILD ]] || exit $ret
-if [[ "$(id -u "$makepkg_user")" == 0 ]]; then
- error "Running makepkg as root is not allowed."
- exit 1
-if arch-nspawn "$copydir" \
- --bind="${PWD//:/\\:}:/startdir" \
- --bind="${SRCDEST//:/\\:}:/srcdest" \
- "${bindmounts_ro[@]}" "${bindmounts_rw[@]}" \
- /chrootbuild "${makepkg_args[@]}"
- mapfile -t pkgnames < <(sudo -u "$makepkg_user" bash -c 'source PKGBUILD; printf "%s\n" "${pkgname[@]}"')
- move_products
- (( ret += 1 ))
- move_logfiles
-(( temp_chroot )) && delete_chroot "$copydir" "$copy"
-if (( ret != 0 )); then
- if (( temp_chroot )); then
- die "Build failed"
- else
- die "Build failed, check %s/build" "$copydir"
- fi
- if (( run_checkpkg )); then
- msg "Running checkpkg"
- mapfile -t remotepkgs < <(pacman --config "$copydir"/etc/pacman.conf \
- --dbpath "$copydir"/var/lib/pacman \
- -Sddp "${pkgnames[@]}")
- if ! wait $!; then
- warning "Skipped checkpkg due to missing repo packages"
- exit 0
- fi
- # download package files if any non-local location exists
- for remotepkg in "${remotepkgs[@]}"; do
- if [[ $remotepkg != file://* ]]; then
- msg2 "Downloading current versions"
- arch-nspawn "$copydir" pacman --noconfirm -Swdd "${pkgnames[@]}"
- mapfile -t remotepkgs < <(pacman --config "$copydir"/etc/pacman.conf \
- --dbpath "$copydir"/var/lib/pacman \
- -Sddp "${pkgnames[@]}")
- break
- fi
- done
- msg2 "Checking packages"
- sudo -u "$makepkg_user" checkpkg --rmdir --warn --makepkg-config "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" "${remotepkgs[@]/#file:\/\//}"
- fi
- true