Send patches - preferably formatted by git format-patch - to patches at archlinux32 dot org.
path: root/Attic
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2022-02-03 20:52:12 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2022-02-03 20:52:12 +0100
commit015efed85b2d9a99da9f4487680d55829573ba71 (patch)
treed536a97f7b4b86276c9a34aaaa018755c0607fd5 /Attic
parent2ff8e857a3f6d1772012f4c7cfee74b4c35c2f39 (diff)
removed some old versions of scripts and the old vagrant build scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'Attic')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 571 deletions
diff --git a/Attic/ b/Attic/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f14a5f..0000000
--- a/Attic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-mkdir build-dual
-cd build-dual
-cat << "END" > Vagrantfile
-Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
- = "archlinux/archlinux"
- config.vm.provision "shell", path: "", run: "once"
-cat << "__ENDOFPROVISION.SH__" >
-set -e
-ln -svf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Detroit /etc/localtime
-pacman --noconfirm -Sy archlinux-keyring
-tee -a /etc/pacman.conf << "_PACMANCONF_"
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist32
-cat << "__ENDOFARCH32MIRRORLIST__" > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist32
-Server =$arch/$repo
-Server =$arch/$repo
-Server =$arch/$repo
-pacman --noconfirm -Sy archlinux32-keyring-transition
-pacman --noconfirm -R archlinux32-keyring-transition
-pacman --noconfirm -S archlinux32-keyring
-pacman --noconfirm -Su archiso-dual
-cat << "__ENDOFARCH32MIRRORLIST__" > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist32
-Server =$repo/os/$arch
-cat << "__MIRRORLIST__" | tee /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-Server =$repo/os/$arch
-cat << "__ENDOFISOBUILDSCRIPT__" | tee /root/ >/dev/null
-/usr/share/archiso/configs/releng/ -v -V"$(date -d"$(date -d "+2day" +%Y-%m-01T12:00:00Z)" +%Y.%m.%d)" -L"ARCH_$(date -d"$(date -d "+2day" +%Y-%m-01T12:00:00Z)" +%Y%m)"
-chmod +x /root/
-vagrant up
-vagrant ssh -c "sudo reboot";
-vagrant ssh -c "sudo bash -c '/root/'";
-vagrant ssh-config > config.txt
-scp -rF config.txt default:/home/vagrant/out ../
-#vagrant destroy -f
diff --git a/Attic/ b/Attic/
deleted file mode 100755
index 171a690..0000000
--- a/Attic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-mkdir build-i686
-cd build-i686
-cat << "END" > Vagrantfile
-Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
- = "archlinux/archlinux"
- config.vm.provision "shell", path: "", run: "once"
-cat << "__ENDOFPROVISION.SH__" >
-set -e
-ln -svf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Detroit /etc/localtime
-pacman --noconfirm -Sy archlinux-keyring
-tee -a /etc/pacman.conf << "_PACMANCONF_"
-Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist32
-cat << "__ENDOFARCH32MIRRORLIST__" > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist32
-Server =$arch/$repo
-Server =$arch/$repo
-Server =$arch/$repo
-pacman --noconfirm -Sy archlinux32-keyring-transition
-pacman --noconfirm -R archlinux32-keyring-transition
-pacman --noconfirm -S archlinux32-keyring
-pacman --noconfirm -Syu archiso32
-cat << "__ENDOFISOBUILDSCRIPT__" | tee /root/ >/dev/null
-/usr/share/archiso/configs/releng/ -v -V"$(date -d"$(date -d "+2day" +%Y-%m-01T12:00:00Z)" +%Y.%m.%d)" -L"ARCH_$(date -d"$(date -d "+2day" +%Y-%m-01T12:00:00Z)" +%Y%m)"
-chmod +x /root/
-vagrant up
-vagrant ssh -c "sudo reboot";
-vagrant ssh -c 'sudo bash -c "/root/"';
-vagrant ssh-config > config.txt
-scp -rF config.txt default:/home/vagrant/out ../
-#vagrant destroy -f
diff --git a/Attic/build-isos-nlopc43 b/Attic/build-isos-nlopc43
deleted file mode 100755
index 5541fe6..0000000
--- a/Attic/build-isos-nlopc43
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# to be executed on nlopc43 ... sry for all the hard-coded stuff
-set -e
- readlink -e "${0%/*}"
-case "$(hostname -s)" in
- 'nlopc43')
- echo 'build isos on nlopc46 ...'
- rsync "$0"
- isos=$(
- ssh "/tmp/${0##*/}"
- )
- echo '... done.'
- if [ -z "${isos}" ]; then
- echo 'no isos were built!?'
- exit 1
- fi
- echo 'sign and upload isos ...'
- tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
- trap 'cd "${base_dir}"; rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT
- rsync -av $(printf '\n' ${isos}) "${tmp_dir}/"
- isos=$(
- printf '%s\n' "${isos}" | \
- sed 's,^.*/,,'
- )
- mountpoint -q "${archive}" || sudo mount "${archive}"
- mountpoint -q "${destination%/*}" || sudo mount "${destination%/*}"
- cd "${tmp_dir}"
- cp "${destination}/sha512sums" .
- cp "${destination}/md5sums" .
- date=$(
- printf '%s\n' "${isos}" \
- | sed 's/^.*-\([^-]\+\)-[^-]\+$/\1/' \
- | sort -u
- )
- for iso in ${isos}; do
- gpg --local-user '33CA3597B0D161AAE4173F65C17F1214114574A4' --batch --no-tty --detach-sign "${iso}" </dev/null
- done
- sha512sum ${isos} >> sha512sums
- md5sum ${isos} >> md5sums
- sort -k2,2 sha512sums --output sha512sums
- sort -k2,2 md5sums --output md5sums
- cp $(
- printf '%s\n' ${isos}
- printf '%s.sig\n' ${isos}
- ) sha512sums md5sums "${destination}/"
- date +%s > "${destination%/*}/lastupdate"
- "${base_dir}/" -d "${date}" -t "hefur@archlinux32:"
- mv $(
- printf '%s.torrent\n' ${isos}
- ) feed_dual.rss feed_i686.rss "${destination}/"
-# --torrent-seed-dual "${date}-dual.iso.torrent" \
- git -C "${base_dir}/../archweb32" pull --ff-only
- "${base_dir}/update-website" \
- --torrent-seed-i686 "${date}-i686.iso.torrent" \
- --update-iso
- git -C "${base_dir}/../archweb32" commit 'download/index.html' -m 'download/index.html: new isos ('"${date}"')'
- git -C "${base_dir}/../archweb32" push
- find "${destination}" \( -name 'archlinux32-*' -o -name 'archlinux-*' \) -not -name 'archlinux32-'"${date}"'-*' \
- | while read -r to_delete; do
- if diff -q "${to_delete}" "${archive}/iso/${to_delete#${destination}/}" >/dev/null; then
- rm "${to_delete}"
- printf '%s\n' "${to_delete}" \
- | sed '
- s@^.*/@@
- s/\./\\./g
- s@.*@/ \0$/d@
- '
- fi
- done \
- >> "${tmp_dir}/delete-regex"
- sed -i -f "${tmp_dir}/delete-regex" "${destination}/sha512sums"
- sed -i -f "${tmp_dir}/delete-regex" "${destination}/md5sums"
- echo '... done.'
- ;;
- 'nlopc46')
- if [ "$(whoami)" = 'root' ]; then
- cd "/usr/share/archiso/configs/$1"
- tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
- trap 'rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT
- arch=i686 setarch i686 mkarchiso -o "$2" -w "${tmp_dir}" -v /usr/share/archiso/configs/$1
- chown "${SUDO_USER}:users" "$2/"archlinux*.iso
- exit
- fi
- rm -rf --one-file-system ~/archisos
- mkdir ~/archisos
- >&2 echo 'build i686-iso ...'
- >&2 sudo "$0" releng32 ~/archisos/
- >&2 echo '... done.'
-# >&2 echo 'build dual-iso ...'
-# >&2 sudo "$0" releng-dual ~/archisos/
-# >&2 echo '... done.'
- find ~/archisos/ -type f
- ;;
- *)
- >&2 echo 'execute on nlopc43 (or nlopc46) - sry'
- exit 1
- ;;
diff --git a/Attic/update-website-old b/Attic/update-website-old
deleted file mode 100755
index 95f12ad..0000000
--- a/Attic/update-website-old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-usage() {
- >&2 echo ''
- >&2 echo 'update-website: update download, torrent, magnet links on'
- >&2 echo ' the Arch32 website'
- >&2 echo ''
- >&2 echo 'possible options:'
- >&2 echo ' -h|--help: Show this help and exit.'
- >&2 echo ' --magnet-i686 $link:'
- >&2 echo ' Set archiso-i686 magnet link to $link.'
- >&2 echo ' --magnet-dual $link:'
- >&2 echo ' Set archiso-dual magnet link to $link.'
- >&2 echo ' --torrent-seed-i686 $link:'
- >&2 echo ' Set archiso-i686 torrent link to $link.'
- >&2 echo ' --torrent-seed-dual $link:'
- >&2 echo ' Set archiso-dual torrent link to $link.'
- >&2 echo ' --website-dir $dir:'
- >&2 echo ' Set website-dir to $dir.'
- >&2 echo ' --mirror-dir $dir:'
- >&2 echo ' Set mirror-dir to $dir.'
- >&2 echo ' --update-iso:'
- >&2 echo ' Update information about iso, too.'
- [ -z "$1" ] && exit 1 || exit "$1"
-eval set -- "$(
- getopt -o h \
- --long help \
- --long magnet-i686: \
- --long magnet-dual: \
- --long torrent-seed-i686: \
- --long torrent-seed-dual: \
- --long mirror-dir: \
- --long website-dir: \
- --long update-iso \
- -n "$(basename "$0")" -- "$@" || \
- echo usage
-tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
-cleanup() {
- if mountpoint -q "${tmp_dir}"; then
- sudo umount "${tmp_dir}"
- fi
- rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"
-trap cleanup EXIT
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case "$1" in
- '--magnet-i686')
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/magnet.i686" ]; then
- printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
- usage
- fi
- shift
- echo "$1" | \
- tr -d '\n' > \
- "${tmp_dir}/magnet.i686"
- ;;
- '--magnet-dual')
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/magnet.dual" ]; then
- printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
- usage
- fi
- shift
- echo "$1" | \
- tr -d '\n' > \
- "${tmp_dir}/magnet.dual"
- ;;
- '--torrent-seed-i686')
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.i686" ]; then
- printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
- usage
- fi
- shift
- echo "$1" | \
- tr -d '\n' > \
- "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.i686"
- ;;
- '--torrent-seed-dual')
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.dual" ]; then
- printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
- usage
- fi
- shift
- echo "$1" | \
- tr -d '\n' > \
- "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.dual"
- ;;
- '--mirror-dir')
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/mirror_dir.set" ]; then
- printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
- usage
- fi
- shift
- mirror_dir="$1"
- echo "$mirror_dir" > "${tmp_dir}/mirror_dir.set"
- ;;
- '--website-dir')
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/website_dir.set" ]; then
- printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
- usage
- fi
- shift
- website_dir="$1"
- echo "$website_dir" > "${tmp_dir}/website_dir.set"
- ;;
- '--update-iso')
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/update_iso.set" ]; then
- printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
- usage
- fi
- echo "true" > "${tmp_dir}/update_iso.set"
- ;;
- '--help'|'-h')
- usage 0
- ;;
- '--')
- shift
- break
- ;;
- *)
- >&2 printf 'Whoops, option "%s" is not yet implemented!\n' "$1"
- exit 42
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
- >&2 echo 'Too many arguments.'
- exit 2
- printf ' <div id="download-mirrors">\n'
- curl -Ss ''"$(
- head -c 24 /dev/urandom | \
- base64 -w0
- )" | \
- sed '
- 0,/^$/d
- /^$/d
- /^## /{
- s|^## |\n </ul>\n\n <h5>|
- s|$|</h5>\n\n <ul>\n|
- '"$(
- while read -r flag country; do
- printf \
- 's|<h5>%s</h5>|<h5><span class="fam-flag fam-flag-%s" title="%s"></span> %s</h5>|\n' \
- "${country}" \
- "${flag}" \
- "${country}" \
- "${country}"
- done < \
- "${0%/*}/flag-names"
- )"'
- }
- /^#Server = /{
- s|^#Server = \(.*//\)\([^/]*\)\(/.*\)\$arch/\$repo/\?$|'"$(
- printf \
- ' %s\\n' \
- '<li><a href="\1\2\3archisos/"' \
- ' title="Download from \1\2\3">\2</a></li>'
- )"'|
- }
- ' | \
- sed '
- 0,/<\/ul>/d
- '
- printf ' </ul>\n\n'
- printf ' </div>\n'
-) | \
- sed -i '
- :emptyLines
- /^\n*$/{
- N
- bemptyLines
- }
- /^\(\s*\n\)*\s*<div id="download-mirrors">$/{
- :a
- s|^.*</div>||
- tb
- $!N
- ba
- :b
- r /dev/stdin
- }
- ' "${website_dir}/download/index.html"
- ls "${mirror_dir}/archisos" | \
- grep '^archlinux32-[0-9.]\+-\(dual\|i.86\)\.iso$' | \
- sed 's@^archlinux32-\([0-9.]\+\)-\(dual\|i.86\)\.iso$@\1@' | \
- sort -k1,1 -u | \
- tail -n1
-declare -A desc
-desc['i686']='i686 only'
-# desc['dual']='dual bootable'
-for arch in "${!desc[@]}"; do
- if [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/magnet.${arch}" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if ! tr '&' '\n' < \
- "${tmp_dir}/magnet.${arch}" | \
- grep -qxF "dn=archlinux32-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}.iso"; then
- >&2 printf 'Magnet link for %s is not for %s, skipping.\n' "${arch}" "archlinux32-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}.iso"
- continue
- fi
- sed -i '
- /<li><a href="magnet:?.*-'"${arch}"'\.iso/ s/href="[^"]\+"/href="'"$(sed 's|&|\\&|g' "${tmp_dir}/magnet.${arch}")"'"/
- /title="Magnet link">Magnet link for \S\+ ('"${desc["${arch}"]}"')/ s/>Magnet link for \S\+ />Magnet link for '"${latest_iso_date}"' /
- ' "${website_dir}/download/index.html"
-for arch in "${!desc[@]}"; do
- if [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.${arch}" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if ! grep -qF "archlinux32-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}" "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.${arch}"; then
- >&2 printf 'Torrent seed for %s is not for %s, skipping.\n' "${arch}" "archlinux32-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}.iso"
- continue
- fi
- sed -i '
- /<li><a href="http.*-'"${arch}"'\.iso.torrent/ s/href="[^"]\+"/href="'"$(sed -e 's_/_\\/_g' "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.${arch}")"'"/
- /title="Download torrent">Torrent for \S\+ ('"${desc["${arch}"]}"')/ s/>Torrent for \S\+ />Torrent for '"${latest_iso_date}"' /
- ' "${website_dir}/download/index.html"
-if [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/update_iso.set" ]; then
- exit
-unset kernels
-unset sizes
-declare -A sizes
-declare -A md5
-declare -A sha512
-for arch in "${!desc[@]}"; do
- iso="${mirror_dir}/archisos/archlinux32-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}.iso"
- if [ ! -f "${iso}" ]; then
- >&2 echo "Can't find iso to arch ${arch}."
- exit 1
- fi
- sudo mount -o loop,ro "${iso}" "${tmp_dir}"
- kernels="$(
- printf '%s\n' ${kernels} $(
- find "${tmp_dir}/arch" \
- -maxdepth 1 \
- -name 'pkglist.*.txt' \
- -not -name 'pkglist.x86_64.txt' \
- -execdir cat {} \; \
- | sed '
- s/^linux\s\+\([^-]\+-[^-]\+\)$/\1/
- t
- d
- '
- ) | \
- sort -u
- )"
- sudo umount "${tmp_dir}"
- sizes["${arch}"]="$(
- printf 'scale=1; %s/1024/1024\n' "$(stat -c'%s' "${iso}")" | \
- bc
- )"
- md5["${arch}"]="$(
- grep "\s${iso##*/}\$" "${mirror_dir}/archisos/md5sums" | \
- awk '{print $1}'
- )"
- sha512["${arch}"]="$(
- grep "\s${iso##*/}\$" "${mirror_dir}/archisos/sha512sums" | \
- awk '{print $1}'
- )"
- sign_keys="$(
- printf '%s\n' ${sign_keys} $(
- gpg --status-fd=1 --verify "${iso}.sig" "${iso}" 2> /dev/null | \
- grep '^\[GNUPG:] VALIDSIG [0-9A-F]\+ ' | \
- cut -d' ' -f3
- ) | \
- sort -u
- )"
-if [ $(echo "${kernels}" | grep -c '\S') -ne 1 ]; then
- >&2 echo 'Not exactly one kernel on the iso:'
- >&2 echo "${kernels}"
- exit 1
-if [ $(echo "${sign_keys}" | grep -c '\S') -ne 1 ]; then
- >&2 echo 'Not exactly one key used for signing the iso:'
- >&2 echo "'${sign_keys}'"
- exit 1
-if [ "${sign_keys}" != '33CA3597B0D161AAE4173F65C17F1214114574A4' ]; then
- >&2 printf 'Isos are signed with key %s instead of %s.\n' \
- "${sign_keys}" \
- '33CA3597B0D161AAE4173F65C17F1214114574A4'
- exit 1
- 'Current Release' "${latest_iso_date}"
- 'Included Kernel' "${kernels}"
- 'PGP Key' '<a href="'"${sign_keys}"'">'"${sign_keys}"'</a>'
-for arch in 'i686' 'dual'; do
- values+=(
- "ISO Size (${desc["${arch}"]})" "${sizes["${arch}"]} MB"
- "MD5 (${desc["${arch}"]})" "${md5["${arch}"]}"
- "SHA512 (${desc["${arch}"]})" "${sha512["${arch}"]}"
- )
-sed -i "$(
- printf '/%s:/s|</strong>.*</li>|</strong> %s</li>|\n' "${values[@]}"
- printf '/archlinux32-[0-9.]\+-%s\.iso\.sig/s@archlinux32-[0-9.]\+-%s\.iso\.sig@archlinux32-%s-%s.iso.sig@\n' \
- 'i686' 'i686' "${latest_iso_date}" 'i686' \
- 'dual' 'dual' "${latest_iso_date}" 'dual'
-" \
- "${website_dir}/download/index.html"