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path: root/Attic/build-isos-nlopc43
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2022-02-01 21:37:19 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2022-02-01 21:37:19 +0100
commitb43bf951c7471fabd2301641ba3503bacf5b91e7 (patch)
tree14954f32f0e7d6ca0376c37b2864178d0c5c7051 /Attic/build-isos-nlopc43
parent3b569e24016a3cb5258e9e856d7161b8360499f3 (diff)
adapted for buildmaster, ISO, update works, not the torrentsarch32-20220201
Diffstat (limited to 'Attic/build-isos-nlopc43')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Attic/build-isos-nlopc43 b/Attic/build-isos-nlopc43
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5541fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Attic/build-isos-nlopc43
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# to be executed on nlopc43 ... sry for all the hard-coded stuff
+set -e
+ readlink -e "${0%/*}"
+case "$(hostname -s)" in
+ 'nlopc43')
+ echo 'build isos on nlopc46 ...'
+ rsync "$0"
+ isos=$(
+ ssh "/tmp/${0##*/}"
+ )
+ echo '... done.'
+ if [ -z "${isos}" ]; then
+ echo 'no isos were built!?'
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo 'sign and upload isos ...'
+ tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
+ trap 'cd "${base_dir}"; rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT
+ rsync -av $(printf '\n' ${isos}) "${tmp_dir}/"
+ isos=$(
+ printf '%s\n' "${isos}" | \
+ sed 's,^.*/,,'
+ )
+ mountpoint -q "${archive}" || sudo mount "${archive}"
+ mountpoint -q "${destination%/*}" || sudo mount "${destination%/*}"
+ cd "${tmp_dir}"
+ cp "${destination}/sha512sums" .
+ cp "${destination}/md5sums" .
+ date=$(
+ printf '%s\n' "${isos}" \
+ | sed 's/^.*-\([^-]\+\)-[^-]\+$/\1/' \
+ | sort -u
+ )
+ for iso in ${isos}; do
+ gpg --local-user '33CA3597B0D161AAE4173F65C17F1214114574A4' --batch --no-tty --detach-sign "${iso}" </dev/null
+ done
+ sha512sum ${isos} >> sha512sums
+ md5sum ${isos} >> md5sums
+ sort -k2,2 sha512sums --output sha512sums
+ sort -k2,2 md5sums --output md5sums
+ cp $(
+ printf '%s\n' ${isos}
+ printf '%s.sig\n' ${isos}
+ ) sha512sums md5sums "${destination}/"
+ date +%s > "${destination%/*}/lastupdate"
+ "${base_dir}/" -d "${date}" -t "hefur@archlinux32:"
+ mv $(
+ printf '%s.torrent\n' ${isos}
+ ) feed_dual.rss feed_i686.rss "${destination}/"
+# --torrent-seed-dual "${date}-dual.iso.torrent" \
+ git -C "${base_dir}/../archweb32" pull --ff-only
+ "${base_dir}/update-website" \
+ --torrent-seed-i686 "${date}-i686.iso.torrent" \
+ --update-iso
+ git -C "${base_dir}/../archweb32" commit 'download/index.html' -m 'download/index.html: new isos ('"${date}"')'
+ git -C "${base_dir}/../archweb32" push
+ find "${destination}" \( -name 'archlinux32-*' -o -name 'archlinux-*' \) -not -name 'archlinux32-'"${date}"'-*' \
+ | while read -r to_delete; do
+ if diff -q "${to_delete}" "${archive}/iso/${to_delete#${destination}/}" >/dev/null; then
+ rm "${to_delete}"
+ printf '%s\n' "${to_delete}" \
+ | sed '
+ s@^.*/@@
+ s/\./\\./g
+ s@.*@/ \0$/d@
+ '
+ fi
+ done \
+ >> "${tmp_dir}/delete-regex"
+ sed -i -f "${tmp_dir}/delete-regex" "${destination}/sha512sums"
+ sed -i -f "${tmp_dir}/delete-regex" "${destination}/md5sums"
+ echo '... done.'
+ ;;
+ 'nlopc46')
+ if [ "$(whoami)" = 'root' ]; then
+ cd "/usr/share/archiso/configs/$1"
+ tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
+ trap 'rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT
+ arch=i686 setarch i686 mkarchiso -o "$2" -w "${tmp_dir}" -v /usr/share/archiso/configs/$1
+ chown "${SUDO_USER}:users" "$2/"archlinux*.iso
+ exit
+ fi
+ rm -rf --one-file-system ~/archisos
+ mkdir ~/archisos
+ >&2 echo 'build i686-iso ...'
+ >&2 sudo "$0" releng32 ~/archisos/
+ >&2 echo '... done.'
+# >&2 echo 'build dual-iso ...'
+# >&2 sudo "$0" releng-dual ~/archisos/
+# >&2 echo '... done.'
+ find ~/archisos/ -type f
+ ;;
+ *)
+ >&2 echo 'execute on nlopc43 (or nlopc46) - sry'
+ exit 1
+ ;;