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path: root/makechrootpkg
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2011-10-14 09:33:07 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2011-10-14 09:33:07 +0200
commitb06b9f60109ad152e8a6ce8c20f9266648d9d70f (patch)
tree65199dc8d398671431f0fa5af6b65325dacde09e /makechrootpkg
parent9715ddbe9df6e7a2a37a11c4f3e90a5446459217 (diff)
parenta0c6bf4556e211037b9d9d6de3fd17f798a3c1fb (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'cryptocrack/for-pierre'
Diffstat (limited to 'makechrootpkg')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/makechrootpkg b/makechrootpkg
deleted file mode 100755
index a60c9fe..0000000
--- a/makechrootpkg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-MAKEPKG_ARGS='-s --noconfirm'
-APPNAME=$(basename "${0}")
-[[ -n $SUDO_USER ]] && default_copy=$SUDO_USER
-[[ -z $default_copy || $default_copy = root ]] && default_copy=copy
-usage() {
- echo "usage ${APPNAME} [options] -r <chrootdir> [--] [makepkg args]"
- echo ' Run this script in a PKGBUILD dir to build a package inside a'
- echo ' clean chroot. All unrecognized arguments passed to this script'
- echo ' will be passed to makepkg.'
- echo ''
- echo ' The chroot dir consists of the following directories:'
- echo ' <chrootdir>/{root, copy} but only "root" is required'
- echo ' by default. The working copy will be created as needed'
- echo ''
- echo 'The chroot "root" directory must be created via the following'
- echo 'command:'
- echo ' mkarchroot <chrootdir>/root base base-devel sudo'
- echo ''
- echo "Default makepkg args: $MAKEPKG_ARGS"
- echo ''
- echo 'Flags:'
- echo '-h This help'
- echo '-c Clean the chroot before building'
- echo '-u Update the working copy of the chroot before building'
- echo ' This is useful for rebuilds without dirtying the pristine'
- echo ' chroot'
- echo '-d Add the package to a local db at /repo after building'
- echo '-r <dir> The chroot dir to use'
- echo '-I <pkg> Install a package into the working copy of the chroot'
- echo '-l <copy> The directory to use as the working copy of the chroot'
- echo ' Useful for maintaining multiple copies.'
- echo " Default: $default_copy"
- exit 1
-while getopts 'hcudr:I:l:' arg; do
- case "${arg}" in
- h) usage ;;
- c) clean_first=1 ;;
- u) update_first=1 ;;
- d) add_to_db=1 ;;
- r) chrootdir="$OPTARG" ;;
- I) install_pkg="$OPTARG" ;;
- l) copy="$OPTARG" ;;
- esac
-# Canonicalize chrootdir, getting rid of trailing /
-chrootdir=$(readlink -e "$chrootdir")
-if [[ ${copy:0:1} = "/" ]]; then
- copydir=$copy
- [[ -z $copy ]] && copy=$default_copy
- copydir="$chrootdir/$copy"
-# Pass all arguments after -- right to makepkg
-# See if -R was passed to makepkg
-for arg in ${*:$OPTIND}; do
- if [ "$arg" = '-R' ]; then
- break;
- fi
-if [ "$EUID" != '0' ]; then
- echo 'This script must be run as root.'
- exit 1
-if [ ! -f PKGBUILD -a -z "$install_pkg" ]; then
- echo 'This must be run in a directory containing a PKGBUILD.'
- exit 1
-if [ ! -d "$chrootdir" ]; then
- echo "No chroot dir defined, or invalid path '$chrootdir'"
- exit 1
-if [ ! -d "$chrootdir/root" ]; then
- echo 'Missing chroot dir root directory.'
- echo "Try using: mkarchroot $chrootdir/root base base-devel sudo"
- usage
-umask 0022
-# Lock the chroot we want to use. We'll keep this lock until we exit.
-# Note this is the same FD number as in mkarchroot
-exec 9>"$copydir.lock"
-if ! flock -n 9; then
- echo -n "locking chroot copy '$copy'..."
- flock 9
- echo "done"
-if [ ! -d "$copydir" -o "$clean_first" -eq "1" ]; then
- # Get a read lock on the root chroot to make
- # sure we don't clone a half-updated chroot
- exec 8>"$chrootdir/root.lock"
- if ! flock -sn 8; then
- echo -n "locking clean chroot..."
- flock -s 8
- echo "done"
- fi
- echo -n 'creating clean working copy...'
- use_rsync=false
- if type -P btrfs >/dev/null; then
- [ -d $copydir ] && btrfs subvolume delete "$copydir" &>/dev/null
- btrfs subvolume snapshot "$chrootdir/root" "$copydir" &>/dev/null || use_rsync=true
- else
- use_rsync=true
- fi
- if $use_rsync; then
- mkdir -p "$copydir"
- rsync -a --delete -q -W -x "$chrootdir/root/" "$copydir"
- fi
- echo 'done'
- # Drop the read lock again
- exec 8>&-
-if [ -n "$install_pkg" ]; then
- pkgname="$(basename "$install_pkg")"
- cp "$install_pkg" "$copydir/$pkgname"
- mkarchroot -r "pacman -U /$pkgname --noconfirm" "$copydir"
- ret=$?
- rm "$copydir/$pkgname"
- # Exit early, we've done all we need to
- exit $ret
-if [ $update_first -eq 1 ]; then
- mkarchroot -u "$copydir"
-[ -d "$copydir/build" ] || mkdir "$copydir/build"
-if [ "$REPACK" != "1" ]; then
- # Remove anything in there UNLESS -R (repack) was passed to makepkg
- rm -rf "$copydir/build/"*
-# Read .makepkg.conf even if called via sudo
-if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ]; then
- makepkg_conf="/$(eval echo ~${SUDO_USER})/.makepkg.conf"
- makepkg_conf="~/.makepkg.conf"
-# Get SRC/PKGDEST from makepkg.conf
-if [ -f "${makepkg_conf}" ]; then
- eval $(grep '^SRCDEST=' "${makepkg_conf}")
- eval $(grep '^PKGDEST=' "${makepkg_conf}")
- eval $(grep '^MAKEFLAGS=' "${makepkg_conf}")
- eval $(grep '^PACKAGER=' "${makepkg_conf}")
-[ -z "${SRCDEST}" ] && eval $(grep '^SRCDEST=' /etc/makepkg.conf)
-[ -z "${PKGDEST}" ] && eval $(grep '^PKGDEST=' /etc/makepkg.conf)
-[ -d "$copydir/pkgdest" ] || mkdir "$copydir/pkgdest"
-if ! grep 'PKGDEST="/pkgdest"' "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo 'PKGDEST="/pkgdest"' >> "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf"
-[ -d "$copydir/srcdest" ] || mkdir "$copydir/srcdest"
-if ! grep 'SRCDEST="/srcdest"' "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo 'SRCDEST="/srcdest"' >> "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf"
-[ -z "${MAKEFLAGS}" ] && eval $(grep '^MAKEFLAGS=' /etc/makepkg.conf)
-if [ -n "${MAKEFLAGS}" ]; then
- sed -i '/^MAKEFLAGS=/d' "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf"
- echo "MAKEFLAGS='${MAKEFLAGS}'" >> "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf"
-[ -z "${PACKAGER}" ] && eval $(grep '^PACKAGER=' /etc/makepkg.conf)
-if [ -n "${PACKAGER}" ]; then
- sed -i '/^PACKAGER=/d' "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf"
- echo "PACKAGER='${PACKAGER}'" >> "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf"
-# Set target CARCH as it might be used within the PKGBUILD to select correct sources
-eval $(grep '^CARCH=' "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf")
-export CARCH
-# Copy PKGBUILD and sources
-source=($(. PKGBUILD; echo ${source[@]}))
-cp PKGBUILD "$copydir/build/"
-for f in ${source[@]}; do
- basef=$(echo $f | sed 's|::.*||' | sed 's|^.*://.*/||g')
- if [ -f "$basef" ]; then
- cp "$basef" "$copydir/srcdest/"
- elif [ -f "$SRCDEST/$basef" ]; then
- cp "$SRCDEST/$basef" "$copydir/srcdest/"
- fi
-for i in 'changelog' 'install'; do
- filelist=$(sed -n "s/^[[:space:]]*$i=//p" PKGBUILD)
- for file in $filelist; do
- # evaluate any bash variables used
- eval file=${file}
- if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
- cp "$file" "$copydir/build/"
- fi
- done
-chown -R nobody "$copydir/build"
-chown -R nobody "$copydir/srcdest"
-chown -R nobody "$copydir/pkgdest"
-echo 'nobody ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacman' > "$copydir/etc/sudoers.d/nobody-pacman"
-chmod 440 "$copydir/etc/sudoers.d/nobody-pacman"
-#This is a little gross, but this way the script is recreated every time in the
-#working copy
-(cat <<EOF
-export LANG=C
-cd /build
-export HOME=/build
-sudo -u nobody makepkg $MAKEPKG_ARGS || touch BUILD_FAILED
-[ -f BUILD_FAILED ] && exit 1
-which namcap &>/dev/null && namcap /build/PKGBUILD /pkgdest/*.pkg.tar.* > /build/namcap.log
-exit 0
-) > "$copydir/chrootbuild"
-chmod +x "$copydir/chrootbuild"
-if mkarchroot -r "/chrootbuild" "$copydir"; then
- for pkgfile in "${copydir}"/pkgdest/*.pkg.tar.*; do
- [ -e "$pkgfile" ] || continue
- if [ "$add_to_db" -eq "1" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${copydir}/repo"
- pushd "${copydir}/repo" >/dev/null
- cp "$pkgfile" .
- repo-add repo.db.tar.gz "$(basename "$pkgfile")"
- popd >/dev/null
- fi
- if [ -d "$PKGDEST" ]; then
- mv "$pkgfile" "${PKGDEST}"
- else
- mv "$pkgfile" "${WORKDIR}"
- fi
- done
- for l in "${copydir}"/build/{namcap,*-{build,check,package,package_*}}.log; do
- [ -f "$l" ] && mv "$l" "${WORKDIR}"
- done
- #just in case. We returned 1, make sure we fail
- touch "${copydir}/build/BUILD_FAILED"
-for f in "${copydir}"/srcdest/*; do
- [ -e "$f" ] || continue
- if [ -d "$SRCDEST" ]; then
- mv "$f" "${SRCDEST}"
- else
- mv "$f" "${WORKDIR}"
- fi
-if [ -e "${copydir}/build/BUILD_FAILED" ]; then
- echo "Build failed, check $copydir/build"
- rm "${copydir}/build/BUILD_FAILED"
- exit 1