Send patches - preferably formatted by git format-patch - to patches at archlinux32 dot org.
path: root/bin/seed-build-list
diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2023-06-15 22:08:23 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2023-06-15 22:08:33 +0200
commit1ae328d0e9cb1737dba182803f72931801feb84a (patch)
tree2bd66fdd751530caadc73725892132e1b1b98ac6 /bin/seed-build-list
parent237da7ac51a1de85f3b13a002b2f0fdb2d1ca44d (diff)
bin/seed-build-list -> bin/schedule-for-rebuild
* adapt name to what it can do * building completely new packages is not needed anymore * building completely new packages was complex anyways
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/seed-build-list')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 706 deletions
diff --git a/bin/seed-build-list b/bin/seed-build-list
deleted file mode 100755
index 343a07b..0000000
--- a/bin/seed-build-list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
-# shellcheck disable=SC2119,SC2120
-# seed the build list from various sources
-# This uses the following schedule:
-# - find scheduleworthy packages by pkgname/pkgbase (diff to mirror,
-# broken dependencies, explicite regex) and their architecture
-# - find pkgbases of those packages (ask upstream, if necessary)
-# - remove all ignored packages (seed-ignore, explicitely ignored,
-# blacklist)
-# - run mysql_generate_package_metadata on each of them once (ignoring
-# the architecture for now)
-# shellcheck source=../lib/load-configuration
-. "${0%/*}/../lib/load-configuration"
-# TODO: allow to reschedule filtered by architecture
-# TODO: remove hard-coded package suffixes
-# TODO: -a reschedules too many packages (for example, packages, that have just been rescheduled in a previous run)
-# TODO: -a and -p leave the buildmaster in an unclean state
-# shellcheck disable=SC2016
-usage() {
- >&2 echo ''
- >&2 echo 'seed-build-list [options]:'
- >&2 echo ' seed the build list from different sources'
- >&2 echo ''
- >&2 echo 'possible options:'
- >&2 echo ' -a|--auto:'
- >&2 echo ' Automatically reschedule packages which have run-time'
- >&2 echo ' dependencies that are not available from any real'
- >&2 echo ' repository and which cannot be replaced by another,'
- >&2 echo ' less stable version of the same package.'
- >&2 echo ' -f|--force'
- >&2 echo ' Do not exit if mysql_generate_package_metadata() failed.'
- >&2 echo ' -h|--help:'
- >&2 echo ' Show this help and exit.'
- >&2 echo ' -i|--ignore $pkgbase|$arch/$pkgbase:'
- >&2 echo ' Do not update the given package (for the given $arch).'
- >&2 echo ' -j|--jostle'
- >&2 echo ' Give new build assignments the highest priority.'
- >&2 echo ' -n|--no-action:'
- >&2 echo ' Do not actually update build-list, just print it.'
- >&2 echo ' -p|--package $pkg_regex:'
- >&2 echo ' Reschedule packages with matching pkgname or pkgbase.'
- >&2 echo ' Note, that these packages must be known to the database.'
- >&2 echo ' -s|--skip-arch $arch:'
- >&2 echo ' Ignore packages, that are outdated on $arch only (-a).'
- >&2 echo ' -w|--wait:'
- >&2 echo ' Wait for lock if necessary.'
- [ -z "$1" ] && exit 1 || exit "$1"
-tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d 'tmp.seed-build-list.XXXXXXXXXX' --tmpdir)
-# shellcheck disable=SC2064
-trap "rm -rf --one-file-system '${tmp_dir:?}'" EXIT
-eval set -- "$(
- getopt -o afhi:jnp:s:w \
- --long auto \
- --long force \
- --long help \
- --long ignore: \
- --long jostle \
- --long no-action \
- --long package: \
- --long skip-arch: \
- --long wait \
- -n "$(basename "$0")" -- "$@" || \
- echo usage
- )"
-while true
- case "$1" in
- -a|--auto)
- auto=true
- ;;
- -f|--force)
- ignore_mysql_generate_package_metadata_errors=true
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- usage 0
- ;;
- -i|--ignore)
- shift
- if [ -z "${1%%*/*}" ]; then
- printf '%s\n' "$1" \
- | tr '/' '\t'
- else
- printf 'any\t%s\n' "$1"
- fi \
- >> "${tmp_dir}/ignore-packages"
- ;;
- -j|--jostle)
- jostle=true
- ;;
- -n|--no-action)
- update=false
- ;;
- -p|--package)
- shift
- printf '%s\n' "$1" >> \
- "${tmp_dir}/package-regexes"
- ;;
- -s|--skip-arch)
- shift
- printf '%s\n' "$1" >> \
- "${tmp_dir}/skip-archs"
- ;;
- -w|--wait)
- wait_for_lock=''
- ;;
- --)
- shift
- break
- ;;
- *)
- >&2 printf 'Whoops, forgot to implement option "%s" internally.\n' \
- "$1"
- exit 42
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
- usage 1
-if [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/package-regexes" ] && \
- ! ${auto}; then
- # nothing to do
- >&2 echo 'No options given to do anything.'
- usage 0
- exit 0
-if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/skip-archs" ] && \
- ! ${auto}; then
- >&2 echo 'Invalid combination of options: -s|--skip-archs requires -a|--auto.'
- usage 2
- exit 2
-# get locks
-if ${update}; then
- exec 9> "${sanity_check_lock_file}"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- if ! verbose_flock -s ${wait_for_lock} 9; then
- >&2 echo 'Cannot get sanity-check lock.'
- exit 1
- fi
- exec 8> "${build_list_lock_file}"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- if ! verbose_flock ${wait_for_lock} 8; then
- >&2 echo 'Cannot get build-list lock.'
- exit 1
- fi
-if [ -r "${conf_dir}/seed-ignore-packages" ]; then
- sed '
- s@/@\t@
- t
- s/^/any\t/
- ' "${conf_dir}/seed-ignore-packages" >> \
- "${tmp_dir}/ignore-packages"
-# shellcheck disable=SC2154
-git -C "${repo_paths__archlinux32}" archive "${repo_heads__archlinux32}" -- blacklist \
-| tar -t \
-| sed '
- s@^blacklist/\([^/]\+\)/[^/]\+/\([^/]\+\)$@\1\t\2@
- t
- d
-' \
-| tee "${tmp_dir}/blacklist" \
->> "${tmp_dir}/ignore-packages"
-for list in 'ignore-packages' 'blacklist'; do
- expand_blacklist_architectures "${tmp_dir}/architecture-compatibilities" \
- < "${tmp_dir}/${list}" \
- | sponge "${tmp_dir}/${list}"
-touch "${tmp_dir}/skip-archs"
-# harvest from the package-regexes
-if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/package-regexes" ]; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `names` (`name` VARCHAR(64));\n'
- printf 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "%s" INTO TABLE `names` (`name`);\n' \
- "${tmp_dir}/package-regexes"
- printf 'SELECT DISTINCT "pkgbase",`package_sources`.`pkgbase`,`upstream_repositories`.`name`'
- printf ' FROM `names`'
- printf ' JOIN `package_sources`'
- printf ' ON `package_sources`.`pkgbase` REGEXP `names`.`name`'
- mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories
- printf ';\n'
- printf 'SELECT DISTINCT "pkgname",`binary_packages`.`pkgname`'
- printf ' FROM `names`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages`'
- printf ' ON `binary_packages`.`pkgname` REGEXP `names`.`name`;\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query | \
- tr '\t' ' ' | \
- sed -n '
- /^pkgbase / {
- s/^\S\+ /any /
- w /dev/stdout
- d
- }
- /^pkgname / {
- s/^\S\+ /any /
- w /dev/stderr
- d
- }
- ' \
- >>"${tmp_dir}/pkgbases" \
- 2>>"${tmp_dir}/pkgnames"
-# shellcheck disable=SC2016
- # create pkgbases to given pkgnames
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames" ]; then
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `pkgnames` ('
- printf '`architecture` VARCHAR(16),'
- printf '`pkgname` VARCHAR(64),'
- printf 'UNIQUE KEY `content`(`architecture`,`pkgname`)'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "%s" INTO TABLE `pkgnames` COLUMNS TERMINATED BY " " (`architecture`,`pkgname`);\n' \
- "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames"
- printf ' "pkgbase",'
- printf '`pkgnames`.`architecture`,'
- printf '`package_sources`.`pkgbase`,'
- printf '`upstream_repositories`.`name`'
- printf ' FROM `pkgnames`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages`'
- printf ' ON `binary_packages`.`pkgname`=`pkgnames`.`pkgname`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
- mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories
- printf ';\n'
- printf ' "pkgname",'
- printf '`pkgnames`.`architecture`,'
- printf '`pkgnames`.`pkgname`'
- printf ' FROM `package_sources`'
- mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories
- mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages
- printf ' RIGHT JOIN `pkgnames`'
- printf ' ON `pkgnames`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`'
- printf ' WHERE `package_sources`.`pkgbase` IS NULL;\n'
- printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `pkgnames`;\n'
- fi
- # auto-detect pkgbases
- if ${auto}; then
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `relevant_archs`(`id` SMALLINT, PRIMARY KEY `id`(`id`));\n'
- printf 'INSERT INTO `relevant_archs`(`id`)'
- printf ' SELECT `architectures`.`id`'
- printf ' FROM `architectures`'
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/skip-archs" ]; then
- printf ' WHERE `architectures`.`name` NOT IN ('
- base64_encode_each \
- <"${tmp_dir}/skip-archs" \
- | sed '
- s/^.*$/from_base64("\0")/
- $! s/$/,/
- ' \
- | tr -d '\n'
- printf ')'
- fi
- printf ';\n'
- # schedule any package, that:
- # 1) is not on the build-list currently and
- # 2) is not in ignore-packages and
- # 3) is not on the deletion-list or to-be-deleted and
- # 4) has some dependency which is not provided by any package which
- # a) is also on the build-list or
- # b) is the least stable package with that name and for that architecture
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `least_stable_bp%s`(`id` BIGINT, `is_on_build_list` BIT(1), PRIMARY KEY `id`(`id`));\n' \
- '' '_copy'
- # add least-stable built packages
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `least_stable_bp`(`id`,`is_on_build_list`)'
- printf ' SELECT `binary_packages`.`id`,'
- printf ' `bl_bpir`.`id` IS NOT NULL'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories
- mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories
- printf ' JOIN `relevant_archs`'
- printf ' ON `relevant_archs`.`id`=`repositories`.`architecture`'
- printf ' JOIN ('
- printf 'SELECT `binary_packages`.`pkgname`,'
- printf '`binary_packages`.`architecture`,'
- # TODO: this might become wrong if we ever change the order of the
- # rows in repository_stabilities -- we might want to refer to
- # repository_stability_relations here somehow ...
- printf 'MAX(`repositories`.`stability`) AS `stability`'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories
- mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories
- printf ' WHERE `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`'
- printf ' AND `repositories`.`name`!="build-support"'
- printf ' GROUP BY CONCAT('
- printf '`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,"-",'
- printf '`binary_packages`.`architecture`,"-",'
- printf '`repositories`.`architecture`'
- printf ')'
- printf ') AS `sub_q`'
- printf ' ON `sub_q`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`'
- printf ' AND `sub_q`.`architecture`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`'
- printf ' AND `sub_q`.`stability`=`repositories`.`stability`'
- printf ' LEFT JOIN ('
- printf '`binary_packages` AS `bl_bp`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories 'bl_bp' 'bl_bpir'
- printf ' AND `bl_bpir`.`repository`=%s' \
- "${repository_ids__any_build_list}"
- printf ')'
- printf ' ON `bl_bp`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`'
- printf ' AND ('
- printf '`bl_bp`.`architecture`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`'
- printf ' OR `bl_bp`.`architecture`=%s' \
- "${architecture_ids__any}"
- printf ' OR `binary_packages`.`architecture`=%s' \
- "${architecture_ids__any}"
- printf ');\n'
- # add all build-list packages
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `least_stable_bp`(`id`,`is_on_build_list`)'
- printf ' SELECT `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`,1'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages_in_repositories`'
- printf ' WHERE `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`repository`=%s;\n' \
- "${repository_ids__any_build_list}"
- # this copy shall hold the install-target-providers
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `least_stable_bp_copy`(`id`,`is_on_build_list`)'
- printf ' SELECT `least_stable_bp`.`id`,'
- printf '`least_stable_bp`.`is_on_build_list`'
- printf ' FROM `least_stable_bp`;\n'
- # remove packages that should never be rescheduled
- printf 'DELETE `least_stable_bp`'
- printf ' FROM `least_stable_bp`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages`'
- printf ' ON `binary_packages`.`id`=`least_stable_bp`.`id`'
- # 1) not on the build-list
- printf ' WHERE `least_stable_bp`.`is_on_build_list`;'
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `ignore_packages`('
- printf '`architecture` VARCHAR(16),'
- printf '`pkgbase` VARCHAR(64),'
- printf 'UNIQUE KEY `content`(`architecture`,`pkgbase`)'
- printf ');\n'
- if [ -r "${tmp_dir}/ignore-packages" ]; then
- printf 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "%s" INTO TABLE `ignore_packages` COLUMNS TERMINATED BY " ";\n' \
- "${tmp_dir}/ignore-packages"
- fi
- printf 'SELECT DISTINCT "pkgbase",`ba_a`.`name`,`package_sources`.`pkgbase`,`upstream_repositories`.`name`'
- printf ' FROM `least_stable_bp`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages`'
- printf ' ON `least_stable_bp`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`id`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies
- mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
- printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_dependencies_versions '' 'd_v'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_architectures '' 'ba_a'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
- mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories
- # 2) not ignored
- printf ' WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT 1'
- printf ' FROM `ignore_packages`'
- printf ' WHERE ('
- printf '`ignore_packages`.`pkgbase`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`'
- printf ' OR `ignore_packages`.`pkgbase`=`package_sources`.`pkgbase`'
- printf ') AND `ba_a`.`name`=`ignore_packages`.`architecture`'
- # 3) not on the deletion-list or to-be-deleted
- printf ') AND NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT 1'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages` AS `d_bp`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories 'd_bp' 'd_bpir'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories 'd_bpir' 'd_r'
- printf ' AND ('
- printf '`d_r`.`stability`=%s' \
- "${repository_stability_ids__forbidden}"
- printf ' OR `d_bpir`.`is_to_be_deleted`'
- printf ') WHERE `d_bp`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`'
- printf ' AND `ba_a`.`name`=`d_r`.`architecture`'
- # 4) some dependencies are not provided by the least stable packages
- printf ') AND NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT 1'
- printf ' FROM `least_stable_bp_copy`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` AS `itp_bp`'
- printf ' ON `least_stable_bp_copy`.`id`=`itp_bp`.`id`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_install_target_providers 'itp_bp'
- mysql_join_install_target_providers_versions '' 'itp_v'
- # must provide the right install_target
- printf ' WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`'
- # must provide the right version
- printf ' AND ('
- mysql_query_ordering_correct \
- '`d_v`.`order`' \
- '`itp_v`.`order`' \
- '`dependencies`.`version_relation`'
- # or be on the build-list
- printf ' OR `least_stable_bp_copy`.`is_on_build_list`'
- # must provide the right architecture
- printf ') AND ('
- printf '`itp_bp`.`architecture`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`'
- printf ' OR `itp_bp`.`architecture`=%s' \
- "${architecture_ids__any}"
- printf ' OR `binary_packages`.`architecture`=%s' \
- "${architecture_ids__any}"
- printf ')'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `least_stable_bp%s`;\n' \
- '' '_copy'
- printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `ignore_packages`;\n'
- fi
-} | \
- mysql_run_query | \
- tr '\t' ' ' | \
- sed -n '
- /^pkgbase / {
- s/^\S\+ //
- w /dev/stderr
- d
- }
- /^pkgname / {
- s/^\S\+ //
- w /dev/stdout
- d
- }
- ' \
- 2>>"${tmp_dir}/pkgbases" \
- | sponge "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames"
-if [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases" ] && \
- [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames" ]; then
- >&2 echo 'No packages matched.'
- exit
-for s in "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases" "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames"; do
- if [ -s "${s}" ]; then
- sort -u "${s}" | \
- sponge "${s}"
- fi
-# pkgnames -> pkgbases (with help from upstream)
-if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames" ]; then
- while read -r architecture pkgname; do
- content=$(
- curl -Ss ''"${pkgname}" | \
- tr ',' '\n'
- )
- repo=$(
- printf '%s\n' "${content}" | \
- sed -n '
- s/^\s*"repo"\s*:\s*"//
- T
- s/".*$//
- T
- p
- '
- )
- pkgbase=$(
- printf '%s\n' "${content}" | \
- sed -n '
- s/^\s*"pkgbase"\s*:\s*"//
- T
- s/".*$//
- T
- p
- '
- )
- if [ -z "${pkgbase}" ] || [ -z "${repo}" ]; then
- printf '%s %s\n' "${architecture}" "${pkgname}"
- continue
- fi
- printf '%s %s %s\n' \
- "${architecture}" \
- "${pkgbase}" \
- "${repo}" >> \
- "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases"
- done < \
- "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames" | \
- sponge "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames"
-if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames" ]; then
- >&2 echo 'Could not find some packages upstream:'
- >&2 cat "${tmp_dir}/pkgnames"
- exit 2
-sort -u "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases" \
-| sort -k3,3 \
-| sponge "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases"
-# get the current HEADs
-# shellcheck disable=SC2016
- printf 'SELECT'
- printf ' `upstream_repositories`.`name`,'
- printf '`git_repositories`.`head`'
- printf ' FROM `upstream_repositories`'
- mysql_join_upstream_repositories_git_repositories
-} \
-| mysql_run_query \
-| tr '\t' ' ' \
-| sort -k1,1 \
-| join -1 3 -2 1 -o 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.2 "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases" - \
-| sponge "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases"
-if ${update}; then
- cut -d' ' -f 2,3,4 "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases" \
- | sort -u \
- | while read -r pkgbase repo git_rev; do
- success=false
- # shellcheck disable=SC2154
- for gr_r in \
- "${git_rev}:${repo}" \
- "${repo_heads__packages}:core" \
- "${repo_heads__packages}:extra" \
- "${repo_heads__community}:community"; do
- printf '%s ' "${pkgbase}" "${gr_r%:*}" "${repo_heads__archlinux32}" "${gr_r#*:}" | \
- sed 's/ $/\n/'
- if mysql_generate_package_metadata "${repository_ids__any_build_list}" "${pkgbase}" "${gr_r%:*}" "${repo_heads__archlinux32}" "${gr_r#*:}"; then
- success=true
- break
- fi
- done
- if ! ${success} && \
- ! ${ignore_mysql_generate_package_metadata_errors}; then
- exit 2
- fi
- done
- cut -d' ' -f1 < \
- "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases" | \
- sort -u | \
- sponge "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `pkgbases` ('
- printf '`pkgbase` VARCHAR (64),'
- printf 'UNIQUE KEY `pkgbase`(`pkgbase`)'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "%s" INTO TABLE `pkgbases`(`pkgbase`);\n' \
- "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases"
-# TODO: this seems to be broken (deletes too few packages) - still valid
-# after implementing the correct blacklisting below?
- printf 'DELETE `d_bpir`'
- printf ' FROM `pkgbases`'
- # the package on the deletion-list ...
- printf ' JOIN `package_sources` AS `d_ps`'
- printf ' ON `pkgbases`.`pkgbase`=`d_ps`.`pkgbase`'
- mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments 'd_ps' 'd_ba'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'd_ba' 'd_bp'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories 'd_bp' 'd_bpir'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories 'd_bpir' 'd_r'
- # shellcheck disable=SC2154
- printf ' AND `d_r`.`stability`=%s' \
- "${repository_stability_ids__forbidden}"
- # ... needs a counter-part on the build-list (which was just created)
- printf ' JOIN `package_sources` AS `a_ps`'
- printf ' ON `d_ps`.`pkgbase`=`a_ps`.`pkgbase`'
- mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments 'a_ps' 'a_ba'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'a_ba' 'a_bp'
- printf ' JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac`'
- printf ' ON `ac`.`built_for`=`a_bp`.`architecture`'
- printf ' AND `ac`.`runs_on`=`d_r`.`architecture`'
- printf ' AND `ac`.`fully_compatible`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories 'a_bp' 'a_bpir'
- printf ' AND `a_bpir`.`repository`=%s;\n' \
- "${repository_ids__any_build_list}"
- if ${jostle}; then
- printf 'SET @`max_priority`=('
- printf 'SELECT'
- printf ' MAX(`build_assignments`.`priority`)+1'
- printf ' FROM `build_assignments`'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'UPDATE `build_assignments`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
- printf ' JOIN `pkgbases`'
- printf ' ON `pkgbases`.`pkgbase`=`package_sources`.`pkgbase`'
- printf ' SET `build_assignments`.`priority`=@`max_priority`'
- printf ';\n'
- fi
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `blacklist` ('
- printf '`architecture` VARCHAR (16),'
- printf '`pkgbase` VARCHAR (64),'
- printf 'UNIQUE KEY `content`(`architecture`,`pkgbase`)'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "%s" INTO TABLE `blacklist` COLUMNS TERMINATED BY " " (`architecture`,`pkgbase`);\n' \
- "${tmp_dir}/blacklist"
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `binary_packages_in_repositories` ('
- printf '`package`,'
- printf '`repository`,'
- printf '`is_to_be_deleted`'
- printf ')'
- printf ' SELECT'
- printf ' `binary_packages`.`id`,'
- printf '`dl_r`.`id`,'
- printf '1'
- printf ' FROM `blacklist`'
- printf ' JOIN `package_sources`'
- printf ' ON `blacklist`.`pkgbase`=`package_sources`.`pkgbase`'
- mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_architectures
- printf ' AND `architectures`.`name`=`blacklist`.`architecture`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories
- printf ' AND `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`repository`=%s' \
- "${repository_ids__any_build_list}"
- printf ' JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac`'
- printf ' ON `ac`.`built_for`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`'
- printf ' AND `ac`.`fully_compatible`'
- printf ' JOIN `repositories` AS `dl_r`'
- printf ' ON `ac`.`runs_on`=`dl_r`.`architecture`'
- # shellcheck disable=SC2154
- printf ' AND `dl_r`.`stability`=%s;\n' \
- "${repository_stability_ids__forbidden}"
- printf 'DELETE `binary_packages_in_repositories`'
- printf ' FROM `blacklist`'
- printf ' JOIN `package_sources`'
- printf ' ON `blacklist`.`pkgbase`=`package_sources`.`pkgbase`'
- mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_architectures
- printf ' AND `architectures`.`name`=`blacklist`.`architecture`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories
- printf ' AND `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`repository`=%s' \
- "${repository_ids__any_build_list}"
- printf ' AND ('
- printf '`binary_packages`.`architecture`=`architectures`.`id`'
- printf ' OR `architectures`.`id`=%s' \
- "${architecture_ids__any}"
- printf ');\n'
- # delete deletion-list part of packages which are on the
- # deletion-list and the build-list
- mysql_query_delete_packages \
- '1'"$(
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` AS `j_bp`'
- printf ' ON `j_bp`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`'
- printf ' JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac`'
- printf ' ON `ac`.`fully_compatible`'
- printf ' AND `ac`.`built_for`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`'
- printf ' JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac_j`'
- printf ' ON `ac_j`.`fully_compatible`'
- printf ' AND `ac_j`.`built_for`=`j_bp`.`architecture`'
- printf ' AND `ac_j`.`runs_on`=`ac`.`runs_on`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories 'j_bp' 'j_bpir'
- )"' AND `j_bpir`.`repository`='"${repository_ids__any_build_list}" \
- '`repositories`.`stability`='"${repository_stability_ids__forbidden}"
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- mysql_cleanup
- mysql_sort_versions
- mysql_find_build_assignment_loops
- # remove duplicate binary_packages from "build-list"
- mysql_query_remove_old_binary_packages_from_build_list | \
- mysql_run_query
- cat "${tmp_dir}/pkgbases"