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path: root/archinstall/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'archinstall/lib')
8 files changed, 792 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/ b/archinstall/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/ b/archinstall/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bdff8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import glob, re, os, json
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from .exceptions import *
+from .general import sys_command
+ROOT_DIR_PATTERN = re.compile('^.*?/devices')
+GPT = 0b00000001
+#import ctypes
+#import ctypes.util
+#libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c'), use_errno=True)
+#libc.mount.argtypes = (ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_char_p)
+class BlockDevice():
+ def __init__(self, path, info):
+ self.path = path
+ = info
+ self.part_cache = OrderedDict()
+ @property
+ def device(self):
+ """
+ Returns the actual device-endpoint of the BlockDevice.
+ If it's a loop-back-device it returns the back-file,
+ If it's a ATA-drive it returns the /dev/X device
+ And if it's a crypto-device it returns the parent device
+ """
+ if not 'type' in raise DiskError(f'Could not locate backplane info for "{self.path}"')
+ if['type'] == 'loop':
+ for drive in json.loads(b''.join(sys_command(f'losetup --json', hide_from_log=True)).decode('UTF_8'))['loopdevices']:
+ if not drive['name'] == self.path: continue
+ return drive['back-file']
+ elif['type'] == 'disk':
+ return self.path
+ elif['type'] == 'crypt':
+ if not 'pkname' in raise DiskError(f'A crypt device ({self.path}) without a parent kernel device name.')
+ return f"/dev/{['pkname']}"
+ # if not stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(full_path).st_mode):
+ # raise DiskError(f'Selected disk "{full_path}" is not a block device.')
+ @property
+ def partitions(self):
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'partprobe {self.path}'))
+ #o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/lsblk -o name -J -b {dev}'.format(dev=dev)))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/lsblk -J {self.path}'))
+ if b'not a block device' in o:
+ raise DiskError(f'Can not read partitions off something that isn\'t a block device: {self.path}')
+ if not o[:1] == b'{':
+ raise DiskError(f'Error getting JSON output from:', f'/usr/bin/lsblk -J {self.path}')
+ r = json.loads(o.decode('UTF-8'))
+ if len(r['blockdevices']) and 'children' in r['blockdevices'][0]:
+ root_path = f"/dev/{r['blockdevices'][0]['name']}"
+ for part in r['blockdevices'][0]['children']:
+ part_id = part['name'][len(os.path.basename(self.path)):]
+ if part_id not in self.part_cache:
+ ## TODO: Force over-write even if in cache?
+ self.part_cache[part_id] = Partition(root_path + part_id, part_id=part_id, size=part['size'])
+ return {k: self.part_cache[k] for k in sorted(self.part_cache)}
+ @property
+ def partition(self):
+ all_partitions = self.partitions
+ return [all_partitions[k] for k in all_partitions]
+ def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return f"BlockDevice({self.device})"
+ def __getitem__(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not key in
+ raise KeyError(f'{self} does not contain information: "{key}"')
+ return[key]
+class Partition():
+ def __init__(self, path, part_id=None, size=-1, filesystem=None, mountpoint=None):
+ if not part_id: part_id = os.path.basename(path)
+ self.path = path
+ self.part_id = part_id
+ self.mountpoint = mountpoint
+ self.filesystem = filesystem # TODO: Autodetect if we're reusing a partition
+ self.size = size # TODO: Refresh?
+ def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return f'Partition({self.path}, fs={self.filesystem}, mounted={self.mountpoint})'
+ def format(self, filesystem):
+ print(f'Formatting {self} -> {filesystem}')
+ if filesystem == 'btrfs':
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/mkfs.btrfs -f {self.path}'))
+ if not b'UUID' in o:
+ raise DiskError(f'Could not format {self.path} with {filesystem} because: {o}')
+ self.filesystem = 'btrfs'
+ elif filesystem == 'fat32':
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/mkfs.vfat -F32 {self.path}'))
+ if (b'mkfs.fat' not in o and b'mkfs.vfat' not in o) or b'command not found' in o:
+ raise DiskError(f'Could not format {self.path} with {filesystem} because: {o}')
+ self.filesystem = 'fat32'
+ else:
+ raise DiskError(f'Fileformat {filesystem} is not yet implemented.')
+ return True
+ def mount(self, target, fs=None, options=''):
+ if not self.mountpoint:
+ print(f'Mounting {self} to {target}')
+ if not fs:
+ if not self.filesystem: raise DiskError(f'Need to format (or define) the filesystem on {self} before mounting.')
+ fs = self.filesystem
+ ## libc has some issues with loop devices, defaulting back to sys calls
+ # ret = libc.mount(self.path.encode(), target.encode(), fs.encode(), 0, options.encode())
+ # if ret < 0:
+ # errno = ctypes.get_errno()
+ # raise OSError(errno, f"Error mounting {self.path} ({fs}) on {target} with options '{options}': {os.strerror(errno)}")
+ if sys_command(f'/usr/bin/mount {self.path} {target}').exit_code == 0:
+ self.mountpoint = target
+ return True
+class Filesystem():
+ # TODO:
+ # When instance of a HDD is selected, check all usages and gracefully unmount them
+ # as well as close any crypto handles.
+ def __init__(self, blockdevice, mode=GPT):
+ self.blockdevice = blockdevice
+ self.mode = mode
+ def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.mode == GPT:
+ if sys_command(f'/usr/bin/parted -s {self.blockdevice.device} mklabel gpt',).exit_code == 0:
+ return self
+ else:
+ raise DiskError(f'Problem setting the partition format to GPT:', f'/usr/bin/parted -s {self.blockdevice.device} mklabel gpt')
+ else:
+ raise DiskError(f'Unknown mode selected to format in: {self.mode}')
+ def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # TODO:
+ if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]:
+ raise args[1]
+ b''.join(sys_command(f'sync'))
+ return True
+ def raw_parted(self, string:str):
+ x = sys_command(f'/usr/bin/parted -s {string}')
+ o = b''.join(x)
+ return x
+ def parted(self, string:str):
+ """
+ Performs a parted execution of the given string
+ :param string: A raw string passed to /usr/bin/parted -s <string>
+ :type string: str
+ """
+ return self.raw_parted(string).exit_code
+ def use_entire_disk(self, prep_mode=None):
+ self.add_partition('primary', start='1MiB', end='513MiB', format='fat32')
+ self.set_name(0, 'EFI')
+ self.set(0, 'boot on')
+ self.set(0, 'esp on') # TODO: Redundant, as in GPT mode it's an alias for "boot on"?
+ if prep_mode == 'luks2':
+ self.add_partition('primary', start='513MiB', end='100%')
+ else:
+ self.add_partition('primary', start='513MiB', end='513MiB', format='ext4')
+ def add_partition(self, type, start, end, format=None):
+ print(f'Adding partition to {self.blockdevice}')
+ if format:
+ return self.parted(f'{self.blockdevice.device} mkpart {type} {format} {start} {end}') == 0
+ else:
+ return self.parted(f'{self.blockdevice.device} mkpart {type} {start} {end}') == 0
+ def set_name(self, partition:int, name:str):
+ return self.parted(f'{self.blockdevice.device} name {partition+1} "{name}"') == 0
+ def set(self, partition:int, string:str):
+ return self.parted(f'{self.blockdevice.device} set {partition+1} {string}') == 0
+def device_state(name, *args, **kwargs):
+ # Based out of:
+ if os.path.isfile('/sys/block/{}/device/block/{}/removable'.format(name, name)):
+ with open('/sys/block/{}/device/block/{}/removable'.format(name, name)) as f:
+ if == '1':
+ return
+ path = ROOT_DIR_PATTERN.sub('', os.readlink('/sys/block/{}'.format(name)))
+ hotplug_buses = ("usb", "ieee1394", "mmc", "pcmcia", "firewire")
+ for bus in hotplug_buses:
+ if os.path.exists('/sys/bus/{}'.format(bus)):
+ for device_bus in os.listdir('/sys/bus/{}/devices'.format(bus)):
+ device_link = ROOT_DIR_PATTERN.sub('', os.readlink('/sys/bus/{}/devices/{}'.format(bus, device_bus)))
+ if, path):
+ return
+ return True
+# lsblk --json -l -n -o path
+def all_disks(*args, **kwargs):
+ if not 'partitions' in kwargs: kwargs['partitions'] = False
+ drives = OrderedDict()
+ #for drive in json.loads(sys_command(f'losetup --json', *args, **lkwargs, hide_from_log=True)).decode('UTF_8')['loopdevices']:
+ for drive in json.loads(b''.join(sys_command(f'lsblk --json -l -n -o path,size,type,mountpoint,label,pkname', *args, **kwargs, hide_from_log=True)).decode('UTF_8'))['blockdevices']:
+ if not kwargs['partitions'] and drive['type'] == 'part': continue
+ drives[drive['path']] = BlockDevice(drive['path'], drive)
+ return drives \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/ b/archinstall/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d033147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class RequirementError(BaseException):
+ pass
+class DiskError(BaseException):
+ pass
+class ProfileError(BaseException):
+ pass \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/ b/archinstall/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89c7f188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+import os, json, hashlib, shlex
+import time, pty
+from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE, check_output
+from select import epoll, EPOLLIN, EPOLLHUP
+def log(*args, **kwargs):
+ print(' '.join([str(x) for x in args]))
+def gen_uid(entropy_length=256):
+ return hashlib.sha512(os.urandom(entropy_length)).hexdigest()
+def multisplit(s, splitters):
+ s = [s,]
+ for key in splitters:
+ ns = []
+ for obj in s:
+ x = obj.split(key)
+ for index, part in enumerate(x):
+ if len(part):
+ ns.append(part)
+ if index < len(x)-1:
+ ns.append(key)
+ s = ns
+ return s
+class sys_command():#Thread):
+ """
+ Stolen from archinstall_gui
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cmd, callback=None, start_callback=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not 'worker_id' in kwargs: kwargs['worker_id'] = gen_uid()
+ if not 'emulate' in kwargs: kwargs['emulate'] = False
+ if not 'surpress_errors' in kwargs: kwargs['surpress_errors'] = False
+ if kwargs['emulate']:
+ log(f"Starting command '{cmd}' in emulation mode.")
+ self.raw_cmd = cmd
+ try:
+ self.cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError(f'Incorrect string to split: {cmd}\n{e}')
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ if not 'worker' in self.kwargs: self.kwargs['worker'] = None
+ self.callback = callback
+ = None
+ self.exit_code = None
+ self.started = time.time()
+ self.ended = None
+ self.worker_id = kwargs['worker_id']
+ self.trace_log = b''
+ self.status = 'starting'
+ user_catalogue = os.path.expanduser('~')
+ self.cwd = f"{user_catalogue}/archinstall/cache/workers/{kwargs['worker_id']}/"
+ self.exec_dir = f'{self.cwd}/{os.path.basename(self.cmd[0])}_workingdir'
+ if not self.cmd[0][0] == '/':
+ #log('Worker command is not executed with absolute path, trying to find: {}'.format(self.cmd[0]), origin='spawn', level=5)
+ o = check_output(['/usr/bin/which', self.cmd[0]])
+ #log('This is the binary {} for {}'.format(o.decode('UTF-8'), self.cmd[0]), origin='spawn', level=5)
+ self.cmd[0] = o.decode('UTF-8').strip()
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.exec_dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.exec_dir)
+ if start_callback: start_callback(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ for line in self.trace_log.split(b'\n'):
+ yield line
+ def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return f"{self.cmd, self.trace_log}"
+ def decode(self, fmt='UTF-8'):
+ return self.trace_log.decode(fmt)
+ def dump(self):
+ return {
+ 'status' : self.status,
+ 'worker_id' : self.worker_id,
+ 'worker_result' : self.trace_log.decode('UTF-8'),
+ 'started' : self.started,
+ 'ended' : self.ended,
+ 'started_pprint' : '{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}'.format(*time.localtime(self.started)),
+ 'ended_pprint' : '{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}'.format(*time.localtime(self.ended)) if self.ended else None,
+ 'exit_code' : self.exit_code
+ }
+ def run(self):
+ self.status = 'running'
+ old_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.exec_dir)
+, child_fd = pty.fork()
+ if not # Child process
+ # Replace child process with our main process
+ if not self.kwargs['emulate']:
+ try:
+ os.execv(self.cmd[0], self.cmd)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ self.status = 'done'
+ log(f"{self.cmd[0]} does not exist.", origin='spawn', level=2)
+ self.exit_code = 1
+ return False
+ os.chdir(old_dir)
+ poller = epoll()
+ poller.register(child_fd, EPOLLIN | EPOLLHUP)
+ if 'events' in self.kwargs and 'debug' in self.kwargs:
+ log(f'[D] Using triggers for command: {self.cmd}')
+ log(json.dumps(self.kwargs['events']))
+ alive = True
+ last_trigger_pos = 0
+ while alive and not self.kwargs['emulate']:
+ for fileno, event in poller.poll(0.1):
+ try:
+ output =, 8192).strip()
+ self.trace_log += output
+ except OSError:
+ alive = False
+ break
+ if 'debug' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['debug'] and len(output):
+ log(self.cmd, 'gave:', output.decode('UTF-8'))
+ if 'on_output' in self.kwargs:
+ self.kwargs['on_output'](self.kwargs['worker'], output)
+ lower = output.lower()
+ broke = False
+ if 'events' in self.kwargs:
+ for trigger in list(self.kwargs['events']):
+ if type(trigger) != bytes:
+ original = trigger
+ trigger = bytes(original, 'UTF-8')
+ self.kwargs['events'][trigger] = self.kwargs['events'][original]
+ del(self.kwargs['events'][original])
+ if type(self.kwargs['events'][trigger]) != bytes:
+ self.kwargs['events'][trigger] = bytes(self.kwargs['events'][trigger], 'UTF-8')
+ if trigger.lower() in self.trace_log[last_trigger_pos:].lower():
+ trigger_pos = self.trace_log[last_trigger_pos:].lower().find(trigger.lower())
+ if 'debug' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['debug']:
+ log(f"Writing to subprocess {self.cmd[0]}: {self.kwargs['events'][trigger].decode('UTF-8')}")
+ log(f"Writing to subprocess {self.cmd[0]}: {self.kwargs['events'][trigger].decode('UTF-8')}", origin='spawn', level=5)
+ last_trigger_pos = trigger_pos
+ os.write(child_fd, self.kwargs['events'][trigger])
+ del(self.kwargs['events'][trigger])
+ broke = True
+ break
+ if broke:
+ continue
+ ## Adding a exit trigger:
+ if len(self.kwargs['events']) == 0:
+ if 'debug' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['debug']:
+ log(f"Waiting for last command {self.cmd[0]} to finish.", origin='spawn', level=4)
+ if bytes(f']$'.lower(), 'UTF-8') in self.trace_log[0-len(f']$')-5:].lower():
+ if 'debug' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['debug']:
+ log(f"{self.cmd[0]} has finished.", origin='spawn', level=4)
+ alive = False
+ break
+ self.status = 'done'
+ if 'debug' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['debug']:
+ log(f"{self.cmd[0]} waiting for exit code.", origin='spawn', level=5)
+ if not self.kwargs['emulate']:
+ try:
+ self.exit_code = os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
+ except ChildProcessError:
+ try:
+ self.exit_code = os.waitpid(child_fd, 0)[1]
+ except ChildProcessError:
+ self.exit_code = 1
+ else:
+ self.exit_code = 0
+ if 'ignore_errors' in self.kwargs:
+ self.exit_code = 0
+ if self.exit_code != 0 and not self.kwargs['surpress_errors']:
+ log(f"'{self.raw_cmd}' did not exit gracefully, exit code {self.exit_code}.", origin='spawn', level=3)
+ log(self.trace_log.decode('UTF-8'), origin='spawn', level=3)
+ self.ended = time.time()
+ with open(f'{self.cwd}/trace.log', 'wb') as fh:
+ fh.write(self.trace_log)
+def prerequisit_check():
+ if not os.path.isdir('/sys/firmware/efi'):
+ raise RequirementError('Archinstall only supports machines in UEFI mode.')
+ return True
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/ b/archinstall/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d804818a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import os, stat
+from .exceptions import *
+from .disk import *
+from .general import *
+from .user_interaction import *
+from .profiles import Profile
+class Installer():
+ def __init__(self, partition, *, profile=None, mountpoint='/mnt', hostname='ArchInstalled'):
+ self.profile = profile
+ self.hostname = hostname
+ self.mountpoint = mountpoint
+ self.partition = partition
+ def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.partition.mount(self.mountpoint)
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # b''.join(sys_command(f'sync')) # No need to, since the underlaying fs() object will call sync.
+ # TODO:
+ if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]:
+ raise args[1]
+ print('Installation completed without any errors.')
+ return True
+ def pacstrap(self, *packages):
+ if type(packages[0]) in (list, tuple): packages = packages[0]
+ print(f'Installing packages: {packages}')
+ if (sync_mirrors := sys_command('/usr/bin/pacman -Syy')).exit_code == 0:
+ if (pacstrap := sys_command(f'/usr/bin/pacstrap {self.mountpoint} {" ".join(packages)}')).exit_code == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ print(f'Could not strap in packages: {pacstrap.exit_code}')
+ else:
+ print(f'Could not sync mirrors: {sync_mirrors.exit_code}')
+ def minimal_installation(self):
+ return self.pacstrap('base base-devel linux linux-firmware btrfs-progs efibootmgr nano wpa_supplicant dialog'.split(' '))
+ def add_bootloader(self, partition):
+ print(f'Adding bootloader to {partition}')
+ os.makedirs(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot', exist_ok=True)
+ partition.mount(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} bootctl --no-variables --path=/boot install'))
+ with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot/loader/loader.conf', 'w') as loader:
+ loader.write('default arch\n')
+ loader.write('timeout 5\n')
+ ## For some reason, blkid and /dev/disk/by-uuid are not getting along well.
+ ## And blkid is wrong in terms of LUKS.
+ #UUID = sys_command('blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)).decode('UTF-8').strip()
+ with open(f'{self.mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf', 'w') as entry:
+ entry.write('title Arch Linux\n')
+ entry.write('linux /vmlinuz-linux\n')
+ entry.write('initrd /initramfs-linux.img\n')
+ ## blkid doesn't trigger on loopback devices really well,
+ ## so we'll use the old manual method until we get that sorted out.
+ # UUID = simple_command(f"blkid -s PARTUUID -o value /dev/{os.path.basename(args['drive'])}{args['partitions']['2']}").decode('UTF-8').strip()
+ # entry.write('options root=PARTUUID={UUID} rw intel_pstate=no_hwp\n'.format(UUID=UUID))
+ for root, folders, uids in os.walk('/dev/disk/by-uuid'):
+ for uid in uids:
+ real_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, uid))
+ if not os.path.basename(real_path) == os.path.basename(partition.path): continue
+ entry.write(f'options cryptdevice=UUID={uid}:luksdev root=/dev/mapper/luksdev rw intel_pstate=no_hwp\n')
+ return True
+ break
+ raise RequirementError(f'Could not identify the UUID of {partition}, there for {self.mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf will be broken until fixed.')
+ def add_additional_packages(self, *packages):
+ self.pacstrap(*packages)
+ def install_profile(self, profile):
+ profile = Profile(self, profile)
+ print(f'Installing network profile {profile}')
+ profile.install()
+ def user_create(self, user :str, password=None, groups=[]):
+ print(f'Creating user {user}')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} useradd -m -G wheel {user}'))
+ if password:
+ self.user_set_pw(user, password)
+ if groups:
+ for group in groups:
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} gpasswd -a {user} {group}'))
+ def user_set_pw(self, user, password):
+ print(f'Setting password for {user}')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f"/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c \"echo '{user}:{password}' | chpasswd\""))
+ pass
+ def add_AUR_support(self):
+ print(f'Building and installing yay support into {self.mountpoint}')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "useradd -m -G wheel aibuilder"'))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f"/usr/bin/sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/' {self.mountpoint}/etc/sudoers"))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "su - aibuilder -c \\"(cd /home/aibuilder; git clone\\""'))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "chown -R aibuilder.aibuilder /home/aibuilder/yay"'))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "su - aibuilder -c \\"(cd /home/aibuilder/yay; makepkg -si --noconfirm)\\" >/dev/null"'))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/arch-chroot {self.mountpoint} sh -c "userdel aibuilder; rm -rf /hoem/aibuilder"')) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/ b/archinstall/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..707eeeab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import os
+from .exceptions import *
+from .general import sys_command
+from .disk import Partition
+class luks2():
+ def __init__(self, partition, mountpoint, password, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.password = password
+ self.partition = partition
+ self.mountpoint = mountpoint
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ def __enter__(self):
+ key_file = self.encrypt(self.partition, self.password, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
+ return self.unlock(self.partition, self.mountpoint, key_file)
+ def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # TODO:
+ if len(args) >= 2 and args[1]:
+ raise args[1]
+ return True
+ def encrypt(self, partition, password, key_size=512, hash_type='sha512', iter_time=10000, key_file=None):
+ print(f'Encrypting {partition}')
+ if not key_file: key_file = f'/tmp/{os.path.basename(self.partition.path)}.disk_pw' #TODO: Make disk-pw-file randomly unique?
+ if type(password) != bytes: password = bytes(password, 'UTF-8')
+ with open(key_file, 'wb') as fh:
+ fh.write(password)
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/cryptsetup -q -v --type luks2 --pbkdf argon2i --hash {hash_type} --key-size {key_size} --iter-time {iter_time} --key-file {os.path.abspath(key_file)} --use-urandom luksFormat {partition.path}'))
+ if not b'Command successful.' in o:
+ raise DiskError(f'Could not encrypt volume "{partition.path}": {o}')
+ return key_file
+ def unlock(self, partition, mountpoint, key_file):
+ """
+ Mounts a lukts2 compatible partition to a certain mountpoint.
+ Keyfile must be specified as there's no way to interact with the pw-prompt atm.
+ :param mountpoint: The name without absolute path, for instance "luksdev" will point to /dev/mapper/luksdev
+ :type mountpoint: str
+ """
+ if '/' in mountpoint: os.path.basename(mountpoint) # TODO: Raise exception instead?
+ sys_command(f'/usr/bin/cryptsetup open {partition.path} {mountpoint} --key-file {os.path.abspath(key_file)} --type luks2')
+ if os.path.islink(f'/dev/mapper/{mountpoint}'):
+ return Partition(f'/dev/mapper/{mountpoint}')
+ def close(self, mountpoint):
+ sys_command(f'cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/{mountpoint}')
+ return os.path.islink(f'/dev/mapper/{mountpoint}') is False \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/ b/archinstall/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bea17d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+import os, urllib.request, urllib.parse, ssl, json
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from .general import multisplit, sys_command, log
+from .exceptions import *
+def grab_url_data(path):
+ safe_path = path[:path.find(':')+1]+''.join([item if item in ('/', '?', '=', '&') else urllib.parse.quote(item) for item in multisplit(path[path.find(':')+1:], ('/', '?', '=', '&'))])
+ ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context()
+ ssl_context.check_hostname = False
+ ssl_context.verify_mode=ssl.CERT_NONE
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(safe_path, context=ssl_context)
+ return
+def get_application_instructions(target):
+ instructions = {}
+ for path in ['./', './profiles', '/etc/archinstall', '/etc/archinstall/profiles']:
+ if os.path.isfile(f'{path}/applications/{target}.json'):
+ return os.path.abspath(f'{path}/{}.json')
+ try:
+ if (cache := grab_url_data(f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/{}.json')):
+ self._cache = cache
+ return f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/{}.json'
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if (cache := grab_url_data(f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/applications/{}.json')):
+ self._cache = cache
+ return f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/applications/{}.json'
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ instructions = grab_url_data(f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/applications/{target}.json').decode('UTF-8')
+ print('[N] Found application instructions for: {}'.format(target))
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+ print('[N] Could not find remote instructions. yrying local instructions under ./profiles/applications')
+ local_path = './profiles/applications' if os.path.isfile('./') else './archinstall/profiles/applications' # Dangerous assumption
+ if os.path.isfile(f'{local_path}/{target}.json'):
+ with open(f'{local_path}/{target}.json', 'r') as fh:
+ instructions =
+ print('[N] Found local application instructions for: {}'.format(target))
+ else:
+ print('[N] No instructions found for: {}'.format(target))
+ return instructions
+ try:
+ instructions = json.loads(instructions, object_pairs_hook=oDict)
+ except:
+ print('[E] JSON syntax error in {}'.format('{}/applications/{}.json'.format(args['profiles-path'], target)))
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ exit(1)
+ return instructions
+class Profile():
+ def __init__(self, installer, name, args={}):
+ = name
+ self.installer = installer
+ self._cache = None
+ self.args = args
+ def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return f'Profile({} <"{self.path}">)'
+ @property
+ def path(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ for path in ['./', './profiles', '/etc/archinstall', '/etc/archinstall/profiles']:
+ if os.path.isfile(f'{path}/{}.json'):
+ return os.path.abspath(f'{path}/{}.json')
+ try:
+ if (cache := grab_url_data(f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/{}.json')):
+ self._cache = cache
+ return f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/{}.json'
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if (cache := grab_url_data(f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/{}.json')):
+ self._cache = cache
+ return f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/{}.json'
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+ pass
+ return None
+ def load_instructions(self):
+ if (absolute_path := self.path):
+ if absolute_path[:4] == 'http':
+ return json.loads(self._cache)
+ with open(absolute_path, 'r') as fh:
+ return json.load(fh)
+ raise ProfileError(f'No such profile ({}) was found either locally or in {UPSTREAM_URL}')
+ def install(self):
+ instructions = self.load_instructions()
+ if 'args' in instructions:
+ self.args = instructions['args']
+ if 'post' in instructions:
+ instructions = instructions['post']
+ for title in instructions:
+ log(f'Running post installation step {title}')
+ print('[N] Network Deploy: {}'.format(title))
+ if type(instructions[title]) == str:
+ print('[N] Loading {} configuration'.format(instructions[title]))
+ log(f'Loading {instructions[title]} configuration')
+ instructions[title] = Application(self.installer, instructions[title], args=self.args)
+ instructions[title].install()
+ else:
+ for command in instructions[title]:
+ raw_command = command
+ opts = instructions[title][command] if type(instructions[title][command]) in (dict, OrderedDict) else {}
+ if len(opts):
+ if 'pass-args' in opts or 'format' in opts:
+ command = command.format(**self.args)
+ ## FIXME: Instead of deleting the two options
+ ## in order to mute command output further down,
+ ## check for a 'debug' flag per command and delete these two
+ if 'pass-args' in opts:
+ del(opts['pass-args'])
+ elif 'format' in opts:
+ del(opts['format'])
+ if 'pass-args' in opts and opts['pass-args']:
+ command = command.format(**self.args)
+ if 'runas' in opts and f'su - {opts["runas"]} -c' not in command:
+ command = command.replace('"', '\\"')
+ command = f'su - {opts["runas"]} -c "{command}"'
+ if 'no-chroot' in opts and opts['no-chroot']:
+ log(f'Executing {command} as simple command from live-cd.')
+ o = sys_command(command, opts)
+ elif 'chroot' in opts and opts['chroot']:
+ log(f'Executing {command} in chroot.')
+ ## Run in a manually set up version of arch-chroot (arch-chroot will break namespaces).
+ ## This is a bit risky in case the file systems changes over the years, but we'll probably be safe adding this as an option.
+ ## **> Prefer if possible to use 'no-chroot' instead which "live boots" the OS and runs the command.
+ o = sys_command(f"mount /dev/mapper/luksdev {self.installer.mountpoint}")
+ o = sys_command(f"cd {self.installer.mountpoint}; cp /etc/resolv.conf etc")
+ o = sys_command(f"cd {self.installer.mountpoint}; mount -t proc /proc proc")
+ o = sys_command(f"cd {self.installer.mountpoint}; mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys")
+ o = sys_command(f"cd {self.installer.mountpoint}; mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev")
+ o = sys_command(f'chroot {self.installer.mountpoint} /bin/bash -c "{command}"')
+ o = sys_command(f"cd {self.installer.mountpoint}; umount -R dev")
+ o = sys_command(f"cd {self.installer.mountpoint}; umount -R sys")
+ o = sys_command(f"cd {self.installer.mountpoint}; umount -R proc")
+ else:
+ if 'boot' in opts and opts['boot']:
+ log(f'Executing {command} in boot mode.')
+ defaults = {
+ 'login:' : 'root\n',
+ 'Password:' : self.args['password']+'\n',
+ f'[root@{self.args["hostname"]} ~]#' : command+'\n',
+ }
+ if not 'events' in opts: opts['events'] = {}
+ events = {**defaults, **opts['events']}
+ del(opts['events'])
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn -D {self.installer.mountpoint} -b --machine temporary', events=events))
+ else:
+ log(f'Executing {command} in with systemd-nspawn without boot.')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command(f'/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn -D {self.installer.mountpoint} --machine temporary {command}'))
+ if type(instructions[title][raw_command]) == bytes and len(instructions['post'][title][raw_command]) and not instructions['post'][title][raw_command] in o:
+ log(f'{command} failed: {o.decode("UTF-8")}')
+ print('[W] Post install command failed: {}'.format(o.decode('UTF-8')))
+class Application(Profile):
+ @property
+ def path(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ for path in ['./applications', './profiles/applications', '/etc/archinstall/applications', '/etc/archinstall/profiles/applications']:
+ if os.path.isfile(f'{path}/{}.json'):
+ return os.path.abspath(f'{path}/{}.json')
+ try:
+ if (cache := grab_url_data(f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/{}.json')):
+ self._cache = cache
+ return f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/{}.json'
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if (cache := grab_url_data(f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/applications/{}.json')):
+ self._cache = cache
+ return f'{UPSTREAM_URL}/applications/{}.json'
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+ pass
+ return None \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archinstall/lib/ b/archinstall/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd6d117c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archinstall/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from .exceptions import *
+def select_disk(dict_o_disks):
+ drives = sorted(list(dict_o_disks.keys()))
+ if len(drives) > 1:
+ for index, drive in enumerate(drives):
+ print(f"{index}: {drive} ({dict_o_disks[drive]['size'], dict_o_disks[drive].device, dict_o_disks[drive]['label']})")
+ drive = input('Select one of the above disks (by number or full path): ')
+ if drive.isdigit():
+ drive = dict_o_disks[drives[int(drive)]]
+ elif drive in dict_o_disks:
+ drive = dict_o_disks[drive]
+ else:
+ raise DiskError(f'Selected drive does not exist: "{drive}"')
+ return drive
+ raise DiskError('select_disk() requires a non-empty dictionary of disks to select from.') \ No newline at end of file