Send patches - preferably formatted by git format-patch - to patches at archlinux32 dot org.
path: root/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d2d0a1d6..0d909d0f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
import traceback
-import os, re, struct, sys, json
+import os, re, struct, sys, json, pty, shlex
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, ssl
from glob import glob
-#from select import epoll, EPOLLIN, EPOLLHUP
+from select import epoll, EPOLLIN, EPOLLHUP
from socket import socket, inet_ntoa, AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_PACKET
from collections import OrderedDict as oDict
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE
from time import sleep
+## == Profiles Path can be set via --profiles-path=/path
+## This just sets the default path if the parameter is omitted.
+profiles_path = ''
import psutil
@@ -72,10 +76,6 @@ except:
rootdir_pattern = re.compile('^.*?/devices')
harddrives = oDict()
-## == Profiles Path can be set via --profiles-path=/path
-## This just sets the default path if the parameter is omitted.
-profiles_path = ''
args = {}
positionals = []
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
@@ -110,23 +110,107 @@ def get_local_MACs():
def gen_yubikey_password():
return None #TODO: Implement
-def run(cmd, echo=False, opts=None, *args, **kwargs):
+def pid_exists(pid):
+ """Check whether pid exists in the current process table."""
+ if pid < 0:
+ return False
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, 0)
+ except (OSError, e):
+ return e.errno == errno.EPERMRM
+ else:
+ return True
+class sys_command():
+ def __init__(self, cmd, opts={}):
+ self.cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
+ self.opts = opts
+ = -1
+ def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ ## Prep for context management (still block calls)
+ return self.exec()
+ def __leave__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ os.waitpid(, 0)
+ def exec(self):
+ if not self.cmd[0][0] == '/':
+ print('[N] Command is not executed with absolute path, trying to find: {}'.format(self.cmd[0]))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/whereis {}'.format(self.cmd[0])).exec())
+ self.cmd[0] = o.split(b' ')[1].decode('UTF-8')
+ print('[N] This is what I\'m going with: {}'.format(self.cmd[0]))
+ # PID = 0 for child, and the PID of the child for the parent
+, child_fd = pty.fork()
+ if not # Child process
+ # Replace child process with our main process
+ os.execv(self.cmd[0], self.cmd)
+ poller = epoll()
+ poller.register(child_fd, EPOLLIN | EPOLLHUP)
+ alive = True
+ trace_log = b''
+ while alive:
+ for fileno, event in poller.poll(0.1):
+ try:
+ output =, 8192).strip()
+ trace_log += output
+ except OSError:
+ alive = False
+ break
+ if 'debug' in self.opts and self.opts['debug']:
+ if len(output):
+ print(output)
+ lower = output.lower()
+ if 'triggers' in self.opts:
+ for trigger in list(self.opts['triggers']):
+ if trigger.lower() in lower:
+ if 'debug' in self.opts and self.opts['debug']:
+ print('[N] Writing to subsystem: {}'.format(self.opts['triggers'][trigger]))
+ os.write(child_fd, self.opts['triggers'][trigger])
+ del(self.opts['triggers'][trigger])
+ ## Adding a exit trigger:
+ if len(self.opts['triggers']) == 0:
+ if 'debug' in self.opts and self.opts['debug']:
+ print('[N] Waiting for last command to finish...')
+ if bytes(f'[root@{args["hostname"]} ~]#'.lower(), 'UTF-8') in output.lower():
+ if 'debug' in self.opts and self.opts['debug']:
+ print('[N] Last command finished, exiting subsystem.')
+ alive = False
+ break
+ yield output
+ # Since we're in a subsystem, we gotta bail out!
+ # Bail bail bail!
+ os.write(child_fd, b'shutdown now\n')
+ exit_code = os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
+ if exit_code != 0:
+ print('[E] Command "{}" exited with status code:'.format(self.cmd[0]), exit_code)
+ print(trace_log)
+ exit(1)
+def simple_command(cmd, opts=None, *args, **kwargs):
if not opts: opts = {}
- if echo or 'debug' in opts:
+ if 'debug' in opts:
print('[!] {}'.format(cmd))
handle = Popen(cmd, shell='True', stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, **kwargs)
output = b''
while handle.poll() is None:
data =
- if b'or press Control-D' in data:
- handle.stdin.write(b'')
if len(data):
- if echo or 'debug' in opts:
+ if 'debug' in opts:
print(data.decode('UTF-8'), end='')
# print(data.decode('UTF-8'), end='')
output += data
data =
- if echo or 'debug' in opts:
+ if 'debug' in opts:
print(data.decode('UTF-8'), end='')
output += data
@@ -136,22 +220,30 @@ def run(cmd, echo=False, opts=None, *args, **kwargs):
def update_git():
default_gw = get_default_gateway_linux()
+ print('[N] Checking for updates...')
## Not the most elegant way to make sure git conflicts doesn't occur (yea fml)
- #os.remove('/root/archinstall/')
- #os.remove('/root/archinstall/')
- output = run('(cd /root/archinstall; git fetch --all)') # git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>
+ if os.path.isfile('/root/archinstall/'):
+ os.remove('/root/archinstall/')
+ if os.path.isfile('/root/archinstall/'):
+ os.remove('/root/archinstall/')
+ output = simple_command('(cd /root/archinstall; git reset --hard origin/$(git branch | grep "*" | cut -d\' \' -f 2); git pull)')
if b'error:' in output:
print('[N] Could not update git source for some reason.')
# b'From\n 339d687..80b97f3 master -> origin/master\nUpdating 339d687..80b97f3\nFast-forward\n | 2 +-\n 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)\n'
- tmp = re.findall(b'[0-9]+ file changed', output)
- if len(tmp):
- num_changes = int(tmp[0].split(b' ',1)[0])
- if(num_changes):
- ## Reboot the script (in same context)
- os.execv('/usr/bin/python3', ['', ''] + sys.argv[1:])
+ if not b'Already up to date' in output:
+ tmp = re.findall(b'[0-9]+ file changed', output)
+ print(tmp)
+ if len(tmp):
+ num_changes = int(tmp[0].split(b' ',1)[0])
+ if(num_changes):
+ ## Reboot the script (in same context)
+ print('[N] Rebooting the script')
+ os.execv('/usr/bin/python3', [''] + sys.argv)
+ extit(1)
def device_state(name):
# Based out of:
@@ -173,12 +265,17 @@ def device_state(name):
def grab_partitions(dev):
drive_name = os.path.basename(dev)
parts = oDict()
- o = run('lsblk -o name -J -b {dev}'.format(dev=dev))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/lsblk -o name -J -b {dev}'.format(dev=dev)).exec())
if b'not a block device' in o:
- ## TODO: Replace o = run() with code, o = run()
- ## and make run() return the exit-code, way safer than checking output strings :P
+ ## TODO: Replace o = sys_command() with code, o = sys_command()
+ ## and make sys_command() return the exit-code, way safer than checking output strings :P
return {}
- r = json.loads(o)
+ if not o[:1] == b'{':
+ print('[E] Error in getting blk devices:', o)
+ exit(1)
+ r = json.loads(o.decode('UTF-8'))
if len(r['blockdevices']) and 'children' in r['blockdevices'][0]:
for part in r['blockdevices'][0]['children']:
parts[part['name'][len(drive_name):]] = {
@@ -262,7 +359,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if not 'size' in args: args['size'] = '100%'
if not 'start' in args: args['start'] = '513MiB'
if not 'pwfile' in args: args['pwfile'] = '/tmp/diskpw'
- if not 'hostname' in args: args['hostname'] = 'Arcinstall'
+ if not 'hostname' in args: args['hostname'] = 'Archinstall'
if not 'country' in args: args['country'] = 'SE' # 'all' if we don't want country specific mirrors.
if not 'packages' in args: args['packages'] = '' # extra packages other than default
if not 'post' in args: args['post'] = 'reboot'
@@ -366,21 +463,21 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print('[N] Setting up {drive}.'.format(**args))
# dd if=/dev/random of=args['drive'] bs=4096 status=progress
# would be nice, but isn't officially in the repo's #SadPanda
- o = run('parted -s {drive} mklabel gpt'.format(**args))
- o = run('parted -s {drive} mkpart primary FAT32 1MiB {start}'.format(**args))
- o = run('parted -s {drive} name 1 "EFI"'.format(**args))
- o = run('parted -s {drive} set 1 esp on'.format(**args))
- o = run('parted -s {drive} set 1 boot on'.format(**args))
- o = run('parted -s {drive} mkpart primary {start} {size}'.format(**args))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} mklabel gpt'.format(**args)).exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} mkpart primary FAT32 1MiB {start}'.format(**args)).exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} name 1 "EFI"'.format(**args)).exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} set 1 esp on'.format(**args)).exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} set 1 boot on'.format(**args)).exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/parted -s {drive} mkpart primary {start} {size}'.format(**args)).exec())
args['paritions'] = grab_partitions(args['drive'])
if len(args['paritions']) <= 0:
print('[E] No paritions were created on {drive}'.format(**args), o)
for index, part_name in enumerate(args['paritions']):
- args['partition_{}'.format(index+1)] = part_name
+ args['partition_{}'.format(index+1)] = part_name
- o = run('mkfs.vfat -F32 {drive}{partition_1}'.format(**args))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/mkfs.vfat -F32 {drive}{partition_1}'.format(**args)).exec())
if (b'mkfs.fat' not in o and b'mkfs.vfat' not in o) or b'command not found' in o:
print('[E] Could not setup {drive}{partition_1}'.format(**args), o)
@@ -388,32 +485,32 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# "--cipher sha512" breaks the shit.
# TODO: --use-random instead of --use-urandom
print('[N] Adding encryption to {drive}{partition_2}.'.format(**args))
- o = run('cryptsetup -q -v --type luks2 --pbkdf argon2i --hash sha512 --key-size 512 --iter-time 10000 --key-file {pwfile} --use-urandom luksFormat {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args))
- if not 'Command successful.' in o.decode('UTF-8').strip():
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/cryptsetup -q -v --type luks2 --pbkdf argon2i --hash sha512 --key-size 512 --iter-time 10000 --key-file {pwfile} --use-urandom luksFormat {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)).exec())
+ if not b'Command successful.' in o:
print('[E] Failed to setup disk encryption.', o)
- o = run('cryptsetup open {drive}{partition_2} luksdev --key-file {pwfile} --type luks2'.format(**args))
- o = run('file /dev/mapper/luksdev') # /dev/dm-0
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/cryptsetup open {drive}{partition_2} luksdev --key-file {pwfile} --type luks2'.format(**args)).exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/file /dev/mapper/luksdev').exec()) # /dev/dm-0
if b'cannot open' in o:
print('[E] Could not mount encrypted device.', o)
print('[N] Creating btrfs filesystem inside {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args))
- o = run('mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/luksdev')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/luksdev').exec())
if not b'UUID' in o:
print('[E] Could not setup btrfs filesystem.', o)
- o = run('mount /dev/mapper/luksdev /mnt')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/mount /dev/mapper/luksdev /mnt').exec())
- o = run('mount {drive}{partition_1} /mnt/boot'.format(**args))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/mount {drive}{partition_1} /mnt/boot'.format(**args)).exec())
print('[N] Reordering mirrors.')
if 'mirrors' in args and args['mirrors'] and get_default_gateway_linux():
- o = run("wget '{country}&protocol=https&ip_version=4&ip_version=6&use_mirror_status=on' -O /root/mirrorlist".format(**args))
- o = run("sed -i 's/#Server/Server/' /root/mirrorlist")
- o = run('rankmirrors -n 6 /root/mirrorlist > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command("/usr/bin/wget '{country}&protocol=https&ip_version=4&ip_version=6&use_mirror_status=on' -O /root/mirrorlist".format(**args)).exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command("/usr/bin/sed -i 's/#Server/Server/' /root/mirrorlist").exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/rankmirrors -n 6 /root/mirrorlist > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist').exec())
pre_conf = {}
if 'pre' in instructions:
@@ -446,33 +543,33 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print('[-] Options: {}'.format(opts))
#print('[N] Command: {} ({})'.format(raw_command, opts))
- o = run('{c}'.format(c=command), opts)
- if type(conf[title][raw_command]) == bytes and len(conf[title][raw_command]) and not conf[title][raw_command] in o:
- print('[W] Prerequisit step failed: {}'.format(o.decode('UTF-8')))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('{c}'.format(c=command), opts).exec())
+ if type(conf[title][raw_command]) == bytes and len(conf[title][raw_command]) and not conf[title][raw_command] in b''.join(o):
+ print('[W] Prerequisit step failed: {}'.format(b''.join(o).decode('UTF-8')))
print('[N] Straping in packages.')
- o = run('pacman -Syy')
- o = run('pacstrap /mnt base base-devel btrfs-progs efibootmgr nano wpa_supplicant dialog {packages}'.format(**args))
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/pacman -Syy').exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/pacstrap /mnt base base-devel btrfs-progs efibootmgr nano wpa_supplicant dialog {packages}'.format(**args)).exec())
if not os.path.isdir('/mnt/etc'):
print('[E] Failed to strap in packages', o)
- o = run('genfstab -pU /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/genfstab -pU /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab').exec())
with open('/mnt/etc/fstab', 'a') as fstab:
fstab.write('\ntmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0\n') # Redundant \n at the start? who knoes?
- o = run('arch-chroot /mnt rm /etc/localtime')
- o = run('arch-chroot /mnt ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Stockholm /etc/localtime')
- o = run('arch-chroot /mnt hwclock --hctosys --localtime')
- #o = run('arch-chroot /mnt echo "{hostname}" > /etc/hostname'.format(**args))
- #o = run("arch-chroot /mnt sed -i 's/#\(en_US\.UTF-8\)/\1/' /etc/locale.gen")
- o = run("arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo '{hostname}' > /etc/hostname\"".format(**args))
- o = run("arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' > /etc/locale.gen\"")
- o = run("arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' > /etc/locale.conf\"")
- o = run('arch-chroot /mnt locale-gen')
- o = run('arch-chroot /mnt chmod 700 /root')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt rm /etc/localtime').exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Stockholm /etc/localtime').exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt hwclock --hctosys --localtime').exec())
+ #o = sys_command('arch-chroot /mnt echo "{hostname}" > /etc/hostname'.format(**args)).exec()
+ #o = sys_command("arch-chroot /mnt sed -i 's/#\(en_US\.UTF-8\)/\1/' /etc/locale.gen").exec()
+ o = b''.join(sys_command("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo '{hostname}' > /etc/hostname\"".format(**args)).exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' > /etc/locale.gen\"").exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' > /etc/locale.conf\"").exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt locale-gen').exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt chmod 700 /root').exec())
with open('/mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf', 'w') as mkinit:
## TODO: Don't replace it, in case some update in the future actually adds something.
@@ -480,8 +577,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
mkinit.write('HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block encrypt filesystems keyboard fsck)\n')
- o = run('arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -p linux')
- o = run('arch-chroot /mnt bootctl --path=/boot install')
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -p linux').exec())
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt bootctl --path=/boot install').exec())
with open('/mnt/boot/loader/loader.conf', 'w') as loader:
loader.write('default arch\n')
@@ -489,8 +586,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
## For some reason, blkid and /dev/disk/by-uuid are not getting along well.
## And blkid is wrong in terms of LUKS.
- #UUID = run('blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)).decode('UTF-8').strip()
- UUID = run("ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep {basename}{partition_2} | awk '{{print $9}}'".format(basename=os.path.basename(args['drive']), **args)).decode('UTF-8').strip()
+ #UUID = sys_command('blkid -s PARTUUID -o value {drive}{partition_2}'.format(**args)).decode('UTF-8').exec().strip()
+ UUID = simple_command("ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep {basename}{partition_2} | awk '{{print $9}}'".format(basename=os.path.basename(args['drive']), **args)).decode('UTF-8').strip()
with open('/mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf', 'w') as entry:
entry.write('title Arch Linux\n')
entry.write('linux /vmlinuz-linux\n')
@@ -532,39 +629,62 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
## Either skipping mounting /run and using traditional chroot is an option, but using
## `systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine temporary` might be a more flexible solution in case of file structure changes.
if 'no-chroot' in opts and opts['no-chroot']:
- o = run(command, opts)
+ o = simple_command(command, opts)
elif 'chroot' in opts and opts['chroot']:
## Run in a manually set up version of arch-chroot (arch-chroot will break namespaces).
## This is a bit risky in case the file systems changes over the years, but we'll probably be safe adding this as an option.
## **> Prefer if possible to use 'no-chroot' instead which "live boots" the OS and runs the command.
- o = run("mount /dev/mapper/luksdev /mnt")
- o = run("cd /mnt; cp /etc/resolv.conf etc")
- o = run("cd /mnt; mount -t proc /proc proc")
- o = run("cd /mnt; mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys")
- o = run("cd /mnt; mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev")
- o = run('chroot /mnt /bin/bash -c "{c}"'.format(c=command), opts=opts)
- o = run("cd /mnt; umount -R dev")
- o = run("cd /mnt; umount -R sys")
- o = run("cd /mnt; umount -R proc")
+ o = simple_command("mount /dev/mapper/luksdev /mnt")
+ o = simple_command("cd /mnt; cp /etc/resolv.conf etc")
+ o = simple_command("cd /mnt; mount -t proc /proc proc")
+ o = simple_command("cd /mnt; mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys")
+ o = simple_command("cd /mnt; mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev")
+ o = simple_command('chroot /mnt /bin/bash -c "{c}"'.format(c=command), opts=opts)
+ o = simple_command("cd /mnt; umount -R dev")
+ o = simple_command("cd /mnt; umount -R sys")
+ o = simple_command("cd /mnt; umount -R proc")
if 'boot' in opts and opts['boot']:
- o = run('systemd-nspawn -D /mnt -b --machine temporary {c}'.format(c=command), opts=opts)
+ ## So, if we're going to boot this maddafakker up, we'll need to
+ ## be able to login. The quickest way is to just add automatic login.. so lessgo!
+ ## Turns out.. that didn't work exactly as planned..
+ ##
+ # if not os.path.isdir('/mnt/etc/systemd/system/console-getty.service.d/'):
+ # os.makedirs('/mnt/etc/systemd/system/console-getty.service.d/')
+ # with open('/mnt/etc/systemd/system/console-getty.service.d/override.conf', 'w') as fh:
+ # fh.write('[Service]\n')
+ # fh.write('ExecStart=\n')
+ # fh.write('ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin root -s %I 115200,38400,9600 vt102\n')
+ ## So we'll add a bunch of triggers instead and let the sys_command manually react to them.
+ ## "<hostname> login" followed by "Passwodd" in case it's been set in a previous step.. usually this shouldn't be nessecary
+ ## since we set the password as the last step. And then the command itself which will be executed by looking for:
+ ## [root@<hostname> ~]#
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn -D /mnt -b --machine temporary', opts={'triggers' : {
+ bytes(f'{args["hostname"]} login', 'UTF-8') : b'root\n',
+ b'Password' : bytes(args['password']+'\n', 'UTF-8'),
+ bytes(f'[root@{args["hostname"]} ~]#', 'UTF-8') : bytes(command+'\n', 'UTF-8'),
+ }, **opts}).exec())
+ ## Not needed anymore: And cleanup after out selves.. Don't want to leave any residue..
+ # os.remove('/mnt/etc/systemd/system/console-getty.service.d/override.conf')
- o = run('systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine temporary {c}'.format(c=command), opts=opts)
+ o = b''.join(sys_command('/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine temporary {c}'.format(c=command), opts=opts).exec())
if type(conf[title][raw_command]) == bytes and len(conf[title][raw_command]) and not conf[title][raw_command] in o:
print('[W] Post install command failed: {}'.format(o.decode('UTF-8')))
## == Passwords
- # o = run('arch-chroot /mnt usermod --password {} root'.format(args['password']))
- # o = run("arch-chroot /mnt sh -c 'echo {pin} | passwd --stdin root'".format(pin='"{pin}"'.format(**args, pin=args['password'])), echo=True)
- o = run("arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'root:{pin}' | chpasswd\"".format(**args, pin=args['password']))
+ # o = sys_command('arch-chroot /mnt usermod --password {} root'.format(args['password']))
+ # o = sys_command("arch-chroot /mnt sh -c 'echo {pin} | passwd --stdin root'".format(pin='"{pin}"'.format(**args, pin=args['password'])), echo=True)
+ o = simple_command("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo 'root:{pin}' | chpasswd\"".format(**args, pin=args['password']))
if 'user' in args:
- o = run('arch-chroot /mnt useradd -m -G wheel {user}'.format(**args))
- o = run("arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo '{user}:{pin}' | chpasswd\"".format(**args, pin=args['password']))
+ o = ('/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt useradd -m -G wheel {user}'.format(**args))
+ o = ("/usr/bin/arch-chroot /mnt sh -c \"echo '{user}:{pin}' | chpasswd\"".format(**args, pin=args['password']))
if args['post'] == 'reboot':
- o = run('umount -R /mnt')
- o = run('reboot now')
+ o = simple_command('/usr/bin/umount -R /mnt')
+ o = simple_command('/usr/bin/reboot now')
print('Done. "umount -R /mnt; reboot" when you\'re done tinkering.')