Send patches - preferably formatted by git format-patch - to patches at archlinux32 dot org.
path: root/packages
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages')
-rw-r--r--packages/favicon.icobin0 -> 501 bytes
3 files changed, 1233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/favicon.ico b/packages/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef6f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/favicon.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/packages/index.php b/packages/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d3acca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/style.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/format.php";
+ foreach (array("bugs","sort","del","uses_upstream","uses_modification") as $expected_param)
+ if (! isset($_GET[$expected_param]))
+ $_GET[$expected_param] = "";
+ $multi_select_search_criteria = array(
+ "arch" => array(
+ "name" => "arch",
+ "title" => "CPU architecture",
+ "label" => "Arch",
+ "table" => "architectures",
+ "column" => "`architectures`.`name`",
+ "extra_condition" => "",
+ "values" => array()
+ ),
+ "repo" => array(
+ "name" => "repo",
+ "title" => "respository",
+ "label" => "Repository",
+ "table" => "repositories",
+ "column" => "CONCAT(`architectures`.`name`,\"/\",`repositories`.`name`)",
+ "extra_condition" => mysql_join_repositories_architectures() . " WHERE `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`",
+ "values" => array()
+ )
+ );
+ foreach ( $multi_select_search_criteria as $criterium => $content ) {
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT " . $content["column"] . " AS `name` FROM `" . $content["table"] . "`" . $content["extra_condition"] . " ORDER BY `name`"
+ );
+ while ($row = $result -> fetch_assoc())
+ $multi_select_search_criteria[$criterium]["values"][] = $row["name"];
+ }
+ $float_columns = array(
+ "has_issues",
+ "is_to_be_deleted"
+ );
+ $filter = " WHERE 1";
+ foreach ($multi_select_search_criteria as $criterium)
+ if (isset($_GET[$criterium["name"]])) {
+ $filter .= " AND " . $criterium["column"] . " IN (";
+ foreach ($criterium["values"] as $value)
+ if (strpos("&" . urldecode($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) . "&", "&" . $criterium["name"] . "=" . $value . "&") !== false)
+ $filter .= "\"" . $value . "\",";
+ $filter .= "\"\")";
+ }
+ $single_select_search_criteria = array(
+ "bugs" => array(
+ "name" => "bugs",
+ "label" => "Bugs",
+ "title" => "bug-tracker status",
+ "options" => array(
+ "All" => "1",
+ "Bugs" => "`binary_packages`.`has_issues`",
+ "No Bugs" => "NOT `binary_packages`.`has_issues`"
+ )
+ ),
+ "del" => array(
+ "name" => "del",
+ "label" => "To Be Deleted",
+ "title" => "to-be-deleted status",
+ "options" => array(
+ "All" => "1",
+ "To Be Deleted" => "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`",
+ "Not To Be Deleted" => "NOT `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`"
+ )
+ ),
+ "uses_upstream" => array(
+ "name" => "uses_upstream",
+ "label" => "Upstream",
+ "title" => "wether upstream source exists",
+ "options" => array(
+ "All" => "1",
+ "Uses Upstream" => "`package_sources`.`uses_upstream`",
+ "Does Not Use Upstream" => "NOT `package_sources`.`uses_upstream`"
+ )
+ ),
+ "uses_modification" => array(
+ "name" => "uses_modification",
+ "label" => "Modification",
+ "title" => "wether modification exists",
+ "options" => array(
+ "All" => "1",
+ "Uses Modification" => "`package_sources`.`uses_modification`",
+ "Does Not Use Modification" => "NOT `package_sources`.`uses_modification`"
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ foreach ($single_select_search_criteria as $criterium)
+ if (isset($_GET[$criterium["name"]]) &&
+ isset($criterium["options"][$_GET[$criterium["name"]]]))
+ $filter .= " AND " . $criterium["options"][$_GET[$criterium["name"]]];
+ if (isset($_GET["q"])) {
+ $exact_filter = " AND `binary_packages`.`pkgname` = from_base64(\"".base64_encode($_GET["q"])."\")";
+ $fuzzy_filter = " AND `binary_packages`.`pkgname` LIKE from_base64(\"".base64_encode("%".$_GET["q"]."%")."\")";
+ } else {
+ $exact_filter = " AND 0";
+ $fuzzy_filter = "";
+ }
+ $query = " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " AND `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`" .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures("","r_a") .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ $filter . $exact_filter .
+ " ORDER BY ";
+ $query .= "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,`repositories`.`stability`,`repositories`.`name`,`architectures`.`name`";
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`pkgbase`," .
+ "CONCAT(`r_a`.`name`,\"/\",`repositories`.`name`) AS `repo`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name` AS `arch`," .
+ mysql_query_package_version("binary_packages") .
+ " AS `version`," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages`.`has_issues`,1,0) AS `has_issues`," .
+ "`build_assignments`.`return_date` AS `build_date`," .
+ "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved` AS `move_date`," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`,1,0) AS `is_to_be_deleted`" .
+ $query
+ );
+ $exact_matches = array();
+ while ($row = $result -> fetch_assoc()) {
+ foreach ($float_columns as $float_column)
+ $row[$float_column] = floatval($row[$float_column]);
+ $exact_matches[] = $row;
+ }
+ $sorts = array(
+ "arch" => array(
+ "title" => "architecture",
+ "label" => "Arch",
+ "mysql" => "`architectures`.`name`"
+ ),
+ "repo" => array(
+ "title" => "repository",
+ "label" => "Repo",
+ "mysql" => "CONCAT(`r_a`.`name`,\"/\",`repositories`.`name`)"
+ ),
+ "pkgname" => array(
+ "title" => "package name",
+ "label" => "Name",
+ "mysql" => "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`"
+ ),
+ "pkgver" => array(
+ "title" => "package version",
+ "label" => "Version",
+ "mysql" => mysql_query_package_version("binary_packages")
+ ),
+ "bugs" => array(
+ "title" => "bug status",
+ "label" => "Bugs",
+ "mysql" => "NOT `binary_packages`.`has_issues`"
+ ),
+ "build_date" => array(
+ "title" => "build date",
+ "label" => "Build Date",
+ "mysql" => "IFNULL(`build_assignments`.`return_date`,\"00-00-0000 00:00:00\")"
+ ),
+ "move_date" => array(
+ "title" => "last update",
+ "label" => "Last Updated",
+ "mysql" => "IFNULL(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved`,\"00-00-0000 00:00:00\")"
+ ),
+ "del" => array(
+ "title" => "to be deleted",
+ "label" => "Delete",
+ "mysql" => "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`"
+ )
+ );
+ $query = " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " AND `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`" .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures("","r_a") .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ $filter . $fuzzy_filter .
+ " ORDER BY ";
+ if (isset($_GET["sort"])) {
+ if (isset($sorts[$_GET["sort"]]["mysql"]))
+ $query .= $sorts[$_GET["sort"]]["mysql"] . ",";
+ elseif (isset($sorts[substr($_GET["sort"],1)]["mysql"]))
+ $query .= $sorts[substr($_GET["sort"],1)]["mysql"] . " DESC,";
+ }
+ $query .= "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,`repositories`.`stability`,`repositories`.`name`,`architectures`.`name`";
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT COUNT(1)" . $query
+ );
+ $num_results = implode($result -> fetch_assoc());
+ $pages = max(ceil($num_results / 100), 1);
+ if (isset($_GET["page"]))
+ $page = max(min($_GET["page"]+0, $pages),1);
+ else
+ $page = 1;
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`pkgbase`," .
+ "CONCAT(`r_a`.`name`,\"/\",`repositories`.`name`) AS `repo`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name` AS `arch`," .
+ mysql_query_package_version("binary_packages") .
+ " AS `version`," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages`.`has_issues`,1,0) AS `has_issues`," .
+ "`build_assignments`.`return_date` AS `build_date`," .
+ "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved` AS `move_date`," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`,1,0) AS `is_to_be_deleted`" .
+ $query .
+ " LIMIT " . (($page-1)*100) . ", 100"
+ );
+ $fuzzy_matches = array();
+ while ($row = $result -> fetch_assoc()) {
+ foreach ($float_columns as $float_column)
+ $row[$float_column] = floatval($row[$float_column]);
+ $fuzzy_matches[] = $row;
+ }
+ function print_results($results) {
+ $oddity="odd";
+ foreach ($results as $row) {
+ print " <tr class=\"" . $oddity . "\">\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " " . $row["arch"] . "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " " . $row["repo"] . "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " <a href=\"/" . $row["repo"] . "/" . $row["pkgname"] ."/\" ";
+ print "title=\"View package details for " . $row["pkgname"] . "\">" . $row["pkgname"] . "</a>\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " " . $row["version"] . "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " ";
+ if ($row["has_issues"])
+ print "has open bug reports";
+ else
+ print "&nbsp;";
+ print "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " ";
+ if (isset($row["build_date"]))
+ print $row["build_date"];
+ else
+ print "&nbsp;";
+ print "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " ";
+ if (isset($row["move_date"]))
+ print $row["move_date"];
+ else
+ print "&nbsp;";
+ print "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " ";
+ if ($row["is_to_be_deleted"])
+ print "to be deleted";
+ else
+ print "&nbsp;";
+ print "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " </tr>\n";
+ if ($oddity == "odd" )
+ $oddity = "even";
+ else
+ $oddity = "odd";
+ }
+ }
+ function header_and_footer() {
+ global $page, $pages, $num_results;
+ print " <div class=\"pkglist-stats\">\n";
+ print " <p>\n";
+ print " " . $num_results . " matching package";
+ if ($num_results != 1)
+ print "s";
+ print " found.\n";
+ if ($pages != 1)
+ print " Page " . $page . " of " . $pages . ".\n";
+ print " </p>\n";
+ if ($pages != 1) {
+ print " <div class=\"pkglist-nav\">\n";
+ print " <span class=\"prev\">\n";
+ print " ";
+ if ($page > 1) {
+ print "<a href=\"?";
+ print substr(str_replace(
+ "&page=".$page."&",
+ "&",
+ "&".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]."&"
+ ),1)."page=".($page-1);
+ print "\" title=\"Go to previous page\">";
+ };
+ print "&lt; Prev";
+ if ($page > 1)
+ print "</a>";
+ print "\n";
+ print " </span>\n";
+ print " <span class=\"next\">\n";
+ print " ";
+ if ($page < $pages) {
+ print "<a href=\"?";
+ print substr(str_replace(
+ "&page=".$page."&",
+ "&",
+ "&".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]."&"
+ ),1)."page=".($page+1);
+ print "\" title=\"Go to next page\">";
+ };
+ print "Next &gt;";
+ if ($page < $pages)
+ print "</a>";
+ print "\n";
+ print " </span>\n";
+ print " </div>\n";
+ };
+ print " </div>\n";
+ };
+ if (isset($_GET["exact"])) {
+ export_as_requested(
+ array(
+ "All" => $exact_matches
+ )
+ );
+ die();
+ };
+ if (isset($_GET["fuzzy"])) {
+ export_as_requested(
+ array(
+ "All" => $fuzzy_matches
+ )
+ );
+ die();
+ };
+ print_header("Package Search");
+ <div id="pkglist-search" class="box filter-criteria">
+ <h2>Package Search</h2>
+ <form id="pkg-search" method="get" action="/">
+ <p><input id="id_sort" name="sort" type="hidden" /></p>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Enter search criteria</legend>
+ foreach ($multi_select_search_criteria as $criterium) {
+ print " <div>\n";
+ print " <label for=\"id_" . $criterium["name"] . "\" title=\"Limit results to a specific " . $criterium["title"] . "\">";
+ print $criterium["label"];
+ print "</label>\n";
+ print " <select multiple=\"multiple\" id=\"id_" . $criterium["name"] . "\" name=\"" . $criterium["name"] . "\">\n";
+ foreach ($criterium["values"] as $value) {
+ print " <option value=\"" . $value . "\"";
+ if (strpos( "&" . urldecode($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) . "&", "&" . $criterium["name"] . "=" . $value . "&") !== false)
+ print " selected=\"selected\"";
+ print ">" . $value . "</option>\n";
+ }
+ print " </select>\n";
+ print " </div>\n";
+ }
+ <div>
+ <label for="id_q" title="Enter keywords as desired">Keywords</label>
+ <input id="id_q" name="q" size="30" type="text" <?php
+if (isset($_GET["q"]))
+ print "value=\"".$_GET["q"]."\"";
+ </div>
+ foreach ($single_select_search_criteria as $criterium) {
+ print " <div>\n";
+ print " <label for=\"id_";
+ print $criterium["name"];
+ print "\" title=\"Limit results based on ";
+ print $criterium["title"];
+ print "\">";
+ print $criterium["label"];
+ print "</label><select id=\"id_";
+ print $criterium["name"];
+ print "\" name=\"";
+ print $criterium["name"];
+ print "\">\n";
+ foreach ($criterium["options"] as $label => $option) {
+ print " <option value=\"";
+ if ($label != "All")
+ print $label;
+ print "\"";
+ if ($_GET[$criterium["name"]]==$label)
+ print " selected=\"selected\"";
+ print ">" . $label . "</option>\n";
+ }
+ print " </select>\n";
+ print " </div>\n";
+ }
+ <div>
+ <label>&nbsp;</label>
+ <input title="Search for packages using this criteria" type="submit" value="Search">
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+if (count($exact_matches) > 0) {
+ <div id="exact-matches" class="box">
+ <div class="pkglist-stats">
+ <p><?php print count($exact_matches); ?> exact match<?php if (count($exact_matches) != 1) print "es"; ?> found.</p>
+ </div>
+ <table class="results">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ foreach ($sorts as $get => $sort) {
+ print " <th>\n";
+ print " ".$sort["label"]."\n";
+ print " </th>\n";
+ }
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ print_results($exact_matches);
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <div id="pkglist-results" class="box">
+ header_and_footer();
+ <table class="results">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ foreach ($sorts as $get => $sort) {
+ print " <th>\n";
+ print " <a href=\"/?";
+ print substr(str_replace(
+ "&sort=".$_GET["sort"]."&",
+ "&",
+ "&".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]."&"
+ ),1)."sort=";
+ if ($_GET["sort"] == $get)
+ print "-";
+ print $get."\" title=\"Sort package by ".$sort["title"]."\">".$sort["label"]."</a>\n";
+ print " </th>\n";
+ }
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ print_results($fuzzy_matches);
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ header_and_footer();
+ </div>
+ <div id="pkglist-about" class="box">
+ <p>
+ Can't find what you are looking for? Try searching again
+ using different criteria, or try
+ searching the <a href="">AUR</a>
+ to see if the package can be found there.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ You are browsing the Arch Linux 32 package database. From here you can find
+ detailed information about packages located in the 32 bit repositories.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ print_footer();
diff --git a/packages/pkginfo.php b/packages/pkginfo.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0717aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pkginfo.php
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+if (($_GET['repo']=='i686') || ($_GET['repo']=='i486') || ($_GET['repo']=='any')) {
+ header('Location: /' . $_GET['repo'] . '/' . $_GET['repo_arch'] . '/' . $_GET['pkgname'] . '/');
+ error_log('needed redirect URL: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ', HTTP_USER_AGENT: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . ', HTTP_REFERER: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
+ die();
+require_once BASE . "/lib/helper.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/style.php";
+ $memcache = new Memcache;
+ $memcache -> connect('localhost', 11211) or die ('Memcached Connection Error');
+ $pkgapi_reachable = $memcache -> get('pkgapi_reachable');
+ $tld = explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
+ end($tld);
+ $tld = current($tld);
+ if ((array_key_exists('HTTPS', $_SERVER) &&
+ ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) ||
+ (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', $_SERVER) &&
+ ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https')))
+ $protocol = 'https';
+ else
+ $protocol = 'http';
+ if ($pkgapi_reachable === false) {
+ if (site_is_reachable($protocol . '://pkgapi.archlinux32.' . $tld . '/'))
+ $pkgapi_reachable = 'YES';
+ else
+ $pkgapi_reachable = 'NO';
+ $memcache -> set('pkgapi_reachable', $pkgapi_reachable, 0, 300);
+ }
+ if ($pkgapi_reachable == 'YES')
+ $skip_json_checks = false;
+ else
+ $skip_json_checks = true;
+ if (!array_key_exists("repo_arch",$_GET)) {
+ $_GET["repo_arch"] = $_GET["arch"];
+ unset($_GET["arch"]);
+ }
+ if (!$skip_json_checks) {
+ $json_content = json_decode(
+ file_get_contents(
+ $protocol . '://pkgapi.archlinux32.' . $tld . '/' .
+ urlencode($_GET["repo_arch"]) . '/' .
+ urlencode($_GET["repo"]) . '/' .
+ urlencode($_GET["pkgname"])
+ ),
+ true
+ );
+ if (!isset($json_content) || !array_key_exists('Name', $json_content)) {
+ //throw_http_error(404, "Package Not Found In Sync Database");
+ unset($json_content);
+ $skip_json_checks = true;
+ };
+ }
+ $mysql_result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`binary_packages`.`id`," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`," .
+ "`sp_q`.`split_packages`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`pkgbase`," .
+ mysql_query_package_version("binary_packages") .
+ " AS `version`," .
+ "`repositories`.`stability` AS `repo_stability`," .
+ "`repository_stabilities`.`name` AS `repo_stability_name`," .
+ "`repositories`.`name` AS `repo`," .
+ "`r_a`.`name` AS `repo_arch`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name` AS `arch`," .
+ "`git_repositories`.`name` AS `git_repo`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`uses_upstream`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`uses_modification`," .
+ "MAX(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved`) AS `last_moved`," .
+ "`sr`.`name` AS `stable_repo`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures("","r_a") .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_upstream_repositories_git_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_upstream_repositories_repository_moves() .
+ " JOIN `repositories` AS `sr` ON `sr`.`id`=`repository_moves`.`to_repository`" .
+ " JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT DISTINCT `binary_packages`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "CONCAT(" .
+ "\"\\\"\",`binary_packages`.`id`,\"\\\": {" .
+ "\\\"pkgname\\\":" .
+ " \\\"\",`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,\"\\\"," .
+ "\\\"repository\\\":" .
+ " \\\"\",`repositories`.`name`,\"\\\"," .
+ "\\\"repo_arch\\\":" .
+ " \\\"\",`architectures`.`name`,\"\\\"" .
+ "}\"" .
+ ")" .
+ ") AS `split_packages`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures() .
+ " GROUP BY `binary_packages`.`build_assignment`" .
+ ") AS `sp_q`" .
+ " ON `sp_q`.`build_assignment`=`build_assignments`.`id`" .
+ " WHERE `binary_packages`.`pkgname`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["pkgname"]) . "\")" .
+ " AND `r_a`.`name`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["repo_arch"]) . "\")" .
+ " AND `repositories`.`name`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["repo"]) . "\")" .
+ "SELECT 1" .
+ " FROM `repository_moves` AS `rm`" .
+ " WHERE `rm`.`from_repository`=`sr`.`id`" .
+ ")" .
+ " GROUP BY `binary_packages`.`id`"
+ );
+ if ($mysql_result -> num_rows != 1)
+ throw_http_error(404, "Package Not Found In Buildmaster's Database");
+ $mysql_content = $mysql_result -> fetch_assoc();
+ $mysql_content["split_packages"] = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", json_decode("{".$mysql_content["split_packages"]."}",true))));
+ if (!$skip_json_checks) {
+ $same_keys = array (
+ array("mysql" => "pkgname", "json" => "Name"),
+ array("mysql" => "version", "json" => "Version", "suffix_diff" => ".0"),
+ array("mysql" => "repo", "json" => "Repository"),
+ array("mysql" => "arch", "json" => "Architecture")
+ );
+ foreach ($same_keys as $same_key)
+ if (($mysql_content[$same_key["mysql"]] != $json_content[$same_key["json"]]) &&
+ ((!array_key_exists('suffix_diff', $same_key)) ||
+ ($mysql_content[$same_key["mysql"]] != $json_content[$same_key["json"]].$same_key["suffix_diff"])))
+ die_500("Inconsistency in Database found:<br>\n" .
+ "buildmaster[" . $same_key["mysql"] . "] != repositories[" . $same_key["json"] . "]:<br>\n" .
+ "\"" . $mysql_content[$same_key["mysql"]] . "\" != \"" . $json_content[$same_key["json"]] . "\"");
+ }
+ // query _all_ dependencies
+ $mysql_result = mysql_run_query(
+ "`dependency_types`.`name` AS `dependency_type`," .
+ "CONCAT(\"\\\"\",`install_target_providers`.`id`,\"\\\": \",\"{\\n\"," .
+ "\" \\\"repo\\\": \\\"\",`repositories`.`name`,\"\\\",\\n\"," .
+ "\" \\\"repo_arch\\\": \\\"\",`r_a`.`name`,\"\\\",\\n\"," .
+ "\" \\\"arch\\\": \\\"\",`architectures`.`name`,\"\\\",\\n\"," .
+ "\" \\\"pkgname\\\": \\\"\",`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,\"\\\",\\n\"," .
+ "\" \\\"is_to_be_deleted\\\": \\\"\",IF(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`,\"1\",\"0\"),\"\\\"\\n\"," .
+ "\"}\"" .
+ ")) AS `deps`," .
+ "IF(" .
+ "(" .
+ "`versions`.`order`=1 AND `dependencies`.`version_relation`=\">=\"" .
+ ") OR (" .
+ "`versions`.`epoch`=8388607 AND `dependencies`.`version_relation`=\"<\"" .
+ ")," .
+ "\"\"," .
+ "CONCAT(" .
+ "`dependencies`.`version_relation`," .
+ "IF(" .
+ "`versions`.`epoch`=0," .
+ "\"\"," .
+ "CONCAT(" .
+ "`versions`.`epoch`," .
+ "\":\"" .
+ ")" .
+ ")," .
+ "`versions`.`version`" .
+ ")" .
+ ") AS `version`," .
+ "`install_targets`.`name` AS `install_target`" .
+ " FROM `dependencies`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN (".
+ "`binary_packages_in_repositories` AS `bpir`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('bpir','r') .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures('r','r_a') .
+ ") ON `bpir`.`package`=`dependencies`.`dependent`" .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_targets() .
+ " AND `install_targets`.`name` NOT IN (\"base\",\"base-devel\")" .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_versions() .
+ " LEFT JOIN (" .
+ "`install_target_providers`" .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` ON `repository_stability_relations`.`more_stable`=`repositories`.`stability`" .
+ " AND `repository_stability_relations`.`less_stable`=" . $mysql_content["repo_stability"] .
+ ") ON `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`" .
+ " AND `repositories`.`architecture`=`r`.`architecture`" .
+ " WHERE `dependencies`.`dependent`=" . $mysql_content["id"] .
+ "SELECT 1 FROM `binary_packages` AS `subst_bp`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('subst_bp','subst_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('subst_bpir','subst_r') .
+ // the substitue must be truly less stable than the dependency
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `subst_rsr` ON `subst_rsr`.`less_stable`=`subst_r`.`stability`" .
+ " AND `subst_rsr`.`less_stable`!=`subst_rsr`.`more_stable`" .
+ // and more (or equally) stable than us
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `subst_rsr2` ON `subst_rsr2`.`more_stable`=`subst_r`.`stability`" .
+ " WHERE `subst_bp`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`" .
+ " AND `subst_rsr`.`more_stable`=`repositories`.`stability`" .
+ " AND `subst_rsr2`.`less_stable`=" . $mysql_content["repo_stability"] .
+ ")" .
+ " GROUP BY CONCAT(`install_targets`.`id`,\"-\",`versions`.`id`),`dependency_types`.`id`" .
+ " ORDER BY FIELD (`dependency_types`.`name`,\"run\",\"make\",\"check\",\"link\"), `install_targets`.`name`"
+ );
+ $dependencies = array();
+ while ($row = $mysql_result -> fetch_assoc()) {
+ $row["deps"] = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", json_decode("{".$row["deps"]."}",true))));
+ $dependencies[] = $row;
+ }
+ if (!$skip_json_checks) {
+ function dependency_is_runtime($dep) {
+ return $dep["dependency_type"]=="run";
+ };
+ function dependency_extract_name($dep) {
+ return $dep["install_target"];
+ };
+ $dep_it = array_filter( $dependencies, "dependency_is_runtime");
+ $dep_it = array_map("dependency_extract_name", $dep_it);
+ $dep_it = preg_replace("/[<=>].*$/","",$dep_it);
+ if (array_key_exists("Depends On",$json_content))
+ $js_dep = preg_replace("/[<=>].*$/","",$json_content["Depends On"]);
+ elseif (array_key_exists("Requires",$json_content))
+ $js_dep = preg_replace("/[<=>].*$/","",$json_content["Requires"]);
+ else
+ $js_dep = array();
+ if (!is_array($js_dep))
+ $js_dep = array();
+ if (!isset($dep_it))
+ $dep_it = array();
+ $dep_errors = implode(
+ ", ",
+ array_diff(
+ array_merge($dep_it,$js_dep),
+ $dep_it
+ )
+ );
+ if ($dep_errors != "")
+ die_500(
+ "Dependencies differ: " . $dep_errors. "<br>\n" .
+ "mysql: " . implode(", ",$dep_it) . "<br>\n" .
+ "json: " . implode(", ",$js_dep)
+ );
+ foreach ($dependencies as $key => $dep) {
+ if ($dep["dependency_type"]!="run") {
+ $dependencies[$key]["json"]="not required";
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($js_dep as $js)
+ if ($js == preg_replace("/[<=>].*$/","",$dep["install_target"]))
+ $dependencies[$key]["json"]=$js;
+ }
+ }
+ // query dependent packages
+ $mysql_result = mysql_run_query(
+ "`dependency_types`.`name` AS `dependency_type`," .
+ "`install_targets`.`name` AS `install_target`," .
+ "`repositories`.`name` AS `repo`," .
+ "`repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`," .
+ "`r_a`.`name` AS `repo_arch`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name` AS `arch`," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`,1,0) AS `is_to_be_deleted`" .
+ " FROM `install_target_providers`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN (".
+ "`binary_packages_in_repositories` AS `bpir`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('bpir','r') .
+ ") ON `bpir`.`package`=`install_target_providers`.`package`" .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_install_targets() .
+ " AND `install_targets`.`name` NOT IN (\"base\",\"base-devel\")" .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_dependencies() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " AND `repositories`.`architecture`=`r`.`architecture`" .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures("","r_a") .
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` ON `repository_stability_relations`.`less_stable`=`repositories`.`stability`" .
+ " AND `repository_stability_relations`.`more_stable`=" . $mysql_content["repo_stability"] .
+ " WHERE `install_target_providers`.`package`=" . $mysql_content["id"] .
+ "SELECT 1 FROM `binary_packages` AS `subst_bp`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('subst_bp','subst_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('subst_bpir','subst_r') .
+ // the substitue must be truly less stable than we
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `subst_rsr` ON `subst_rsr`.`less_stable`=`subst_r`.`stability`" .
+ " AND `subst_rsr`.`less_stable`!=`subst_rsr`.`more_stable`" .
+ // and more (or equally) stable than the required-by
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `subst_rsr2` ON `subst_rsr2`.`more_stable`=`subst_r`.`stability`" .
+ " WHERE `subst_bp`.`pkgname`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($mysql_content["pkgname"]) . "\")" .
+ " AND `subst_rsr2`.`less_stable`=`repositories`.`stability`" .
+ " AND `subst_rsr`.`more_stable`=" . $mysql_content["repo_stability"] .
+ ")" .
+ " GROUP BY `binary_packages`.`id`,`dependency_types`.`id`" .
+ " ORDER BY" .
+ " FIELD (`dependency_types`.`name`,\"run\",\"make\",\"check\",\"link\")," .
+ " `install_targets`.`name`!=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`," .
+ " `install_targets`.`name`," .
+ " `binary_packages`.`pkgname`," .
+ " `repositories`.`stability`," .
+ " `repositories`.`name`"
+ );
+ $dependent = array();
+ while ($row = $mysql_result -> fetch_assoc())
+ $dependent[] = $row;
+ if ($skip_json_checks)
+ $content = $mysql_content;
+ else
+ $content = array_merge($mysql_content,$json_content);
+ foreach (array("Download Size", "Installed Size") as $key) {
+ $content["Print " . $key] =
+ add_fancy_unit($content[$key], "B");
+ }
+ // query substitutes
+ $mysql_result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname` AS `pkgname`," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`,1,0) AS `is_to_be_deleted`," .
+ "`repositories`.`name` AS `repo`," .
+ "`repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name` AS `arch`," .
+ "`r_a`.`name` AS `repo_arch`," .
+ mysql_query_package_version("binary_packages") .
+ " AS `version`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages` " .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures("","r_a") .
+ " JOIN `binary_packages` AS `original`" .
+ " ON `binary_packages`.`pkgname`=`original`.`pkgname`" .
+ " AND `binary_packages`.`id`!=`original`.`id`" .
+ " WHERE `original`.`id`=" . $mysql_content["id"]
+ );
+ $elsewhere = array();
+ while ($row = $mysql_result -> fetch_assoc())
+ $elsewhere[] = $row;
+ print_header($content["pkgname"] . " " . $content["version"] . " (" . $content["arch"] . ")");
+ <div id="archdev-navbar">
+ </div>
+ <div id="pkgdetails" class="box">
+ <h2><?php print $content["pkgname"]." ".$content["version"]; ?></h2>
+ <div id="detailslinks" class="listing">
+ <div id="actionlist">
+ <h4>Package Actions</h4>
+ <ul class="small">
+ if ($content["uses_upstream"]) {
+ print " <li>\n";
+ print " <a href=\"";
+ print $content["git_repo"];
+ print ".git/tree/trunk?h=packages/";
+ print $content["pkgbase"];
+ print "\" title=\"View upstream's source files for ";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "\">Upstream's Source Files</a> /\n";
+ print " <a href=\"";
+ print $content["git_repo"];
+ print ".git/log/trunk?h=packages/";
+ print $content["pkgbase"];
+ print "\" title=\"View upstream's changes for ";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "\">Upstream's Changes</a>\n";
+ print " </li>\n";
+ }
+ if ($content["uses_modification"]) {
+ print " <li>\n";
+ print " <a href=\"";
+ print git_url("packages","tree","master",$content["stable_repo"]."/".$content["pkgbase"]);
+ print "\" title=\"View archlinux32's source files for ";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "\">Archlinux32's Source Files</a> /\n";
+ print " <a href=\"";
+ print git_url("packages","log","master",$content["stable_repo"]."/".$content["pkgbase"]);
+ print "\" title=\"View upstream's changes for ";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "\">Archlinux32's Changes</a>\n";
+ print " </li>\n";
+ }
+ <li>
+ print " <a href=\"";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "&maintainer=&flagged=\">";
+ print "Search for ".$content["pkgname"]." upstream";
+ print "</a>\n";
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ print " <a href=\"";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "\" title=\"View existing bug tickets for ";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "\">Bug Reports</a> / \n";
+ print " <a href=\"";
+ if ($content["repo_stability_name"]=="stable")
+ print "8"; // stable
+ elseif ($content["repo_stability_name"]=="testing")
+ print "6"; // testing
+ elseif ($content["repo_stability_name"]=="unbuilt")
+ print "7"; // build-list
+ else
+ print "1"; // packages
+ print "&item_summary=%5B";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "%5D+PLEASE+ENTER+SUMMARY\" title=\"Report new bug for ";
+ print $content["pkgname"];
+ print "\">Add New Bug</a>\n";
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="<?php
+ print $content["repo_arch"]."/".$content["repo"]."/".$content["pkgname"]."-".$content["version"]."-".$content["arch"];
+?>.pkg.tar.xz" rel="nofollow" title="Download <?php print $content["pkgname"]; ?> from mirror">Download From Mirror</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+if (count($elsewhere)>0) {
+ print " <div id=\"elsewhere\" class=\"widget\">\n";
+ print " <h4>Versions Elsewhere</h4>\n";
+ foreach ($elsewhere as $subst) {
+ print " <ul>\n";
+ print " <li>\n";
+ if ($subst["is_on_master_mirror"]) {
+ print " <a href=\"/" . $subst["repo_arch"] . "/" . $subst["repo"] . "/" . $subst["pkgname"] ."/\"";
+ print " title=\"Package details for " . $subst["pkgname"] ."\">";
+ }
+ if ($subst["is_to_be_deleted"])
+ print "<s>";
+ print $subst["pkgname"] . "-" . $subst["version"] . " [" . $subst["repo"] . "] (" . $subst["arch"] . ")";
+ if ($subst["is_to_be_deleted"])
+ print "</s>";
+ if ($subst["is_on_master_mirror"])
+ print "</a>\n";
+ print " </li>\n";
+ print " </ul>\n";
+ }
+ print " </div>\n";
+ </div>
+ <div itemscope itemtype="">
+ <meta itemprop="name" content="<?php print $content["pkgname"]; ?>"/>
+ <meta itemprop="version" content="<?php print $content["version"]; ?>"/>
+ <meta itemprop="softwareVersion" content="<?php print $content["version"]; ?>"/>
+ <meta itemprop="fileSize" content="<?php print if_unset($content, "Download Size", "0"); ?>"/>
+ <meta itemprop="dateCreated" content="<?php print if_unset($content,"Build Date","0"); ?>"/>
+ <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="<?php print $content["last_moved"]; ?>"/>
+ <meta itemprop="operatingSystem" content="Arch Linux 32"/>
+ <table id="pkginfo">
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Architecture:
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <a href="/?arch=<?php
+ print $content["arch"];
+ ?>" title="Browse packages for <?php
+ print $content["arch"];
+ ?> architecture"><?php
+ print $content["arch"];
+ ?></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Repository:
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <a href="/?repo=<?php
+ print urlencode($content["repo_arch"] . "/" . $content["repo"]);
+ ?>" title="Browse the <?php
+ print $content["repo_arch"] . "/" . $content["repo"];
+ ?> repository"><?php
+ print $content["repo_arch"] . "/" . $content["repo"];
+ ?></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+$count = count($content["split_packages"]);
+if ($count > 1 || $content["pkgname"] != $content["pkgbase"]) {
+ print " <tr>\n";
+ print " <th>\n";
+ print " Split Packages:\n";
+ print " </th>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ foreach ($content["split_packages"] as $split_package) {
+ print " ";
+ if ($split_package["pkgname"] != $content["pkgname"]) {
+ print "<a href=\"/" . $split_package["repo_arch"];
+ print "/" . $split_package["repository"];
+ print "/" . $split_package["pkgname"];
+ print "/\">";
+ }
+ print $split_package["pkgname"];
+ $count --;
+ if ($split_package["pkgname"] != $content["pkgname"])
+ print "</a>";
+ if ($count > 0)
+ print ", ";
+ }
+ if ($content["pkgname"] != $content["pkgbase"])
+ print " (" . $content["pkgbase"] . ")";
+ print "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " </tr>\n";
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Description:
+ </th>
+ <td class="wrap" itemprop="description">
+ <?php print if_unset($content, "Description", "<font color=\"#ff0000\">not found in pkg-api</font>")."\n"; ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Upstream URL:
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <a itemprop="url" href="<?php print if_unset($content, "URL", ""); ?>" title="Visit the website for <?php print $content["pkgname"]; ?>"><?php print if_unset($content, "URL", "<font color=\"#ff0000\">not found in pkg-api</font>"); ?></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ License(s):
+ </th>
+ <td class="wrap">
+ <?php
+ $licenses = if_unset($content, "Licenses", "<font color=\"#ff0000\">not found in pkg-api</font>");
+ if (is_array($licenses))
+ print implode(", ",$licenses);
+ else
+ print $licenses;
+ print "\n";
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Package Size:
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?php print if_unset($content, "Print Download Size", "<font color=\"#ff0000\">not found in pkg-api</font>")."\n"; ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Installed Size:
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?php print if_unset($content, "Print Installed Size", "<font color=\"#ff0000\">not found in pkg-api</font>")."\n"; ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Build Date:
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?php print if_unset($content, "Build Date", "<font color=\"#ff0000\">not found in pkg-api</font>")."\n"; ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Last Updated:
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?php print $content["last_moved"]."\n"; ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <div id="metadata">
+ <div id="pkgdeps" class="listing">
+ <h3 title="<?php print $content["pkgname"]; ?> has the following dependencies">
+ Dependencies (<?php print count($dependencies); ?>)
+ </h3>
+ <ul id="pkgdepslist">
+ foreach ($dependencies as $dep) {
+ print " <li>\n";
+ if (!$skip_json_checks && !array_key_exists ('json', $dep))
+ print " (in database only)\n";
+ if (count($dep["deps"]) == 0) {
+ print " <font color=\"#ff0000\">not satisfiable dependency: \"" . $dep["install_target"] . $dep["version"] . "\"</font>\n";
+ } else {
+ $virtual_dep = (
+ (count($dep["deps"]) > 1) ||
+ (array_values($dep["deps"])[0]["pkgname"] != $dep["install_target"])
+ );
+ print " ";
+ if ($virtual_dep) {
+ print $dep["install_target"] . $dep["version"];
+ print " <span class=\"virtual-dep\">(";
+ };
+ $first = true;
+ foreach ($dep["deps"] as $d_p) {
+ if (!$first)
+ print ", ";
+ $first = false;
+ print "<a href=\"/".$d_p["repo_arch"]."/".$d_p["repo"]."/".$d_p["pkgname"]."/\" ";
+ print "title=\"View package details for ".$d_p["pkgname"]."\">";
+ if ($d_p["is_to_be_deleted"])
+ print "<s>";
+ print $d_p["pkgname"];
+ if ($d_p["is_to_be_deleted"])
+ print "</s>";
+ print "</a>";
+ if (!$virtual_dep)
+ print $dep["version"];
+ }
+ if ($virtual_dep)
+ print ")</span>";
+ print "\n";
+ };
+ if ($dep["dependency_type"]!="run")
+ print " <span class=\"" . $dep["dependency_type"] . "-dep\">(" . $dep["dependency_type"] . ")</span>\n";
+ print " </li>\n";
+ }
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div id="pkgreqs" class="listing">
+ <h3 title="Packages that require <?php print $content["pkgname"]; ?>">
+ Required By (<?php print count($dependent); ?>)
+ </h3>
+ <ul id="pkgreqslist">
+ foreach ($dependent as $dep) {
+ print " <li>\n";
+ print " ";
+ if ($dep["install_target"] != $content["pkgname"])
+ print $dep["install_target"] . " (";
+ if ($dep["is_on_master_mirror"]=="1") {
+ print "<a href=\"/".$dep["repo_arch"]."/".$dep["repo"]."/".$dep["pkgname"]."/\" ";
+ print "title=\"View package details for ".$dep["pkgname"]."\">";
+ }
+ if ($dep["is_to_be_deleted"])
+ print "<s>";
+ print $dep["pkgname"];
+ if ($dep["is_to_be_deleted"])
+ print "</s>";
+ if ($dep["repo"] != $content["repo"])
+ print " [" . $dep["repo"] . "]";
+ if ($dep["is_on_master_mirror"]=="1")
+ print "</a>";
+ if ($dep["install_target"] != $content["pkgname"])
+ print ")\n";
+ if ($dep["dependency_type"] != "run")
+ print " <span class=\"" . $dep["dependency_type"] . "-dep\">(" . $dep["dependency_type"] . ")</span>";
+ print "\n";
+ print " </li>\n";
+ }
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div id="pkgfiles">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ print_footer();