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path: root/update-website
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'update-website')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/update-website b/update-website
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7df537a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/update-website
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+set -e
+usage() {
+ >&2 echo ''
+ >&2 echo 'get-package-updates: check for packages that need to be built,'
+ >&2 echo ' and build a list in the proper build order'
+ >&2 echo ''
+ >&2 echo 'possible options:'
+ >&2 echo ' -h|--help: Show this help and exit.'
+ >&2 echo ' --magnet-i686 $link:'
+ >&2 echo ' Set archiso-i686 magnet link to $link.'
+ >&2 echo ' --magnet-dual $link:'
+ >&2 echo ' Set archiso-dual magnet link to $link.'
+ >&2 echo ' --torrent-seed-i686 $link:'
+ >&2 echo ' Set archiso-i686 torrent link to $link.'
+ >&2 echo ' --torrent-seed-dual $link:'
+ >&2 echo ' Set archiso-dual torrent link to $link.'
+ >&2 echo ' --website-dir $dir:'
+ >&2 echo ' Set website-dir to $dir.'
+ >&2 echo ' --mirror-dir $dir:'
+ >&2 echo ' Set mirror-dir to $dir.'
+ >&2 echo ' --update-iso:'
+ >&2 echo ' Update information about iso, too.'
+ [ -z "$1" ] && exit 1 || exit "$1"
+eval set -- "$(
+ getopt -o h \
+ --long help \
+ --long magnet-i686: \
+ --long magnet-dual: \
+ --long torrent-seed-i686: \
+ --long torrent-seed-dual: \
+ --long mirror-dir: \
+ --long website-dir: \
+ --long update-iso \
+ -n "$(basename "$0")" -- "$@" || \
+ echo usage
+tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
+cleanup() {
+ if mountpoint -q "${tmp_dir}"; then
+ sudo umount "${tmp_dir}"
+ fi
+ rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ '--magnet-i686')
+ if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/magnet.i686" ]; then
+ printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
+ usage
+ fi
+ shift
+ echo "$1" | \
+ tr -d '\n' > \
+ "${tmp_dir}/magnet.i686"
+ ;;
+ '--magnet-dual')
+ if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/magnet.dual" ]; then
+ printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
+ usage
+ fi
+ shift
+ echo "$1" | \
+ tr -d '\n' > \
+ "${tmp_dir}/magnet.dual"
+ ;;
+ '--torrent-seed-i686')
+ if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.i686" ]; then
+ printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
+ usage
+ fi
+ shift
+ echo "$1" | \
+ tr -d '\n' > \
+ "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.i686"
+ ;;
+ '--torrent-seed-dual')
+ if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.dual" ]; then
+ printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
+ usage
+ fi
+ shift
+ echo "$1" | \
+ tr -d '\n' > \
+ "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.dual"
+ ;;
+ '--mirror-dir')
+ if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/mirror_dir.set" ]; then
+ printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
+ usage
+ fi
+ shift
+ mirror_dir="$1"
+ echo "$mirror_dir" > "${tmp_dir}/mirror_dir.set"
+ ;;
+ '--website-dir')
+ if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/website_dir.set" ]; then
+ printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
+ usage
+ fi
+ shift
+ website_dir="$1"
+ echo "$website_dir" > "${tmp_dir}/website_dir.set"
+ ;;
+ '--update-iso')
+ if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/update_iso.set" ]; then
+ printf 'Option %s given multiple times.\n' "$1"
+ usage
+ fi
+ echo "true" > "${tmp_dir}/update_iso.set"
+ ;;
+ '--help'|'-h')
+ usage 0
+ ;;
+ '--')
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ >&2 printf 'Whoops, option "%s" is not yet implemented!\n' "$1"
+ exit 42
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
+ >&2 echo 'Too many arguments.'
+ exit 2
+ printf ' <div id="download-mirrors">\n'
+ curl -Ss ''"$(
+ head -c 24 /dev/urandom | \
+ base64 -w0
+ )" | \
+ sed '
+ 0,/^$/d
+ /^$/d
+ /^## /{
+ s|^## |\n </ul>\n\n <h5>|
+ s|$|</h5>\n\n <ul>\n|
+ '"$(
+ while read -r flag country; do
+ printf \
+ 's|<h5>%s</h5>|<h5><span class="fam-flag fam-flag-%s" title="%s"></span> %s</h5>|\n' \
+ "${country}" \
+ "${flag}" \
+ "${country}" \
+ "${country}"
+ done < \
+ "${0%/*}/flag-names"
+ )"'
+ }
+ /^#Server = /{
+ s|^#Server = \(.*//\)\([^/]*\)\(/.*\)\$arch/\$repo$|'"$(
+ printf \
+ ' %s\\n' \
+ '<li><a href="\1\2\3archisos/"' \
+ ' title="Download from \1\2\3">\2</a></li>'
+ )"'|
+ }
+ ' | \
+ sed '
+ 0,/<\/ul>/d
+ '
+ printf ' </ul>\n\n'
+ printf ' </div>\n'
+) | \
+ sed -i '
+ :emptyLines
+ /^\n*$/{
+ N
+ bemptyLines
+ }
+ /^\(\s*\n\)*\s*<div id="download-mirrors">$/{
+ :a
+ s|^.*</div>||
+ tb
+ $!N
+ ba
+ :b
+ r /dev/stdin
+ }
+ ' "${website_dir}/download/index.html"
+ ls "${mirror_dir}/archisos" | \
+ grep '^archlinux-[0-9.]\+-\(dual\|i.86\)\.iso$' | \
+ sed 's@^archlinux-\([0-9.]\+\)-\(dual\|i.86\)\.iso$@\1@' | \
+ sort -k1,1 -u | \
+ tail -n1
+declare -A desc
+desc['i686']='i686 only'
+desc['dual']='dual bootable'
+for arch in "${!desc[@]}"; do
+ if [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/magnet.${arch}" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if ! tr '&' '\n' < \
+ "${tmp_dir}/magnet.${arch}" | \
+ grep -qxF "dn=archlinux-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}.iso"; then
+ >&2 printf 'Magnet link for %s is not for %s, skipping.\n' "${arch}" "archlinux-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}.iso"
+ continue
+ fi
+ sed -i '
+ /<li><a href="magnet:?.*-'"${arch}"'\.iso/ s/href="[^"]\+"/href="'"$(sed 's|&|\\&|g' "${tmp_dir}/magnet.${arch}")"'"/
+ /title="Magnet link">Magnet link for \S\+ ('"${desc["${arch}"]}"')/ s/>Magnet link for \S\+ />Magnet link for '"${latest_iso_date}"' /
+ ' "${website_dir}/download/index.html"
+for arch in "${!desc[@]}"; do
+ if [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.${arch}" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if ! grep -qF "archlinux-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}" "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.${arch}"; then
+ >&2 printf 'Torrent seed for %s is not for %s, skipping.\n' "${arch}" "archlinux-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}.iso"
+ continue
+ fi
+ sed -i '
+ /<li><a href="http.*-'"${arch}"'\.iso.torrent/ s/href="[^"]\+"/href="'"$(sed -e 's_/_\\/_g' "${tmp_dir}/torrent-seed.${arch}")"'"/
+ /title="Download torrent">Torrent for \S\+ ('"${desc["${arch}"]}"')/ s/>Torrent for \S\+ />Torrent for '"${latest_iso_date}"' /
+ ' "${website_dir}/download/index.html"
+if [ ! -s "${tmp_dir}/update_iso.set" ]; then
+ exit
+unset kernels
+unset sizes
+declare -A sizes
+declare -A md5
+declare -A sha512
+for arch in "${!desc[@]}"; do
+ iso="${mirror_dir}/archisos/archlinux-${latest_iso_date}-${arch}.iso"
+ if [ ! -f "${iso}" ]; then
+ >&2 echo "Can't find iso to arch ${arch}."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ sudo mount -o loop,ro "${iso}" "${tmp_dir}"
+ kernels="$(
+ printf '%s\n' ${kernels} $(
+ find "${tmp_dir}/arch" \
+ -maxdepth 1 \
+ -name 'pkglist.*.txt' \
+ -not -name 'pkglist.x86_64.txt' \
+ -execdir cat {} \; \
+ | sed '
+ s/^linux\s\+\([^-]\+-[^-]\+\)$/\1/
+ t
+ d
+ '
+ ) | \
+ sort -u
+ )"
+ sudo umount "${tmp_dir}"
+ sizes["${arch}"]="$(
+ printf 'scale=1; %s/1024/1024\n' "$(stat -c'%s' "${iso}")" | \
+ bc
+ )"
+ md5["${arch}"]="$(
+ grep "\s${iso##*/}\$" "${mirror_dir}/archisos/md5sums" | \
+ awk '{print $1}'
+ )"
+ sha512["${arch}"]="$(
+ grep "\s${iso##*/}\$" "${mirror_dir}/archisos/sha512sums" | \
+ awk '{print $1}'
+ )"
+ sign_keys="$(
+ printf '%s\n' ${sign_keys} $(
+ gpg --status-fd=1 --verify "${iso}.sig" "${iso}" 2> /dev/null | \
+ grep '^\[GNUPG:] VALIDSIG [0-9A-F]\+ ' | \
+ cut -d' ' -f3
+ ) | \
+ sort -u
+ )"
+if [ $(echo "${kernels}" | grep -c '\S') -ne 1 ]; then
+ >&2 echo 'Not exactly one kernel on the iso:'
+ >&2 echo "${kernels}"
+ exit 1
+if [ $(echo "${sign_keys}" | grep -c '\S') -ne 1 ]; then
+ >&2 echo 'Not exactly one key used for signing the iso:'
+ >&2 echo "'${sign_keys}'"
+ exit 1
+if [ "${sign_keys}" != 'F2955C3B63EE4E421F30670A3B08EFC6BA974CFC' ] &&
+ [ "${sign_keys}" != '248BF41F9BDD61D41D060AE774EDA3C6B06D0506' ] &&
+ [ "${sign_keys}" != 'DE9F7688CACF04FEB81A6C590AEEC90755DA7B5A' ]; then
+ >&2 echo "Unknown signing key '${sign_keys}'."
+ exit 1
+ 'Current Release' "${latest_iso_date}"
+ 'Included Kernel' "${kernels}"
+ 'PGP Key' '<a href="'"${sign_keys}"'\&op=index">'"${sign_keys}"'</a>'
+for arch in 'i686' 'dual'; do
+ values+=(
+ "ISO Size (${desc["${arch}"]})" "${sizes["${arch}"]} MB"
+ "MD5 (${desc["${arch}"]})" "${md5["${arch}"]}"
+ "SHA512 (${desc["${arch}"]})" "${sha512["${arch}"]}"
+ )
+sed -i "$(
+ printf '/%s:/s|</strong>.*</li>|</strong> %s</li>|\n' "${values[@]}"
+ printf '/archlinux-[0-9.]\+-%s\.iso\.sig/s@archlinux-[0-9.]\+-%s\.iso\.sig@archlinux-%s-%s.iso.sig@\n' \
+ 'i686' 'i686' "${latest_iso_date}" 'i686' \
+ 'dual' 'dual' "${latest_iso_date}" 'dual'
+" \
+ "${website_dir}/download/index.html"