#!/bin/bash -e # # pacman-db-upgrade - upgrade the local pacman db to a newer format # @configure_input@ # # Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Avoid creating world-unreadable files umask 022 # gettext initialization export TEXTDOMAIN='pacman-scripts' export TEXTDOMAINDIR='@localedir@' declare -r myver='@PACKAGE_VERSION@' LIBRARY=${LIBRARY:-'@libmakepkgdir@'} # Import libmakepkg source "$LIBRARY"/util/message.sh source "$LIBRARY"/util/parseopts.sh usage() { printf "pacman-db-upgrade (pacman) %s\n" "${myver}" echo printf -- "$(gettext "Upgrade the local pacman database to a newer format")\n" echo printf -- "$(gettext "Usage: %s [options]")\n" "$0" echo printf -- "$(gettext "options:")\n" printf -- "$(gettext " -d, --dbpath <path> set an alternate database location")\n" printf -- "$(gettext " -h, --help show this help message and exit")\n" printf -- "$(gettext " -r, --root <path> set an alternate installation root")\n" printf -- "$(gettext " -V, --version show version information and exit")\n" printf -- "$(gettext " --config <path> set an alternate configuration file")\n" printf -- "$(gettext " --nocolor disable colorized output messages")\n" echo } version() { printf "pacman-db-upgrade (pacman) %s\n" "$myver" printf -- "Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>.\n" printf '\n' printf -- "$(gettext "\ This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n\ There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n")" } die() { error "$@" exit 1 } die_r() { rm -f "$lockfile" die "$@" } resolve_dir() { local d="$(cd "$1"; pwd -P)" [[ $d == */ ]] || d+=/ printf "%s" "$d" } # PROGRAM START # determine whether we have gettext; make it a no-op if we do not if ! type gettext &>/dev/null; then gettext() { echo "$@" } fi USE_COLOR='y' OPT_SHORT="d:hr:V" OPT_LONG=('config:' 'dbpath:' 'help' 'nocolor' 'root:' 'version') if ! parseopts "$OPT_SHORT" "${OPT_LONG[@]}" -- "$@"; then exit 1 # E_INVALID_OPTION fi set -- "${OPTRET[@]}" unset OPT_SHORT OPT_LONG OPTRET while true; do case "$1" in --config) shift; conffile="$1" ;; -d|--dbpath) shift; dbroot="$1" ;; -r|--root) shift; pacroot="$1" ;; -h|--help) usage; exit 0 ;; --nocolor) USE_COLOR='n' ;; -V|--version) version; exit 0 ;; --) shift; break ;; esac shift done conffile=${conffile:-@sysconfdir@/pacman.conf} [[ -z $pacroot ]] && pacroot=$(pacman-conf --config="$conffile" rootdir) [[ -z $dbroot ]] && dbroot=$(pacman-conf --config="$conffile" --rootdir="$pacroot" dbpath) # check if messages are to be printed using color if [[ -t 2 && $USE_COLOR != "n" ]]; then colorize else unset ALL_OFF BOLD BLUE GREEN RED YELLOW fi if [[ ! -d $dbroot ]]; then die "$(gettext "%s does not exist or is not a directory.")" "$dbroot" fi if [[ ! -d $dbroot/local ]]; then die "$(gettext "%s is not a pacman database directory.")" "$dbroot" fi if [[ ! -w $dbroot ]]; then die "$(gettext "You must have correct permissions to upgrade the database.")" fi # strip any trailing slash from our dbroot dbroot="${dbroot%/}" # form the path to our lockfile location lockfile="${dbroot}/db.lck" # make sure pacman isn't running if [[ -f $lockfile ]]; then die "$(gettext "Pacman lock file was found. Cannot run while pacman is running.")" fi # do not let pacman run while we do this touch "$lockfile" if [[ -f "${dbroot}"/local/ALPM_DB_VERSION ]]; then db_version=$(cat "${dbroot}"/local/ALPM_DB_VERSION) fi if [[ -z "$db_version" ]]; then # pacman-3.4 to 3.5 upgrade - merge depends into desc if [[ $(find "$dbroot"/local -name depends) ]]; then msg "$(gettext "Pre-3.5 database format detected - upgrading...")" for i in "$dbroot"/local/*; do if [[ -f "$i"/depends ]]; then cat "$i"/depends >> "$i"/desc rm "$i"/depends fi done msg "$(gettext "Done.")" fi # pacman 4.1 to 4.2 upgrade - remove directory symlink support msg "$(gettext "Pre-4.2 database format detected - upgrading...")" dirlist=() unset GREP_OPTIONS while IFS= read -r dir; do dirlist+=("${pacroot}${dir%/}") done < <(grep -h '/$' "$dbroot"/local/*/files | sort -ru) mapfile -t dirlist < <( for dir in "${dirlist[@]}"; do [[ -L "$dir" ]] && echo "$dir" done) if [[ ${#dirlist[@]} != 0 ]]; then pacroot="$(resolve_dir "$pacroot")" for dir in "${dirlist[@]}"; do realdir="$(resolve_dir "$dir")" # verify realdir is inside root if [[ ${realdir:0:${#pacroot}} != $pacroot ]]; then warning "$(gettext "symlink '%s' points outside pacman root, manual repair required")" "$dir" continue fi # convert to an appropriate form for the replacement olddir="${dir:${#pacroot}}/" newdir="${realdir:${#pacroot}}" # construct the parents of the new directory parents="" parent="$(dirname "$newdir")" while [[ $parent != "." ]]; do parents+="$parent/\n" parent="$(dirname "$parent")" done for f in "$dbroot"/local/*/files; do awk -v "olddir=$olddir" -v "newdir=$newdir" -v "parents=$parents" ' function print_path(path) { if (path != "" && !(path in seen)) { seen[path] = 1 print path } } BEGIN { oldlen = length(olddir) + 1 file = substr(newdir, 0, length(newdir) - 1) } { if ($0 == "") { # end of section, clear seen paths and print as-is for ( i in seen ) { delete seen[i] } print } else if ($0 == olddir) { # replace symlink with its target, including parents split(parents, paths, "\n") for (i in paths) { print_path(paths[i]) } print_path(newdir) } else if ($0 == file) { # newdir already existed as a file, skip it } else if (index($0, olddir) == 1) { # update paths that were under olddir print_path(newdir substr($0, oldlen)) } else { # print everything else as-is print_path($0) } }' "$f" > "$f.tmp" mv "$f.tmp" "$f" done done fi fi echo "9" > "$dbroot"/local/ALPM_DB_VERSION # remove the lock file rm -f "$lockfile"