#!/bin/bash # # variable.sh - Check that variables are or are not arrays as appropriate # # Copyright (c) 2018 Pacman Development Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # [[ -n "$LIBMAKEPKG_LINT_CONFIG_VARIABLE_SH" ]] && return LIBMAKEPKG_LINT_CONFIG_VARIABLE_SH=1 LIBRARY=${LIBRARY:-'@libmakepkgdir@'} source "$LIBRARY/util/message.sh" lint_config_functions+=('lint_config_variables') lint_config_variables() { local array=(DLAGENTS VCSCLIENTS BUILDENV OPTIONS INTEGRITY_CHECK MAN_DIRS DOC_DIRS PURGE_TARGETS COMPRESSGZ COMPRESSBZ2 COMPRESSXZ COMPRESSLRZ COMPRESSLZO COMPRESSZ) local string=(CARCH CHOST CPPFLAGS CFLAGS CXXFLAGS RUSTFLAGS LDFLAGS DEBUG_CFLAGS DEBUG_CXXFLAGS DEBUG_RUSTFLAGS DISTCC_HOSTS BUILDDIR STRIP_BINARIES STRIP_SHARED STRIP_STATIC PKGDEST SRCDEST SRCPKGDEST LOGDEST PACKAGER GPGKEY PKGEXT SRCEXT) local i keys ret=0 # global variables for i in ${array[@]}; do eval "keys=(\"\${!$i[@]}\")" if (( ${#keys[*]} > 0 )); then if ! is_array $i; then error "$(gettext "%s should be an array")" "$i" ret=1 fi fi done for i in ${string[@]}; do eval "keys=(\"\${!$i[@]}\")" if (( ${#keys[*]} > 0 )); then if is_array $i; then error "$(gettext "%s should not be an array")" "$i" ret=1 fi fi done # pacman should be able to extract an email address from PACKAGER for WKD key lookup local match='^([^<>]+ )?<[^<>]*>$' if ! [[ $PACKAGER =~ $match ]]; then warning "$(gettext "PACKAGER should have the format 'Example Name '")" fi return $ret }