/* * hook.c * * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <ctype.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> #include "handle.h" #include "hook.h" #include "ini.h" #include "log.h" #include "trans.h" #include "util.h" enum _alpm_hook_op_t { ALPM_HOOK_OP_INSTALL = (1 << 0), ALPM_HOOK_OP_UPGRADE = (1 << 1), ALPM_HOOK_OP_REMOVE = (1 << 2), }; enum _alpm_trigger_type_t { ALPM_HOOK_TYPE_PACKAGE = 1, ALPM_HOOK_TYPE_FILE, }; struct _alpm_trigger_t { enum _alpm_hook_op_t op; enum _alpm_trigger_type_t type; alpm_list_t *targets; }; struct _alpm_hook_t { char *name; char *desc; alpm_list_t *triggers; alpm_list_t *depends; char **cmd; alpm_list_t *matches; alpm_hook_when_t when; int abort_on_fail, needs_targets; }; struct _alpm_hook_cb_ctx { alpm_handle_t *handle; struct _alpm_hook_t *hook; }; static void _alpm_trigger_free(struct _alpm_trigger_t *trigger) { if(trigger) { FREELIST(trigger->targets); free(trigger); } } static void _alpm_wordsplit_free(char **ws) { if(ws) { char **c; for(c = ws; *c; c++) { free(*c); } free(ws); } } static void _alpm_hook_free(struct _alpm_hook_t *hook) { if(hook) { free(hook->name); free(hook->desc); _alpm_wordsplit_free(hook->cmd); alpm_list_free_inner(hook->triggers, (alpm_list_fn_free) _alpm_trigger_free); alpm_list_free(hook->triggers); alpm_list_free(hook->matches); FREELIST(hook->depends); free(hook); } } static int _alpm_trigger_validate(alpm_handle_t *handle, struct _alpm_trigger_t *trigger, const char *file) { int ret = 0; if(trigger->targets == NULL) { ret = -1; _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("Missing trigger targets in hook: %s\n"), file); } if(trigger->type == 0) { ret = -1; _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("Missing trigger type in hook: %s\n"), file); } if(trigger->op == 0) { ret = -1; _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("Missing trigger operation in hook: %s\n"), file); } return ret; } static int _alpm_hook_validate(alpm_handle_t *handle, struct _alpm_hook_t *hook, const char *file) { alpm_list_t *i; int ret = 0; if(hook->triggers == NULL) { /* special case: allow triggerless hooks as a way of creating dummy * hooks that can be used to mask lower priority hooks */ return 0; } for(i = hook->triggers; i; i = i->next) { if(_alpm_trigger_validate(handle, i->data, file) != 0) { ret = -1; } } if(hook->cmd == NULL) { ret = -1; _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("Missing Exec option in hook: %s\n"), file); } if(hook->when == 0) { ret = -1; _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("Missing When option in hook: %s\n"), file); } else if(hook->when != ALPM_HOOK_PRE_TRANSACTION && hook->abort_on_fail) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_WARNING, _("AbortOnFail set for PostTransaction hook: %s\n"), file); } return ret; } static char **_alpm_wordsplit(char *str) { char *c = str, *end; char **out = NULL, **outsave; size_t count = 0; if(str == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } for(c = str; isspace(*c); c++); while(*c) { size_t wordlen = 0; /* extend our array */ outsave = out; if((out = realloc(out, (count + 1) * sizeof(char*))) == NULL) { out = outsave; goto error; } /* calculate word length and check for unbalanced quotes */ for(end = c; *end && !isspace(*end); end++) { if(*end == '\'' || *end == '"') { char quote = *end; while(*(++end) && *end != quote) { if(*end == '\\' && *(end + 1) == quote) { end++; } wordlen++; } if(*end != quote) { errno = EINVAL; goto error; } } else { if(*end == '\\' && (end[1] == '\'' || end[1] == '"')) { end++; /* skip the '\\' */ } wordlen++; } } if(wordlen == (size_t) (end - c)) { /* no internal quotes or escapes, copy it the easy way */ if((out[count++] = strndup(c, wordlen)) == NULL) { goto error; } } else { /* manually copy to remove quotes and escapes */ char *dest = out[count++] = malloc(wordlen + 1); if(dest == NULL) { goto error; } while(c < end) { if(*c == '\'' || *c == '"') { char quote = *c; /* we know there must be a matching end quote, * no need to check for '\0' */ for(c++; *c != quote; c++) { if(*c == '\\' && *(c + 1) == quote) { c++; } *(dest++) = *c; } c++; } else { if(*c == '\\' && (c[1] == '\'' || c[1] == '"')) { c++; /* skip the '\\' */ } *(dest++) = *(c++); } } *dest = '\0'; } if(*end == '\0') { break; } else { for(c = end + 1; isspace(*c); c++); } } outsave = out; if((out = realloc(out, (count + 1) * sizeof(char*))) == NULL) { out = outsave; goto error; } out[count++] = NULL; return out; error: /* can't use wordsplit_free here because NULL has not been appended */ while(count) { free(out[--count]); } free(out); return NULL; } static int _alpm_hook_parse_cb(const char *file, int line, const char *section, char *key, char *value, void *data) { struct _alpm_hook_cb_ctx *ctx = data; alpm_handle_t *handle = ctx->handle; struct _alpm_hook_t *hook = ctx->hook; #define error(...) _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, __VA_ARGS__); return 1; if(!section && !key) { error(_("error while reading hook %s: %s\n"), file, strerror(errno)); } else if(!section) { error(_("hook %s line %d: invalid option %s\n"), file, line, key); } else if(!key) { /* beginning a new section */ if(strcmp(section, "Trigger") == 0) { struct _alpm_trigger_t *t; CALLOC(t, sizeof(struct _alpm_trigger_t), 1, return 1); hook->triggers = alpm_list_add(hook->triggers, t); } else if(strcmp(section, "Action") == 0) { /* no special processing required */ } else { error(_("hook %s line %d: invalid section %s\n"), file, line, section); } } else if(strcmp(section, "Trigger") == 0) { struct _alpm_trigger_t *t = hook->triggers->prev->data; if(strcmp(key, "Operation") == 0) { if(strcmp(value, "Install") == 0) { t->op |= ALPM_HOOK_OP_INSTALL; } else if(strcmp(value, "Upgrade") == 0) { t->op |= ALPM_HOOK_OP_UPGRADE; } else if(strcmp(value, "Remove") == 0) { t->op |= ALPM_HOOK_OP_REMOVE; } else { error(_("hook %s line %d: invalid value %s\n"), file, line, value); } } else if(strcmp(key, "Type") == 0) { if(strcmp(value, "Package") == 0) { t->type = ALPM_HOOK_TYPE_PACKAGE; } else if(strcmp(value, "File") == 0) { t->type = ALPM_HOOK_TYPE_FILE; } else { error(_("hook %s line %d: invalid value %s\n"), file, line, value); } } else if(strcmp(key, "Target") == 0) { char *val; STRDUP(val, value, return 1); t->targets = alpm_list_add(t->targets, val); } else { error(_("hook %s line %d: invalid option %s\n"), file, line, key); } } else if(strcmp(section, "Action") == 0) { if(strcmp(key, "When") == 0) { if(strcmp(value, "PreTransaction") == 0) { hook->when = ALPM_HOOK_PRE_TRANSACTION; } else if(strcmp(value, "PostTransaction") == 0) { hook->when = ALPM_HOOK_POST_TRANSACTION; } else { error(_("hook %s line %d: invalid value %s\n"), file, line, value); } } else if(strcmp(key, "Description") == 0) { STRDUP(hook->desc, value, return 1); } else if(strcmp(key, "Depends") == 0) { char *val; STRDUP(val, value, return 1); hook->depends = alpm_list_add(hook->depends, val); } else if(strcmp(key, "AbortOnFail") == 0) { hook->abort_on_fail = 1; } else if(strcmp(key, "NeedsTargets") == 0) { hook->needs_targets = 1; } else if(strcmp(key, "Exec") == 0) { if((hook->cmd = _alpm_wordsplit(value)) == NULL) { if(errno == EINVAL) { error(_("hook %s line %d: invalid value %s\n"), file, line, value); } else { error(_("hook %s line %d: unable to set option (%s)\n"), file, line, strerror(errno)); } } } else { error(_("hook %s line %d: invalid option %s\n"), file, line, key); } } #undef error return 0; } static int _alpm_hook_trigger_match_file(alpm_handle_t *handle, struct _alpm_hook_t *hook, struct _alpm_trigger_t *t) { alpm_list_t *i, *j, *install = NULL, *upgrade = NULL, *remove = NULL; size_t isize = 0, rsize = 0; int ret = 0; /* check if file will be installed */ for(i = handle->trans->add; i; i = i->next) { alpm_pkg_t *pkg = i->data; alpm_filelist_t filelist = pkg->files; size_t f; for(f = 0; f < filelist.count; f++) { if(alpm_option_match_noextract(handle, filelist.files[f].name) == 0) { continue; } if(_alpm_fnmatch_patterns(t->targets, filelist.files[f].name) == 0) { install = alpm_list_add(install, filelist.files[f].name); isize++; } } } /* check if file will be removed due to package upgrade */ for(i = handle->trans->add; i; i = i->next) { alpm_pkg_t *spkg = i->data; alpm_pkg_t *pkg = spkg->oldpkg; if(pkg) { alpm_filelist_t filelist = pkg->files; size_t f; for(f = 0; f < filelist.count; f++) { if(_alpm_fnmatch_patterns(t->targets, filelist.files[f].name) == 0) { remove = alpm_list_add(remove, filelist.files[f].name); rsize++; } } } } /* check if file will be removed due to package removal */ for(i = handle->trans->remove; i; i = i->next) { alpm_pkg_t *pkg = i->data; alpm_filelist_t filelist = pkg->files; size_t f; for(f = 0; f < filelist.count; f++) { if(_alpm_fnmatch_patterns(t->targets, filelist.files[f].name) == 0) { remove = alpm_list_add(remove, filelist.files[f].name); rsize++; } } } i = install = alpm_list_msort(install, isize, (alpm_list_fn_cmp)strcmp); j = remove = alpm_list_msort(remove, rsize, (alpm_list_fn_cmp)strcmp); while(i) { while(j && strcmp(i->data, j->data) > 0) { j = j->next; } if(j == NULL) { break; } if(strcmp(i->data, j->data) == 0) { char *path = i->data; upgrade = alpm_list_add(upgrade, path); while(i && strcmp(i->data, path) == 0) { alpm_list_t *next = i->next; install = alpm_list_remove_item(install, i); free(i); i = next; } while(j && strcmp(j->data, path) == 0) { alpm_list_t *next = j->next; remove = alpm_list_remove_item(remove, j); free(j); j = next; } } else { i = i->next; } } ret = (t->op & ALPM_HOOK_OP_INSTALL && install) || (t->op & ALPM_HOOK_OP_UPGRADE && upgrade) || (t->op & ALPM_HOOK_OP_REMOVE && remove); if(hook->needs_targets) { #define _save_matches(_op, _matches) \ if(t->op & _op && _matches) { \ hook->matches = alpm_list_join(hook->matches, _matches); \ } else { \ alpm_list_free(_matches); \ } _save_matches(ALPM_HOOK_OP_INSTALL, install); _save_matches(ALPM_HOOK_OP_UPGRADE, upgrade); _save_matches(ALPM_HOOK_OP_REMOVE, remove); #undef _save_matches } else { alpm_list_free(install); alpm_list_free(upgrade); alpm_list_free(remove); } return ret; } static int _alpm_hook_trigger_match_pkg(alpm_handle_t *handle, struct _alpm_hook_t *hook, struct _alpm_trigger_t *t) { alpm_list_t *install = NULL, *upgrade = NULL, *remove = NULL; if(t->op & ALPM_HOOK_OP_INSTALL || t->op & ALPM_HOOK_OP_UPGRADE) { alpm_list_t *i; for(i = handle->trans->add; i; i = i->next) { alpm_pkg_t *pkg = i->data; if(_alpm_fnmatch_patterns(t->targets, pkg->name) == 0) { if(pkg->oldpkg) { if(t->op & ALPM_HOOK_OP_UPGRADE) { if(hook->needs_targets) { upgrade = alpm_list_add(upgrade, pkg->name); } else { return 1; } } } else { if(t->op & ALPM_HOOK_OP_INSTALL) { if(hook->needs_targets) { install = alpm_list_add(install, pkg->name); } else { return 1; } } } } } } if(t->op & ALPM_HOOK_OP_REMOVE) { alpm_list_t *i; for(i = handle->trans->remove; i; i = i->next) { alpm_pkg_t *pkg = i->data; if(pkg && _alpm_fnmatch_patterns(t->targets, pkg->name) == 0) { if(!alpm_list_find(handle->trans->add, pkg, _alpm_pkg_cmp)) { if(hook->needs_targets) { remove = alpm_list_add(remove, pkg->name); } else { return 1; } } } } } /* if we reached this point we either need the target lists or we didn't * match anything and the following calls will all be no-ops */ hook->matches = alpm_list_join(hook->matches, install); hook->matches = alpm_list_join(hook->matches, upgrade); hook->matches = alpm_list_join(hook->matches, remove); return install || upgrade || remove; } static int _alpm_hook_trigger_match(alpm_handle_t *handle, struct _alpm_hook_t *hook, struct _alpm_trigger_t *t) { return t->type == ALPM_HOOK_TYPE_PACKAGE ? _alpm_hook_trigger_match_pkg(handle, hook, t) : _alpm_hook_trigger_match_file(handle, hook, t); } static int _alpm_hook_triggered(alpm_handle_t *handle, struct _alpm_hook_t *hook) { alpm_list_t *i; int ret = 0; for(i = hook->triggers; i; i = i->next) { if(_alpm_hook_trigger_match(handle, hook, i->data)) { if(!hook->needs_targets) { return 1; } else { ret = 1; } } } return ret; } static int _alpm_hook_cmp(struct _alpm_hook_t *h1, struct _alpm_hook_t *h2) { return strcmp(h1->name, h2->name); } static alpm_list_t *find_hook(alpm_list_t *haystack, const void *needle) { while(haystack) { struct _alpm_hook_t *h = haystack->data; if(h && strcmp(h->name, needle) == 0) { return haystack; } haystack = haystack->next; } return NULL; } static ssize_t _alpm_hook_feed_targets(char *buf, ssize_t needed, alpm_list_t **pos) { size_t remaining = needed, written = 0;; size_t len; while(*pos && (len = strlen((*pos)->data)) + 1 <= remaining) { memcpy(buf, (*pos)->data, len); buf[len++] = '\n'; *pos = (*pos)->next; buf += len; remaining -= len; written += len; } if(*pos && remaining) { memcpy(buf, (*pos)->data, remaining); (*pos)->data = (char*) (*pos)->data + remaining; written += remaining; } return written; } static alpm_list_t *_alpm_strlist_dedup(alpm_list_t *list) { alpm_list_t *i = list; while(i) { alpm_list_t *next = i->next; while(next && strcmp(i->data, next->data) == 0) { list = alpm_list_remove_item(list, next); free(next); next = i->next; } i = next; } return list; } static int _alpm_hook_run_hook(alpm_handle_t *handle, struct _alpm_hook_t *hook) { alpm_list_t *i, *pkgs = _alpm_db_get_pkgcache(handle->db_local); for(i = hook->depends; i; i = i->next) { if(!alpm_find_satisfier(pkgs, i->data)) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("unable to run hook %s: %s\n"), hook->name, _("could not satisfy dependencies")); return -1; } } if(hook->needs_targets) { alpm_list_t *ctx; hook->matches = alpm_list_msort(hook->matches, alpm_list_count(hook->matches), (alpm_list_fn_cmp)strcmp); /* hooks with multiple triggers could have duplicate matches */ ctx = hook->matches = _alpm_strlist_dedup(hook->matches); return _alpm_run_chroot(handle, hook->cmd[0], hook->cmd, (_alpm_cb_io) _alpm_hook_feed_targets, &ctx); } else { return _alpm_run_chroot(handle, hook->cmd[0], hook->cmd, NULL, NULL); } } int _alpm_hook_run(alpm_handle_t *handle, alpm_hook_when_t when) { alpm_event_hook_t event = { .when = when }; alpm_event_hook_run_t hook_event; alpm_list_t *i, *hooks = NULL, *hooks_triggered = NULL; const char *suffix = ".hook"; size_t suflen = strlen(suffix), triggered = 0; int ret = 0; for(i = alpm_list_last(handle->hookdirs); i; i = alpm_list_previous(i)) { char path[PATH_MAX]; size_t dirlen; struct dirent *entry; DIR *d; if((dirlen = strlen(i->data)) >= PATH_MAX) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("could not open directory: %s: %s\n"), (char *)i->data, strerror(ENAMETOOLONG)); ret = -1; continue; } memcpy(path, i->data, dirlen + 1); if(!(d = opendir(path))) { if(errno == ENOENT) { continue; } else { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("could not open directory: %s: %s\n"), path, strerror(errno)); ret = -1; continue; } } while((errno = 0, entry = readdir(d))) { struct _alpm_hook_cb_ctx ctx = { handle, NULL }; struct stat buf; size_t name_len; if(strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } if((name_len = strlen(entry->d_name)) >= PATH_MAX - dirlen) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("could not open file: %s%s: %s\n"), path, entry->d_name, strerror(ENAMETOOLONG)); ret = -1; continue; } memcpy(path + dirlen, entry->d_name, name_len + 1); if(name_len < suflen || strcmp(entry->d_name + name_len - suflen, suffix) != 0) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "skipping non-hook file %s\n", path); continue; } if(find_hook(hooks, entry->d_name)) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "skipping overridden hook %s\n", path); continue; } if(stat(path, &buf) != 0) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("could not stat file %s: %s\n"), path, strerror(errno)); ret = -1; continue; } if(S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "skipping directory %s\n", path); continue; } CALLOC(ctx.hook, sizeof(struct _alpm_hook_t), 1, ret = -1; closedir(d); goto cleanup); _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "parsing hook file %s\n", path); if(parse_ini(path, _alpm_hook_parse_cb, &ctx) != 0 || _alpm_hook_validate(handle, ctx.hook, path)) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "parsing hook file %s failed\n", path); _alpm_hook_free(ctx.hook); ret = -1; continue; } STRDUP(ctx.hook->name, entry->d_name, ret = -1; closedir(d); goto cleanup); hooks = alpm_list_add(hooks, ctx.hook); } if(errno != 0) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("could not read directory: %s: %s\n"), (char *) i->data, strerror(errno)); ret = -1; } closedir(d); } if(ret != 0 && when == ALPM_HOOK_PRE_TRANSACTION) { goto cleanup; } hooks = alpm_list_msort(hooks, alpm_list_count(hooks), (alpm_list_fn_cmp)_alpm_hook_cmp); for(i = hooks; i; i = i->next) { struct _alpm_hook_t *hook = i->data; if(hook && hook->when == when && _alpm_hook_triggered(handle, hook)) { hooks_triggered = alpm_list_add(hooks_triggered, hook); triggered++; } } if(hooks_triggered != NULL) { event.type = ALPM_EVENT_HOOK_START; EVENT(handle, (void *)&event); hook_event.position = 1; hook_event.total = triggered; for(i = hooks_triggered; i; i = i->next, hook_event.position++) { struct _alpm_hook_t *hook = i->data; alpm_logaction(handle, ALPM_CALLER_PREFIX, "running '%s'...\n", hook->name); hook_event.type = ALPM_EVENT_HOOK_RUN_START; hook_event.name = hook->name; hook_event.desc = hook->desc; EVENT(handle, &hook_event); if(_alpm_hook_run_hook(handle, hook) != 0 && hook->abort_on_fail) { ret = -1; } hook_event.type = ALPM_EVENT_HOOK_RUN_DONE; EVENT(handle, &hook_event); if(ret != 0 && when == ALPM_HOOK_PRE_TRANSACTION) { break; } } alpm_list_free(hooks_triggered); event.type = ALPM_EVENT_HOOK_DONE; EVENT(handle, (void *)&event); } cleanup: alpm_list_free_inner(hooks, (alpm_list_fn_free) _alpm_hook_free); alpm_list_free(hooks); return ret; } /* vim: set noet: */