/* * be_package.c : backend for packages * * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org> * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> /* libarchive */ #include <archive.h> #include <archive_entry.h> /* libalpm */ #include "alpm_list.h" #include "alpm.h" #include "util.h" #include "log.h" #include "handle.h" #include "package.h" #include "deps.h" /* _alpm_splitdep */ /** * Open a package changelog for reading. Similar to fopen in functionality, * except that the returned 'file stream' is from an archive. * @param pkg the package (file) to read the changelog * @return a 'file stream' to the package changelog */ static void *_package_changelog_open(alpm_pkg_t *pkg) { ASSERT(pkg != NULL, return NULL); struct archive *archive = NULL; struct archive_entry *entry; const char *pkgfile = pkg->origin_data.file; if((archive = archive_read_new()) == NULL) { RET_ERR(pkg->handle, ALPM_ERR_LIBARCHIVE, NULL); } archive_read_support_compression_all(archive); archive_read_support_format_all(archive); if(archive_read_open_filename(archive, pkgfile, ARCHIVE_DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_BLOCK) != ARCHIVE_OK) { RET_ERR(pkg->handle, ALPM_ERR_PKG_OPEN, NULL); } while(archive_read_next_header(archive, &entry) == ARCHIVE_OK) { const char *entry_name = archive_entry_pathname(entry); if(strcmp(entry_name, ".CHANGELOG") == 0) { return archive; } } /* we didn't find a changelog */ archive_read_finish(archive); errno = ENOENT; return NULL; } /** * Read data from an open changelog 'file stream'. Similar to fread in * functionality, this function takes a buffer and amount of data to read. * @param ptr a buffer to fill with raw changelog data * @param size the size of the buffer * @param pkg the package that the changelog is being read from * @param fp a 'file stream' to the package changelog * @return the number of characters read, or 0 if there is no more data */ static size_t _package_changelog_read(void *ptr, size_t size, const alpm_pkg_t UNUSED *pkg, const void *fp) { ssize_t sret = archive_read_data((struct archive *)fp, ptr, size); /* Report error (negative values) */ if(sret < 0) { RET_ERR(pkg->handle, ALPM_ERR_LIBARCHIVE, 0); } else { return (size_t)sret; } } /** * Close a package changelog for reading. Similar to fclose in functionality, * except that the 'file stream' is from an archive. * @param pkg the package (file) that the changelog was read from * @param fp a 'file stream' to the package changelog * @return whether closing the package changelog stream was successful */ static int _package_changelog_close(const alpm_pkg_t UNUSED *pkg, void *fp) { return archive_read_finish((struct archive *)fp); } /** Package file operations struct accessor. We implement this as a method * rather than a static struct as in be_files because we want to reuse the * majority of the default_pkg_ops struct and add only a few operations of * our own on top. */ static struct pkg_operations *get_file_pkg_ops(void) { static struct pkg_operations file_pkg_ops; static int file_pkg_ops_initialized = 0; if(!file_pkg_ops_initialized) { file_pkg_ops = default_pkg_ops; file_pkg_ops.changelog_open = _package_changelog_open; file_pkg_ops.changelog_read = _package_changelog_read; file_pkg_ops.changelog_close = _package_changelog_close; file_pkg_ops_initialized = 1; } return &file_pkg_ops; } /** * Parses the package description file for a package into a alpm_pkg_t struct. * @param archive the archive to read from, pointed at the .PKGINFO entry * @param newpkg an empty alpm_pkg_t struct to fill with package info * * @return 0 on success, -1 on error */ static int parse_descfile(alpm_handle_t *handle, struct archive *a, alpm_pkg_t *newpkg) { char *ptr = NULL; char *key = NULL; int ret, linenum = 0; struct archive_read_buffer buf; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); /* 512K for a line length seems reasonable */ buf.max_line_size = 512 * 1024; /* loop until we reach EOF or other error */ while((ret = _alpm_archive_fgets(a, &buf)) == ARCHIVE_OK) { size_t len = _alpm_strip_newline(buf.line); linenum++; if(len == 0 || buf.line[0] == '#') { continue; } ptr = buf.line; key = strsep(&ptr, "="); if(key == NULL || ptr == NULL) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: syntax error in description file line %d\n", newpkg->name ? newpkg->name : "error", linenum); } else { key = _alpm_strtrim(key); while(*ptr == ' ') ptr++; ptr = _alpm_strtrim(ptr); if(strcmp(key, "pkgname") == 0) { STRDUP(newpkg->name, ptr, return -1); newpkg->name_hash = _alpm_hash_sdbm(newpkg->name); } else if(strcmp(key, "pkgbase") == 0) { /* not used atm */ } else if(strcmp(key, "pkgver") == 0) { STRDUP(newpkg->version, ptr, return -1); } else if(strcmp(key, "pkgdesc") == 0) { STRDUP(newpkg->desc, ptr, return -1); } else if(strcmp(key, "group") == 0) { newpkg->groups = alpm_list_add(newpkg->groups, strdup(ptr)); } else if(strcmp(key, "url") == 0) { STRDUP(newpkg->url, ptr, return -1); } else if(strcmp(key, "license") == 0) { newpkg->licenses = alpm_list_add(newpkg->licenses, strdup(ptr)); } else if(strcmp(key, "builddate") == 0) { newpkg->builddate = _alpm_parsedate(ptr); } else if(strcmp(key, "packager") == 0) { STRDUP(newpkg->packager, ptr, return -1); } else if(strcmp(key, "arch") == 0) { STRDUP(newpkg->arch, ptr, return -1); } else if(strcmp(key, "size") == 0) { /* size in the raw package is uncompressed (installed) size */ newpkg->isize = _alpm_strtoofft(ptr); } else if(strcmp(key, "depend") == 0) { alpm_depend_t *dep = _alpm_splitdep(ptr); newpkg->depends = alpm_list_add(newpkg->depends, dep); } else if(strcmp(key, "optdepend") == 0) { newpkg->optdepends = alpm_list_add(newpkg->optdepends, strdup(ptr)); } else if(strcmp(key, "conflict") == 0) { alpm_depend_t *conflict = _alpm_splitdep(ptr); newpkg->conflicts = alpm_list_add(newpkg->conflicts, conflict); } else if(strcmp(key, "replaces") == 0) { alpm_depend_t *replace = _alpm_splitdep(ptr); newpkg->replaces = alpm_list_add(newpkg->replaces, replace); } else if(strcmp(key, "provides") == 0) { alpm_depend_t *provide = _alpm_splitdep(ptr); newpkg->provides = alpm_list_add(newpkg->provides, provide); } else if(strcmp(key, "backup") == 0) { alpm_backup_t *backup; CALLOC(backup, 1, sizeof(alpm_backup_t), return -1); STRDUP(backup->name, ptr, return -1); newpkg->backup = alpm_list_add(newpkg->backup, backup); } else if(strcmp(key, "force") == 0) { /* deprecated, skip it */ } else if(strcmp(key, "makepkgopt") == 0) { /* not used atm */ } else { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: unknown key '%s' in description file line %d\n", newpkg->name ? newpkg->name : "error", key, linenum); } } } if(ret != ARCHIVE_EOF) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "error parsing package descfile\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static void files_merge(alpm_file_t a[], alpm_file_t b[], alpm_file_t c[], size_t m, size_t n) { size_t i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; while(i < m && j < n) { if(strcmp(a[i].name, b[j].name) < 0) { c[k++] = a[i++]; } else { c[k++] = b[j++]; } } while(i < m) { c[k++] = a[i++]; } while(j < n) { c[k++] = b[j++]; } } static alpm_file_t *files_msort(alpm_file_t *files, size_t n) { alpm_file_t *work; size_t blocksize = 1; CALLOC(work, n, sizeof(alpm_file_t), return NULL); for(blocksize = 1; blocksize < n; blocksize *= 2) { size_t i, max_extent = 0; for(i = 0; i < n - blocksize; i += 2 * blocksize) { /* this limits our actual merge to the length of the array, since we will * not likely be a perfect power of two. */ size_t right_blocksize = blocksize; if(i + blocksize * 2 > n) { right_blocksize = n - i - blocksize; } files_merge(files + i, files + i + blocksize, work + i, blocksize, right_blocksize); max_extent = i + blocksize + right_blocksize; } /* ensure we only copy what we actually touched on this merge pass, * no more, no less */ memcpy(files, work, max_extent * sizeof(alpm_file_t)); } free(work); return files; } /** * Load a package and create the corresponding alpm_pkg_t struct. * @param handle the context handle * @param pkgfile path to the package file * @param syncpkg package object to load verification data from (md5sum, * sha256sum, and/or base64 signature) * @param full whether to stop the load after metadata is read or continue * through the full archive * @param level the required level of signature verification * @return An information filled alpm_pkg_t struct */ alpm_pkg_t *_alpm_pkg_load_internal(alpm_handle_t *handle, const char *pkgfile, alpm_pkg_t *syncpkg, int full, alpm_siglevel_t level) { int ret, use_sig, config = 0; struct archive *archive; struct archive_entry *entry; alpm_pkg_t *newpkg = NULL; struct stat st; size_t files_count = 0, files_size = 0; alpm_file_t *files = NULL; if(pkgfile == NULL || strlen(pkgfile) == 0) { RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS, NULL); } /* attempt to stat the package file, ensure it exists */ if(stat(pkgfile, &st) == 0) { newpkg = _alpm_pkg_new(); if(newpkg == NULL) { RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_MEMORY, NULL); } newpkg->filename = strdup(pkgfile); newpkg->size = st.st_size; } else { /* couldn't stat the pkgfile, return an error */ RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_PKG_NOT_FOUND, NULL); } /* can we get away with skipping checksums? */ use_sig = 0; if(level & ALPM_SIG_PACKAGE) { if(syncpkg && syncpkg->base64_sig) { use_sig = 1; } else { char *sigpath = _alpm_sigpath(handle, pkgfile); if(sigpath && !_alpm_access(handle, NULL, sigpath, R_OK)) { use_sig = 1; } free(sigpath); } } if(syncpkg && !use_sig) { if(syncpkg->md5sum && !syncpkg->sha256sum) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "md5sum: %s\n", syncpkg->md5sum); _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "checking md5sum for %s\n", pkgfile); if(_alpm_test_checksum(pkgfile, syncpkg->md5sum, ALPM_CSUM_MD5) != 0) { alpm_pkg_free(newpkg); RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_PKG_INVALID_CHECKSUM, NULL); } } if(syncpkg->sha256sum) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "sha256sum: %s\n", syncpkg->sha256sum); _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "checking sha256sum for %s\n", pkgfile); if(_alpm_test_checksum(pkgfile, syncpkg->sha256sum, ALPM_CSUM_SHA256) != 0) { alpm_pkg_free(newpkg); RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_PKG_INVALID_CHECKSUM, NULL); } } } if(use_sig) { const char *sig = syncpkg ? syncpkg->base64_sig : NULL; _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "sig data: %s\n", sig ? sig : "<from .sig>"); if(_alpm_check_pgp_helper(handle, pkgfile, sig, level & ALPM_SIG_PACKAGE_OPTIONAL, level & ALPM_SIG_PACKAGE_MARGINAL_OK, level & ALPM_SIG_PACKAGE_UNKNOWN_OK)) { handle->pm_errno = ALPM_ERR_PKG_INVALID_SIG; _alpm_pkg_free(newpkg); return NULL; } } /* next- try to create an archive object to read in the package */ if((archive = archive_read_new()) == NULL) { alpm_pkg_free(newpkg); RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_LIBARCHIVE, NULL); } archive_read_support_compression_all(archive); archive_read_support_format_all(archive); if(archive_read_open_filename(archive, pkgfile, ARCHIVE_DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_BLOCK) != ARCHIVE_OK) { alpm_pkg_free(newpkg); RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_PKG_OPEN, NULL); } _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "starting package load for %s\n", pkgfile); /* If full is false, only read through the archive until we find our needed * metadata. If it is true, read through the entire archive, which serves * as a verfication of integrity and allows us to create the filelist. */ while((ret = archive_read_next_header(archive, &entry)) == ARCHIVE_OK) { const char *entry_name = archive_entry_pathname(entry); if(strcmp(entry_name, ".PKGINFO") == 0) { /* parse the info file */ if(parse_descfile(handle, archive, newpkg) != 0) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("could not parse package description file in %s\n"), pkgfile); goto pkg_invalid; } if(newpkg->name == NULL || strlen(newpkg->name) == 0) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("missing package name in %s\n"), pkgfile); goto pkg_invalid; } if(newpkg->version == NULL || strlen(newpkg->version) == 0) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("missing package version in %s\n"), pkgfile); goto pkg_invalid; } config = 1; continue; } else if(strcmp(entry_name, ".INSTALL") == 0) { newpkg->scriptlet = 1; } else if(*entry_name == '.') { /* for now, ignore all files starting with '.' that haven't * already been handled (for future possibilities) */ } else if(full) { /* Keep track of all files for filelist generation */ if(files_count >= files_size) { size_t old_size = files_size; if(files_size == 0) { files_size = 4; } else { files_size *= 2; } files = realloc(files, sizeof(alpm_file_t) * files_size); if(!files) { ALLOC_FAIL(sizeof(alpm_file_t) * files_size); goto error; } /* ensure all new memory is zeroed out, in both the initial * allocation and later reallocs */ memset(files + old_size, 0, sizeof(alpm_file_t) * (files_size - old_size)); } STRDUP(files[files_count].name, entry_name, goto error); files[files_count].size = archive_entry_size(entry); files[files_count].mode = archive_entry_mode(entry); files_count++; } if(archive_read_data_skip(archive)) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("error while reading package %s: %s\n"), pkgfile, archive_error_string(archive)); handle->pm_errno = ALPM_ERR_LIBARCHIVE; goto error; } /* if we are not doing a full read, see if we have all we need */ if(!full && config) { break; } } if(ret != ARCHIVE_EOF && ret != ARCHIVE_OK) { /* An error occured */ _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("error while reading package %s: %s\n"), pkgfile, archive_error_string(archive)); handle->pm_errno = ALPM_ERR_LIBARCHIVE; goto error; } if(!config) { _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_ERROR, _("missing package metadata in %s\n"), pkgfile); goto pkg_invalid; } archive_read_finish(archive); /* internal fields for package struct */ newpkg->origin = PKG_FROM_FILE; newpkg->origin_data.file = strdup(pkgfile); newpkg->ops = get_file_pkg_ops(); newpkg->handle = handle; if(full) { /* attempt to hand back any memory we don't need */ files = realloc(files, sizeof(alpm_file_t) * files_count); /* "checking for conflicts" requires a sorted list, ensure that here */ _alpm_log(handle, ALPM_LOG_DEBUG, "sorting package filelist for %s\n", pkgfile); newpkg->files.files = files_msort(files, files_count); newpkg->files.count = files_count; newpkg->infolevel = INFRQ_BASE | INFRQ_DESC | INFRQ_FILES | INFRQ_SCRIPTLET; } else { newpkg->infolevel = INFRQ_BASE | INFRQ_DESC | INFRQ_SCRIPTLET; } return newpkg; pkg_invalid: handle->pm_errno = ALPM_ERR_PKG_INVALID; error: _alpm_pkg_free(newpkg); archive_read_finish(archive); return NULL; } int SYMEXPORT alpm_pkg_load(alpm_handle_t *handle, const char *filename, int full, alpm_siglevel_t level, alpm_pkg_t **pkg) { CHECK_HANDLE(handle, return -1); ASSERT(pkg != NULL, RET_ERR(handle, ALPM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS, -1)); *pkg = _alpm_pkg_load_internal(handle, filename, NULL, full, level); if(*pkg == NULL) { /* pm_errno is set by pkg_load */ return -1; } return 0; } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */