/* * alpm.h * * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 by Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> * Copyright (c) 2005 by Aurelien Foret <orelien@chez.com> * Copyright (c) 2005 by Christian Hamar <krics@linuxforum.hu> * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@frugalware.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef _ALPM_H #define _ALPM_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */ #include <time.h> /* for time_t */ #include <stdarg.h> /* for va_list */ #include <alpm_list.h> #define DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated)) /* * Arch Linux Package Management library */ /* * Structures */ typedef struct __pmdb_t pmdb_t; typedef struct __pmpkg_t pmpkg_t; typedef struct __pmdelta_t pmdelta_t; typedef struct __pmgrp_t pmgrp_t; typedef struct __pmtrans_t pmtrans_t; typedef struct __pmsyncpkg_t pmsyncpkg_t; typedef struct __pmdepend_t pmdepend_t; typedef struct __pmdepmissing_t pmdepmissing_t; typedef struct __pmconflict_t pmconflict_t; typedef struct __pmfileconflict_t pmfileconflict_t; /* * Library */ int alpm_initialize(void); int alpm_release(void); const char *alpm_version(void); /* * Logging facilities */ /* Levels */ typedef enum _pmloglevel_t { PM_LOG_ERROR = 0x01, PM_LOG_WARNING = 0x02, PM_LOG_DEBUG = 0x04, PM_LOG_FUNCTION = 0x08 } pmloglevel_t; typedef void (*alpm_cb_log)(pmloglevel_t, char *, va_list); int alpm_logaction(char *fmt, ...); /* * Downloading */ typedef void (*alpm_cb_download)(const char *filename, off_t xfered, off_t total); typedef void (*alpm_cb_totaldl)(off_t total); /* * Options */ alpm_cb_log alpm_option_get_logcb(); void alpm_option_set_logcb(alpm_cb_log cb); alpm_cb_download alpm_option_get_dlcb(); void alpm_option_set_dlcb(alpm_cb_download cb); alpm_cb_totaldl alpm_option_get_totaldlcb(); void alpm_option_set_totaldlcb(alpm_cb_totaldl cb); const char *alpm_option_get_root(); int alpm_option_set_root(const char *root); const char *alpm_option_get_dbpath(); int alpm_option_set_dbpath(const char *dbpath); alpm_list_t *alpm_option_get_cachedirs(); int alpm_option_add_cachedir(const char *cachedir); void alpm_option_set_cachedirs(alpm_list_t *cachedirs); int alpm_option_remove_cachedir(const char *cachedir); const char *alpm_option_get_logfile(); int alpm_option_set_logfile(const char *logfile); const char *alpm_option_get_lockfile(); /* no set_lockfile, path is determined from dbpath */ unsigned short alpm_option_get_usesyslog(); void alpm_option_set_usesyslog(unsigned short usesyslog); alpm_list_t *alpm_option_get_noupgrades(); void alpm_option_add_noupgrade(const char *pkg); void alpm_option_set_noupgrades(alpm_list_t *noupgrade); int alpm_option_remove_noupgrade(const char *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_option_get_noextracts(); void alpm_option_add_noextract(const char *pkg); void alpm_option_set_noextracts(alpm_list_t *noextract); int alpm_option_remove_noextract(const char *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_option_get_ignorepkgs(); void alpm_option_add_ignorepkg(const char *pkg); void alpm_option_set_ignorepkgs(alpm_list_t *ignorepkgs); int alpm_option_remove_ignorepkg(const char *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_option_get_holdpkgs(); void alpm_option_add_holdpkg(const char *pkg); void alpm_option_set_holdpkgs(alpm_list_t *holdpkgs); int alpm_option_remove_holdpkg(const char *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_option_get_ignoregrps(); void alpm_option_add_ignoregrp(const char *grp); void alpm_option_set_ignoregrps(alpm_list_t *ignoregrps); int alpm_option_remove_ignoregrp(const char *grp); const char *alpm_option_get_xfercommand(); void alpm_option_set_xfercommand(const char *cmd); unsigned short alpm_option_get_nopassiveftp(); void alpm_option_set_nopassiveftp(unsigned short nopasv); void alpm_option_set_usedelta(unsigned short usedelta); pmdb_t *alpm_option_get_localdb(); alpm_list_t *alpm_option_get_syncdbs(); /* * Databases */ /* Preferred interfaces db_register_local and db_register_sync */ pmdb_t *alpm_db_register_local(void); pmdb_t *alpm_db_register_sync(const char *treename); int alpm_db_unregister(pmdb_t *db); int alpm_db_unregister_all(void); const char *alpm_db_get_name(const pmdb_t *db); const char *alpm_db_get_url(const pmdb_t *db); int alpm_db_setserver(pmdb_t *db, const char *url); int alpm_db_update(int level, pmdb_t *db); pmpkg_t *alpm_db_get_pkg(pmdb_t *db, const char *name); alpm_list_t *alpm_db_getpkgcache(pmdb_t *db); pmgrp_t *alpm_db_readgrp(pmdb_t *db, const char *name); alpm_list_t *alpm_db_getgrpcache(pmdb_t *db); alpm_list_t *alpm_db_search(pmdb_t *db, const alpm_list_t* needles); /* * Packages */ /* Info parameters */ /* reasons -- ie, why the package was installed */ typedef enum _pmpkgreason_t { PM_PKG_REASON_EXPLICIT = 0, /* explicitly requested by the user */ PM_PKG_REASON_DEPEND = 1 /* installed as a dependency for another package */ } pmpkgreason_t; int alpm_pkg_load(const char *filename, unsigned short full, pmpkg_t **pkg); int alpm_pkg_free(pmpkg_t *pkg); int alpm_pkg_checkmd5sum(pmpkg_t *pkg); char *alpm_fetch_pkgurl(const char *url); int alpm_pkg_vercmp(const char *a, const char *b); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_compute_requiredby(pmpkg_t *pkg); const char *alpm_pkg_get_filename(pmpkg_t *pkg); const char *alpm_pkg_get_name(pmpkg_t *pkg); const char *alpm_pkg_get_version(pmpkg_t *pkg); const char *alpm_pkg_get_desc(pmpkg_t *pkg); const char *alpm_pkg_get_url(pmpkg_t *pkg); time_t alpm_pkg_get_builddate(pmpkg_t *pkg); time_t alpm_pkg_get_installdate(pmpkg_t *pkg); const char *alpm_pkg_get_packager(pmpkg_t *pkg); const char *alpm_pkg_get_md5sum(pmpkg_t *pkg); const char *alpm_pkg_get_arch(pmpkg_t *pkg); off_t alpm_pkg_get_size(pmpkg_t *pkg); off_t alpm_pkg_get_isize(pmpkg_t *pkg); pmpkgreason_t alpm_pkg_get_reason(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_licenses(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_groups(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_depends(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_optdepends(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_conflicts(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_provides(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_deltas(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_replaces(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_files(pmpkg_t *pkg); alpm_list_t *alpm_pkg_get_backup(pmpkg_t *pkg); void *alpm_pkg_changelog_open(pmpkg_t *pkg); size_t alpm_pkg_changelog_read(void *ptr, size_t size, const pmpkg_t *pkg, const void *fp); /*int alpm_pkg_changelog_feof(const pmpkg_t *pkg, void *fp);*/ int alpm_pkg_changelog_close(const pmpkg_t *pkg, void *fp); unsigned short alpm_pkg_has_scriptlet(pmpkg_t *pkg); unsigned short alpm_pkg_has_force(pmpkg_t *pkg); off_t alpm_pkg_download_size(pmpkg_t *newpkg); /* * Deltas */ const char *alpm_delta_get_from(pmdelta_t *delta); const char *alpm_delta_get_from_md5sum(pmdelta_t *delta); const char *alpm_delta_get_to(pmdelta_t *delta); const char *alpm_delta_get_to_md5sum(pmdelta_t *delta); const char *alpm_delta_get_filename(pmdelta_t *delta); const char *alpm_delta_get_md5sum(pmdelta_t *delta); off_t alpm_delta_get_size(pmdelta_t *delta); /* * Groups */ const char *alpm_grp_get_name(const pmgrp_t *grp); alpm_list_t *alpm_grp_get_pkgs(const pmgrp_t *grp); /* * Sync */ pmpkg_t *alpm_sync_get_pkg(const pmsyncpkg_t *sync); alpm_list_t *alpm_sync_get_removes(const pmsyncpkg_t *sync); pmpkg_t *alpm_sync_newversion(pmpkg_t *pkg, alpm_list_t *dbs_sync); int alpm_sync_sysupgrade(pmdb_t *db_local, alpm_list_t *dbs_sync, alpm_list_t **syncpkgs); /* * Transactions */ /* Types */ typedef enum _pmtranstype_t { PM_TRANS_TYPE_UPGRADE = 1, PM_TRANS_TYPE_REMOVE, PM_TRANS_TYPE_REMOVEUPGRADE, PM_TRANS_TYPE_SYNC } pmtranstype_t; /* Flags */ typedef enum _pmtransflag_t { PM_TRANS_FLAG_NODEPS = 0x01, PM_TRANS_FLAG_FORCE = 0x02, PM_TRANS_FLAG_NOSAVE = 0x04, /* 0x08 flag can go here */ PM_TRANS_FLAG_CASCADE = 0x10, PM_TRANS_FLAG_RECURSE = 0x20, PM_TRANS_FLAG_DBONLY = 0x40, /* 0x80 flag can go here */ PM_TRANS_FLAG_ALLDEPS = 0x100, PM_TRANS_FLAG_DOWNLOADONLY = 0x200, PM_TRANS_FLAG_NOSCRIPTLET = 0x400, PM_TRANS_FLAG_NOCONFLICTS = 0x800, PM_TRANS_FLAG_PRINTURIS = 0x1000, PM_TRANS_FLAG_NEEDED = 0x2000, PM_TRANS_FLAG_ALLEXPLICIT = 0x4000, PM_TRANS_FLAG_UNNEEDED = 0x8000, PM_TRANS_FLAG_RECURSEALL = 0x10000 } pmtransflag_t; /** * @addtogroup alpm_trans * @{ */ /** * @brief Transaction events. * NULL parameters are passed to in all events unless specified otherwise. */ typedef enum _pmtransevt_t { /** Dependencies will be computed for a package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_CHECKDEPS_START = 1, /** Dependencies were computed for a package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_CHECKDEPS_DONE, /** File conflicts will be computed for a package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_FILECONFLICTS_START, /** File conflicts were computed for a package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_FILECONFLICTS_DONE, /** Dependencies will be resolved for target package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_RESOLVEDEPS_START, /** Dependencies were resolved for target package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_RESOLVEDEPS_DONE, /** Inter-conflicts will be checked for target package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_INTERCONFLICTS_START, /** Inter-conflicts were checked for target package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_INTERCONFLICTS_DONE, /** Package will be installed. * A pointer to the target package is passed to the callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_ADD_START, /** Package was installed. * A pointer to the new package is passed to the callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_ADD_DONE, /** Package will be removed. * A pointer to the target package is passed to the callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_REMOVE_START, /** Package was removed. * A pointer to the removed package is passed to the callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_REMOVE_DONE, /** Package will be upgraded. * A pointer to the upgraded package is passed to the callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_UPGRADE_START, /** Package was upgraded. * A pointer to the new package, and a pointer to the old package is passed * to the callback, respectively. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_UPGRADE_DONE, /** Target package's integrity will be checked. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_INTEGRITY_START, /** Target package's integrity was checked. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_INTEGRITY_DONE, /** Target deltas's integrity will be checked. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_DELTA_INTEGRITY_START, /** Target delta's integrity was checked. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_DELTA_INTEGRITY_DONE, /** Deltas will be applied to packages. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_DELTA_PATCHES_START, /** Deltas were applied to packages. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_DELTA_PATCHES_DONE, /** Delta patch will be applied to target package. * The filename of the package and the filename of the patch is passed to the * callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_DELTA_PATCH_START, /** Delta patch was applied to target package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_DELTA_PATCH_DONE, /** Delta patch failed to apply to target package. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_DELTA_PATCH_FAILED, /** Scriptlet has printed information. * A line of text is passed to the callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_SCRIPTLET_INFO, /** Print URI. * The database's URI and the package's filename are passed to the callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_PRINTURI, /** Files will be downloaded from a repository. * The repository's tree name is passed to the callback. */ PM_TRANS_EVT_RETRIEVE_START, } pmtransevt_t; /*@}*/ /* Transaction Conversations (ie, questions) */ typedef enum _pmtransconv_t { PM_TRANS_CONV_INSTALL_IGNOREPKG = 0x01, PM_TRANS_CONV_REPLACE_PKG = 0x02, PM_TRANS_CONV_CONFLICT_PKG = 0x04, PM_TRANS_CONV_CORRUPTED_PKG = 0x08, PM_TRANS_CONV_LOCAL_NEWER = 0x10, /* 0x20 flag can go here */ PM_TRANS_CONV_REMOVE_HOLDPKG = 0x40 } pmtransconv_t; /* Transaction Progress */ typedef enum _pmtransprog_t { PM_TRANS_PROGRESS_ADD_START, PM_TRANS_PROGRESS_UPGRADE_START, PM_TRANS_PROGRESS_REMOVE_START, PM_TRANS_PROGRESS_CONFLICTS_START } pmtransprog_t; /* Transaction Event callback */ typedef void (*alpm_trans_cb_event)(pmtransevt_t, void *, void *); /* Transaction Conversation callback */ typedef void (*alpm_trans_cb_conv)(pmtransconv_t, void *, void *, void *, int *); /* Transaction Progress callback */ typedef void (*alpm_trans_cb_progress)(pmtransprog_t, const char *, int, int, int); pmtranstype_t alpm_trans_get_type(); unsigned int alpm_trans_get_flags(); alpm_list_t * alpm_trans_get_pkgs(); int alpm_trans_init(pmtranstype_t type, pmtransflag_t flags, alpm_trans_cb_event cb_event, alpm_trans_cb_conv conv, alpm_trans_cb_progress cb_progress); int alpm_trans_sysupgrade(void); int alpm_trans_addtarget(char *target); int alpm_trans_prepare(alpm_list_t **data); int alpm_trans_commit(alpm_list_t **data); int alpm_trans_interrupt(void); int alpm_trans_release(void); /* * Dependencies and conflicts */ typedef enum _pmdepmod_t { PM_DEP_MOD_ANY = 1, PM_DEP_MOD_EQ, PM_DEP_MOD_GE, PM_DEP_MOD_LE, PM_DEP_MOD_GT, PM_DEP_MOD_LT } pmdepmod_t; int alpm_depcmp(pmpkg_t *pkg, pmdepend_t *dep); alpm_list_t *alpm_checkdeps(pmdb_t *db, int reversedeps, alpm_list_t *remove, alpm_list_t *upgrade); alpm_list_t *alpm_deptest(pmdb_t *db, alpm_list_t *targets); const char *alpm_miss_get_target(const pmdepmissing_t *miss); pmdepend_t *alpm_miss_get_dep(pmdepmissing_t *miss); const char *alpm_miss_get_causingpkg(const pmdepmissing_t *miss); alpm_list_t *alpm_checkdbconflicts(pmdb_t *db_local); const char *alpm_conflict_get_package1(pmconflict_t *conflict); const char *alpm_conflict_get_package2(pmconflict_t *conflict); pmdepmod_t alpm_dep_get_mod(const pmdepend_t *dep); const char *alpm_dep_get_name(const pmdepend_t *dep); const char *alpm_dep_get_version(const pmdepend_t *dep); char *alpm_dep_get_string(const pmdepend_t *dep); /* * File conflicts */ typedef enum _pmfileconflicttype_t { PM_FILECONFLICT_TARGET = 1, PM_FILECONFLICT_FILESYSTEM } pmfileconflicttype_t; const char *alpm_fileconflict_get_target(pmfileconflict_t *conflict); pmfileconflicttype_t alpm_fileconflict_get_type(pmfileconflict_t *conflict); const char *alpm_fileconflict_get_file(pmfileconflict_t *conflict); const char *alpm_fileconflict_get_ctarget(pmfileconflict_t *conflict); /* * Helpers */ /* checksums */ char *alpm_get_md5sum(const char *name); /* * Errors */ enum _pmerrno_t { PM_ERR_MEMORY = 1, PM_ERR_SYSTEM, PM_ERR_BADPERMS, PM_ERR_NOT_A_FILE, PM_ERR_NOT_A_DIR, PM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS, /* Interface */ PM_ERR_HANDLE_NULL, PM_ERR_HANDLE_NOT_NULL, PM_ERR_HANDLE_LOCK, /* Databases */ PM_ERR_DB_OPEN, PM_ERR_DB_CREATE, PM_ERR_DB_NULL, PM_ERR_DB_NOT_NULL, PM_ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND, PM_ERR_DB_WRITE, PM_ERR_DB_REMOVE, /* Servers */ PM_ERR_SERVER_BAD_URL, /* Transactions */ PM_ERR_TRANS_NOT_NULL, PM_ERR_TRANS_NULL, PM_ERR_TRANS_DUP_TARGET, PM_ERR_TRANS_NOT_INITIALIZED, PM_ERR_TRANS_NOT_PREPARED, PM_ERR_TRANS_ABORT, PM_ERR_TRANS_TYPE, PM_ERR_TRANS_COMMITING, PM_ERR_TRANS_DOWNLOADING, /* Packages */ PM_ERR_PKG_NOT_FOUND, PM_ERR_PKG_INVALID, PM_ERR_PKG_OPEN, PM_ERR_PKG_LOAD, PM_ERR_PKG_CANT_FRESH, PM_ERR_PKG_CANT_REMOVE, PM_ERR_PKG_INVALID_NAME, PM_ERR_PKG_REPO_NOT_FOUND, /* Deltas */ PM_ERR_DLT_INVALID, PM_ERR_DLT_PATCHFAILED, /* Groups */ PM_ERR_GRP_NOT_FOUND, /* Dependencies */ PM_ERR_UNSATISFIED_DEPS, PM_ERR_CONFLICTING_DEPS, PM_ERR_FILE_CONFLICTS, /* Misc */ PM_ERR_USER_ABORT, PM_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, PM_ERR_DB_SYNC, PM_ERR_RETRIEVE, PM_ERR_PKG_HOLD, PM_ERR_INVALID_REGEX, /* External library errors */ PM_ERR_LIBARCHIVE, PM_ERR_LIBDOWNLOAD, PM_ERR_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD }; extern enum _pmerrno_t pm_errno; const char *alpm_strerror(int err); const char *alpm_strerrorlast(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _ALPM_H */ /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */