." the string declarations are a start to try and make distro independent .ds DS Arch Linux .ds PB PKGBUILD .ds VR 3.0.0 .TH \*(PB 5 "Feb 08, 2007" "makepkg.conf version \*(VR" "\*(DS Files" .SH NAME makepkg.conf \- makepkg configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION Configuration options for \fBmakekpg\fP are stored in \fBmakepkg.conf\fP. This file is sourced, so you can include any special compiler flags you wish to use. This is helpful for building for different architectures, or with different optimizations. \fBNOTE:\fP This does not guarantee that all package Makefiles will use your exported variables. Some of them are non-standard... The default file is fairly well commented, so it may be easiest to simply follow directions given there for customization. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B FTPAGENT="\fI/path/to/command\fP [\fIoptions\fP]" Sets the download agent used to fetch source files specified with a URL in the \fB\*(PB\fP file. Flags can be specified as well; the download URL is then placed on the end of the command. .TP .B CARCH="\fIcarch\fP" Specifies your computer architecture; possible values include such things as "i686", "x86_64", "ppc", etc. This should be automatically set on installation. .TP .B CHOST="\fIchost\fP" A string such as "i686-pc-linux-gnu", do not touch unless you know what you are doing. .TP .B CFLAGS="\fIcflags\fP" Flags used for the C compiler. This is a key part to the use of makepkg. Usually several options are specified, and the most common string resembles something like this: "-march=i686 -O2 -pipe". Another useful option may be -mcpu in place of -march. Read .BR gcc (1) for more details on the wide variety of compiler flags available. .TP .B CXXFLAGS="\fIcxxflags\fP" Flags used for the C++ compiler; see \fBCFLAGS\fP for more info. .TP .B MAKEFLAGS="\fImakeflags\fP" This is often used to set the number of jobs used, for example, "-j2". Other flags that make accepts can also be passed. .TP .B BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache) This array contains four options that affect the build environment, the defaults are shown here. All options should always be left in the array; to enable or disable an option simply remove or place an "!" at the front of the option. Each works as follows: .RS .TP fakeroot Allow building packages as a non-root user. This is \fIhighly\fP recommended. .TP distcc Use the distributed C/C++/ObjC compiler to spread compilation among multiple machines. If this is enabled, \fBDISTCC_HOSTS\fP must be specified as well. .TP color Colorize output messages, making output easier to read. .TP ccache Use ccache to cache compilation by default. This allows for faster compiles if you are continuously recompiling the same packages. It can be disabled for individual packages by passing the \fB-B\fP or \fB--noccache\fP flag to \fBmakepkg\fP. .RE .TP .B DISTCC_HOSTS="\fIhost1 ...\fP" If using DistCC, this is used to specify a space-delimited list of hosts running in the DistCC cluster. In addition, you will want to modify your \fBMAKEFLAGS\fP. .TP .B OPTIONS=(strip !docs libtool emptydirs) This array contains four options that affect the default packaging. All four are equivalent to options that can be placed in the PKGBUILD; the defaults are shown here. All options should always be left in the array; to enable or disable an option simply remove or place an "!" at the front of the option. Each works as follows: .RS .TP strip Strip symbols from binaries and libraries. If you frequently use a debugger on programs or libraries, it may be helpful to disable this option. .TP docs Save doc and info directories. If you wish to delete doc and info directories, specify "!docs" in the array. .TP libtool Leave libtool (.la) files in packages. Specify "!libtool" to remove them. .TP emptydirs Leave empty directories in packages. .RE .TP .B INTEGRITY_CHECK=(\fIcheck1 ...\fP) File integrity checks to use. Multiple checks may be specified; this affects both generation and checking. The current valid options are: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, and sha512. .TP .B DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,share/}{info,doc} ...) If "!docs" is specified in the \fBOPTIONS\fP array, this variable will instruct makepkg where to look to remove docs. If you build packages that are located in opt/, you may need to add the directory to this array. NOTE: do not add the leading slash to the directory name. .TP .B PKGDEST=\fI/path/to/folder\fP If this value is not set, packages will by default be placed in the current directory (location of the \fB\*(PB\fP). Many people like to keep all their packages in one place so this option allows this behavior. A common location is "/home/packages". .TP .B SRCDEST=\fI/path/to/folder\fP If this value is not set, downloaded source files will only be stored in the current directory. Many people like to keep all source files in a central location for easy cleanup, so this path can be set here. .TP .B PACKAGER="\fIJohn Doe <john@doe.com>\fP" This value is used when querying a package to see who was the builder. It is recommended you change this to your name and email address. .SH SEE ALSO .BR makepkg (8), .BR pacman (8), .BR \*(PB (5) See the Arch Linux website at <http://www.archlinux.org> for more current information on the distribution and the \fBpacman\fP family of tools, and <http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Packaging_Standards> for recommendations on packaging standards. .SH AUTHORS .nf Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> Aurelien Foret <aurelien@archlinux.org> Aaron Griffin <aaron@archlinux.org> Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> See the 'AUTHORS' file for additional contributors. .fi