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makepkg - package build utility

makepkg [options]

makepkg is a script to automate the building of packages. All it needs is a
build-capable Linux platform and a custom build script for each package you
wish to build (known as a PKGBUILD). See manlink:PKGBUILD[5] for details on
creating your own build scripts.

The advantage to a script-based build is that the work is only done once. Once
you have the build script for a package, makepkg will do the rest: download and
validate source files, check dependencies, configure the build-time settings,
build the package, install the package into a temporary root, make
customizations, generate meta-info, and package the whole thing up for pacman to

makeworld can be used to rebuild an entire package group or the entire build tree.
See `makeworld --help` for syntax.

*-b, --builddeps*::
	Build missing dependencies from source. When makepkg finds missing
	build-time or run-time dependencies, it will look for the dependencies'
	PKGBUILD files under ABSROOT (set in makepkg.conf). If it finds them it
	will call makepkg to build and install the missing dependencies. The
	child calls will be made with the `-b` and `-i` options.

*-c, --clean*::
	Clean up leftover work files and directories after a successful build.

*-C, --cleancache*::
	Removes all cached source files from the directory specified in SRCDEST
	in manlink:makepkg.conf[5].

*-d, --nodeps*::
	Do not perform any dependency checks. This will let you override and
	ignore any dependencies required. There is a good chance this option
	will break the build process if all of the dependencies are not

*-e, --noextract*::
	Do not extract source files; use whatever source already exists in the
	src/ directory. This is handy if you want to go into src and manually
	patch or tweak code, then make a package out of the result. Keep in mind
	that creating a patch may be a better solution to allow others to use

*-f, --force*::
	makepkg will not build a package if a built package already exists in
	the PKGDEST (set in manlink:makepkg.conf[5]) directory, which may
	default to the current directory. This allows the built package to be

*-g, --geninteg*::
	For each source file in the source array of PKGBUILD, download the file
	if required and generate integrity checks. The integrity checks
	generated are determined by the value of the INTEGRITY_CHECK array in
	manlink:makepkg.conf[5]. This output can be redirected into your
	PKGBUILD for source validation (`makepkg -g >> PKGBUILD`).

*-h, --help*::
	Output syntax and command line options.

*-i, --install*::
	Install or upgrade the package after a successful build using pacman.

*-m, --nocolor*::
	Disable color in output messages.

*-o, --nobuild*::
	Download and extract files only, but do not build them. Useful with the
	`--noextract` option if you wish to tweak the files in src/ before

*-p* <'buildscript'>::
	Read the package script buildscript instead of the default,

*-r, --rmdeps*::
	Upon successful build, remove any dependencies installed by makepkg
	during dependency auto-resolution (using `-b` or `-s`).

*-R, --repackage*::
	Repackage contents of pkg/ without rebuilding the package. This is
	useful if you forgot a depend or install file in your PKGBUILD and the
	build itself will not change.

*-s, --syncdeps*::
	Install missing dependencies using pacman. When missing build-time or
	run-time dependencies are found, pacman will try to resolve them. If
	successful, the missing packages will be downloaded and installed.

	(Passed to pacman) Prevent pacman from waiting for user input before
	proceeding with operations.

	(Passed to pacman) Prevent pacman from displaying a progress bar;
	useful if you are redirecting makepkg output to file.

See manlink:makepkg.conf[5] for more details on configuring makepkg using the
makepkg.conf file.

See Also
manlink:makepkg.conf[5], manlink:PKGBUILD[5], manlink:pacman[8]
