#!/bin/bash # # pacache - flexible pacman cache cleaning # # Copyright (C) 2011 Dave Reisner <dreisner@archlinux.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. shopt -s extglob declare -r myname='paccache' declare -r myver='@PACKAGE_VERSION@' declare -a cachedirs=() candidates=() cmdopts=() whitelist=() blacklist=() declare -i delete=0 dryrun=0 filecount=0 move=0 needsroot=0 totalsaved=0 verbose=0 declare delim=$'\n' keep=3 movedir= scanarch= USE_COLOR='y' m4_include(../scripts/library/output_format.sh) m4_include(../scripts/library/parseopts.sh) die() { error "$@" exit 1 } get_cachedir_from_config() { local key value while IFS=$'= \t' read -r key value _; do if [[ $key = CacheDir ]]; then echo "$value" return 0 fi done <"$1" return 1 } # reads a list of files on stdin and prints out deletion candidates pkgfilter() { # there's whitelist and blacklist parameters passed to this # script after the block of awk. awk -v keep="$1" -v scanarch="$2" ' function basename(str) { sub(".*/", "", str); return str; } function parse_filename(filename, parts, count, i, pkgname, arch) { count = split(basename(filename), parts, "-") i = 1 pkgname = parts[i++] while (i <= count - 3) { pkgname = pkgname "-" parts[i++] } arch = substr(parts[count], 1, index(parts[count], ".") - 1) # filter on whitelist or blacklist if (wlen && !whitelist[pkgname]) return if (blen && blacklist[pkgname]) return if ("" == packages[pkgname,arch]) { packages[pkgname,arch] = filename } else { packages[pkgname,arch] = packages[pkgname,arch] SUBSEP filename } } BEGIN { # create whitelist wlen = ARGV[1]; delete ARGV[1] for (i = 2; i < 2 + wlen; i++) { whitelist[ARGV[i]] = 1 delete ARGV[i] } # create blacklist blen = ARGV[i]; delete ARGV[i] while (i++ < ARGC) { blacklist[ARGV[i]] = 1 delete ARGV[i] } # read package filenames while (getline < "/dev/stdin") { parse_filename($0) } for (pkglist in packages) { # idx[1,2] = idx[pkgname,arch] split(pkglist, idx, SUBSEP) # enforce architecture match if specified if (!scanarch || scanarch == idx[2]) { count = split(packages[idx[1], idx[2]], pkgs, SUBSEP) for(i = 1; i <= count - keep; i++) { print pkgs[i] } } } }' "${@:3}" } m4_include(../scripts/library/size_to_human.sh) runcmd() { if (( needsroot && EUID != 0 )); then msg "Privilege escalation required" if sudo -v &>/dev/null && sudo -l &>/dev/null; then sudo "$@" else die 'Unable to escalate privileges using sudo' fi else "$@" fi } summarize() { local -i filecount=$1; shift local seenarch= seen= arch= name= local -r pkg_re='(.+)-[^-]+-[0-9]+-([^.]+)\.pkg.*' if (( delete )); then printf -v output 'finished: %d packages removed' "$filecount" elif (( move )); then printf -v output "finished: %d packages moved to '%s'" "$filecount" "$movedir" elif (( dryrun )); then if (( verbose )); then msg "Candidate packages:" while read -r pkg; do if (( verbose >= 3 )); then [[ $pkg =~ $pkg_re ]] && name=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} arch=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} if [[ -z $seen || $seenarch != "$arch" || $seen != "$name" ]]; then seen=$name seenarch=$arch printf '%s (%s):\n' "${name##*/}" "$arch" fi printf ' %s\n' "${pkg##*/}" elif (( verbose >= 2 )); then printf "%s$delim" "$pkg" else printf "%s$delim" "${pkg##*/}" fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$@" | pacsort --files) fi printf -v output 'finished dry run: %d candidates' "$filecount" fi echo msg "$output (disk space saved: %s)" "$(size_to_human "$totalsaved")" } usage() { cat <<EOF ${myname} (pacman) v${myver} A flexible pacman cache cleaning utility. Usage: ${myname} <operation> [options] [targets...] Operations: -d, --dryrun perform a dry run, only finding candidate packages. -m, --move <dir> move candidate packages to "dir". -r, --remove remove candidate packages. Options: -a, --arch <arch> scan for "arch" (default: all architectures). -c, --cachedir <dir> scan "dir" for packages. can be used more than once. (default: read from @sysconfdir@/pacman.conf). -f, --force apply force to mv(1) and rm(1) operations. -h, --help display this help message and exit. -i, --ignore <pkgs> ignore "pkgs", comma-separated. Alternatively, specify "-" to read package names from stdin, newline- delimited. -k, --keep <num> keep "num" of each package in the cache (default: 3). --nocolor remove color from output. -u, --uninstalled target uninstalled packages. -v, --verbose increase verbosity. specify up to 3 times. -z, --null use null delimiters for candidate names (only with -v and -vv). EOF } version() { printf "%s %s\n" "$myname" "$myver" echo 'Copyright (C) 2011 Dave Reisner <dreisner@archlinux.org>' } OPT_SHORT=':a:c:dfhi:k:m:rsuVvz' OPT_LONG=('arch:' 'cachedir:' 'dryrun' 'force' 'help' 'ignore:' 'keep:' 'move' 'nocolor' 'remove' 'uninstalled' 'version' 'verbose' 'null') if ! parseopts "$OPT_SHORT" "${OPT_LONG[@]}" -- "$@"; then exit 1 fi set -- "${OPTRET[@]}" unset OPT_SHORT OPT_LONG OPTRET while :; do case $1 in -a|--arch) scanarch=$2 shift ;; -c|--cachedir) cachedirs+=("$2") shift ;; -d|--dryrun) dryrun=1 ;; -f|--force) cmdopts=(-f) ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; -i|--ignore) if [[ $2 = '-' ]]; then [[ ! -t 0 ]] && IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a ign else IFS=',' read -r -a ign <<< "$2" fi blacklist+=("${ign[@]}") unset i ign shift ;; -k|--keep) keep=$2 if [[ -z $keep || -n ${keep//[0-9]/} ]]; then die 'argument to option -k must be a non-negative integer' else keep=$(( 10#$keep )) fi shift ;; --nocolor) USE_COLOR='n' ;; -m|--move) move=1 movedir=$2 shift ;; -r|--remove) delete=1 ;; -u|--uninstalled) IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a ign < <(pacman -Qq) # pacman -Qq may exit with an error, thus making ign an empty array (( ${#ign[@]} )) || die 'failed to retrieve the list of installed packages' blacklist+=("${ign[@]}") unset ign ;; -V|--version) version exit 0 ;; -v|--verbose) (( ++verbose )) ;; -z|--null) delim='\0' ;; --) shift break 2 ;; esac shift done m4_include(../scripts/library/term_colors.sh) # setting default cachedir if [[ -z $cachedirs ]]; then if cachedir=$(get_cachedir_from_config "@sysconfdir@/pacman.conf"); then cachedirs=("$cachedir") else cachedirs=("${cachedirs[@]:-@localstatedir@/cache/pacman/pkg}") fi fi # remaining args are a whitelist whitelist=("$@") # sanity checks case $(( dryrun+delete+move )) in 0) die "no operation specified (use -h for help)" ;; [^1]) die "only one operation may be used at a time" ;; esac [[ $movedir && ! -d $movedir ]] && die "destination directory '%s' does not exist or is not a directory" "$movedir" if (( move || delete )); then # make it an absolute path since we're about to chdir [[ $movedir && ${movedir:0:1} != '/' ]] && movedir=$PWD/$movedir [[ $movedir && ! -w $movedir ]] && needsroot=1 fi for cachedir in "${cachedirs[@]}"; do [[ -d $cachedir ]] || die "cachedir '%s' does not exist or is not a directory" "$cachedir" if (( move || delete )); then [[ ! -w $cachedir ]] && needsroot=1 fi # unlikely that this will fail, but better make sure pushd "$cachedir" &>/dev/null || die "failed to chdir to '%s'" "$cachedir" # note that these results are returned in an arbitrary order from awk, but # they'll be resorted (in summarize) iff we have a verbosity level set. IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a cand < \ <(printf '%s\n' "$PWD"/*.pkg.tar?(.+([^.])) | pacsort --files | pkgfilter "$keep" "$scanarch" \ "${#whitelist[*]}" "${whitelist[@]}" \ "${#blacklist[*]}" "${blacklist[@]}") candidates+=("${cand[@]}") unset cand popd &>/dev/null done if (( ! ${#candidates[*]} )); then msg 'no candidate packages found for pruning' exit 0 fi # grab this prior to signature scavenging pkgcount=${#candidates[*]} # copy the list, merging in any found sigs for cand in "${candidates[@]}"; do candtemp+=("$cand") [[ -f $cand.sig ]] && candtemp+=("$cand.sig") done candidates=("${candtemp[@]}") unset candtemp # do this before we destroy anything totalsaved=$(@SIZECMD@ "${candidates[@]}" | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }') # crush. kill. destroy. (( verbose )) && cmdopts+=(-v) if (( delete )); then printf '%s\0' "${candidates[@]}" | runcmd xargs -0 rm "${cmdopts[@]}" elif (( move )); then printf '%s\0' "${candidates[@]}" | runcmd xargs -0 mv "${cmdopts[@]}" -t "$movedir" fi summarize "$pkgcount" "${candidates[@]}" # vim: set noet: