# Does w32-mingw32-gcc exist? I thought it was w64. eval "$(declare -f prepare | sed 's@^}$@sed -i "s/MINGW_HOST = w32/MINGW_HOST = w64/" EfiFs/Make.common EfiFs-ia32/Make.common; }@')" # I can't figure this out, so bodge it instead # error adding symbols: Archive has no index; run ranlib to add one # Adding "s" to the ar command doesn't do it either eval "$(declare -f build | sed "s@make -C EfiFs-ia32 ARCH='ia32'@make -C EfiFs-ia32 ARCH='ia32' || true; i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib EfiFs-ia32/grub/libgrub.a; make -C EfiFs-ia32 ARCH='ia32'@")"