# packages
This repository contains the customizations to packages needed to port them to i686 and/or our environment, as well as other package related informations.
It is currently hosted on https://git.archlinux32.org/packages.

* There are subdirectories `repository/package` which contain new packages and customizations for existent packages to compile for i686 or adopt to our environment.
In case, the files therein exist in the respective original package, the respective original package files are either appended (in case of `PKGBUILD`) or overwritten (for other files).
* The directory `blacklist` containes a list of packages which won't be built for Arch Linux 32 (because they can't be built for or are useless on i686).
The structure is `blacklist/architecture/arbitrary-identifier/pkgbase`, where the content of that file can be an arbitrary comment.
The given package will be black listed for all architectures less potent than the given one or, if "any" is given, for all architectures.

Additional to the abovementioned changes to the package sources, the following changes are made automatically by the [build master's mangle_pkgbuild()](https://git.archlinux32.org/archlinux32/builder/src/branch/master/lib/common-functions) which should therefor **not** be committed here:
* append architectures to `arch` array
* append our sub_pkgrel
* remove `lib32-` prefixes if present

* Using `CARCH` outside of the default functions in the `PKGBUILD` will not work, as the `PKGBUILD` is parsed once **on an x86_64 host**.
Use `$variable_$arch` instead as documented upstream.
* For the same reason, patching `pkgname` on a per-`CARCH` basis is not possible.
Instead of removing an item from the `pkgname` array for a certain architecture, one can make the respective `package_...` function's body empty (one should **not** undefine the whole function).