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path: root/build-support-disabled/rust
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Diffstat (limited to 'build-support-disabled/rust')
3 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build-support-disabled/rust/PKGBUILD b/build-support-disabled/rust/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b94c4e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-support-disabled/rust/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Maintainer: Johannes Löthberg <>
+# Contributor: Alexander F Rødseth <>
+# Contributor: Daniel Micay <>
+# Contributor: userwithuid <>
+pkgname=('rust' 'rust-docs')
+pkgdesc='Systems programming language focused on safety, speed and concurrency'
+arch=(i486 i686 pentium4 'x86_64')
+license=('MIT' 'Apache')
+#makedepends=('rust' "llvm=$_llvm_ver" 'libffi' 'perl' 'python' 'curl' 'cmake' 'inotify-tools' 'procps-ng')
+makedepends=('rust' "llvm=$_llvm_ver" 'libffi' 'perl' 'python' 'curl' 'cmake')
+checkdepends=('procps-ng' 'gdb')
+ "$_llvm_ver/compiler-rt-$_llvm_ver.src.tar.xz"{,.sig}
+ bootstrap-1.38.patch
+ 0001-WIP-minimize-the-rust-std-component.patch)
+ 'SKIP'
+ '56e4cd96dd1d8c346b07b4d6b255f976570c6f2389697347a6c3dcb9e820d10e'
+ 'SKIP'
+ '71935e8994d1045680cde22f72a12c4959e1877e5a42fc21fd034d677100dab3'
+ '1d6b69444ef6ff033fe1612e56ecdaad5c52aa44395e704f78b1a047c65b9321')
+validpgpkeys=('108F66205EAEB0AAA8DD5E1C85AB96E6FA1BE5FE' # Rust Language (Tag and Release Signing Key) <>
+ '474E22316ABF4785A88C6E8EA2C794A986419D8A' # Tom Stellard <>
+ 'B6C8F98282B944E3B0D5C2530FC3042E345AD05D') # Hans Wennborg <>
+prepare() {
+ cd "rustc-$pkgver-src"
+ # Fix bootstrap to compile with 1.38
+ patch -Np1 -i ../bootstrap-1.38.patch
+ # For
+ # From
+ patch -Np1 -i ../0001-WIP-minimize-the-rust-std-component.patch
+ cat >config.toml <<END
+link-shared = true
+target = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu"]
+cargo = "/usr/bin/cargo"
+rustc = "/usr/bin/rustc"
+python = "/usr/bin/python"
+extended = true
+sanitizers = false
+profiler = true
+vendor = true
+prefix = "/usr"
+# LLVM crashes when passing an object through ThinLTO twice. This is triggered when using rust
+# code in cross-language LTO if libstd was built using ThinLTO.
+codegen-units-std = 1
+debuginfo-level = 2
+channel = "stable"
+rpath = false
+llvm-config = "/usr/bin/llvm-config"
+# Don't call build ? install will duplicate a lot of work and --keep-stage is not enough
+package_rust() {
+ depends=('gcc-libs' 'llvm-libs' 'curl' 'libssh2')
+ provides=('cargo' 'rustfmt')
+ conflicts=('cargo' 'rustfmt')
+ replaces=('cargo' 'rustfmt')
+ cd "rustc-$pkgver-src"
+ export RUST_COMPILER_RT_ROOT="$srcdir/compiler-rt-$_llvm_ver.src"
+ "$srcdir/" "$srcdir" &
+ _kill_pid=$!
+ sleep 10
+ DESTDIR="$pkgdir" python ./ install -j"$(nproc)"
+ kill $_kill_pid
+ install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" LICENSE*
+ # delete unnecesary files, e.g. components and manifest files only used for the uninstall script
+ cd "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/rustlib
+ rm components install.log manifest-* rust-installer-version
+ # rustbuild always installs copies of the shared libraries to /usr/lib,
+ # overwrite them with symlinks to the per-architecture versions
+ ln -srft "$pkgdir"/usr/lib x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/*.so
+ # move docs and lib32 libs out of the way for splitting
+ mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc "$srcdir"
+ #mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu "$srcdir"
+ install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/bash-completion
+ mv "$pkgdir"/etc/bash_completion.d/ "$pkgdir"/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/
+package_lib32-rust-libs() {
+ descriptino=('32-bit libraries for Rust')
+ depends=('lib32-gcc-libs')
+ provides=('lib32-rust')
+ conflicts=('lib32-rust')
+ replaces=('lib32-rust')
+ cd "rustc-$pkgver-src"
+ install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" LICENSE*
+ install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/rustlib/ "$pkgdir"/usr/lib32/
+ mv "$srcdir"/i686-unknown-linux-gnu "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/rustlib
+ ln -srft "$pkgdir"/usr/lib32 "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/*.so
+package_rust-docs() {
+ description=('Documentation for the Rust programming language')
+ cd "rustc-$pkgver-src"
+ install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" LICENSE*
+ mv "$srcdir"/doc "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
+# enable i686-unknown-linux-gnu target
+# and replace pentium4 (SSE2) with pentium3 (no SSE2) in the compiler spec file
+# Also trying to reduce memory usage by building with
+# -debuginfo-level-std=1
+# see
+eval "$(
+ declare -f prepare | \
+ sed '
+ $ i patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/config.toml.patch"
+ '
+# stop insanity of nproc (see FS#62952)
+eval "$(
+ declare -f build | \
+ sed '
+ s/-j"$(nproc)"/-j16/
+ '
+if [ "${CARCH}" != 'pentium4' ]; then
+ eval "$(
+ declare -f prepare | \
+ sed '
+ $ i sed -i "s/pentium4/pentium3/g" "$srcdir/rustc-$pkgver-src/vendor/rustc-ap-rustc_target/spec/"
+ $ i sed -i "s/pentium4/pentium3/g" "$srcdir/rustc-$pkgver-src/src/librustc_target/spec/"
+ $ i sed -i "s/a75a6025d7e3424edf9baf3039056c0f8eea157631a175d00ac5a218aa54b510/484bf8be15015b330fa9a97b6dabb8c7627e59d5cddb2dd0e83478749f8aabad/g" "$srcdir/rustc-$pkgver-src/vendor/rustc-ap-rustc_target/.cargo-checksum.json"
+ '
+ )"
+# use binary rust-bin instead of rust (till we can bootstrap rust on IA-32)
+# rust is ok on pentium4 but broken on i686 in bootstrap!
diff --git a/build-support-disabled/rust/config.toml.patch b/build-support-disabled/rust/config.toml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d0762cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-support-disabled/rust/config.toml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+diff -rauN a/config.toml b/config.toml
+--- a/config.toml 2019-10-20 16:44:31.647900892 +0200
++++ b/config.toml 2019-10-20 16:44:39.637875348 +0200
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ link-shared = true
+ [build]
+-target = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu"]
++target = ["i686-unknown-linux-gnu"]
+ cargo = "/usr/bin/cargo"
+ rustc = "/usr/bin/rustc"
+ python = "/usr/bin/python"
+@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
+ #
+ codegen-units-std = 1
+-debuginfo-level = 2
++debuginfo-level = 0
+ channel = "stable"
+ rpath = false
+ llvm-config = "/usr/bin/llvm-config"
diff --git a/build-support-disabled/rust/ b/build-support-disabled/rust/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..544c3712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-support-disabled/rust/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+term() {
+ echo "--> Got SIGTERM"
+ echo "--> killing inotifywait with PID $inotifywait"
+ kill -TERM "$inotifywait"
+trap term SIGTERM
+inotifywait -mr -e close_write --format %w%f $srcdir | while read -r FILE; do
+ case "$FILE" in
+ *
+ echo "--> patching $FILE"
+ sed -i '/pub type U1024/d;/pub type P1024/d' $FILE
+ echo "--> finished patching $FILE"
+ ;;
+ esac
+done &
+inotifywait=$(ps -ef | grep inotifywait | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2)
+echo "--> waiting for inotifywait $inotifywait"
+wait "$inotifywait"
+echo "--> watcher terminated"