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path: root/build-support-disabled/glib2/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build-support-disabled/glib2/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build-support-disabled/glib2/PKGBUILD b/build-support-disabled/glib2/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afe36dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-support-disabled/glib2/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
+# Maintainer: Fabian Bornschein <>
+# Contributor: Jan de Groot <>
+# glib2 without introspection for bootstrapping
+ glib2
+ glib2-docs
+pkgdesc="Low level core library"
+arch=(x86_64 i486 i686 pentium4)
+ libffi
+ libsysprof-capture
+ pcre2
+ util-linux-libs
+ zlib
+ dbus
+ gettext
+ git
+ gi-docgen
+ gobject-introspection
+ libelf
+ meson
+ python
+ python-docutils
+ python-packaging
+ shared-mime-info
+ util-linux
+ desktop-file-utils
+ glib2
+ debug
+ staticlibs
+ "git+$pkgver"
+ "git+"
+ 0001-glib-compile-schemas-Remove-noisy-deprecation-warnin.patch
+ gio-querymodules.hook
+ glib-compile-schemas.hook
+ 'SKIP'
+ '94c73ca7070c239494873dd52d6ee09382bbb5b1201f7afd737cfa140b1a2fb0744b2c2831baf3943d1d072550c35888d21ce6f19f89481ff9d1a60d9a0b30e0'
+ '14c9211c0557f6d8d9a914f1b18b7e0e23f79f4abde117cb03ab119b95bf9fa9d7a712aa0a29beb266468aeb352caa3a9e4540503cfc9fe0bbaf764371832a96'
+ 'acc2f474139e535f4bdd70ac22a9150f786b3395e679b14d0d3fbb9361d511bb1b5069d95b2a7ac9c0f3d901b03a0c037eb273446ba00764191b30a777bd2bc9')
+ 923B7025EE03C1C59F42684CF0942E894B2EAFA0 # Philip Withnall <>
+prepare() {
+ cd glib
+ # Suppress noise from glib-compile-schemas.hook
+ git apply -3 ../0001-glib-compile-schemas-Remove-noisy-deprecation-warnin.patch
+ git submodule init
+ git submodule set-url subprojects/gvdb "$srcdir/gvdb"
+ git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update
+build() {
+ local meson_options=(
+ --default-library both
+ -D glib_debug=disabled
+ -D documentation=true
+ -D introspection=disabled
+ -D man-pages=enabled
+ -D selinux=disabled
+ -D sysprof=enabled
+ )
+ # Produce more debug info: GLib has a lot of useful macros
+ CFLAGS+=" -g3"
+ CXXFLAGS+=" -g3"
+ # use fat LTO objects for static libraries
+ CFLAGS+=" -ffat-lto-objects"
+ CXXFLAGS+=" -ffat-lto-objects"
+ arch-meson glib build "${meson_options[@]}"
+ meson compile -C build
+check() {
+ meson test -C build --no-suite flaky --no-suite slow --print-errorlogs || true
+package_glib2() {
+ depends+=(
+ )
+ provides+=(libg{lib,io,irepository,module,object,thread}
+ optdepends=(
+ 'gvfs: most gio functionality'
+ 'libelf: gresource inspection tool'
+ 'python: gdbus-codegen, glib-genmarshal, glib-mkenums, gtester-report'
+ 'python-packaging: gdbus-codegen'
+ )
+ meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir"
+ install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks" -m644 *.hook
+ touch "$pkgdir/usr/lib/gio/modules/.keep"
+ python -m compileall -d /usr/share/glib-2.0/codegen \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/glib-2.0/codegen"
+ python -O -m compileall -d /usr/share/glib-2.0/codegen \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/glib-2.0/codegen"
+ # Split docs
+ mkdir -p docs/usr/share
+ mv {"$pkgdir",docs}/usr/share/doc
+package_glib2-docs() {
+ pkgdesc+=" - documentation"
+ depends=()
+ license+=(LicenseRef-Public-Domain)
+ mv -t "$pkgdir" docs/*
+ install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" -m644 glib/docs/reference/COPYING
+# vim:set sw=2 sts=-1 et: