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path: root/build-support/disabled/ant19/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2021-05-15 16:38:38 +0200
committerAndreas Baumann <>2021-05-15 16:38:38 +0200
commit5000e668036b690ae3570fb2151a7ed3be70069a (patch)
tree89d5bdeb932e0be0cef1cffeff4294b2380bf5cc /build-support/disabled/ant19/PKGBUILD
parent85abd230165823f70b8101ec3f40a536c1c90cb8 (diff)
also added ant19 for jdk7 bootstrapping (though this doesnt work currrently)
Diffstat (limited to 'build-support/disabled/ant19/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build-support/disabled/ant19/PKGBUILD b/build-support/disabled/ant19/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79f8a3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-support/disabled/ant19/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Maintainer: Levente Polyak <anthraxx[at]archlinux[dot]org>
+# Maintainer: Guillaume ALAUX <>
+# Contributor: Andrew Wright <>
+# Contributor: Paul Mattal <>
+pkgname=('ant19' 'ant19-doc')
+pkgdesc='Java based build tool'
+makedepends=('bash' 'bin32-jdk7' 'junit' 'java-hamcrest')
+ ant.conf
+ apache-ant-1.9.15-https-and-repo-urls.patch
+ 'SKIP'
+ '23bbef577b56d48adb1985dbd9795e5533146646f1e8bb879dd061a4014ffcf2'
+ 'fc8ed0be9586293a8a7f6cf8d245d1db56c43598b6a155ee27f7a4eeb59cafec'
+ '1f99f054e9b1e412d29823088f3fa7cfce90a7af25d907a60a6d7908a6b97ea4')
+ 'CE8075A251547BEE249BC151A2115AE15F6B8B72' # Stefan Bodewig
+ '8DA70C00DF7AF1B0D2F9DC74DDBCC1270A29D081' # jaikiran@apache <>
+_replace_lib() {
+ # explicitly call rm to ensure we replace instead of add
+ rm "$2"
+ ln -s "$1" "$2"
+prepare() {
+ cd apache-${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}
+ patch -Np1 < $srcdir/apache-ant-1.9.15-https-and-repo-urls.patch
+ mkdir -p ~/.ant/tempcache
+ cp $srcdir/ ~/.ant/tempcache/.
+ sed -i 's|/usr/bin/python|/usr/bin/python2|' src/script/
+build() {
+ cd apache-${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}
+ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-jdk
+ ./
+ bootstrap/bin/ant -Ddest=optional -f fetch.xml
+ _replace_lib /usr/share/java/junit.jar lib/optional/junit-4.12.jar
+ _replace_lib /usr/share/java/hamcrest-core.jar lib/optional/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar
+ _replace_lib /usr/share/java/hamcrest-library.jar lib/optional/hamcrest-library-1.3.jar
+ bootstrap/bin/ant dist
+package_ant19() {
+ depends=('bin32-jdk7' 'bash')
+ optdepends=('junit: junit tasks'
+ 'java-hamcrest: junit tasks')
+ conflicts=('ant')
+ backup=('etc/ant.conf')
+ cd apache-${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}/apache-${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}
+ local _ant_home=/usr/share/ant
+ install -d "${pkgdir}${_ant_home}"
+ cp -Rp etc "${pkgdir}${_ant_home}"
+ find bin -type f -a ! -name \*.bat -a ! -name \*.cmd \
+ -exec install -Dm 755 {} -t "${pkgdir}${_ant_home}/bin" \;
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
+ ln -s /usr/share/ant/bin/ant "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/ant"
+ install -Dm 644 "${srcdir}/ant.conf" -t "${pkgdir}/etc"
+ install -Dm 644 lib/*.jar -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/java/ant"
+ ln -s /usr/share/java/ant "${pkgdir}${_ant_home}/lib"
+ install -Dm 644 ../{LICENSE,NOTICE} -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
+package_ant19-doc() {
+ pkgdesc='Apache Ant build tool documentation'
+ conflicts=('ant-doc')
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/ant"
+ cp -r apache-${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}/apache-${_pkgbase}-${pkgver}/manual/* \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/ant"
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:
+# i486-specific
+if [ "${CARCH}" = "i486" ]; then
+ _JARCH=i386
+ _DOC_ARCH=x86
+# pentium4-specific
+if [ "${CARCH}" = "pentium4" ]; then
+ _JARCH=i386
+ _DOC_ARCH=x86