# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If something is broken, then see the apache config for your site, # the AllowOverride directive https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#allowoverride # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disable directory listing. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- Options -Indexes # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disable CGI script execution. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- Options -ExecCGI Options -ExecCGI Options -ExecCGI # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disable PHP script execution if php as apache module. # If your php has a module name other than "mod_php", "mod_php_null", # "mod_php5" and "mod_php7", then add here one more condition with your name. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- php_flag engine 0 php_flag engine 0 php_flag engine 0 php_flag engine 0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Treat these files as plain text. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoveHandler .asmx .asp .aspx .cgi .dll .exe .fcgi .fpl .htm .html .js .jsp .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .php6 .php7 .phar .phps .phtm .phtml .pl .py .rb .shtm .shtml .wml .xml AddType text/plain .asmx .asp .aspx .cgi .dll .exe .fcgi .fpl .htm .html .js .jsp .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .php6 .php7 .phar .phps .phtm .phtml .pl .py .rb .shtm .shtml .wml .xml # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # All files are given through the default handler for static content (Disable script execution). # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SetHandler default-handler # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show nofile.gif instead of missing files. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RewriteEngine On # Uncomment and properly set the RewriteBase if the rewrite rules are not working properly # RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule .* nofile.gif [L]