# Docker/Podman Cloned from https://github.com/moby/moby/tree/master/contrib/mkimage-arch.sh # usage You can set DOCKER in `mkimage-arch.sh` to 'docker' or 'podman', depending on which one you want to use. Choose an ARCHITECTURE in `mkimage-arch.sh` and set the corresponding variable on top (for all practical purposes this should be 'pentium4'). Running `mkimage-arch.sh` builds a docker/podman image named `archlinux32` using the architecture packages picked above. Running `uname -m` in the shell started with `$DOCKER run -it archlinux32 /usr/bin/linux32 /bin/bash` indeed shows `i486` or `i686` (Note: it shows `i686` for `i686` and `pentium4`, also note that a docker chroot doesn't emulate CPU flags like SSE/SSE2 in `/proc/cpuinfo`!).