#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # [[ -z ${DEVTOOLS_INCLUDE_VERSION_CHECK_SH:-} ]] || return 0 DEVTOOLS_INCLUDE_VERSION_CHECK_SH=1 _DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR=${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR:-@pkgdatadir@} # shellcheck source=src/lib/common.sh source "${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR}"/lib/common.sh # shellcheck source=src/lib/util/term.sh source "${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR}"/lib/util/term.sh source /usr/share/makepkg/util/message.sh set -eo pipefail readonly PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_UP_TO_DATE=0 export PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_UP_TO_DATE readonly PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_OUT_OF_DATE=2 export PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_OUT_OF_DATE readonly PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_FAILURE=3 export PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_FAILURE pkgctl_version_check_usage() { local -r COMMAND=${_DEVTOOLS_COMMAND:-${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/}} cat <<- _EOF_ Usage: ${COMMAND} [OPTIONS] [PKGBASE]... Compares the versions of packages in the local packaging repository against their latest upstream versions. Upon execution, it generates a grouped list that provides detailed insights into each package's status. For each package, it displays the current local version alongside the latest version available upstream. Outputs a summary of up-to-date packages, out-of-date packages, and any check failures. OPTIONS -v, --verbose Display results including up-to-date versions -h, --help Show this help text EXAMPLES $ ${COMMAND} neovim vim _EOF_ } pkgctl_version_check() { local pkgbases=() local verbose=0 local path status_file path pkgbase upstream_version result local up_to_date=() local out_of_date=() local failure=() local current_item=0 local section_separator='' local exit_code=${PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_UP_TO_DATE} while (( $# )); do case $1 in -h|--help) pkgctl_version_check_usage exit 0 ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=1 shift ;; --) shift break ;; -*) die "invalid argument: %s" "$1" ;; *) pkgbases=("$@") break ;; esac done if ! command -v nvchecker &>/dev/null; then die "The \"$_DEVTOOLS_COMMAND\" command requires 'nvchecker'" fi # Check if used without pkgbases in a packaging directory if (( ${#pkgbases[@]} == 0 )); then if [[ -f PKGBUILD ]]; then pkgbases=(".") else pkgctl_version_check_usage exit 1 fi fi # enable verbose mode when we only have a single item to check if (( ${#pkgbases[@]} == 1 )); then verbose=1 fi # start a terminal spinner as checking versions takes time status_dir=$(mktemp --tmpdir="${WORKDIR}" --directory pkgctl-version-check-spinner.XXXXXXXXXX) term_spinner_start "${status_dir}" for path in "${pkgbases[@]}"; do # skip paths that are not directories if [[ ! -d "${path}" ]]; then continue fi pushd "${path}" >/dev/null # update the current terminal spinner status (( ++current_item )) pkgctl_version_check_spinner \ "${status_dir}" \ "${#up_to_date[@]}" \ "${#out_of_date[@]}" \ "${#failure[@]}" \ "${current_item}" \ "${#pkgbases[@]}" if [[ ! -f "PKGBUILD" ]]; then result="${BOLD}${path}${ALL_OFF}: no PKGBUILD found" failure+=("${result}") popd >/dev/null continue fi # reset common PKGBUILD variables unset pkgbase pkgname arch source pkgver pkgrel validpgpkeys # shellcheck source=contrib/makepkg/PKGBUILD.proto . ./PKGBUILD pkgbase=${pkgbase:-$pkgname} if ! result=$(get_upstream_version); then result="${BOLD}${pkgbase}${ALL_OFF}: ${result}" failure+=("${result}") popd >/dev/null continue fi upstream_version=${result} if ! result=$(vercmp "${upstream_version}" "${pkgver}"); then result="${BOLD}${pkgbase}${ALL_OFF}: failed to compare version ${upstream_version} against ${pkgver}" failure+=("${result}") popd >/dev/null continue fi if (( result == 0 )); then result="${BOLD}${pkgbase}${ALL_OFF}: current version ${PURPLE}${pkgver}${ALL_OFF} is latest" up_to_date+=("${result}") elif (( result < 0 )); then result="${BOLD}${pkgbase}${ALL_OFF}: current version ${PURPLE}${pkgver}${ALL_OFF} is newer than ${DARK_GREEN}${upstream_version}${ALL_OFF}" up_to_date+=("${result}") elif (( result > 0 )); then result="${BOLD}${pkgbase}${ALL_OFF}: upgrade from version ${PURPLE}${pkgver}${ALL_OFF} to ${DARK_GREEN}${upstream_version}${ALL_OFF}" out_of_date+=("${result}") fi popd >/dev/null done # stop the terminal spinner after all checks term_spinner_stop "${status_dir}" if (( verbose )) && (( ${#up_to_date[@]} > 0 )); then printf "%sUp-to-date%s\n" "${section_separator}${BOLD}${UNDERLINE}" "${ALL_OFF}" section_separator=$'\n' for result in "${up_to_date[@]}"; do msg_success " ${result}" done fi if (( ${#failure[@]} > 0 )); then exit_code=${PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_FAILURE} printf "%sFailure%s\n" "${section_separator}${BOLD}${UNDERLINE}" "${ALL_OFF}" section_separator=$'\n' for result in "${failure[@]}"; do msg_error " ${result}" done fi if (( ${#out_of_date[@]} > 0 )); then exit_code=${PKGCTL_VERSION_CHECK_EXIT_OUT_OF_DATE} printf "%sOut-of-date%s\n" "${section_separator}${BOLD}${UNDERLINE}" "${ALL_OFF}" section_separator=$'\n' for result in "${out_of_date[@]}"; do msg_warn " ${result}" done fi # Show summary when processing multiple packages if (( ${#pkgbases[@]} > 1 )); then printf '%s' "${section_separator}" pkgctl_version_check_summary \ "${#up_to_date[@]}" \ "${#out_of_date[@]}" \ "${#failure[@]}" fi # return status based on results return "${exit_code}" } get_upstream_version() { local config=.nvchecker.toml local output errors upstream_version local output local opts=() local keyfile="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/nvchecker/keyfile.toml" # check nvchecker config file if ! errors=$(nvchecker_check_config "${config}"); then printf "%s" "${errors}" return 1 fi # populate keyfile to nvchecker opts if [[ -f ${keyfile} ]]; then opts+=(--keyfile "${keyfile}") fi if ! output=$(GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 nvchecker --file "${config}" --logger json "${opts[@]}" 2>&1 | \ jq --raw-output 'select(.level != "debug")'); then printf "failed to run nvchecker: %s" "${output}" return 1 fi if ! errors=$(nvchecker_check_error "${output}"); then printf "%s" "${errors}" return 1 fi if ! upstream_version=$(jq --raw-output --exit-status '.version' <<< "${output}"); then printf "failed to select version from result" return 1 fi printf "%s" "${upstream_version}" return 0 } nvchecker_check_config() { local config=$1 local restricted_properties=(keyfile httptoken token) local property # check if the config file exists if [[ ! -f ${config} ]]; then printf "configuration file not found: %s" "${config}" return 1 fi # check if config contains any restricted properties like secrets for property in "${restricted_properties[@]}"; do if grep --max-count=1 --quiet "^${property}" < "${config}"; then printf "restricted property in %s: %s" "${config}" "${property}" return 1 fi done # check if the config contains a pkgbase section if [[ -n ${pkgbase} ]] && ! grep --max-count=1 --extended-regexp --quiet "^\\[\"?${pkgbase}\"?\\]" < "${config}"; then printf "missing pkgbase section in %s: %s" "${config}" "${pkgbase}" return 1 fi # check if the config contains any section other than pkgbase if [[ -n ${pkgbase} ]] && property=$(grep --max-count=1 --perl-regexp "^\\[(?!\"?${pkgbase}\"?\\]).+\\]" < "${config}"); then printf "non-pkgbase section not supported in %s: %s" "${config}" "${property}" return 1 fi } nvchecker_check_error() { local result=$1 local errors if ! errors=$(jq --raw-output --exit-status \ 'select(.level == "error") | "\(.event)" + if .error then ": \(.error)" else "" end' \ <<< "${result}"); then return 0 fi mapfile -t errors <<< "${errors}" printf "%s\n" "${errors[@]}" return 1 } pkgctl_version_check_summary() { local up_to_date_count=$1 local out_of_date_count=$2 local failure_count=$3 # print nothing if all stats are zero if (( up_to_date_count == 0 )) && \ (( out_of_date_count == 0 )) && \ (( failure_count == 0 )); then return 0 fi # print summary for all none zero stats printf "%sSummary%s\n" "${BOLD}${UNDERLINE}" "${ALL_OFF}" if (( up_to_date_count > 0 )); then msg_success " Up-to-date: ${BOLD}${up_to_date_count}${ALL_OFF}" 2>&1 fi if (( failure_count > 0 )); then msg_error " Failure: ${BOLD}${failure_count}${ALL_OFF}" 2>&1 fi if (( out_of_date_count > 0 )); then msg_warn " Out-of-date: ${BOLD}${out_of_date_count}${ALL_OFF}" 2>&1 fi } pkgctl_version_check_spinner() { local status_dir=$1 local up_to_date_count=$2 local out_of_date_count=$3 local failure_count=$4 local current=$5 local total=$6 local percentage=$(( 100 * current / total )) local tmp_file="${status_dir}/tmp" local status_file="${status_dir}/status" # print the current summary pkgctl_version_check_summary \ "${up_to_date_count}" \ "${out_of_date_count}" \ "${failure_count}" > "${tmp_file}" # print the progress status printf "📡 Checking: %s/%s [%s] %%spinner%%" \ "${BOLD}${current}" "${total}" "${percentage}%${ALL_OFF}" \ >> "${tmp_file}" # swap the status file mv "${tmp_file}" "${status_file}" }