#!/hint/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later [[ -z ${DEVTOOLS_INCLUDE_UTIL_TERM_SH:-} ]] || return 0 DEVTOOLS_INCLUDE_UTIL_TERM_SH=1 set -eo pipefail readonly PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_DOTS=Dots export PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_DOTS readonly PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_DOTS12=Dots12 export PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_DOTS12 readonly PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_LINE=Line export PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_LINE readonly PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_SIMPLE_DOTS_SCROLLING=SimpleDotsScrolling export PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_SIMPLE_DOTS_SCROLLING readonly PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_TRIANGLE=Triangle export PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_TRIANGLE readonly PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_RANDOM=Random export PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_RANDOM readonly PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_TYPES=( "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_DOTS}" "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_DOTS12}" "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_LINE}" "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_SIMPLE_DOTS_SCROLLING}" "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_TRIANGLE}" ) export PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_TYPES term_cursor_hide() { tput civis >&2 } term_cursor_show() { tput cnorm >&2 } term_cursor_up() { tput cuu1 } term_carriage_return() { tput cr } term_erase_line() { tput el } term_erase_lines() { local lines=$1 local cursor_up erase_line cursor_up=$(term_cursor_up) erase_line="$(term_carriage_return)$(term_erase_line)" local prefix='' for _ in $(seq 1 "${lines}"); do printf '%s' "${prefix}${erase_line}" prefix="${cursor_up}" done } _pkgctl_spinner_type=${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_RANDOM} term_spinner_set_type() { _pkgctl_spinner_type=$1 } # takes a status directory that can be used to dynamically update the spinner # by writing to the `status` file inside that directory atomically. # replace the placeholder %spinner% with the currently configured spinner type term_spinner_start() { local status_dir=$1 local parent_pid=$$ ( local spinner_type=${_pkgctl_spinner_type} local spinner_offset=0 local frame_buffer='' local spinner status_message line local status_file="${status_dir}/status" local next_file="${status_dir}/next" local drawn_file="${status_dir}/drawn" # assign random spinner type if [[ ${spinner_type} == "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_RANDOM}" ]]; then spinner_type=${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_TYPES[$((RANDOM % ${#PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_TYPES[@]}))]} fi # select spinner based on the named type case "${spinner_type}" in "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_DOTS}") spinner=("⠋" "⠙" "⠹" "⠸" "⠼" "⠴" "⠦" "⠧" "⠇" "⠏") update_interval=0.08 ;; "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_DOTS12}") spinner=("⢀⠀" "⡀⠀" "⠄⠀" "⢂⠀" "⡂⠀" "⠅⠀" "⢃⠀" "⡃⠀" "⠍⠀" "⢋⠀" "⡋⠀" "⠍⠁" "⢋⠁" "⡋⠁" "⠍⠉" "⠋⠉" "⠋⠉" "⠉⠙" "⠉⠙" "⠉⠩" "⠈⢙" "⠈⡙" "⢈⠩" "⡀⢙" "⠄⡙" "⢂⠩" "⡂⢘" "⠅⡘" "⢃⠨" "⡃⢐" "⠍⡐" "⢋⠠" "⡋⢀" "⠍⡁" "⢋⠁" "⡋⠁" "⠍⠉" "⠋⠉" "⠋⠉" "⠉⠙" "⠉⠙" "⠉⠩" "⠈⢙" "⠈⡙" "⠈⠩" "⠀⢙" "⠀⡙" "⠀⠩" "⠀⢘" "⠀⡘" "⠀⠨" "⠀⢐" "⠀⡐" "⠀⠠" "⠀⢀" "⠀⡀") update_interval=0.08 ;; "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_LINE}") spinner=("⎯" "\\" "|" "/") update_interval=0.13 ;; "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_SIMPLE_DOTS_SCROLLING}") spinner=(". " ".. " "..." " .." " ." " ") update_interval=0.2 ;; "${PKGCTL_TERM_SPINNER_TRIANGLE}") spinner=("◢" "◣" "◤" "◥") update_interval=0.05 ;; esac # hide the cursor while spinning term_cursor_hide # run the spinner as long as the parent process didn't terminate while ps -p "${parent_pid}" &>/dev/null; do # cache the new status template if it exists if mv "${status_file}" "${next_file}" &>/dev/null; then status_message="$(cat "$next_file")" elif [[ -z "${status_message}" ]]; then # wait until we either have a new or cached status sleep 0.05 fi # fill the frame buffer with the current status local prefix='' while IFS= read -r line; do # replace spinner placeholder line=${line//%spinner%/${spinner[spinner_offset%${#spinner[@]}]}} # append the current line to the frame buffer frame_buffer+="${prefix}${line}" prefix=$'\n' done <<< "${status_message}" # print current frame buffer echo -n "${frame_buffer}" >&2 mv "${next_file}" "${drawn_file}" &>/dev/null ||: # setup next frame buffer to clear current content frame_buffer=$(term_erase_lines "$(awk 'END {print NR}' <<< "${status_message}")") # advance the spinner animation offset (( ++spinner_offset )) # sleep for the spinner update interval sleep "${update_interval}" done )& _pkgctl_spinner_pid=$! disown } term_spinner_stop() { local status_dir=$1 local frame_buffer status_file # kill the spinner process if ! kill "${_pkgctl_spinner_pid}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then return 1 fi unset _pkgctl_spinner_pid # acquire last drawn status status_file="${status_dir}/drawn" if [[ ! -f ${status_file} ]]; then return 0 fi # clear terminal based on last status line frame_buffer=$(term_erase_lines "$(awk 'END {print NR}' < "${status_file}")") echo -n "${frame_buffer}" >&2 # show the cursor after stopping the spinner term_cursor_show } prompt() { local message=$1 local answer read -r -p "${message} (y/N) " answer case "${answer}" in y|Y|yes|Yes|YES) true ;; *) false ;; esac }