#!/bin/bash # # finddeps - find packages that depend on a given depname # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later _DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR=${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR:-@pkgdatadir@} # shellcheck source=src/lib/common.sh source "${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR}"/lib/common.sh match=$1 if [[ -z $match ]]; then echo 'Usage: finddeps <depname>' echo '' echo 'Find packages that depend on a given depname.' echo 'Run this script from the top-level directory of your ABS tree.' echo '' exit 1 fi find . -type d -print0 2>/dev/null| while read -r -d '' d; do if [[ -f "$d/PKGBUILD" ]]; then pkgname=() depends=() makedepends=() optdepends=() # shellcheck source=contrib/makepkg/PKGBUILD.proto . "$d/PKGBUILD" for dep in "${depends[@]}"; do # lose the version comparator, if any depname=${dep%%[<>=]*} [[ $depname = "$match" ]] && echo "$d (depends)" done for dep in "${makedepends[@]}"; do # lose the version comparator, if any depname=${dep%%[<>=]*} [[ $depname = "$match" ]] && echo "$d (makedepends)" done for dep in "${optdepends[@]/:*}"; do # lose the version comaparator, if any depname=${dep%%[<>=]*} [[ $depname = "$match" ]] && echo "$d (optdepends)" done fi done