#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later _DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR=${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR:-@pkgdatadir@} # shellcheck source=src/lib/common.sh source "${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR}"/lib/common.sh usage() { cat <<- _EOF_ Usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} [OPTIONS] Searches for a locally built package corresponding to the PKGBUILD, and downloads the last version of that package from the Pacman repositories. It then compares the list of .so files provided by each version of the package and outputs if there are soname differences for the new package. A directory is also created using mktemp with files containing a file list for both packages and a library list for both packages. OPTIONS -r, --rmdir Remove the temporary directory -w, --warn Print a warning in case of differences -M, --makepkg-config Set an alternate makepkg configuration file -h, --help Show this help text _EOF_ } RMDIR=0 WARN=0 MAKEPKG_CONF=/etc/makepkg.conf # option checking while (( $# )); do case $1 in -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; -r|--rmdir) RMDIR=1 shift ;; -w|--warn) WARN=1 shift ;; -M|--makepkg-config) MAKEPKG_CONF="$2" shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; -*|--*) die "invalid argument: %s" "$1" ;; *) break ;; esac done # Source makepkg.conf; fail if it is not found if [[ -r "${MAKEPKG_CONF}" ]]; then # shellcheck source=config/makepkg/x86_64.conf source "${MAKEPKG_CONF}" else die "${MAKEPKG_CONF} not found!" fi # Source user-specific makepkg.conf overrides if [[ -r "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/pacman/makepkg.conf" ]]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/pacman/makepkg.conf" elif [[ -r "$HOME/.makepkg.conf" ]]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "$HOME/.makepkg.conf" fi if [[ ! -f PKGBUILD ]]; then die 'This must be run in the directory of a built package.' fi # shellcheck source=contrib/makepkg/PKGBUILD.proto . ./PKGBUILD if [[ ${arch[0]} == 'any' ]]; then CARCH='any' fi STARTDIR=$(pwd) (( RMDIR )) && trap 'rm -rf $TEMPDIR' EXIT INT TERM QUIT TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir checkpkg-script.XXXX) for _pkgname in "${pkgname[@]}"; do comparepkg=$_pkgname pkgurl= target_pkgver=$(get_full_version "$_pkgname") if ! pkgfile=$(find_cached_package "$_pkgname" "$target_pkgver" "$CARCH"); then die 'tarball not found for package: %s' "${_pkgname}-$target_pkgver" fi ln -s "$pkgfile" "$TEMPDIR" if (( $# )); then case $1 in *://*) pkgurl=$1 ;; /*|*/*) pkgurl=$(readlink -m "$1") ;; *.pkg.tar*) pkgurl=$1 ;; '') ;; *) comparepkg=$1 ;; esac shift fi [[ -n $pkgurl ]] || pkgurl=$(pacman -Spdd --print-format '%l' --noconfirm "$comparepkg") || die "Couldn't download previous package for %s." "$comparepkg" oldpkg=${pkgurl##*/} if [[ ${oldpkg} = "${pkgfile##*/}" ]]; then die "The built package (%s) is the one in the repo right now!" "$_pkgname" fi if [[ $pkgurl = file://* || ( $pkgurl = /* && -f $pkgurl ) ]]; then ln -s "${pkgurl#file://}" "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" elif [[ -f "$PKGDEST/$oldpkg" ]]; then ln -s "$PKGDEST/$oldpkg" "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" elif [[ -f "$STARTDIR/$oldpkg" ]]; then ln -s "$STARTDIR/$oldpkg" "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" else curl -fsLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" "$pkgurl" fi bsdtar tf "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" | sort > "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname-old" bsdtar tf "$pkgfile" | sort > "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname" diff --side-by-side --suppress-common-lines --width="$COLUMNS" --color=auto "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname-old" "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname" find-libprovides "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" 2>/dev/null | sort > "$TEMPDIR/libraries-$_pkgname-old" find-libprovides "$pkgfile" 2>/dev/null | sort > "$TEMPDIR/libraries-$_pkgname" if ! diff_output="$(sdiff -s "$TEMPDIR/libraries-$_pkgname-old" "$TEMPDIR/libraries-$_pkgname")"; then message="Sonames differ in $_pkgname!" (( WARN )) && warning "$message" || msg "$message" echo "$diff_output" else msg "No soname differences for %s." "$_pkgname" fi done (( RMDIR )) || msg "Files saved to %s" "$TEMPDIR"