#!/bin/bash # # sogrep - find shared library links in an Arch Linux repository. # # Copyright (c) 2019 by Eli Schwartz <eschwartz@archlinux.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # globals : ${SOLINKS_MIRROR:="https://mirror.pkgbuild.com"} : ${SOCACHE_DIR:="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-${HOME}/.cache}/sogrep"} repos=('staging' 'testing' 'core' 'extra' 'community-staging' 'community-testing' 'community' 'multilib-staging' 'multilib-testing' 'multilib' 'gnome-unstable' 'kde-unstable') arches=('x86_64') # options REFRESH=0 VERBOSE=0 source /usr/share/makepkg/util/parseopts.sh source /usr/share/makepkg/util/util.sh recache() { local repo arch verbosity=-s (( VERBOSE )) && verbosity=--progress-bar for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do rm -rf "${SOCACHE_DIR}/${arch}/${repo}" mkdir -p "${SOCACHE_DIR}/${arch}/${repo}" curl "$verbosity" "${SOLINKS_MIRROR}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}.links.tar.gz" | bsdtar -xf - -C "${SOCACHE_DIR}/${arch}/${repo}" done done } search() { local repo=$1 arch lib=$2 srepos=("${repos[@]}") if [[ $repo != all ]]; then if ! in_array "${repo}" "${repos[@]}"; then echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/}: unrecognized repo '$repo'" echo "Try '${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} --help' for more information." exit 1 fi srepos=("${repo}") fi for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do for repo in "${srepos[@]}"; do local prefix= (( VERBOSE && ${#srepos[@]} > 1 )) && prefix=${repo}/ db=${SOCACHE_DIR}/${arch}/${repo}/ if [[ -d ${db} ]]; then while read -rd '' pkg; do read -r match pkg=${pkg#${db}} pkg="${prefix}${pkg%-*-*/links}" if (( VERBOSE )); then printf '%-35s %s\n' "${pkg}" "${match}" else printf '%s\n' "${pkg}" fi done < <(grep -rZ "${lib}" "${db}") | sort -u fi done done | resort } usage() { cat <<- _EOF_ Usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} [OPTIONS] REPO LIBNAME Check the soname links database for Arch Linux repositories containing packages linked to a given shared library. If the repository specified is "all", then all repositories will be searched, otherwise only the named repository will be searched. If the links database does not exist, it will be downloaded first. OPTIONS -v, --verbose Show matched links in addition to pkgname -r, --refresh Refresh the links databases -h, --help Show this help text _EOF_ } # utility function to resort with multiple repos + no-verbose resort() { sort -u; } if (( $# == 0 )); then echo "error: No arguments passed." echo "Try '${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} --help' for more information." exit 1 fi OPT_SHORT='vrh' OPT_LONG=('verbose' 'refresh' 'help') if ! parseopts "$OPT_SHORT" "${OPT_LONG[@]}" -- "$@"; then exit 1 fi set -- "${OPTRET[@]}" while :; do case $1 in -v|--verbose) resort() { cat; } VERBOSE=1 ;; -r|--refresh) REFRESH=1 ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; --) shift; break ;; esac shift done if ! (( ( REFRESH && $# == 0 ) || $# == 2 )); then echo "error: Incorrect number of arguments passed." echo "Try '${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} --help' for more information." exit 1 fi if (( REFRESH )) || [[ ! -d ${SOCACHE_DIR} ]]; then recache (( $# == 2 )) || exit 0 fi search "$@"