#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later m4_include(lib/common.sh) usage() { cat <<- _EOF_ Usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} Export the PGP keys from a PKGBUILDs validpgpkeys array into the keys/pgp/ subdirectory. Useful for distributing packager validated source signing keys alongside PKGBUILDs. OPTIONS -h, --help Show this help text _EOF_ } # option checking while (( $# )); do case $1 in -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; *) die "invalid argument: %s" "$1" ;; esac done if [[ ! -f PKGBUILD ]]; then die "This must be run a directory containing a PKGBUILD." fi mapfile -t validpgpkeys < <( # shellcheck source=PKGBUILD.proto . ./PKGBUILD printf "%s\n" "${validpgpkeys[@]}" ) if (( ${#validpgpkeys[@]} == 0 )); then exit 0 fi mkdir -p keys/pgp error=0 for key in "${validpgpkeys[@]}"; do gpg --output "keys/pgp/$key.asc.tmp" --armor --export --export-options export-minimal "$key" 2>/dev/null # gpg does not give a non-zero return value if it fails to export... if [[ -f keys/pgp/$key.asc.tmp ]]; then mv "keys/pgp/$key.asc.tmp" "keys/pgp/$key.asc" else if [[ -f keys/pgp/$key.asc ]]; then warning "Failed to update key: $key" else error "Key unavailable: $key" error=1 fi fi done if (( error )); then die "Failed to export all \'validpgpkeys\' entries." fi