
pkgctl-db-remove - Remove packages from binary repositories

pkgctl db remove [OPTIONS] [REPO] [PKGBASE]...


Remove packages from pacman repositories. By default passing a pkgbase removes
all split packages, debug packages as well as entries from the state repo for
all existing architectures.

Beware when using the `--partial` option, as it may most likely lead to
undesired effects by leaving debug packages behind as well as dangling entries
in the state repository.


	Remove only partial pkgnames from a split package. This leaves debug
	packages behind and pkgbase entries in the state repo.

*-a, --arch* 'ARCH'::
	Remove only one specific architecture (disables auto-detection).
	By default all architectures are removed when this option is not used.

	Bypass any confirmation messages, should only be used with caution.

*-h, --help*::
	Show a help text
