pkgctl-build(1) =============== Name ---- pkgctl-build - Build packages inside a clean chroot Synopsis -------- pkgctl build [OPTIONS] [PATH...] Description ----------- Build packages in clean chroot environment, offering various options and functionalities to customize the package building process. Build Options ------------- *--arch* 'ARCH':: Specify architectures to build for (disables auto-detection) *--repo* 'REPO':: Specify target repository for new packages not in any official repo. Fallback to `'extra'` when building packages that are not present in any official repository yet. Using this option is disallowed if the package is already released, as it would circumvent the auto-detection safeguard. *-s, --staging*:: Build against the staging counterpart of the auto-detected repo *-t, --testing*:: Build against the testing counterpart of the auto-detected repo *-o, --offload*:: Build on a remote server and transfer artifacts afterwards *-c, --clean*:: Recreate the chroot before building *--inspect* 'WHEN':: Spawn an interactive shell to inspect the chroot after building. Useful to ease the debugging of a package build. + Possible values for 'WHEN' are `'never'`, `'always'` or `'failure'` *-w, --worker* 'SLOT':: Name of the worker slot, useful for concurrent builds. By default the slot is automatically assigned to the current tty pts number. In case the caller is not a tty, choose a random slot between 1 and number of available processing units. *--nocheck*:: Do not run the check() function in the PKGBUILD Install Options --------------- *-I, --install-to-chroot* 'FILE':: Install a package to the working copy of the chroot *-i, --install-to-host* 'MODE':: Install the built packages to the host system. Useful when one wants to verify that the package works as intended. * When 'MODE' is 'all', this installs all built packages * When 'MODE' is 'auto', this installs all built packages which are currently installed PKGBUILD Options ---------------- *--pkgver*='PKGVER':: Set pkgver, reset pkgrel and update checksums *--pkgrel*='PKGREL':: Set pkgrel to a given value *--rebuild*:: Increment the current pkgrel variable *--update-checksums*:: Force computation and update of the checksums by disabling auto-detection. + Should only be used in special circumstances, like when adding new patch files to the source array. During regular packaging operations, checksums are either automatically updated when upgrading a package using `--pkgver` or should remain immutable during rebuilds. *-e, --edit*:: Edit the PKGBUILD before building Release Options --------------- *-r, --release*:: Automatically commit, tag and release after building + Specifying this option is required when using any of the following options in this section *-m, --message* 'MSG':: Use the given as the commit message *-u, --db-update*:: Automatically update the pacman database as last action Options ------- *-h, --help*:: Show a help text See Also -------- pkgctl-release(1) pkgctl-db-update(1) include::include/footer.asciidoc[]