
offload-build - Build a PKGBUILD on a remote server using makechrootpkg

offload-build [OPTIONS] -- [ARCHBUILD_OPTIONS]


Build a PKGBUILD on a remote server using makechrootpkg. Requires a remote user
that can run archbuild in a non-interactive manner, e.g. must be able to
elevate permissions using passwordless sudo.


*-r, --repo* <reponame>::
	Build against a specific repository. The default is `extra`, to build packages using
	the stable repositories via extra-x86_64-build.

*-a, --arch* <architecture>::
	Build against a specific architecture. The default is `x86_64`, the only
	architecture officially supported by Arch Linux.

*-s, --server* <hostname>::
	Offload to a specific build server. The default is
	which is used as part of the build toolchain for the official Arch Linux

*-h, --help*::
	Show a help text.

Passing options to archbuild

Options after a delimiting -- are passed on to archbuild on the remote.
archbuild in turn supports passing arguments on to makechrootpkg, which in turn
supports passing options to makepkg. Since each uses -- to delimit options that
are forwarded, make sure to escape them properly:

	`offload-build offload-args -- archbuild-args -- makechrootpkg-args -- makepkg-args`

Example: To use a second `testing-x86_64-build` instance with another copydir:

	`offload-build -r testing -- -- -l <chroot_copy>`
