#!/hint/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later _DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR=${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR:-@pkgdatadir@} # shellcheck source=src/lib/valid-tags.sh source "${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR}"/lib/valid-tags.sh # shellcheck source=src/lib/valid-repos.sh source "${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR}"/lib/valid-repos.sh _binary_arch=${_arch[*]:0:-1} _colors=(never always auto) _makechrootpkg_args=( -h -c -d -D -u -r -I -l -n -T -U ) _makechrootpkg_args_d_opts() { _filedir -d; } _makechrootpkg_args_D_opts() { _filedir -d; } _makechrootpkg_args_r_opts() { _filedir -d; } _makechrootpkg_args_I_opts() { _filedir '*.pkg.tar.*'; } _makechrootpkg_args_l_opts() { _filedir -d; } _makechrootpkg_args_U_opts() { :; } _makechrootpkg() { __devtools_complete _makechrootpkg; } complete -F _makechrootpkg makechrootpkg _makerepropkg_args=( -h -d -c -M ) _makerepropkg_args_c_opts() { _filedir -d; } _makerepropkg_args_M_opts() { _filedir '*.conf'; } _makerepropkg_opts() { _filedir '*.pkg.tar.*'; } _makerepropkg() { __devtools_complete _makerepropkg; } complete -F _makerepropkg makerepropkg _mkarchroot_args=( -U -C -M -c -h ) _mkarchroot_args_U_opts() { _filedir '*.pkg.tar.*'; } _mkarchroot_args_C_opts() { _filedir '*.conf'; } _mkarchroot_args_M_opts() { _filedir '*.conf'; } _mkarchroot_args_c_opts() { _filedir -d; } _mkarchroot_opts() { local args args=$(__pkgctl_word_count_after_subcommand) if (( args == 0 )); then _filedir -d elif (( args >= 1 )); then _devtools_completions_all_packages fi } _mkarchroot() { __devtools_complete _mkarchroot; } complete -F _mkarchroot mkarchroot _arch_nspawn_args=( -C -M -c -f -s -h ) _arch_nspawn_args_C_opts() { _filedir '*.conf'; } _arch_nspawn_args_M_opts() { _filedir '*.conf'; } _arch_nspawn_args_c_opts() { _filedir -d; } _arch_nspawn_args_f_opts() { _filedir; } _arch_nspawn_opts() { local args args=$(__pkgctl_word_count_after_subcommand) if (( args == 0 )); then _filedir -d fi } _arch_nspawn() { __devtools_complete _arch_nspawn; } complete -F _arch_nspawn arch-nspawn _sogrep_args=( -v --verbose -r --refresh -h --help ) _sogrep_opts() { local args args=$(__pkgctl_word_count_after_subcommand) if (( args == 0 )); then _devtools_completions_repo all fi } _sogrep() { __devtools_complete _sogrep; } complete -F _sogrep sogrep _offload_build_args=( -r --repo -a --arch -s --server -h --help ) _offload_build_args__repo_opts() { _devtools_completions_build_repo; } _offload_build_args_r_opts() { _offload_build_args__repo_opts; } _offload_build_args__arch_opts() { _devtools_completions_arch; } _offload_build_args_a_opts() { _offload_build_args__arch_opts; } _offload_build_args__server_opts() { :; } _offload_build_args_s_opts() { _offload_build_args__server_opts; } _offload_build() { __devtools_complete _offload_build; } complete -F _offload_build offload-build _pkgctl_cmds=( auth build db diff release repo version ) _pkgctl_args=( -V --version -h --help ) _pkgctl_auth_cmds=( login status ) _pkgctl_auth_login_args=( -g --gen-access-token -h --help ) _pkgctl_auth_status_args=( -t --show-token -h --help ) _pkgctl_build_args=( --arch --repo -s --staging -t --testing -o --offload -c --clean --pkgver --pkgrel --rebuild -e --edit -r --release -m --message -u --db-update -h --help ) _pkgctl_build_args__arch_opts() { _devtools_completions_arch; } _pkgctl_build_args__repo_opts() { _devtools_completions_repo; } _pkgctl_build_args__pkgver_opts() { :; } _pkgctl_build_args__pkgrel_opts() { :; } _pkgctl_build_args__message_opts() { :; } _pkgctl_build_args_m_opts() { _pkgctl_build_args__message_opts; } _pkgctl_build_opts() { _filedir -d; } _pkgctl_db_cmds=( move remove update ) _pkgctl_db_move_args=( -h --help ) _pkgctl_db_move_opts() { local subcommand args subcommand=(db move) args=$(__pkgctl_word_count_after_subcommand "${subcommand[@]}") if (( args == 0 )); then _devtools_completions_repo elif (( args == 1 )); then _devtools_completions_repo elif (( args >= 2 )); then _devtools_completions_all_packages fi } _pkgctl_db_remove_args=( -a --arch -h --help ) _pkgctl_db_remove_opts() { local subcommand args subcommand=(db remove) args=$(__pkgctl_word_count_after_subcommand "${subcommand[@]}") if (( args == 0 )); then _devtools_completions_repo elif (( args >= 1 )); then _devtools_completions_all_packages fi } _pkgctl_db_update_args=( -h --help ) _pkgctl_release_args=( -m --message -r --repo -s --staging -t --testing -u --db-update -h --help ) _pkgctl_release_args__message_opts() { :; } _pkgctl_release_args_m_opts() { _pkgctl_release_args__message_opts; } _pkgctl_release_args__repo_opts() { _devtools_completions_repo; } _pkgctl_release_args_r_opts() { _pkgctl_release_args__repo_opts; } _pkgctl_release_opts() { _filedir -d; } _pkgctl_repo_cmds=( clone configure create switch web ) _pkgctl_repo_clone_args=( -m --maintainer --switch -u --unprivileged --universe -h --help ) _pkgctl_repo_clone_args__maintainer_opts() { :; } _pkgctl_repo_clone_args_m_opts() { _pkgctl_repo_clone_args__maintainer_opts; } _pkgctl_repo_clone_args__switch_opts() { :; } _pkgctl_repo_clone_opts() { _devtools_completions_all_packages; } _pkgctl_repo_configure_args=( -h --help ) _pkgctl_repo_configure_opts() { _filedir -d; } _pkgctl_repo_create_args=( -c --clone -h --help ) _pkgctl_repo_switch_args=( --discard-changes -f --force -h --help ) _pkgctl_repo_switch_opts() { local subcommand args subcommand=(repo switch) args=$(__pkgctl_word_count_after_subcommand "${subcommand[@]}") if (( args == 0 )); then : elif (( args >= 1 )); then _filedir -d; fi } _pkgctl_repo_web_args=( -h --help ) _pkgctl_repo_web_opts() { _filedir -d; } _pkgctl_diff_args=( -l --list -d --diffoscope -p --pkginfo -b --buildinfo -m --makepkg-config -u -U --unified -y --side-by-side --color -W --width -P --pool -v --verbose -h --help ) _pkgctl_diff_args__makepkg_config_opts() { _filedir '*.conf'; } _pkgctl_diff_args_m_opts() { _pkgctl_diff_args__makepkg_config_opts; } _pkgctl_diff_args__width_opts() { :; } _pkgctl_diff_args_W_opts() { _pkgctl_diff_args__width_opts; } _pkgctl_diff_args__color_opts() { _devtools_completions_color; } _pkgctl_diff_args__pool_opts() { _filedir -d; } _pkgctl_diff_args_P_opts() { _pkgctl_diff_args__pool_opts; } _pkgctl_diff_opts() { _devtools_completions_all_packages; } _pkgctl_version_args=( -h --help ) _devtools_completions_color() { mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "${_colors[*]}" -- "$cur") } _devtools_completions_arch() { mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "${_arch[*]}" -- "$cur") } _devtools_completions_repo() { local optional=${1:-} mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "${optional} ${_repos[*]}" -- "$cur") } _devtools_completions_build_repo() { mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "${_build_repos[*]}" -- "$cur") } _devtools_completions_all_packages() { mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "$(pacman -Sql)" -- "$cur") } __devtools_complete() { local service=$1 local cur prev # Don't break words at : and = COMP_WORDBREAKS=${COMP_WORDBREAKS//[:=]} cur=$(_get_cword) prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} __pkgctl_handle_subcommands "${service}" return 0 } __pkgctl_has_func() { declare -f -- "${1}" &>/dev/null } __pkgctl_has_array() { declare -p -- "${1}" &>/dev/null } __pkgctl_is_subcommand() { __pkgctl_has_array "${1}"_args || \ __pkgctl_has_array "${1}"_cmds } __pkgctl_words_after_subcommand() { local subcommand=("$@") local subcommand_idx=0 local word prev_word for ((i = 1; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; ++i)); do word=${COMP_WORDS[i]} prev_word=${COMP_WORDS[i-1]} # skip options and the current typing if [[ ${word} == -* ]] || [[ ${word} == "${cur}" ]]; then continue fi # skip until we resolved the passed subcommand if (( subcommand_idx < ${#subcommand[@]} )); then if [[ $word == "${subcommand[$subcommand_idx]}" ]]; then subcommand_idx=$(( subcommand_idx + 1 )) fi continue fi # skip previous options as they belong to the argument if [[ ${prev_word} == -* ]] && __pkgctl_has_func "${service_name}_args${prev_word//-/_}_opts"; then continue fi printf "%s\n" "${word}" done } __pkgctl_word_count_after_subcommand() { local subcommand=("$@") mapfile -t words < <(__pkgctl_words_after_subcommand "${subcommand[@]}") echo "${#words[@]}" } __pkgctl_handle_subcommands() { local service_name=${1} local index=${2:-0} local word ref # recurse into nested subcommands for ((i = index + 1; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; ++i)); do word=${COMP_WORDS[i]} if [[ ${word} == -* ]] || [[ ${word} == "${cur}" ]]; then continue fi if __pkgctl_is_subcommand "${service_name}_${word}"; then __pkgctl_handle_subcommands "${service_name}_${word}" "${i}" return fi done # dynamic argument options if [[ $prev == -* ]] && word=${prev//-/_} && __pkgctl_has_func "${service_name}_args${word}_opts"; then "${service_name}_args${word}_opts" # dynamic subcommand options elif [[ $cur != -* ]] && __pkgctl_has_func "${service_name}_opts"; then "${service_name}_opts" # subcommand argument array elif ( ! __pkgctl_has_array "${service_name}"_cmds || [[ $cur == -* ]] ) && __pkgctl_has_array "${service_name}_args"; then declare -n ref="${service_name}_args" mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "${ref[*]}" -- "$cur") # subcommand array elif __pkgctl_has_array "${service_name}"_cmds; then declare -n ref="${service_name}_cmds" mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "${ref[*]}" -- "$cur") fi } _pkgctl() { __devtools_complete _pkgctl; } complete -F _pkgctl pkgctl # ex:noet ts=4 sw=4 ft=sh