SHELL=/bin/bash -o pipefail V=1.2.0 BUILDTOOLVER ?= $(V) PREFIX = /usr/local MANDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/man DATADIR = $(PREFIX)/share/devtools BUILDDIR = build rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $(1:=/*)),$(call rwildcard,$d,$2) $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)) BINPROGS_SRC = $(wildcard src/*.in) BINPROGS = $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/,$(patsubst src/%,bin/%,$(patsubst,%,$(BINPROGS_SRC)))) LIBRARY_SRC = $(call rwildcard,src/lib,*.sh) LIBRARY = $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/,$(patsubst src/%,%,$(patsubst,%,$(LIBRARY_SRC)))) MAKEPKG_CONFIGS=$(wildcard config/makepkg/*) PACMAN_CONFIGS=$(wildcard config/pacman/*) GIT_CONFIGS = $(wildcard config/git/*) SETARCH_ALIASES = $(wildcard config/setarch-aliases.d/*) MANS = $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/,$(patsubst %.asciidoc,%,$(wildcard doc/man/*.asciidoc))) COMMITPKG_LINKS = \ core-testingpkg \ core-stagingpkg \ extrapkg \ extra-testingpkg \ extra-stagingpkg \ multilibpkg \ multilib-testingpkg \ multilib-stagingpkg \ kde-unstablepkg \ gnome-unstablepkg ARCHBUILD_LINKS = \ core-testing-x86_64-build \ core-testing-x86_64_v3-build \ core-staging-x86_64-build \ core-staging-x86_64_v3-build \ extra-x86_64-build \ extra-x86_64_v3-build \ extra-testing-x86_64-build \ extra-testing-x86_64_v3-build \ extra-staging-x86_64-build \ extra-staging-x86_64_v3-build \ multilib-build \ multilib-testing-build \ multilib-staging-build \ kde-unstable-x86_64-build \ gnome-unstable-x86_64-build COMPLETIONS = $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/,$(patsubst,%,$(wildcard contrib/completion/*/*))) CASES ?= test/case JOBS ?= $(shell nproc) BATS_EXTRA_ARGS ?= BATS_ARGS ?= --jobs $(JOBS) $(BATS_EXTRA_ARGS) --verbose-run COVERAGE_DIR ?= $(BUILDDIR)/coverage all: binprogs library conf completion man binprogs: $(BINPROGS) library: $(LIBRARY) completion: $(COMPLETIONS) man: $(MANS) ifneq ($(wildcard *.in),) $(error Legacy in prog file found: $(wildcard *.in) - please migrate to src/*) endif ifneq ($(wildcard pacman-*.conf),) $(error Legacy pacman config file found: $(wildcard pacman-*.conf) - please migrate to config/pacman/*) endif ifneq ($(wildcard makepkg-*.conf),) $(error Legacy makepkg config files found: $(wildcard makepkg-*.conf) - please migrate to config/makepkg/*) endif ifneq ($(wildcard setarch-aliases.d/*),) $(error Legacy setarch aliase found: $(wildcard setarch-aliases.d/*) - please migrate to config/setarch-aliases.d/*) endif edit = sed \ -e "s|@pkgdatadir[@]|$(DATADIR)|g" \ -e "s|@buildtoolver[@]|$(BUILDTOOLVER)|g" GEN_MSG = @echo "GEN $(patsubst $(BUILDDIR)/%,%,$@)" define buildInScript $(1)/%: $(2)%$(3) $$(GEN_MSG) @mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) @$(RM) "$$@" @cat $$< | $(edit) >$$@ @chmod $(4) "$$@" @bash -O extglob -n "$$@" endef $(eval $(call buildInScript,build/bin,src/,.in,755)) $(eval $(call buildInScript,build/lib,src/lib/,,644)) $(foreach completion,$(wildcard contrib/completion/*),$(eval $(call buildInScript,build/$(completion),$(completion)/,.in,444))) $(BUILDDIR)/doc/man/%: doc/man/%.asciidoc doc/man/include/footer.asciidoc $(GEN_MSG) @mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)/doc/man @asciidoctor --backend=manpage --destination-dir=$(BUILDDIR)/doc/man --attribute pkgdatadir=$(DATADIR) $< conf: @install -d $(BUILDDIR)/makepkg.conf.d @cp -a $(MAKEPKG_CONFIGS) $(BUILDDIR)/makepkg.conf.d @install -d $(BUILDDIR)/pacman.conf.d @cp -a $(PACMAN_CONFIGS) $(BUILDDIR)/pacman.conf.d @install -d $(BUILDDIR)/git.conf.d @cp -a $(GIT_CONFIGS) $(BUILDDIR)/git.conf.d clean: rm -rf $(BUILDDIR) install: all install -dm0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin install -dm0755 $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/setarch-aliases.d install -dm0755 $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/makepkg.conf.d install -dm0755 $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/pacman.conf.d install -m0755 ${BINPROGS} $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin install -dm0755 $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/lib cp -ra $(BUILDDIR)/lib/* $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/lib cp -a $(BUILDDIR)/git.conf.d -t $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR) for conf in $(notdir $(MAKEPKG_CONFIGS)); do install -Dm0644 $(BUILDDIR)/makepkg.conf.d/$$conf $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/makepkg.conf.d/$${conf##*/}; done for conf in $(notdir $(PACMAN_CONFIGS)); do install -Dm0644 $(BUILDDIR)/pacman.conf.d/$$conf $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/pacman.conf.d/$${conf##*/}; done for a in ${SETARCH_ALIASES}; do install -m0644 $$a -t $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/setarch-aliases.d; done for l in ${COMMITPKG_LINKS}; do ln -sf commitpkg $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done for l in ${ARCHBUILD_LINKS}; do ln -sf archbuild $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done ln -sf find-libdeps $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/find-libprovides install -Dm0644 $(BUILDDIR)/contrib/completion/bash/devtools $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/bash-completion/completions/devtools for f in $(notdir $(BINPROGS)); do ln -sf devtools $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/bash-completion/completions/$$f; done install -Dm0644 $(BUILDDIR)/contrib/completion/zsh/_devtools $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/zsh/site-functions/_devtools for manfile in $(MANS); do \ install -Dm644 $$manfile -t $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man$${manfile##*.}; \ done; uninstall: for f in $(notdir $(BINPROGS)); do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$f; done for f in $(notdir $(LIBRARY)); do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/lib/$$f; done rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/lib rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/git.conf.d for conf in $(notdir $(MAKEPKG_CONFIGS)); do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/makepkg.conf.d/$${conf##*/}; done for conf in $(notdir $(PACMAN_CONFIGS)); do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/pacman.conf.d/$${conf##*/}; done for f in $(notdir $(SETARCH_ALIASES)); do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/setarch-aliases.d/$$f; done for l in ${COMMITPKG_LINKS}; do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done for l in ${ARCHBUILD_LINKS}; do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$$l; done rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/bash-completion/completions/devtools for f in $(notdir $(BINPROGS)); do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/bash-completion/completions/$$f; done rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/zsh/site-functions/_devtools rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/find-libprovides for manfile in $(notdir $(MANS)); do rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man$${manfile##*.}/$${manfile}; done; rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty \ $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/setarch-aliases.d \ $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/makepkg.conf.d \ $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/pacman.conf.d \ $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR) tag: git cliff --strip=all --unreleased @echo "current version: v$(V)" @read -r -p "tag version: v" VERSION && \ sed -E "s|^V=.+|V=$$VERSION|" -i Makefile && \ git commit --gpg-sign --message "chore(release): version v$$VERSION" Makefile && \ git tag --sign --message "Version v$$VERSION" v$$VERSION release: dist git push --tags origin master git cliff --version >/dev/null glab release create v$(V) devtools-$(V).tar.gz* --milestone v$(V) --notes-file <(git cliff --strip=all --latest) dist: git archive --format=tar --prefix=devtools-$(V)/ v$(V) | gzip > devtools-$(V).tar.gz gpg --detach-sign --use-agent devtools-$(V).tar.gz test: binprogs library conf completion man @mkdir -p $(COVERAGE_DIR) bats $(BATS_ARGS) $(CASES) | tee $(COVERAGE_DIR)/bats-report.xml coverage: binprogs library conf completion man kcov --include-path=src $(COVERAGE_DIR) bats $(BATS_ARGS) $(CASES) jq -r '. | ["Percent covered", .percent_covered], ["Covered lines", .covered_lines], ["Total lines", .total_lines], ["Percent low", .percent_low], ["Percent high", .percent_high] | @tsv' \ $(COVERAGE_DIR)/bats.*/coverage.json check: $(BINPROGS_SRC) $(LIBRARY_SRC) contrib/completion/bash/ config/makepkg/x86_64.conf contrib/makepkg/PKGBUILD.proto shellcheck $^ .PHONY: all binprogs library completion conf man clean install uninstall tag dist upload test coverage check .DELETE_ON_ERROR: