Send patches - preferably formatted by git format-patch - to patches at archlinux32 dot org.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
abaMerge branch 'upstreamMaster' into abaAndreas Baumann2 years
archlinuxewearchbuild: do not run namcap by default, eitherErich Eckner2 years
fix-proc-mount-in-lxcHack to fix building inside LXC containersTasos Sahanidis5 months
i486Merge branch 'master' into i486Andreas Baumann6 years
mastermerged with upstreamAndreas Baumann5 months
pentium4setting setarch architecture with new variable (for pentium4)Andreas Baumann6 years
upstreamMasterdoc: fix the example command in the help textJaroslav Lichtblau7 months
v1.0.2commit a07df0beea...Levente Polyak20 months
v1.0.1commit 1b808b8e32...Levente Polyak20 months
1.0.0commit edc14ef19c...Levente Polyak20 months
1.0.0rc1commit 41d4624879...Levente Polyak20 months
20230307commit 6dd7be3fd4...Levente Polyak23 months
20230105commit f870ab6864...Levente Polyak2 years
archlinuxewe-20221208commit 98778c955a...Erich Eckner2 years
v20221208commit 6ba268e81a...Erich Eckner2 years
20221012commit 248cdf7ff2...Levente Polyak2 years
20221002commit 20f89df443...Levente Polyak2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-12-08disabled LTO completely on i486v20221208Andreas Baumann
2022-12-08fix quoting in Makefile: single quotes don't like line breaksErich Eckner
2022-12-08patch out -fcf-protection from makepkg.conf for i486 and i686Erich Eckner umount -l left-over mounts inside the to-be-deleted chrootErich Eckner
2022-12-08pentium4 newErich Eckner
2022-12-08arch-nspawn: also parse our mirror layout (http[s]://mirror.url/path/$arch/$r...Erich Eckner
2022-12-08makechrootpkg & mkarchroot: init and populate keyringsErich Eckner
2022-12-08introduce i486 as wellErich Eckner
2022-12-08makechrootpkg: bend to allow running solely namcap via "*-build -- -- --verif...Erich Eckner set pacman cache dir to /var/cache/archbuild32 in case of non-x...Erich Eckner