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10 files changed, 582 insertions, 1325 deletions
diff --git a/bin/bootstrap-mysql b/bin/bootstrap-mysql
index 35f5398..265bbe5 100755
--- a/bin/bootstrap-mysql
+++ b/bin/bootstrap-mysql
@@ -3,13 +3,6 @@
# shellcheck source=../conf/default.conf
. "${0%/*}/../conf/default.conf"
-# TODO: this should become some sort of mysql dump to bootstrap the
-# tables and stored functions only - when the database is gone, we're
-# pretty much screwed anyway :-D
-tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d 'tmp.bootstrap-mysql.XXXXXXXXXX' --tmpdir)
-trap 'rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT
exec 9> "${build_list_lock_file}"
if ! flock -n 9; then
>&2 echo 'Cannot get build-list lock.'
@@ -26,914 +19,361 @@ if ! flock -s -n 7; then
exit 1
-for dir in $(ls_master_mirror 'i686'); do
- ls_master_mirror "i686/${dir}" | \
- sed '
- /\.pkg\.tar\.xz$/!d
- s|^|'"${dir}"' |
- '
-done | \
- sort -k2,2 > \
- "${tmp_dir}/master-mirror-listing"
-if [ ! "$1" = 'slim' ]; then
- tables=$(
- printf '%s\n' \
- 'dependency_types SMALLINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(32)' \
- ' relevant_for_building BIT' \
- ' relevant_for_binary_packages BIT' \
- ' UNIQUE name' \
- 'dependencies BIGINT' \
- ' dependent BIGINT :binary_packages' \
- ' depending_on BIGINT :install_targets' \
- ' dependency_type SMALLINT :dependency_types' \
- ' UNIQUE content dependent depending_on dependency_type' \
- 'install_targets BIGINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' UNIQUE name' \
- 'install_target_providers BIGINT' \
- ' package BIGINT :binary_packages' \
- ' install_target BIGINT :install_targets' \
- ' UNIQUE content package install_target' \
- 'binary_packages BIGINT' \
- ' build_assignment BIGINT :build_assignments' \
- ' repository MEDIUMINT :repositories' \
- ' epoch MEDIUMINT' \
- ' pkgver VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' pkgrel MEDIUMINT' \
- ' sub_pkgrel MEDIUMINT' \
- ' has_issues BIT' \
- ' is_tested BIT' \
- ' is_to_be_deleted BIT' \
- ' pkgname VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' architecture SMALLINT :architectures' \
- ' sha512sum NULL' \
- ' UNIQUE content build_assignment sub_pkgrel pkgname architecture repository' \
- ' UNIQUE file_name pkgname epoch pkgver pkgrel sub_pkgrel architecture repository' \
- 'repositories MEDIUMINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' stability MEDIUMINT :repository_stabilities' \
- ' is_on_master_mirror BIT' \
- ' UNIQUE name' \
- 'repository_stabilities MEDIUMINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(32)' \
- ' bugtracker_category VARCHAR(64) NULL' \
- ' UNIQUE name' \
- 'architectures SMALLINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(16)' \
- ' UNIQUE name' \
- 'build_assignments BIGINT' \
- ' package_source BIGINT :package_sources' \
- ' architecture SMALLINT :architectures' \
- ' is_blocked VARCHAR(128) NULL' \
- ' is_black_listed TEXT NULL' \
- ' is_broken BIT' \
- ' priority SMALLINT' \
- ' UNIQUE content package_source architecture' \
- 'build_dependency_loops BIGINT' \
- ' loop MEDIUMINT' \
- ' build_assignment BIGINT :build_assignments' \
- ' UNIQUE content loop build_assignment' \
- 'build_slaves MEDIUMINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(32)' \
- ' ssh_key VARCHAR(1024)' \
- ' operator VARCHAR(32)' \
- ' currently_building BIGINT NULL :build_assignments' \
- ' last_connection DATETIME' \
- ' logged_lines BIGINT NULL' \
- ' last_action VARCHAR(32) NULL' \
- ' UNIQUE name' \
- 'package_sources BIGINT' \
- ' pkgbase VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' git_revision VARCHAR(40)' \
- ' mod_git_revision VARCHAR(40)' \
- ' upstream_package_repository SMALLINT :upstream_repositories' \
- ' uses_upstream BIT' \
- ' uses_modification BIT' \
- ' commit_time DATETIME' \
- ' UNIQUE content pkgbase git_revision mod_git_revision' \
- 'upstream_repositories SMALLINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' git_repository SMALLINT :git_repositories' \
- ' UNIQUE content name git_repository' \
- 'git_repositories SMALLINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' url VARCHAR(128)' \
- ' directory VARCHAR(128)' \
- ' head VARCHAR(40)' \
- ' UNIQUE name' \
- ' UNIQUE url' \
- ' UNIQUE directory' \
- 'fail_reasons SMALLINT' \
- ' name VARCHAR(32)' \
- ' identifier VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' severity SMALLINT' \
- ' UNIQUE name' \
- 'failed_builds MEDIUMINT' \
- ' build_slave MEDIUMINT :build_slaves' \
- ' build_assignment BIGINT :build_assignments' \
- ' date DATETIME' \
- ' reason SMALLINT :fail_reasons' \
- ' log_file VARCHAR(512)' \
- 'todos MEDIUMINT' \
- ' file VARCHAR(64)' \
- ' line MEDIUMINT' \
- ' description VARCHAR(512)' \
- 'todo_links MEDIUMINT' \
- ' dependent MEDIUMINT' \
- ' depending_on MEDIUMINT' \
- 'repository_stability_relations MEDIUMINT' \
- ' more_stable MEDIUMINT :repository_stabilities' \
- ' less_stable MEDIUMINT :repository_stabilities' \
- 'repository_moves MEDIUMINT' \
- ' from_repository MEDIUMINT :repositories' \
- ' to_repository MEDIUMINT :repositories' \
- ' upstream_package_repository SMALLINT :upstream_repositories' \
- ' UNIQUE source from_repository upstream_package_repository' \
- 'statistics BIGINT' \
- ' date DATETIME' \
- ' stable_packages_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' pending_tasks_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' pending_packages_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' staging_packages_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' testing_packages_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' tested_packages_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' broken_tasks_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' dependency_loops_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' dependency_looped_tasks_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' locked_tasks_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' blocked_tasks_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' next_tasks_count MEDIUMINT' \
- ' UNIQUE date'
- )
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf '%s\n' \
- '/*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */;' \
- '/*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */;'
- for turn in 'drop' 'create' 'link'; do
- echo "${tables}" | \
- sed -n '
- /^\S/p
- ' | \
- while read -r table size; do
- case "${turn}" in
- 'drop')
- printf 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`;\n' "${table}"
- ;;
- 'create'|'link')
- if [ "${turn}" = 'create' ]; then
- printf 'CREATE TABLE `%s` (\n' "${table}"
- printf ' `id` %s NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n' "${size}"
- fi
- echo "${tables}" | \
- sed -n '
- s/^'"$(str_to_regex "${table} ${size}")"'$//
- T
- :a
- $!N
- s/\n\S.*$//
- $!Ta
- s/^\n//
- p
- ' | \
- while read -r column type rest; do
- case "${column}" in
- if [ ! "${turn}" = 'create' ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ -z "${rest}" ]; then
- rest="${type}"
- fi
- printf ' UNIQUE KEY `%s` (' "${type}"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- printf '`%s`,' ${rest} | \
- sed 's|,$||'
- printf ')'
- ;;
- *)
- if [ "${turn}" = 'create' ]; then
- printf ' `%s` %s' "${column}" "${type}"
- if ! echo "${rest}" | \
- grep -qwF 'NULL'; then
- printf ' NOT NULL'
- fi
- else
- echo "${rest}" | \
- tr ' ' '\n' | \
- sed -n 's/^://;T;p' | \
- while read -r link; do
- "${table}" \
- "${column}" \
- "${link}"
- if echo "${rest}" | \
- grep -qwF 'NULL'; then
- printf 'SET NULL'
- else
- printf 'CASCADE'
- fi
- printf ';\n'
- done
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "${turn}" = 'create' ]; then
- printf ',\n'
- fi
- done
- if [ "${turn}" = 'create' ]; then
- printf ' PRIMARY KEY (`id`));\n'
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- >&2 printf 'unknown turn "%s"\n' "${turn}"
- exit 2
- esac
- done
- done
- printf '%s\n' \
- '/*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=1 */;' \
- '/*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1 */;'
- # show_broken_packages_and_dependencies
- # gives a list of broken packages and their dependencies if they're
- # still on the build- or deletion-list
- printf 'DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS show_broken_packages_and_dependencies;\n'
- printf 'DELIMITER //\n'
- printf 'CREATE PROCEDURE show_broken_packages_and_dependencies()\n'
- printf 'BEGIN\n'
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `%s` (`id` BIGINT, UNIQUE KEY (`id`));\n' \
- 'broken_packages_and_dependencies' 'broken_packages_and_dependencies_old'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `broken_packages_and_dependencies` (`id`)'
- printf ' SELECT `build_assignments`.`id`'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- printf ' AND `build_assignments`.`is_broken`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' AND `repositories`.`name`="build-list";\n'
- printf 'REPEAT\n'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `broken_packages_and_dependencies_old` (`id`)'
- printf ' SELECT `broken_packages_and_dependencies`.`id` FROM `broken_packages_and_dependencies`;\n'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `broken_packages_and_dependencies` (`id`)'
- printf ' SELECT `new_bp`.`build_assignment`'
- printf ' FROM `broken_packages_and_dependencies_old`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'broken_packages_and_dependencies_old' 'old_bp'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies 'old_bp'
- mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
- printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`'
- mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers
- mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages '' 'new_bp'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'new_bp' 'new_repo'
- printf ' AND `new_repo`.`name` IN ("build-list","deletion-list");\n'
- printf 'UNTIL ROW_COUNT()=0\n'
- printf 'END REPEAT;\n'
- printf 'SELECT '
- mysql_query_select_pkgbase_and_revision
- printf ' JOIN `broken_packages_and_dependencies` ON `broken_packages_and_dependencies`.`id`=`build_assignments`.`id`;\n'
- printf 'END\n'
- printf '//\n'
- printf 'DELIMITER ;\n'
- # calculate_dependencies_of_package_upto_first_built_one
- # save binary packages (only their `id`) in `relevant_binary_packages` and `relevant_binary_packages_copy`
- printf 'DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS calculate_dependencies_of_package_upto_first_built_one;\n'
- printf 'DELIMITER //\n'
- printf 'CREATE PROCEDURE calculate_dependencies_of_package_upto_first_built_one(IN `target_pkgbase` VARCHAR(64))\n'
- printf 'BEGIN\n'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `relevant_binary_packages` (`id`)'
- printf ' SELECT `binary_packages`.`id`'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' AND `repositories`.`name`="build-list"'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
- printf ' WHERE `package_sources`.`pkgbase`=`target_pkgbase`;\n'
- printf 'REPEAT\n'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `relevant_binary_packages_copy` (`id`)'
- printf ' SELECT `relevant_binary_packages`.`id` FROM `relevant_binary_packages`;\n'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `relevant_binary_packages` (`id`)'
- printf ' SELECT `install_target_providers`.`package`'
- printf ' FROM `relevant_binary_packages_copy`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` ON `relevant_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`id`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' AND `repositories`.`name`="build-list"'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies
- mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
- printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`'
- mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers
- printf ';\n'
- printf 'UNTIL ROW_COUNT()=0\n'
- printf 'END REPEAT;\n'
- printf 'END\n'
- printf '//\n'
- printf 'DELIMITER ;\n'
- # calculate_maximal_moveable_set
- # stores results in `moveable_binary_packages` and `replaced_binary_packages`
- # Give a maximal list of packages to be moved, while implementing the
- # condition from db-update:
- # Every package which is replaced[1], must have its provided install_targets:
- # a) provided by another moved or not-replaced package or
- # b) not required by any not-replaced package.
- # Every package being moved needs to have all dependencies
- # installable in the target repository.
- # TODO: [1] A "replaced" package may also be in a different repository
- # e.g. if a-2 is moved from [staging] to [testing] and there is only
- # a-1 in [core], then this will be "replaced" by a-2 on a system
- # running on [testing] repositories.
- printf 'DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS calculate_maximal_moveable_set;\n'
- printf 'DELIMITER //\n'
- printf 'CREATE PROCEDURE calculate_maximal_moveable_set(IN `from_stability` VARCHAR(32))\n'
- printf 'BEGIN\n'
- # variables to store count of changed rows
- printf 'DECLARE row_count_saved INT DEFAULT 0;\n'
- for copy in '' '_copy' '_copy2'; do
- printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `%s_binary_packages%s`;\n' \
- 'moveable' "${copy}" \
- 'replaced' "${copy}"
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `replaced_binary_packages%s` (`id` BIGINT, `replaced_by` BIGINT, UNIQUE KEY (`id`));\n' \
- "${copy}"
- if [ "${copy}" = '_copy2' ]; then
+#shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ # show_broken_packages_and_dependencies
+ # gives a list of broken packages and their dependencies if they're
+ # still on the build- or deletion-list
+ printf 'DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS show_broken_packages_and_dependencies;\n'
+ printf 'DELIMITER //\n'
+ printf 'CREATE PROCEDURE show_broken_packages_and_dependencies()\n'
+ printf 'BEGIN\n'
+ printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `%s` (`id` BIGINT, UNIQUE KEY (`id`));\n' \
+ 'broken_packages_and_dependencies' 'broken_packages_and_dependencies_old'
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `broken_packages_and_dependencies` (`id`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `build_assignments`.`id`'
+ printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
+ printf ' AND `build_assignments`.`is_broken`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
+ printf ' AND `repositories`.`name`="build-list";\n'
+ printf 'REPEAT\n'
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `broken_packages_and_dependencies_old` (`id`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `broken_packages_and_dependencies`.`id` FROM `broken_packages_and_dependencies`;\n'
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `broken_packages_and_dependencies` (`id`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `new_bp`.`build_assignment`'
+ printf ' FROM `broken_packages_and_dependencies_old`'
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'broken_packages_and_dependencies_old' 'old_bp'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies 'old_bp'
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
+ printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`'
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages '' 'new_bp'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'new_bp' 'new_repo'
+ printf ' AND `new_repo`.`name` IN ("build-list","deletion-list");\n'
+ printf 'UNTIL ROW_COUNT()=0\n'
+ printf 'END REPEAT;\n'
+ printf 'SELECT '
+ mysql_query_select_pkgbase_and_revision
+ printf ' JOIN `broken_packages_and_dependencies` ON `broken_packages_and_dependencies`.`id`=`build_assignments`.`id`;\n'
+ printf 'END\n'
+ printf '//\n'
+ printf 'DELIMITER ;\n'
+ # calculate_dependencies_of_package_upto_first_built_one
+ # save binary packages (only their `id`) in `relevant_binary_packages` and `relevant_binary_packages_copy`
+ printf 'DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS calculate_dependencies_of_package_upto_first_built_one;\n'
+ printf 'DELIMITER //\n'
+ printf 'CREATE PROCEDURE calculate_dependencies_of_package_upto_first_built_one(IN `target_pkgbase` VARCHAR(64))\n'
+ printf 'BEGIN\n'
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `relevant_binary_packages` (`id`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `binary_packages`.`id`'
+ printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
+ printf ' AND `repositories`.`name`="build-list"'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
+ printf ' WHERE `package_sources`.`pkgbase`=`target_pkgbase`;\n'
+ printf 'REPEAT\n'
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `relevant_binary_packages_copy` (`id`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `relevant_binary_packages`.`id` FROM `relevant_binary_packages`;\n'
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `relevant_binary_packages` (`id`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `install_target_providers`.`package`'
+ printf ' FROM `relevant_binary_packages_copy`'
+ printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` ON `relevant_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`id`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
+ printf ' AND `repositories`.`name`="build-list"'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
+ printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`'
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers
+ printf ';\n'
+ printf 'UNTIL ROW_COUNT()=0\n'
+ printf 'END REPEAT;\n'
+ printf 'END\n'
+ printf '//\n'
+ printf 'DELIMITER ;\n'
+ # calculate_maximal_moveable_set
+ # stores results in `moveable_binary_packages` and `replaced_binary_packages`
+ # Give a maximal list of packages to be moved, while implementing the
+ # condition from db-update:
+ # Every package which is replaced[1], must have its provided install_targets:
+ # a) provided by another moved or not-replaced package or
+ # b) not required by any not-replaced package.
+ # Every package being moved needs to have all dependencies
+ # installable in the target repository.
+ # TODO: [1] A "replaced" package may also be in a different repository
+ # e.g. if a-2 is moved from [staging] to [testing] and there is only
+ # a-1 in [core], then this will be "replaced" by a-2 on a system
+ # running on [testing] repositories.
+ printf 'DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS calculate_maximal_moveable_set;\n'
+ printf 'DELIMITER //\n'
+ printf 'CREATE PROCEDURE calculate_maximal_moveable_set(IN `from_stability` VARCHAR(32))\n'
+ printf 'BEGIN\n'
+ # variables to store count of changed rows
+ printf 'DECLARE row_count_saved INT DEFAULT 0;\n'
+ for copy in '' '_copy' '_copy2'; do
+ printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `%s_binary_packages%s`;\n' \
+ 'moveable' "${copy}" \
+ 'replaced' "${copy}"
+ printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `replaced_binary_packages%s` (`id` BIGINT, `replaced_by` BIGINT, UNIQUE KEY (`id`));\n' \
+ "${copy}"
+ if [ "${copy}" = '_copy2' ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `moveable_binary_packages%s` (`id` BIGINT, `to_repository` MEDIUMINT, UNIQUE KEY (`id`));\n' \
+ "${copy}"
+ done
+ printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `package_blobs`;\n'
+ printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `package_blobs` (`ps_a` BIGINT, `ps_b` BIGINT, UNIQUE KEY `content` (`ps_a`,`ps_b`));\n'
+ # all packages being vaguely relevant enter `package_blobs`, because
+ # they might block any other package from moving
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `package_blobs` (`ps_a`,`ps_b`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `a_ps`.`id`,`b_ps`.`id`'
+ printf ' FROM `package_sources` AS `a_ps`'
+ printf ' JOIN `package_sources` AS `b_ps`'
+ printf ' ON UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`a_ps`.`commit_time`) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`b_ps`.`commit_time`) BETWEEN -10 AND 10'
+ mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments 'a_ps' 'a_ba'
+ mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments 'b_ps' 'b_ba'
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'a_ba' 'a_bp'
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'b_ba' 'b_bp'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'a_bp' 'a_r'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'b_bp' 'b_r'
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities 'a_r' 'a_rs'
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities 'b_r' 'b_rs'
+ printf ' WHERE `a_rs`.`name` = `from_stability`'
+ printf ' AND `b_rs`.`name` = `from_stability`;\n'
+ # these packages are considered for moving:
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `moveable_binary_packages` (`id`,`to_repository`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `binary_packages`.`id`,`repository_moves`.`to_repository`'
+ printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
+ mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories
+ mysql_join_upstream_repositories_repository_moves
+ printf ' AND `repository_moves`.`from_repository`=`binary_packages`.`repository`'
+ # correct stability: "testing"/"staging" - as chosen
+ printf ' WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name` = `from_stability`'
+ printf ' AND ('
+ printf '`from_stability`="staging"'
+ # "testing" packages must be tested
+ printf ' OR `binary_packages`.`is_tested`'
+ printf ')'
+ # no open issues
+ printf ' AND NOT `binary_packages`.`has_issues`'
+ printf ';\n'
+ # these packages are considered for being replaced:
+ # for each moved package
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `replaced_binary_packages` (`id`,`replaced_by`)'
+ printf ' SELECT `r_bp`.`id`,`m_bp`.`id`'
+ printf ' FROM `moveable_binary_packages`'
+ printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` AS `m_bp` ON `m_bp`.`id`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'm_bp' 'm_r'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments 'm_bp' 'm_ba'
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources 'm_ba' 'm_ps'
+ mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories 'm_ps' 'm_ur'
+ mysql_join_upstream_repositories_repository_moves 'm_ur'
+ printf ' AND `repository_moves`.`from_repository`=`m_r`.`id`'
+ # in its target repository
+ printf ' JOIN `repositories` AS `r_r` ON `repository_moves`.`to_repository`=`r_r`.`id`'
+ mysql_join_repositories_binary_packages 'r_r' 'r_bp'
+ # all packages with identical names
+ printf ' AND `r_bp`.`pkgname`=`m_bp`.`pkgname`;\n'
+ # now we delete all unreplaceable and unmoveable packages from the respective
+ # list until no further changes are required
+ printf 'REPEAT\n'
+ printf 'SET row_count_saved = 0;\n'
+ # create copies of our temporary tables *yuck*
+ for table in 'replaced' 'moveable'; do
+ for copy in '' '2'; do
+ if [ "${table}" = 'moveable' ] && \
+ [ "${copy}" = '2' ]; then
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `moveable_binary_packages%s` (`id` BIGINT, `to_repository` MEDIUMINT, UNIQUE KEY (`id`));\n' \
- "${copy}"
+ printf 'DELETE FROM `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`;\n' "${table}" "${copy}"
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`' "${table}" "${copy}"
+ printf ' SELECT `%s_binary_packages`.*' "${table}"
+ printf ' FROM `%s_binary_packages`;\n' "${table}"
- printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `package_blobs`;\n'
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `package_blobs` (`ps_a` BIGINT, `ps_b` BIGINT, UNIQUE KEY `content` (`ps_a`,`ps_b`));\n'
- # all packages being vaguely relevant enter `package_blobs`, because
- # they might block any other package from moving
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `package_blobs` (`ps_a`,`ps_b`)'
- printf ' SELECT `a_ps`.`id`,`b_ps`.`id`'
- printf ' FROM `package_sources` AS `a_ps`'
- printf ' JOIN `package_sources` AS `b_ps`'
- printf ' ON UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`a_ps`.`commit_time`) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`b_ps`.`commit_time`) BETWEEN -10 AND 10'
- mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments 'a_ps' 'a_ba'
- mysql_join_package_sources_build_assignments 'b_ps' 'b_ba'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'a_ba' 'a_bp'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'b_ba' 'b_bp'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'a_bp' 'a_r'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'b_bp' 'b_r'
- mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities 'a_r' 'a_rs'
- mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities 'b_r' 'b_rs'
- printf ' WHERE `a_rs`.`name` = `from_stability`'
- printf ' AND `b_rs`.`name` = `from_stability`;\n'
- # these packages are considered for moving:
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `moveable_binary_packages` (`id`,`to_repository`)'
- printf ' SELECT `binary_packages`.`id`,`repository_moves`.`to_repository`'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
- mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories
- mysql_join_upstream_repositories_repository_moves
- printf ' AND `repository_moves`.`from_repository`=`binary_packages`.`repository`'
- # correct stability: "testing"/"staging" - as chosen
- printf ' WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name` = `from_stability`'
- printf ' AND ('
- printf '`from_stability`="staging"'
- # "testing" packages must be tested
- printf ' OR `binary_packages`.`is_tested`'
- printf ')'
- # no open issues
- printf ' AND NOT `binary_packages`.`has_issues`'
- printf ';\n'
- # these packages are considered for being replaced:
- # for each moved package
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `replaced_binary_packages` (`id`,`replaced_by`)'
- printf ' SELECT `r_bp`.`id`,`m_bp`.`id`'
- printf ' FROM `moveable_binary_packages`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` AS `m_bp` ON `m_bp`.`id`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'm_bp' 'm_r'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments 'm_bp' 'm_ba'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources 'm_ba' 'm_ps'
- mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories 'm_ps' 'm_ur'
- mysql_join_upstream_repositories_repository_moves 'm_ur'
- printf ' AND `repository_moves`.`from_repository`=`m_r`.`id`'
- # in its target repository
- printf ' JOIN `repositories` AS `r_r` ON `repository_moves`.`to_repository`=`r_r`.`id`'
- mysql_join_repositories_binary_packages 'r_r' 'r_bp'
- # all packages with identical names
- printf ' AND `r_bp`.`pkgname`=`m_bp`.`pkgname`;\n'
- # now we delete all unreplaceable and unmoveable packages from the respective
- # list until no further changes are required
- printf 'REPEAT\n'
- printf 'SET row_count_saved = 0;\n'
- # create copies of our temporary tables *yuck*
- for table in 'replaced' 'moveable'; do
- for copy in '' '2'; do
- if [ "${table}" = 'moveable' ] && \
- [ "${copy}" = '2' ]; then
- continue
- fi
- printf 'DELETE FROM `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`;\n' "${table}" "${copy}"
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`' "${table}" "${copy}"
- printf ' SELECT `%s_binary_packages`.*' "${table}"
- printf ' FROM `%s_binary_packages`;\n' "${table}"
- done
- done
- # a package is not moveable if its dependencies are not provided ...
- printf 'DELETE `replaced_binary_packages`,`moveable_binary_packages`'
- printf ' FROM `replaced_binary_packages`'
- printf ' RIGHT JOIN `moveable_binary_packages`'
- printf ' ON `moveable_binary_packages`.`id`=`replaced_binary_packages`.`replaced_by`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` ON `binary_packages`.`id`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
- printf ' JOIN `repositories` AS `target_repositories` ON `moveable_binary_packages`.`to_repository`=`target_repositories`.`id`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies
- mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
- printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`'
- # ... by a not-deleted, "more stable" package already in place or ...
- printf ' WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `install_target_providers`'
- mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages '' 'prov_bp'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'prov_bp' 'prov_r'
- printf ' JOIN `repository_stability_relations` ON `prov_r`.`stability`=`repository_stability_relations`.`more_stable`'
- printf ' WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`'
- printf ' AND `target_repositories`.`stability`=`repository_stability_relations`.`less_stable`'
- printf ' AND NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `replaced_binary_packages_copy`'
- printf ' WHERE `replaced_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`prov_bp`.`id`'
- printf ')'
- # ... by a moved package
- printf ') AND NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `install_target_providers`'
- printf ' JOIN `moveable_binary_packages_copy` ON `moveable_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`install_target_providers`.`package`'
- printf ' WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'SET row_count_saved = row_count_saved + ROW_COUNT();\n'
- # refresh copies of our temporary tables *yuck*
- for table in 'replaced' 'moveable'; do
- for copy in '' '2'; do
- if [ "${table}" = 'moveable' ] && \
- [ "${copy}" = '2' ]; then
- continue
- fi
- printf 'DELETE FROM `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`;\n' "${table}" "${copy}"
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`' "${table}" "${copy}"
- printf ' SELECT `%s_binary_packages`.*' "${table}"
- printf ' FROM `%s_binary_packages`;\n' "${table}"
- done
- done
- # packages which should not be replaced: ones providing something that is:
- # a) still needed by a not-replaced package x "less stable" than the target repository and
- # b) not provided by:
- # 1) a moved package or
- # 2) any current, not-replaced package in a repository more stable than x's repository
- #
- # Note, that this is not 100% clean from an academic point of view:
- # It might require _downgrading_ of a package to keep fulfilling a dependency
- # and it might require to do so _without_ any chance for the user to notice,
- # because there may be more "dependencies" in the database than in the package files.
- #
- # However, in practice both should not happen.
- #
- printf 'DELETE `replaced_binary_packages`,`moveable_binary_packages` FROM `replaced_binary_packages`'
- printf ' JOIN `moveable_binary_packages` ON `replaced_binary_packages`.`replaced_by`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` AS `repl_bp` ON `repl_bp`.`id`=`replaced_binary_packages`.`id`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_install_target_providers 'repl_bp'
- mysql_join_install_target_providers_dependencies
+ done
+ # a package is not moveable if its dependencies are not provided ...
+ printf 'DELETE `replaced_binary_packages`,`moveable_binary_packages`'
+ printf ' FROM `replaced_binary_packages`'
+ printf ' RIGHT JOIN `moveable_binary_packages`'
+ printf ' ON `moveable_binary_packages`.`id`=`replaced_binary_packages`.`replaced_by`'
+ printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` ON `binary_packages`.`id`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
+ printf ' JOIN `repositories` AS `target_repositories` ON `moveable_binary_packages`.`to_repository`=`target_repositories`.`id`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
+ printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`'
+ # ... by a not-deleted, "more stable" package already in place or ...
+ printf ' WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
+ printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `install_target_providers`'
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages '' 'prov_bp'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'prov_bp' 'prov_r'
+ printf ' JOIN `repository_stability_relations` ON `prov_r`.`stability`=`repository_stability_relations`.`more_stable`'
+ printf ' WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`'
+ printf ' AND `target_repositories`.`stability`=`repository_stability_relations`.`less_stable`'
printf ' AND NOT EXISTS ('
- # dependencies of replaced packages don't matter
printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `replaced_binary_packages_copy`'
- printf ' WHERE `replaced_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`dependencies`.`dependent`'
+ printf ' WHERE `replaced_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`prov_bp`.`id`'
printf ')'
- mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
- # consider only runtime dependencies
- printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_dependencies_binary_packages '' 'req_bp'
- # we need to check wether req_bp's dependency is (un)critical
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'repl_bp' 'repl_r'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'req_bp' 'req_r'
- # dependent package is "less stable" than dependency
- printf ' JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `repl_rr`'
- printf ' ON `repl_rr`.`more_stable`=`repl_r`.`stability`'
- printf ' AND `repl_rr`.`less_stable`=`req_r`.`stability`'
- # a) ^
- printf ' WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
- # no moved package ...
- printf 'SELECT 1'
- printf ' FROM `moveable_binary_packages_copy`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_install_target_providers 'moveable_binary_packages_copy' 'subst_itp'
- # ... provides the same
- printf ' WHERE `subst_itp`.`install_target`=`install_target_providers`.`install_target`'
- # b) 1) ^
- printf ') AND NOT EXISTS ('
- # no current package ...
- printf 'SELECT 1'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages` AS `subst_bp`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_install_target_providers 'subst_bp' 'subst_itp'
- # ... in a repository ...
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'subst_bp' 'subst_r'
- # ... more stable ...
- printf ' JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `subst_rr`'
- printf ' ON `subst_rr`.`more_stable`=`subst_r`.`stability`'
- # ... than x's repository ...
- printf ' WHERE `subst_rr`.`less_stable`=`repl_r`.`stability`'
- printf ' AND NOT EXISTS ('
- # ... and which is not replaced ...
- printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `replaced_binary_packages_copy2`'
- printf ' WHERE `replaced_binary_packages_copy2`.`id`=`subst_bp`.`id`'
- printf ')'
- # ... and provides the same
- printf ' AND `subst_itp`.`install_target`=`install_target_providers`.`install_target`'
- # b) 2) ^
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'SET row_count_saved = row_count_saved + ROW_COUNT();\n'
- # refresh copies of our temporary tables *yuck*
- for table in 'replaced' 'moveable'; do
- for copy in '' '2'; do
- if [ "${table}" = 'moveable' ] && \
- [ "${copy}" = '2' ]; then
- continue
- fi
- printf 'DELETE FROM `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`;\n' "${table}" "${copy}"
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`' "${table}" "${copy}"
- printf ' SELECT `%s_binary_packages`.*' "${table}"
- printf ' FROM `%s_binary_packages`;\n' "${table}"
- done
- done
- printf 'DELETE `replaced_binary_packages`,`moveable_binary_packages` FROM `replaced_binary_packages`'
- printf ' RIGHT JOIN `moveable_binary_packages`'
- printf ' ON `replaced_binary_packages`.`replaced_by`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages`'
- printf ' ON `binary_packages`.`id`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- printf ' JOIN `package_blobs`'
- printf ' ON `build_assignments`.`package_source`=`package_blobs`.`ps_a`'
- printf ' JOIN `build_assignments` AS `bl_ba`'
- printf ' ON `bl_ba`.`package_source`=`package_blobs`.`ps_b`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'bl_ba' 'bl_bp'
- printf ' WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `moveable_binary_packages_copy`'
- printf ' WHERE `moveable_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`bl_bp`.`id`'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'SET row_count_saved = row_count_saved + ROW_COUNT();\n'
- printf 'UNTIL row_count_saved=0\n'
- printf 'END REPEAT;\n'
- for table in 'moveable' 'replaced'; do
- for copy in '' '2'; do
- if [ "${table}" = 'moveable' ] && \
- [ "${copy}" = '2' ]; then
- continue
- fi
- printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`;\n' \
- "${table}" "${copy}"
- done
+ # ... by a moved package
+ printf ') AND NOT EXISTS ('
+ printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `install_target_providers`'
+ printf ' JOIN `moveable_binary_packages_copy` ON `moveable_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`install_target_providers`.`package`'
+ printf ' WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`'
+ printf ');\n'
+ printf 'SET row_count_saved = row_count_saved + ROW_COUNT();\n'
+ # refresh copies of our temporary tables *yuck*
+ for table in 'replaced' 'moveable'; do
+ for copy in '' '2'; do
+ if [ "${table}" = 'moveable' ] && \
+ [ "${copy}" = '2' ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ printf 'DELETE FROM `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`;\n' "${table}" "${copy}"
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`' "${table}" "${copy}"
+ printf ' SELECT `%s_binary_packages`.*' "${table}"
+ printf ' FROM `%s_binary_packages`;\n' "${table}"
- printf 'END\n'
- printf '//\n'
- printf 'DELIMITER ;\n'
- printf 'GRANT %s ON %s TO '"'"'buildmaster'"'"'@'"'"'localhost'"'"';\n' \
- 'CREATE ROUTINE' 'buildmaster.*' \
- 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES' 'buildmaster.*' \
- 'EXECUTE' 'buildmaster.*' \
- 'RELOAD' '*.*' \
- 'SELECT' 'buildmaster.*' \
- 'SELECT' 'mysql.proc' \
- 'SHOW VIEW' 'buildmaster.*' \
- 'UPDATE' 'buildmaster.*'
- printf 'GRANT %s ON %s TO '"'"'webserver'"'"'@'"'"'localhost'"'"';\n' \
- 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES' 'buildmaster.*' \
- 'SELECT' 'buildmaster.*' \
- 'SHOW VIEW' 'buildmaster.*'
- printf 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query -u root -p
+ done
-# shellcheck disable=SC2016
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `architectures` (`name`) VALUES '
- printf '("%s"),' \
- 'any' 'i686' | \
- sed 's|,$||'
- printf ';\n'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `fail_reasons` (`identifier`,`name`,`severity`) VALUES '
- printf '(from_base64("%s"),"%s",%s),' \
- "$(
- printf '%s' '==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build()\.' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'build()' 0 \
- "$(
- printf '%s' '==> ERROR: Could not download sources\.' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'source' 1 \
- "$(
- printf '%s' '.*error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'package-cache' 2 \
- "$(
- printf '%s' '==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare()\.' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'prepare()' 2 \
- "$(
- printf '%s' '==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package\(_\S\+\)\?()\.' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'package()' 3 \
- "$(
- printf '%s' '==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check()\.' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'check()' 4 \
- "$(
- printf '%s' '==> ERROR: '"'"'pacman'"'"' failed to install missing dependencies\.' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'dependencies' 1 \
- "$(
- printf '%s' '==> ERROR: Running makepkg as root is not allowed as it can cause permanent,.*' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'run-as-root' 1 \
- "$(
- printf '.*' | \
- base64 -w0
- )" 'unknown' 100 | \
- sed 's|,$||'
- printf ';\n'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `git_repositories` (`name`,`url`,`directory`,`head`) VALUES'
- {
- for repo in ${repo_names}; do
- eval 'repo_path="${repo_paths__'"${repo}"'}"'
- printf '\n ('
- printf 'from_base64("%s"),' \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${repo}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )" \
- "$(
- git -C "${repo_path}" remote -v | \
- awk '{print $2}' | \
- tail -n1 | \
- base64_encode_each
- )" \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${repo_path}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )" \
- "$(
- git -C "${repo_path}" rev-parse HEAD | \
- base64_encode_each
- )" | \
- sed 's|,$|),|'
+ # packages which should not be replaced: ones providing something that is:
+ # a) still needed by a not-replaced package x "less stable" than the target repository and
+ # b) not provided by:
+ # 1) a moved package or
+ # 2) any current, not-replaced package in a repository more stable than x's repository
+ #
+ # Note, that this is not 100% clean from an academic point of view:
+ # It might require _downgrading_ of a package to keep fulfilling a dependency
+ # and it might require to do so _without_ any chance for the user to notice,
+ # because there may be more "dependencies" in the database than in the package files.
+ #
+ # However, in practice both should not happen.
+ #
+ printf 'DELETE `replaced_binary_packages`,`moveable_binary_packages` FROM `replaced_binary_packages`'
+ printf ' JOIN `moveable_binary_packages` ON `replaced_binary_packages`.`replaced_by`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
+ printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` AS `repl_bp` ON `repl_bp`.`id`=`replaced_binary_packages`.`id`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_install_target_providers 'repl_bp'
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_dependencies
+ printf ' AND NOT EXISTS ('
+ # dependencies of replaced packages don't matter
+ printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `replaced_binary_packages_copy`'
+ printf ' WHERE `replaced_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`dependencies`.`dependent`'
+ printf ')'
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
+ # consider only runtime dependencies
+ printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`'
+ mysql_join_dependencies_binary_packages '' 'req_bp'
+ # we need to check wether req_bp's dependency is (un)critical
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'repl_bp' 'repl_r'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'req_bp' 'req_r'
+ # dependent package is "less stable" than dependency
+ printf ' JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `repl_rr`'
+ printf ' ON `repl_rr`.`more_stable`=`repl_r`.`stability`'
+ printf ' AND `repl_rr`.`less_stable`=`req_r`.`stability`'
+ # a) ^
+ printf ' WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
+ # no moved package ...
+ printf 'SELECT 1'
+ printf ' FROM `moveable_binary_packages_copy`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_install_target_providers 'moveable_binary_packages_copy' 'subst_itp'
+ # ... provides the same
+ printf ' WHERE `subst_itp`.`install_target`=`install_target_providers`.`install_target`'
+ # b) 1) ^
+ printf ') AND NOT EXISTS ('
+ # no current package ...
+ printf 'SELECT 1'
+ printf ' FROM `binary_packages` AS `subst_bp`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_install_target_providers 'subst_bp' 'subst_itp'
+ # ... in a repository ...
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'subst_bp' 'subst_r'
+ # ... more stable ...
+ printf ' JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `subst_rr`'
+ printf ' ON `subst_rr`.`more_stable`=`subst_r`.`stability`'
+ # ... than x's repository ...
+ printf ' WHERE `subst_rr`.`less_stable`=`repl_r`.`stability`'
+ printf ' AND NOT EXISTS ('
+ # ... and which is not replaced ...
+ printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `replaced_binary_packages_copy2`'
+ printf ' WHERE `replaced_binary_packages_copy2`.`id`=`subst_bp`.`id`'
+ printf ')'
+ # ... and provides the same
+ printf ' AND `subst_itp`.`install_target`=`install_target_providers`.`install_target`'
+ # b) 2) ^
+ printf ');\n'
+ printf 'SET row_count_saved = row_count_saved + ROW_COUNT();\n'
+ # refresh copies of our temporary tables *yuck*
+ for table in 'replaced' 'moveable'; do
+ for copy in '' '2'; do
+ if [ "${table}" = 'moveable' ] && \
+ [ "${copy}" = '2' ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ printf 'DELETE FROM `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`;\n' "${table}" "${copy}"
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`' "${table}" "${copy}"
+ printf ' SELECT `%s_binary_packages`.*' "${table}"
+ printf ' FROM `%s_binary_packages`;\n' "${table}"
- printf ';\n'
- } | \
- sed '
- s|,;|;|
- '
- for repo in \
- 'core:packages' \
- 'extra:packages' \
- 'multilib:packages' \
- 'community:community'; do
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `upstream_repositories` (`name`,`git_repository`) SELECT\n'
- printf ' from_base64("%s"),`id` FROM `git_repositories` WHERE `name` = from_base64("%s");\n' \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${repo%:*}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )" \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${repo#*:}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )"
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `build_slaves` (`name`,`ssh_key`,`operator`,`last_connection`) VALUES'
- {
- sed -n '
- s/^command="\S\+ \(\S\+\)" \S\+ \(\S\+\) \S\+$/\1 \2/
- T
- p
- ' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | \
- while read -r name key; do
- case "${name}" in
- 'nlopc'*|'rechenknecht')
- operator='deep42thought'
- ;;
- 'buildknecht'*)
- operator='deep42thought/vollzornbrot'
- ;;
- 'eurobuild3')
- operator='abaumann'
- ;;
- *)
- operator="${name}"
- ;;
- esac
- printf '\n ('
- printf 'from_base64("%s"),' \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${name}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )" \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${key}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )" \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${operator}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )"
- printf 'NOW()),'
- done
- printf ';\n'
- } | \
- sed 's|,;|;|'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `repository_stabilities` (`name`,`bugtracker_category`) VALUES'
- {
- printf '\n ("%s",%s),' \
- 'stable' '"Packages: Stable"' \
- 'testing' '"Packages: Testing"' \
- 'staging' 'NULL' \
- 'standalone' 'NULL' \
- 'unbuilt' '"Packages: Build-list"' \
- 'forbidden' 'NULL'
- printf ';\n'
- } | \
- sed 's|,;|;|'
- {
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `repository_stability_relations` (`more_stable`,`less_stable`)'
- printf ' SELECT `ms`.`id`,`ls`.`id`'
- printf ' FROM `repository_stabilities` AS `ms` JOIN `repository_stabilities` AS `ls`'
- printf ' WHERE '
- printf '(`ms`.`name`="%s" AND `ls`.`name`="%s") OR ' \
- 'stable' 'stable' \
- 'stable' 'testing' \
- 'stable' 'staging' \
- 'stable' 'standalone' \
- 'stable' 'unbuilt' \
- 'stable' 'forbidden' \
- 'testing' 'testing' \
- 'testing' 'staging' \
- 'testing' 'standalone' \
- 'testing' 'unbuilt' \
- 'testing' 'forbidden' \
- 'staging' 'staging' \
- 'staging' 'standalone' \
- 'staging' 'unbuilt' \
- 'staging' 'forbidden' \
- 'unbuilt' 'forbidden' \
- 'standalone' 'standalone'
- printf ';\n'
- } | \
- sed 's| OR ;|;|'
- {
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `repository_moves` (`from_repository`,`to_repository`,`upstream_package_repository`)'
- printf ' SELECT `f`.`id`,`t`.`id`,`u`.`id`'
- printf ' FROM'
- printf ' `repositories` AS `%s` JOIN' \
- 'f' 't'
- printf ' `upstream_repositories` AS `u`'
- printf ' WHERE '
- printf '(`f`.`name`="%s" AND `t`.`name`="%s" AND `u`.`name`="%s") OR ' \
- 'staging' 'testing' 'core' \
- 'staging' 'testing' 'extra' \
- 'staging' 'testing' 'multilib' \
- 'community-staging' 'community-testing' 'community' \
- 'community-staging' 'community-testing' 'multilib' \
- 'testing' 'core' 'core' \
- 'testing' 'extra' 'extra' \
- 'testing' 'extra' 'multilib' \
- 'community-testing' 'community' 'community' \
- 'community-testing' 'community' 'multilib'
- printf ';\n'
- } | \
- sed 's| OR ;|;|'
- for repo in \
- 'core:stable:AQ==' \
- 'extra:stable:AQ==' \
- 'community:stable:AQ==' \
- 'build-support:standalone:AQ==' \
- 'testing:testing:AQ==' \
- 'community-testing:testing:AQ==' \
- 'staging:staging:AQ==' \
- 'community-staging:staging:AQ==' \
- 'build-list:unbuilt:AA==' \
- 'deletion-list:forbidden:AA=='; do
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `repositories` (`name`,`stability`,`is_on_master_mirror`) SELECT'
- printf ' from_base64("%s"),`id`,from_base64("%s") FROM `repository_stabilities` WHERE `name`=from_base64("%s");\n' \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${repo}" | \
- cut -d: -f1 | \
- base64_encode_each
- )" \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${repo}" | \
- cut -d: -f3
- )" \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${repo}" | \
- cut -d: -f2 | \
- base64_encode_each
- )"
+ printf 'DELETE `replaced_binary_packages`,`moveable_binary_packages` FROM `replaced_binary_packages`'
+ printf ' RIGHT JOIN `moveable_binary_packages`'
+ printf ' ON `replaced_binary_packages`.`replaced_by`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
+ printf ' JOIN `binary_packages`'
+ printf ' ON `binary_packages`.`id`=`moveable_binary_packages`.`id`'
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
+ printf ' JOIN `package_blobs`'
+ printf ' ON `build_assignments`.`package_source`=`package_blobs`.`ps_a`'
+ printf ' JOIN `build_assignments` AS `bl_ba`'
+ printf ' ON `bl_ba`.`package_source`=`package_blobs`.`ps_b`'
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages 'bl_ba' 'bl_bp'
+ printf ' WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
+ printf 'SELECT 1 FROM `moveable_binary_packages_copy`'
+ printf ' WHERE `moveable_binary_packages_copy`.`id`=`bl_bp`.`id`'
+ printf ');\n'
+ printf 'SET row_count_saved = row_count_saved + ROW_COUNT();\n'
+ printf 'UNTIL row_count_saved=0\n'
+ printf 'END REPEAT;\n'
+ for table in 'moveable' 'replaced'; do
+ for copy in '' '2'; do
+ if [ "${table}" = 'moveable' ] && \
+ [ "${copy}" = '2' ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `%s_binary_packages_copy%s`;\n' \
+ "${table}" "${copy}"
+ done
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `dependency_types` (`name`,`relevant_for_building`,`relevant_for_binary_packages`) VALUES'
- {
- printf '\n ("%s",%s,%s),' \
- 'make' '1' '0' \
- 'check' '0' '0' \
- 'link' '0' '1' \
- 'run' '1' '1'
- printf ';\n'
- } | \
- sed 's|,;|;|'
+ printf 'END\n'
+ printf '//\n'
+ printf 'DELIMITER ;\n'
+ printf 'GRANT %s ON %s TO '"'"'buildmaster'"'"'@'"'"'localhost'"'"';\n' \
+ 'CREATE ROUTINE' 'buildmaster.*' \
+ 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES' 'buildmaster.*' \
+ 'EXECUTE' 'buildmaster.*' \
+ 'RELOAD' '*.*' \
+ 'SELECT' 'buildmaster.*' \
+ 'SELECT' 'mysql.proc' \
+ 'SHOW VIEW' 'buildmaster.*' \
+ 'UPDATE' 'buildmaster.*'
+ printf 'GRANT %s ON %s TO '"'"'webserver'"'"'@'"'"'localhost'"'"';\n' \
+ 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES' 'buildmaster.*' \
+ 'SELECT' 'buildmaster.*' \
+ 'SHOW VIEW' 'buildmaster.*'
+ printf 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\n'
} | \
- mysql_run_query
-grep '^\('"$(
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- printf '%s\\|' ${standalone_package_repositories} ${stable_package_repositories}
-)"'\) ' "${tmp_dir}/master-mirror-listing" | \
- sed '
- s/\.pkg\.tar\.xz$//
- s/-\([^-:]\+\)\(\(-[^-]\+\)\{2\}\)$/-0:\1\2/
- s/\(-[0-9]\+\)\(-[^-]\+\)$/\1.0\2/
- s/-\([^-:]\+\):\([^-:]\+\)-\([^-.]\+\)\.\([^-.]\+\)-\([^-]\+\)$/ \1 \2 \3 \4 \5/
- ' | \
- while read -r repo pkgname epoch pkgver pkgrel sub_pkgrel arch; do
- # we don't care too much about those - they won't be moved anyways
- printf '('
- # shellcheck disable=SC2046
- printf 'from_base64("%s"),' \
- $(
- printf '%s\n' \
- "${pkgname}" \
- "${epoch}" \
- "${pkgver}" \
- "${pkgrel}" \
- "${sub_pkgrel}" \
- "${arch}" \
- "${repo}" | \
- base64_encode_each
- ) | \
- sed 's/,$/),/'
- printf '\n'
- done > \
- "${tmp_dir}/new-stable-packages"
-if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/new-stable-packages" ]; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `stable_packages` ('
- printf '`%s` %s,' \
- 'pkgname' 'VARCHAR(64)' \
- 'epoch' 'MEDIUMINT' \
- 'pkgver' 'VARCHAR(64)' \
- 'pkgrel' 'MEDIUMINT' \
- 'sub_pkgrel' 'MEDIUMINT' \
- 'architecture' 'VARCHAR(16)' \
- 'repository' 'VARCHAR(64)' \
- 'build_assignment' 'BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'
- printf 'PRIMARY KEY (`build_assignment`));\n'
- sed '
- 1~10 ! b not_start
- s/^/INSERT IGNORE INTO `stable_packages` (`pkgname`,`epoch`,`pkgver`,`pkgrel`,`sub_pkgrel`,`architecture`,`repository`) VALUES \n/
- :not_start
- $ b end
- 0~10 b end
- b
- :end
- s/,$/;/
- ' "${tmp_dir}/new-stable-packages"
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `binary_packages` (`pkgname`,`epoch`,`pkgver`,`pkgrel`,`sub_pkgrel`,`architecture`,`repository`,`build_assignment`,`has_issues`,`is_tested`,`is_to_be_deleted`)'
- printf ' SELECT '
- printf '`stable_packages`.`%s`,' \
- 'pkgname' \
- 'epoch' \
- 'pkgver' \
- 'pkgrel' \
- 'sub_pkgrel'
- printf '`%s`.`id`,' \
- 'architectures' \
- 'repositories'
- printf -- '-`build_assignment`,0,1,0 FROM `stable_packages`'
- printf ' JOIN `%s` ON `stable_packages`.`%s`=`%s`.`name`' \
- 'repositories' 'repository' 'repositories' \
- 'architectures' 'architecture' 'architectures'
- printf ';\n'
- printf 'DROP TABLE `stable_packages`;\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
+ mysql_run_query -u root -p
diff --git a/bin/build-master-status b/bin/build-master-status
index 7ab38d4..f46d668 100755
--- a/bin/build-master-status
+++ b/bin/build-master-status
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ rm -f "${tmp_dir}/todos"
if [ -s "${webserver_directory}/mysql-sanity.html" ] && \
[ ! -s "${work_dir}/build-master-sanity" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2119
printf 'girls, my database is dirty again ...\n' | \
echo 'build master is insane' > \
diff --git a/bin/build-packages b/bin/build-packages
index fc80ab1..12fe9b7 100755
--- a/bin/build-packages
+++ b/bin/build-packages
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
# TODO: build other 'architectures', too (pentium4, i486)
+# TODO: The any_arch logic linking build_assignments and binary_packages
+# needs to be implemented here, too, so "any" binary_packages are only
+# built (or at least only uploaded) if they're expected from the build
+# master (e.g. when they're linked in the database).
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
usage() {
>&2 echo ''
diff --git a/bin/get-package-updates b/bin/get-package-updates
index 73766c8..8239097 100755
--- a/bin/get-package-updates
+++ b/bin/get-package-updates
@@ -503,6 +503,7 @@ if [ "${deletion_list_count}" -gt 1000 ]; then
>&2 printf 'There are %s > 1000 packages on the deletion-list. This does not seem right.\n' \
if [ ! -s "${work_dir}/told-irc-about-too-many-deletion-list-packages" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2119
printf '\001ACTION refuses to blacklist %s packages.\001\n' "${deletion_list_count}"
for repo_name in ${repo_names}; do
diff --git a/bin/ii-answer b/bin/ii-answer
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b25abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ii-answer
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# answer to stuff on irc
+# shellcheck source=../conf/default.conf
+. "${0%/*}/../conf/default.conf"
+# welcome devs (in #archlinux32 only)
+welcome_user_regex='^\S\+ -!- \(abaumann\|deep42thought\|tyzoid\)(.* has joined \S\+$'
+ sed -n '
+ s/'"${welcome_user_regex}"'/\1/
+ T
+ p
+ ' "${irc_dir}/#archlinux32/out" | \
+ sort -u
+if [ -n "${new_users}" ]; then
+ sed -i '
+ /'"${welcome_user_regex}"'/ d
+ ' "${irc_dir}/#archlinux32/out"
+ printf '%s\n' "${new_users}" | \
+ sed '
+ s/^/Hi /
+ s/$/!/
+ ' | \
+ irc_say '' 'copy'
+find "${irc_dir}" \
+ -type f \
+ -name 'out' \
+ -printf '%p\n' | \
+ while read -r out_file; do
+ channel="${out_file%/out}"
+ channel="${channel##*/}"
+ if [ -z "${channel%%#*}" ]; then
+ prefix='buildmaster: '
+ sloppy_salutation='buildmaster'
+ else
+ prefix=''
+ sloppy_salutation=''
+ fi
+ # answer "why don't you?"
+ regex='^\(\S\+ \)\?\S\+ <\S\+> '"${prefix}"'why[- ]don'"'"'\?t[- ]you \(build\|stabilize\|unstage\|keep\|stubbornly_keep\) '
+ if grep -q "${regex}" "${out_file}"; then
+ sed -n '
+ s/'"${regex}"'/\2 /
+ T
+ p
+ ' "${out_file}" | \
+ while read -r line; do
+ reason=$(
+ echo "${line}" | \
+ xargs "${base_dir}/bin/why-dont-you" 2>&1
+ )
+ if [ "$(echo "${reason}" | wc -l)" -le 5 ]; then
+ echo "${reason}"
+ else
+ echo "${reason}" | \
+ head -n5
+ printf '... (%s lines total)\n' "$(echo "${reason}" | wc -l)"
+ fi | \
+ irc_say "${channel}" 'copy'
+ done
+ sed -i "/${regex}/d" "${out_file}"
+ fi
+ # answer "wtf?"
+ regex='^\(\S\+ \)\?\S\+ <\S\+> '"${prefix}"'wtf '
+ if grep -q "${regex}" "${out_file}"; then
+ sed -n '
+ s/'"${regex}"'//
+ T
+ p
+ ' "${out_file}" | \
+ while read -r line; do
+ reason=$("${base_dir}/bin/wtf" "${line}");
+ if [ -z "${reason}" ]; then
+ reason="Huh, I don't know that one."
+ fi
+ if [ "$(echo "${reason}" | wc -l)" -le 5 ]; then
+ echo "${reason}"
+ else
+ echo "${reason}" | \
+ head -n5
+ printf '... (%s lines total)\n' "$(echo "${reason}" | wc -l)"
+ fi | \
+ irc_say "${channel}" 'copy'
+ done
+ sed -i "/${regex}/d" "${out_file}"
+ fi
+ # answer "What's up?"
+ regex='^\(\S\+ \)\?\S\+ <\S\+> .*[Ww]hat'"'"'\?s *[Uu]p'
+ if grep "${regex}" "${out_file}" | \
+ grep -q "${sloppy_salutation}"; then
+ sed -i "/${regex}/d" "${out_file}"
+ {
+ printf 'up? I'"'"'m up for %s, %s' \
+ "$(uptime -p | sed 's/^up //')" \
+ "$(uptime | sed 's/.*, //')"
+ if [ -s "${work_dir}/build-master-sanity" ]; then
+ printf ' ... and I'"'"'m insane :-D'
+ fi
+ printf '\n'
+ } | \
+ irc_say "${channel}" 'copy'
+ fi
+ # answer "Thanks!"
+ regex='^\(\S\+ \)\?\S\+ <\S\+> \(.* \)\?[Tt]h\(anks\|x\)\([ ,.!]\|$\)'
+ if grep "${regex}" "${out_file}" | \
+ grep -q "${sloppy_salutation}"; then
+ sed -i "/${regex}/d" "${out_file}"
+ printf 'np\n' | \
+ irc_say "${channel}" 'copy'
+ fi
+ done
diff --git a/bin/ii-connect b/bin/ii-connect
index 5fc5f37..6e543c5 100755
--- a/bin/ii-connect
+++ b/bin/ii-connect
@@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ fi
# watch if asked to
if [ "$1" = 'watch' ]; then
- done_something=false
while pgrep -x 'ii' > /dev/null; do
# this avoids missing modifications during our last execution
- if ! ${done_something}; then
+ if [ -z "${said}" ]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
inotifywait -e 'CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE' $(
find "${irc_dir}" \
@@ -48,108 +47,9 @@ if [ "$1" = 'watch' ]; then
-name 'out'
- done_something=false
- welcome_user_regex='^\S\+ -!- \(abaumann\|deep42thought\|tyzoid\)(.* has joined \S\+$'
- new_users=$(
- sed -n '
- s/'"${welcome_user_regex}"'/\1/
- T
- p
- ' "${irc_dir}/#archlinux32/out" | \
- sort -u
+ said=$(
+ "${base_dir}/bin/ii-answer"
- if [ -n "${new_users}" ]; then
- sed -i '
- /'"${welcome_user_regex}"'/ d
- ' "${irc_dir}/#archlinux32/out"
- done_something=true
- printf '%s\n' "${new_users}" | \
- sed '
- s/^/Hi /
- s/$/!/
- ' | \
- irc_say
- fi
- find "${irc_dir}" \
- -type f \
- -name 'out' \
- -printf '%p\n' | \
- while read -r out_file; do
- channel="${out_file%/out}"
- channel="${channel##*/}"
- if [ -z "${channel%%#*}" ]; then
- prefix='buildmaster: '
- sloppy_salutation='buildmaster'
- else
- prefix=''
- sloppy_salutation=''
- fi
- regex='^\(\S\+ \)\?\S\+ <\S\+> '"${prefix}"'why[- ]don'"'"'\?t[- ]you \(build\|stabilize\|unstage\|keep\|stubbornly_keep\) '
- if grep -q "${regex}" "${out_file}"; then
- done_something=true
- sed -n '
- s/'"${regex}"'/\2 /
- T
- p
- ' "${out_file}" | \
- while read -r line; do
- reason=$(
- echo "${line}" | \
- xargs "${base_dir}/bin/why-dont-you" 2>&1
- )
- if [ "$(echo "${reason}" | wc -l)" -le 5 ]; then
- echo "${reason}"
- else
- echo "${reason}" | \
- head -n5
- printf '... (%s lines total)\n' "$(echo "${reason}" | wc -l)"
- fi | \
- sponge "${out_file%/out}/in"
- done
- sed -i "/${regex}/d" "${out_file}"
- fi
- regex='^\(\S\+ \)\?\S\+ <\S\+> '"${prefix}"'wtf '
- if grep -q "${regex}" "${out_file}"; then
- done_something=true
- sed -n '
- s/'"${regex}"'//
- T
- p
- ' "${out_file}" | \
- while read -r line; do
- reason=$("${base_dir}/bin/wtf" "${line}");
- if [ -z "${reason}" ]; then
- reason="Huh, I don't know that one."
- fi
- if [ "$(echo "${reason}" | wc -l)" -le 5 ]; then
- echo "${reason}"
- else
- echo "${reason}" | \
- head -n5
- printf '... (%s lines total)\n' "$(echo "${reason}" | wc -l)"
- fi | \
- sponge "${out_file%/out}/in"
- done
- sed -i "/${regex}/d" "${out_file}"
- fi
- regex='^\(\S\+ \)\?\S\+ <\S\+> .*[Ww]hat'"'"'\?s *[Uu]p'
- if grep "${regex}" "${out_file}" | \
- grep -q "${sloppy_salutation}"; then
- done_something=true
- sed -i "/${regex}/d" "${out_file}"
- printf 'up? I'"'"'m up for %s, %s\n' "$(uptime -p | sed 's/^up //')" "$(uptime | sed 's/.*, //')" | \
- sponge "${out_file%/out}/in"
- fi
- regex='^\(\S\+ \)\?\S\+ <\S\+> \(.* \)\?[Tt]h\(anks\|x\)\([ ,.!]\|$\)'
- if grep "${regex}" "${out_file}" | \
- grep -q "${sloppy_salutation}"; then
- done_something=true
- sed -i "/${regex}/d" "${out_file}"
- printf 'np\n' | \
- sponge "${out_file%/out}/in"
- fi
- done
- sleep 1
diff --git a/bin/return-assignment b/bin/return-assignment
index bcdb717..b4fdf1c 100755
--- a/bin/return-assignment
+++ b/bin/return-assignment
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ if [ "$5" = 'ERROR' ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2119
printf '%s is broken (says %s).' \
"$1" \
diff --git a/bin/sanity-check b/bin/sanity-check
index 96f028f..fdcc25a 100755
--- a/bin/sanity-check
+++ b/bin/sanity-check
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ usage() {
i_am_insane() {
if [ ! -s "${work_dir}/build-master-sanity" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2119
printf '\001ACTION goes insane.\001\n' | \
@@ -461,6 +462,7 @@ done
if [ -f "${work_dir}/build-master-sanity" ]; then
rm "${work_dir}/build-master-sanity"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2119
printf '\001ACTION resumes sanity.\001\n' | \
diff --git a/lib/common-functions b/lib/common-functions
index ef10367..7093c12 100755
--- a/lib/common-functions
+++ b/lib/common-functions
@@ -549,8 +549,7 @@ recursively_umount_and_rm() {
# mangle_pkgbuild $PKGBUILD [$sub_pkgrel]
# mangle $arch in PKBUILDs to contain i486, i586, i686
# append $sub_pkgrel to the pkgrel
-# TODO: actually include the other architectures
+# remove "lib32-" from {make,check,opt,}depends
mangle_pkgbuild() {
local PKGBUILD="$1"
@@ -568,53 +567,20 @@ mangle_pkgbuild() {
sed -i '
- /^arch=(/s/(/(i686 /
+ /^arch=(/s/(/(i686 i486 pentium3 /
-# find_newest_of_git_revisions
-# find newest git revision of the ones provided at stdin
-# (assuming linear history)
-find_newest_of_git_revisions() {
- local revisions
- local repo
- revisions=$(cat)
- if [ "$(
- echo "${revisions}" | \
- wc -l
- )" -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "${revisions}"
- return
- fi
- repo=$(
- find_repository_with_commit \
- "$(
- echo "${revisions}" | \
- grep -xm1 '[0-9a-f]\{40\}'
- )"
- )
- eval 'repo="${repo_paths__'"${repo}"'}"'
- echo "${revisions}" | \
- xargs -rn1 git -C "${repo}" rev-parse | \
- {
- newest=''
- while read -r current; do
- if [ -z "${newest}" ] || \
- git -C "${repo}" merge-base --is-ancestor "${newest}" "${current}"; then
- newest="${current}"
- fi
- done
- echo "${newest}"
+ sed -i '
+ /^\s*\(\(make\|check\|opt\|\)depends\)=(/ {
+ :a
+ s,^\s*\(\S[^=]*\)=(\([^()]*\(#[^\n]*\n\)\?\)*),\0\n\1=(${\1[\@]/lib32-/})\n,
+ t
+ $!N
+ ba
+ ' "${PKGBUILD}"
# find_package_repository_to_package $package $git_repository $git_commit
@@ -921,10 +887,23 @@ extract_pkgname_epoch_pkgver_pkgrel_sub_pkgrel_arch_from_package_name() {
-# irc_say
-# say content of stdin in irc channel
+# irc_say $channel [copy]
+# say content of stdin in irc channel $channel (default: #archlinux32)
+# and print copy to stdout if 'copy' is given
+# shellcheck disable=SC2120
irc_say() {
- if [ -p "${irc_dir}/#archlinux32/in" ]; then
- sponge "${irc_dir}/#archlinux32/in"
+ local channel
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ channel='#archlinux32'
+ else
+ channel="$1"
+ fi
+ if [ -p "${irc_dir}/${channel}/in" ]; then
+ if [ "$2" = 'copy' ]; then
+ pee cat 'sponge '"${irc_dir}/${channel}/in"
+ else
+ sponge "${irc_dir}/${channel}/in"
+ fi
diff --git a/lib/mysql-functions b/lib/mysql-functions
index 83b9296..71097cb 100755
--- a/lib/mysql-functions
+++ b/lib/mysql-functions
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
# contains functions used to access mysql db
+# TODO: return ids on INSERT/UPDATE queries and use those in subsequent
+# queries
# shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2039
if [ -z "${base_dir}" ]; then
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ mysql_run_query() {
>&2 printf 'I could not complete a mysql query!\n'
if [ ! -s "${work_dir}/build-master-sanity" ] && \
[ -z "${file_name_extra}" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2119
printf '\001ACTION failed to execute a mysql query - can you have a look at "%s"?.\001\n' \
"${query_stdin##*/}" \
| irc_say
@@ -122,10 +126,8 @@ mysql_add_package_source() {
- printf 'A' >&2
if grep -qx 'PKGBUILD = \S\+' "${srcinfo_file}"; then
- printf 'B' >&2
eval 'repo_path="${repo_paths__'"$(sed -n 's/^upstream_git_repository = //;T;p' "${srcinfo_file}")"'}"'
sed -n '
@@ -134,26 +136,19 @@ mysql_add_package_source() {
' "${srcinfo_file}"
- printf 'C' >&2
git -C "${repo_path}" log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ct "${old_git_revision}${git_revision}" -- "${pkgbuild}"
- printf 'D' >&2
if [ -z "${commit_time}" ]; then
# We may have modified git_mod_revision!
- printf 'E' >&2
git -C "${repo_path}" log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ct "${git_revision}" -- "${pkgbuild}"
- printf 'F' >&2
- printf 'G' >&2
commit_time=$(date '+%s')
- printf 'H' >&2
- printf 'I' >&2
@@ -176,7 +171,7 @@ mysql_add_package_source() {
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO package_sources'
+ printf 'INSERT INTO `package_sources`'
printf ' (`pkgbase`,`git_revision`,`mod_git_revision`,`upstream_package_repository`,`uses_upstream`,`uses_modification`,`commit_time`)'
printf ' VALUES ('
printf 'from_base64("%s"),' \
@@ -196,60 +191,12 @@ mysql_add_package_source() {
"${upstream_package_repository_id}" \
"${uses_upstream}" \
- printf 'from_unixtime(%s));\n' \
+ printf 'from_unixtime(%s))' \
+ printf ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id`=LAST_INSERT_ID(`package_sources`.`id`);\n'
+ printf 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();\n'
} | \
- printf 'J' >&2
-# mysql_show_binary_package $pkgname $pkgver $pkgrel $sub_pkgrel
-# shellcheck disable=SC2031,SC2086,SC2154
-mysql_show_binary_package() {
- local names='pkgname pkgver pkgrel sub_pkgrel'
- local name
- for name in ${names}; do
- eval 'local '"${name}"
- eval "${name}"'=$(
- printf "%s" "$1" |
- base64 -w0
- )'
- shift
- done
- {
- printf 'SELECT'
- printf ' `%s`.`%s`,' \
- 'repositories' 'name' \
- 'binary_packages' 'pkgname' \
- 'package_sources' 'pkgver' \
- 'package_sources' 'pkgrel' \
- 'binary_packages' 'sub_pkgrel' \
- 'architectures' 'name' \
- 'package_sources' 'pkgbase' \
- 'package_sources' 'git_revision' \
- 'package_sources' 'mod_git_revision' \
- 'upstream_repositories' 'name'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
- mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories
- printf ' WHERE'
- printf ' `%s`.`%s` = from_base64("%s") AND' \
- 'binary_packages' 'pkgname' "${pkgname}" \
- 'binary_packages' 'sub_pkgrel' "${sub_pkgrel}" \
- 'package_sources' 'pkgver' "${pkgver}" \
- 'package_sources' 'pkgrel' "${pkgrel}"
- printf ';'
- } | \
- sed '
- s|, FROM| FROM|g
- s|AND;|;|g
- ' | \
- mysql_run_query --html --column-names
# mysql_generate_package_metadata $current_repository $package $git_revision $old_git_revision $mod_git_revision $repository
@@ -286,7 +233,6 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d 'tmp.mysql-functions.mysql_generate_package_metadata.XXXXXXXXXX' --tmpdir)
trap 'rm -rf --one-file-system "${temp_dir}"' EXIT
- printf '.a' >&2
if ! make_source_info "${package}" "${repository}" "${git_revision}" "${mod_git_revision}" "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO"; then
printf '"make_source_info %s %s %s %s %s" failed.\n' "${package}" "${repository}" "${git_revision}" "${mod_git_revision}" "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO"
exit 2
@@ -306,7 +252,6 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
printf '\n\n' >> "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO"
- printf '.b' >&2
grep '^pkgbase = ' "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO" | \
cut -d' ' -f3
@@ -315,86 +260,55 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
>&2 printf '"make_source_info" did not return a "pkgbase" - eh, what?\n'
exit 2
- printf '.c' >&2
# add the package source
- mysql_add_package_source "${pkgbase}" "${git_revision}" "${old_git_revision}" "${mod_git_revision}" "${repository}" "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO"
- printf '.d' >&2
+ package_source_id=$(
+ mysql_add_package_source "${pkgbase}" "${git_revision}" "${old_git_revision}" "${mod_git_revision}" "${repository}" "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO"
+ )
# now we encode everything in base64
printf '%s' "${current_repository}" | \
base64 -w0
- pkgbase=$(
- printf '%s' "${pkgbase}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )
- git_revision=$(
- printf '%s' "${git_revision}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )
- mod_git_revision=$(
- printf '%s' "${mod_git_revision}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )
- repository=$(
- printf '%s' "${repository}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )
# add the build assignment(s)
- archs=$(
- sed -n '
- s/^\tarch = //
- T
- p
- ' "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO" | \
- grep -vxF 'any' | \
- sort -u
- )
- if [ -z "${archs}" ]; then
+ sed -n '
+ s/^\tarch = //
+ T
+ p
+ ' "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO" | \
+ sort -u | \
+ grep -vxF 'any' || \
echo 'any'
- else
- printf '%s\n' "${archs}"
- fi
} | \
+ base64_encode_each | \
while read -r arch; do
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `build_assignments` (`package_source`,`architecture`,`is_blocked`,`is_broken`,`priority`)'
- printf ' SELECT `package_sources`.`id`,`architectures`.`id`,NULL,0,0'
- printf ' FROM `architectures` JOIN `package_sources`'
+ printf 'INSERT INTO `build_assignments` (`package_source`,`architecture`,`is_blocked`,`is_broken`,`priority`)'
+ printf ' SELECT %s,`architectures`.`id`,NULL,0,0' \
+ "${package_source_id}"
+ printf ' FROM `architectures`'
printf ' WHERE `architectures`.`name` = from_base64("%s")' \
- "$(
- printf '%s' "${arch}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )"
- printf ' AND `package_sources`.`%s` = from_base64("%s")' \
- 'pkgbase' "${pkgbase}" \
- 'git_revision' "${git_revision}" \
- 'mod_git_revision' "${mod_git_revision}"
- printf ';\n'
- done > \
- "${temp_dir}/add-build-assignments-command"
- # TODO: correctly link between binary_packages and build_assignments using any_arch
+ "${arch}"
+ printf ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id`=LAST_INSERT_ID(`build_assignments`.`id`);\n'
+ printf 'SELECT "%s",LAST_INSERT_ID();\n' \
+ "${arch}"
+ done | \
+ mysql_run_query > \
+ "${temp_dir}/"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2034
# select any specific arch (which will be building the 'any' part of a split package)
- {
- sed -n '
- s/^\tarch = //
- T
- p
- ' "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO" | \
- sort -r | \
- grep -vxFm 1 'any' || \
- echo 'any'
- } | \
- base64_encode_each
+ cut -f1 < \
+ "${temp_dir}/" | \
+ sort | \
+ head -n1 | \
+ tr -d '\n' | \
+ base64 -w0
+ # iterate over all pkgnames
grep '^pkgname = ' "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO" | \
cut -d' ' -f3 | \
while read -r pkgname; do
@@ -403,22 +317,15 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
base64 -w0
sed -n '
- /^pkgbase = \|^pkgname = '"$(str_to_regex "${pkgname}")"'$/{
- :a
- N
- /\n$/{
- p
- T
- }
- ba
- }
- ' "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO" | \
- sed '
+ /^pkgbase = \|^pkgname = '"$(str_to_regex "${pkgname}")"'$/,/^$/ {
- ' > \
+ p
+ }
+ ' "${temp_dir}/SRCINFO" > \
+ # iterate over all archs
grep '^arch = ' "${temp_dir}/BINARYINFO.${pkgname64}" | \
cut -d' ' -f3 | \
while read -r arch; do
@@ -426,24 +333,51 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
printf '%s' "${arch}" | \
base64 -w0
- sed '
- s/^\(\S\+\)_'"${arch}"' = /\1 = /
- ' "${temp_dir}/BINARYINFO.${pkgname64}" > \
+ {
+ {
+ # this binary package is either built by the build_assignment
+ # with the identical arch (if existent) or by the one
+ # with arch=$any_arch
+ grep "^${arch64}"'\s' "${temp_dir}/" || \
+ grep "^${any_arch}"'\s' "${temp_dir}/"
+ } | \
+ sed '
+ s/^.*\s/build-assignment-id = /
+ '
+ sed '
+ s/^\(\S\+\)_'"${arch}"' = /\1 = /
+ ' "${temp_dir}/BINARYINFO.${pkgname64}"
+ } > \
"${temp_dir}/ARCHINFO ${pkgname64} ${arch64}"
+ # TODO: This should become multiple mysql queries:
+ # 1st inserting install_targets
+ # 2nd inserting binary_packages (and binary_packages_in_repositories)
+ # 3rd,4th inserting dependencies and install_target_providers
+ # The links between the above should _solely_ be made by the ids of
+ # the respective rows.
+ # now each "ARCHINFO $pkgname $arch" file represents one binary package
find "${temp_dir}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name 'ARCHINFO * *' -printf '%f\n' | \
while read -r _ pkgname arch; do
+ build_assignment_id=$(
+ grep '^build-assignment-id = ' "${temp_dir}/ARCHINFO ${pkgname} ${arch}" | \
+ cut -d' ' -f3
+ )
grep '^pkgver = ' "${temp_dir}/ARCHINFO ${pkgname} ${arch}" | \
cut -d' ' -f3 | \
- base64_encode_each
+ tr -d '\n' | \
+ base64 -w0
grep '^pkgrel = ' "${temp_dir}/ARCHINFO ${pkgname} ${arch}" | \
cut -d' ' -f3 | \
sed 's/\.[0-9]\+$//' | \
- base64_encode_each
+ tr -d '\n' | \
+ base64 -w0
@@ -451,8 +385,10 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
echo 'epoch = 0'
} | \
cut -d' ' -f3 | \
- base64_encode_each
+ tr -d '\n' | \
+ base64 -w0
+ # TODO: allow versioned install_targets
grep '^\(groups\|provides\) = ' "${temp_dir}/ARCHINFO ${pkgname} ${arch}" | \
cut -d' ' -f3 | \
@@ -534,8 +470,8 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
'is_tested' \
printf ') SELECT '
+ printf '%s,' "${build_assignment_id}"
printf '`%s`.`id`,' \
- 'build_assignments' \
'repositories' \
printf 'from_base64("%s"),' \
@@ -547,23 +483,16 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
printf ' `%s` JOIN' \
'repositories' \
- 'architectures' \
- 'build_assignments'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
- mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories
+ 'architectures'
printf ' WHERE'
printf ' `%s`.`%s` = from_base64("%s") AND' \
'repositories' 'name' "${current_repository}" \
- 'architectures' 'name' "${arch}" \
- 'package_sources' 'pkgbase' "${pkgbase}" \
- 'package_sources' 'git_revision' "${git_revision}" \
- 'package_sources' 'mod_git_revision' "${mod_git_revision}" \
- 'upstream_repositories' 'name' "${repository}"
+ 'architectures' 'name' "${arch}"
printf ';\n'
} | \
sed '
s| AND;$|;|
' >> \
@@ -689,12 +618,8 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
} >> \
- printf '.e' >&2
- if [ -s "${temp_dir}/add-build-assignments-command" ]; then
- cat "${temp_dir}/add-build-assignments-command"
- fi
if [ -s "${temp_dir}/add-binary-packages-command" ]; then
cat "${temp_dir}/add-binary-packages-command"
@@ -703,7 +628,6 @@ mysql_generate_package_metadata() {
} | \
- printf '.f' >&2
@@ -999,118 +923,6 @@ mysql_query_select_pkgbase_and_revision() {
-# mysql_repair_binary_packages_without_build_assignment
-# try to generate valid build assignments to binary packages without
-# a valid one yet
-mysql_repair_binary_packages_without_build_assignment() {
- {
- printf 'SELECT '
- printf '`binary_packages`.`id`'
- printf ',replace(to_base64(%s),"\\n","")' \
- '`binary_packages`.`pkgname`' \
- '`architectures`.`name`'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures
- printf ' WHERE `binary_packages`.`build_assignment`<0'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query | \
- while read -r id pkgname arch; do
- pkgname=$(
- printf '%s' "${pkgname}" | \
- base64 -d
- )
- pkgbase=$(
- curl -Ss "$(
- printf '' \
- "${pkgname}"
- )" | \
- sed '
- s/^.*"results":\s*\[//
- s/}\s*,\s*{/\n/g
- ' | \
- grep '"pkgname":\s*"'"$(str_to_regex "${pkgname}")"'"' | \
- tr ',' '\n' | \
- grep '"pkgbase":' | \
- cut -d'"' -f4 | \
- sort -u | \
- head -n1
- )
- if [ -z "${pkgbase}" ] && \
- {
- printf 'SELECT count(*) FROM `package_sources`'
- printf ' WHERE `package_sources`.`pkgbase`=from_base64("%s")' \
- "$(printf '%s' "${pkgname}" | base64 -w0)"
- } | \
- mysql_run_query | \
- grep -qvxF '0'; then
- pkgbase="${pkgname}"
- fi
- if [ -z "${pkgbase}" ]; then
- >&2 printf 'Could not find "%s" upstream.\n' "${pkgname}"
- continue
- fi
- pkgbase=$(
- printf '%s' "${pkgbase}" | \
- base64 -w0
- )
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `build_assignments` (`package_source`,`architecture`,`is_blocked`,`is_broken`,`priority`)'
- printf ' SELECT `package_sources`.`id`,`architectures`.`id`,0,0,0'
- printf ' FROM `package_sources`'
- printf ' JOIN `architectures`'
- printf ' WHERE `package_sources`.`pkgbase`=from_base64("%s")' "${pkgbase}"
- printf ' AND `architectures`.`name`=from_base64("%s")' "${arch}"
- printf ' LIMIT 1;\n'
- printf 'UPDATE `binary_packages`'
- printf ' JOIN `build_assignments`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- printf ' SET `binary_packages`.`build_assignment`=`build_assignments`.`id`'
- printf ' WHERE `binary_packages`.`id`=%s' "${id}"
- printf ' AND `package_sources`.`pkgbase`=from_base64("%s");\n' "${pkgbase}"
- done | \
- mysql_run_query
-# mysql_remove_duplicate_binary_packages
-# remove duplicate binary_packages, matching pkgname, epoch, pkgver, pkgrel,
-# having difference of 1 in sub_pkgrel
-mysql_remove_duplicate_build_order() {
- {
- printf ' (`old` BIGINT, `new` BIGINT, `repo` BIGINT, `sub_pkgrel` BIGINT);\n'
- printf 'INSERT INTO `ren` (`old`,`new`,`repo`,`sub_pkgrel`)'
- printf ' SELECT `old`.`id`,`new`.`id`,`old`.`repository`,`old`.`sub_pkgrel`'
- printf ' FROM `binary_packages` as `old`'
- printf ' JOIN `binary_packages` as `new` ON'
- printf ' `old`.`%s`=`new`.`%s` AND' \
- 'pkgname' 'pkgname' \
- 'epoch' 'epoch' \
- 'pkgver' 'pkgver' \
- 'pkgrel' 'pkgrel'
- printf ' `old`.`sub_pkgrel`+1=`new`.`sub_pkgrel`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'old' 'orep'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'new' 'nrep'
- printf ' WHERE `orep`.`name`!="to-be-decided"'
- printf ' AND `nrep`.`name`="to-be-decided";\n'
- printf 'UPDATE IGNORE `dependencies`'
- printf ' JOIN `ren` ON `ren`.`old`=`dependencies`.`dependent`'
- printf ' SET `dependencies`.`dependent`=`ren`.`new`;\n'
- printf 'UPDATE IGNORE `install_target_providers`'
- printf ' JOIN `ren` ON `ren`.`old`=`install_target_providers`.`package`'
- printf ' SET `install_target_providers`.`package`=`ren`.`new`;\n'
- printf 'DELETE FROM `binary_packages`'
- printf ' WHERE EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT * FROM `ren`'
- printf ' WHERE `ren`.`old`=`binary_packages`.`id`'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'UPDATE IGNORE `binary_packages`'
- printf ' JOIN `ren` ON `ren`.`new`=`binary_packages`.`id`'
- printf ' SET `binary_packages`.`repository`=`ren`.`repo`,'
- printf ' `binary_packages`.`sub_pkgrel`=`ren`.`sub_pkgrel`;\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
# mysql_package_name_query
# print a mysql query of the full name of a package file