"`ssh_log`.`date`", "duration" => "`ssh_log`.`duration`", "exit code" => "`ssh_log`.`exit_code`", "build slave" => "`build_slaves`.`name`", "action" => "`ssh_log`.`action`", "parameters" => "`ssh_log`.`parameters`" ); $join = " LEFT" . mysql_join_ssh_log_build_slaves(); if (array_key_exists("action", $_GET)) $filter .= " AND `ssh_log`.`action` LIKE from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["action"] . "%") . "\")"; if (array_key_exists("parameters", $_GET)) $filter .= " AND `ssh_log`.`parameters` LIKE from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["parameters"] . "%") . "\")"; if (array_key_exists("slave", $_GET)) $filter .= " AND `build_slaves`.`name` LIKE from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["slave"] . "%") . "\")"; if (array_key_exists("success", $_GET)) $filter .= " AND `ssh_log`.`exit_code`=0"; if (array_key_exists("failure", $_GET)) $filter .= " AND `ssh_log`.`exit_code`!=0"; } elseif (array_key_exists("show", $_GET) && ($_GET["show"] == "command")) { $to_show = "command"; $columns = array( "date" => "`command_log`.`date`", "command" => "`command_log`.`command`", "parameters" => "`command_log`.`parameters`", "shell" => "IF(`command_log`.`shell`,1,0)" ); $join = ''; if (array_key_exists("command", $_GET)) $filter .= " AND `command_log`.`command` LIKE from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["command"]) . "\")"; if (array_key_exists("shell", $_GET)) { $filter .= " AND"; if (!$_GET["shell"]) $filter .= " NOT"; $filter .= " `command_log`.`shell`"; } } else { $to_show = "email"; $columns = array( "date" => "`email_log`.`date`", "action" => "`email_actions`.`name`", "count" => "`email_log`.`count`", "success" => "`email_log`.`success`", "person" => "`persons`.`name`", "comment" => "`email_log`.`comment`" ); $join = " LEFT" . mysql_join_email_log_email_actions() . " LEFT JOIN (" . "`gpg_keys`" . mysql_join_gpg_keys_persons() . ") ON `email_log`.`gpg_key`=`gpg_keys`.`id`"; } if (array_key_exists("from", $_GET)) $min_time = $_GET["from"]; elseif ($to_show == "email") $min_time = "1 00:00:00"; elseif ($to_show == "ssh") $min_time = "1 00:00:00"; else $min_time = "00:42:00"; $query = "SELECT "; foreach ($columns as $name => $column) $query .= $column . " AS `".$name."`,"; $query = substr($query,0,-1); $query .= " FROM `" . $to_show . "_log`" . $join . " WHERE TIMEDIFF((" . // NOW() is wrong here - due to differing time zones O.o "SELECT MAX(`l`.`date`) FROM `" . $to_show . "_log` AS `l`" . "),`" . $to_show . "_log`.`date`) < from_base64(\"" . base64_encode( $min_time ) . "\")" . $filter . " ORDER BY `" . $to_show . "_log`.`date` DESC"; $result = mysql_run_query($query); ?> <?php print $to_show; ?>-log $column) { print " \n"; } ?> fetch_assoc()) { print " \n"; foreach ($row as $val) { print " \n"; } print " \n"; } ?>
\n"; print " " . $label . "\n"; print "
\n"; print " "; if (array_key_exists('exit code', $row)) { print ""; } print $val; if (array_key_exists('exit code', $row)) { print ""; } print "\n"; print "