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path: root/scripts/statistics.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/statistics.php')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/statistics.php b/scripts/statistics.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c919f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/statistics.php
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+if (isset($_GET["from"]))
+ $min_time="from_base64(\"" . base64_encode("-".$_GET["from"]) . "\")";
+ $min_time="\"-7 00:00:00\"";
+$mysql = new mysqli("localhost", "webserver", "empty", "buildmaster");
+if ($mysql->connect_error) {
+ die("Connection failed: " . $mysql->connect_error);
+if (! $result = $mysql -> query(
+ "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`statistics`.`date`) AS `date`," .
+ "`statistics`.`pending_tasks_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`pending_packages_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`staging_packages_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`testing_packages_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`tested_packages_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`broken_tasks_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`dependency_loops_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`dependency_looped_tasks_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`locked_tasks_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`blocked_tasks_count`," .
+ "`statistics`.`next_tasks_count`" .
+ "FROM `statistics` " .
+ "WHERE `statistics`.`date`>=ADDTIME(NOW()," . $min_time . ") " .
+ "ORDER BY `statistics`.`date`"
+ ))
+ die($mysql->error);
+$t_min = -1;
+$t_max = -1;
+$val_max = -1;
+while($vals = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ if ($t_min == -1)
+ $t_min = $vals["date"];
+ $t_max = $vals["date"];
+ foreach ($vals as $column => $val)
+ if ($column != "date") {
+ $values[$column][$vals["date"]] = $val;
+ $val_max = max($val_max,$val);
+ }
+$print_columns = array_keys($values);
+$max_len = 0;
+foreach ($print_columns as $column) {
+ $len = strlen($values[$column][$t_max])+1;
+ if ($len > $max_len)
+ $max_len = $len;
+$width = 1600;
+$height = 600;
+$border = 5;
+$legend_line_length = 10;
+$legend_height = 4 * ImageFontHeight(5) + $legend_line_length;
+$im = @ImageCreate ($width + $legend_line_length + $max_len * ImageFontWidth(5), $height + $legend_height)
+ or die ("Cannot create new gd-image-stream");
+$background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
+$foreground_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
+$colors['stable_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
+$colors['pending_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 128);
+$colors['pending_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 255);
+$colors['staging_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 100, 0);
+$colors['testing_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 200, 0);
+$colors['tested_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 100, 255, 0);
+$colors['broken_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 0, 0);
+$colors['dependency_loops_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 128, 128, 0);
+$colors['dependency_looped_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 128, 128);
+$colors['locked_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 128, 128, 128);
+$colors['blocked_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 128, 0, 0);
+$colors['next_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 255, 255);
+function scale($x, $x_min, $x_max, $scale, $log) {
+ if ($log) {
+ $x = log($x + 10);
+ $x_min = log($x_min + 10);
+ $x_max = log($x_max + 10);
+ };
+ if ($x_max == $x_min)
+ $frac = 0;
+ else
+ $frac = ($x - $x_min)/($x_max - $x_min);
+ if ($scale < 0)
+ return ($frac-1) * $scale;
+ else
+ return $frac * $scale;
+function print_graph($data, $color) {
+ global $width, $height, $im, $t_min, $t_max, $val_max, $border, $legend_line_length;
+ ksort($data);
+ $last_t = -1;
+ $last_val = -1;
+ foreach ($data as $t => $val) {
+ if ($last_t != -1)
+ ImageLine(
+ $im,
+ scale($last_t,$t_min,$t_max,$width-2*$border,false)+$border+$legend_line_length,
+ scale($last_val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border,
+ scale($t,$t_min,$t_max,$width-2*$border,false)+$border+$legend_line_length,
+ scale($val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border,
+ $color
+ );
+ $last_t = $t;
+ $last_val = $val;
+ }
+ ImageString(
+ $im,
+ 5,
+ $width+$legend_line_length,
+ scale($last_val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border - ImageFontHeight(5)/2,
+ " ".$data[$t_max],
+ $color
+ );
+ImageRectangle($im, $legend_line_length, 0, $width-1+$legend_line_length, $height-1, $foreground_color);
+ImageString($im, 5, $legend_line_length, $height + 2*$legend_line_length + 2*ImageFontHeight(5), "( ".trim(shell_exec("uptime | sed 's|^.*\\s\\(load\\)|\\1|'"))." )", $foreground_color);
+$xpos = $legend_line_length;
+foreach ($print_columns as $column) {
+ print_graph($values[$column], $colors[$column]);
+ ImageString($im, 5, $xpos, $height + $legend_line_length + ImageFontHeight(5), substr($column,0,-strlen("_count")), $colors[$column]);
+ $xpos += (strlen($column) - strlen("_count") + 1.75) * ImageFontWidth(5);
+ImageString($im, 5, $legend_line_length, $height + $legend_line_length, date('Y-m-d H:i', $t_min), $foreground_color);
+$s = date('Y-m-d H:i', $t_max);
+ImageString($im, 5, $width+$legend_line_length - strlen($s)*ImageFontWidth(5), $height + $legend_line_length, $s, $foreground_color);
+for ($t=ceil($t_min/24/60/60); $t<=floor($t_max/24/60/60); $t++)
+ ImageLine(
+ $im,
+ scale($t*24*60*60,$t_min,$t_max,$width-2*$border,false)+$border+$legend_line_length,
+ $height,
+ scale($t*24*60*60,$t_min,$t_max,$width-2*$border,false)+$border+$legend_line_length,
+ $height+$legend_line_length,
+ $foreground_color
+ );
+for ($val=0; $val<=$val_max;) {
+ ImageLine(
+ $im,
+ 0,
+ scale($val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border,
+ $legend_line_length,
+ scale($val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border,
+ $foreground_color
+ );
+ if (! isset($_GET["log"]))
+ $val+=pow(10,round(log($val_max)/log(10))-1);
+ elseif ($val==0)
+ $val++;
+ else
+ $val=$val*10;
+// ImageString ($im, 1, 5, 5, "Test-String ".rand(), $foreground_color);
+header ("Content-type: image/png");
+ImagePNG ($im);