Send patches - preferably formatted by git format-patch - to patches at archlinux32 dot org.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
db-updatebin/db-update: touch mv* and rm* files in case they're not there yetErich Eckner6 years
masterbuild-packages: Set GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0Tasos Sahanidis4 days
wdy-wipbin/tmp-bootstrap: name of stored procedude customizableErich Eckner6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
4 daysbuild-packages: Set GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0HEADmasterTasos Sahanidis
2024-03-11bin/sanity-check: Handle different ssh key typesTasos Sahanidis
2024-03-11bin/manage-slaves: Handle different ssh key typesTasos Sahanidis
2024-03-09enabled caching of pkginfo againAndreas Baumann
2024-03-09disabled pkginfo cache for nowAndreas Baumann
2024-03-05lib/common-functions: Retry the curl command if empty gz is returnedTasos Sahanidis
2024-02-09ignore build-support-manual in ls_master_mirrorAndreas Baumann
2024-02-09cope with ssh-ed25519 keys in ssh-key checkAndreas Baumann
2024-02-07bin/schedule-for-rebuild: Add interactive optionTasos Sahanidis
2024-02-07bin/watch-build-logs: Add new script to watch build logsTasos Sahanidis