#!/bin/sh CONFIG="$(pwd)/mkarchiso.conf" CPIOCONFIG="$(pwd)/archiso-mkinitcpio.conf" DEF_CONFIG_DIR="$(pwd)/default-config" QUIET="y" FORCE="n" command_name="" work_dir="" isoname="" PKGDIR="." APPNAME=$(basename "${0}") ALL_ARGS="${@}" #for fakeroot usage usage () { echo "usage ${APPNAME} [options] command <command options>" echo " general options:" echo " -c CONFIG Use CONFIG file. default: /etc/archlive/mkarchiso.conf" echo " -i CPIO CONFIG Use CONFIG file for mkinitcpio. default: /etc/archlive/mkinitcpio.conf" echo " -f Force overwrite of working files / iso" echo " -v Verbose output. Default: no" echo " -h This message." echo " commands:" echo " install <working dir> : where to build the ISO root" echo " squash <working dir> : generate a squashfs image of the ISO root" echo " iso <working dir> <iso name> : build an iso from the working directory" echo " all <working dir> <iso name> : perform all of the above, in order" exit 1 } while getopts 'c:i:n:s:pvh' arg; do case "${arg}" in c) CONFIG="${OPTARG}" ;; i) CPIOCONFIG="${OPTARG}" ;; v) FORCE="f" ;; v) QUIET="n" ;; h|?) usage ;; *) echo "invalid argument '${arg}'"; usage ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) [ $# -le 1 ] && usage command_name="${1}" case "${command_name}" in install) work_dir="${2}" ;; squash) work_dir="${2}" ;; iso) work_dir="${2}"; isoname="${3}" ;; all) work_dir="${2}"; isoname="${3}" ;; *) echo "invalid command name '${command_name}'"; usage ;; esac [ "x${work_dir}" = "x" ] && (echo "please specify a working directory" && usage) if [ -e "${work_dir}" -a "${FORCE}" = "n" ]; then echo "Working dir '${work_dir}' already exists, aborting..." exit 1 fi if [ "${command_name}" = "iso" -o "${command_name}" = "all" ]; then [ "x${isoname}" = "x" ] && (echo "please specify an iso name" && usage) if [ -e "${isoname}" -a "${FORCE}" = "n"]; then echo "ISO Image '${isoname}' already exists, aborting..." exit 1 fi if [ -e "${CPIOCONFIG}" ]; then echo "mkinitcpio config '${CPIOCONFIG}' does not exist, aborting..." exit 1 fi fi #TODO - do we even need a config file? if [ -e "${CONFIG}" ]; then source "${CONFIG}" else echo "Config '${CONFIG}' does not exist, aborting..." exit 1 fi # {{{ Build isoroot="${work_dir}/iso" instroot="${work_dir}/install" if [ -z $FAKEROOTKEY ]; then echo "Switching to fakeroot environment" fakeroot ${0} ${ALL_ARGS} exit $? fi _kversion () { echo $(pacman -Ql -r "${instroot}" "${kernelpkg}" |\ grep "/lib/modules/[^/]*/$" |\ sed "s|.*/lib/modules/\([^/]*\).*/$|\1|") } _pacman () { #depmod causes fakechroot to coredump - it's harmless, but makes the output ugly fkchroot="" if [ "${1}" = "-safe" ]; then fkchroot="" shift 1 fi FAKEROOTSAV=$FAKEROOTKEY; unset FAKEROOTKEY #TODO this grep is a tad weird... if ! eval "${fkchroot} pacman -Sf --noconfirm -r \"${instroot}\" $*" | grep "\[#"; then exit 1 fi FAKEROOTKEY=$FAKEROOTSAV } install_pkgfile () { safe="" if [ "${1}" = "-safe" ]; then safe="-safe" shift 1 fi if [ -e "${1}" ]; then toinstall="" while read pkg; do echo $ignorepkgs | grep "\<$pkg\>" >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue toinstall="${toinstall} ${pkg}" done < ${1} _pacman "${safe}" "${toinstall}" fi } if [ "${command_name}" = "install" -o "${command_name}" = "all" ]; then mkdir -p "${isoroot}" mkdir -p "${instroot}" FAKEROOTSAV=$FAKEROOTKEY; unset FAKEROOTKEY if ! pacman -Sy -r "${instroot}" 2>&1 | grep -v "cannot open logfile"; then echo "Error, failed to sync pacman... aborting." exit 1 fi FAKEROOTKEY=$FAKEROOTSAV echo "Installing 'base' packages..." install_pkgfile "${PKGDIR}/base.packages" echo "Installing custom packages..." for fil in ${package_files}; do #TODO search for file if not absolute... echo " Installing packages from file '$fil'" install_pkgfile "${fil}" done for pkg in ${additional_packages}; do echo " Installing package '${pkg}'" _pacman "${pkg}" done echo "Installing kernel '${kernelpkg}'" FAKEROOTSAV=$FAKEROOTKEY; unset FAKEROOTKEY if ! _pacman -safe "${kernelpkg}" ; then echo "pacman failed to install '${kernelpkg}', aborting..." exit 1 fi FAKEROOTKEY=$FAKEROOTSAV kernelver=$(_kversion) kernelsuffix=${kernelver##*-} echo "Kernel Version ${kernelver} (${kernelsuffix}) installed - installing modules..." install_pkgfile -safe "modules.${kernelsuffix}" echo "Updating module dependancies" [ "${kernelsuffix}" = "ARCH" ] && kernelsuffix="" depmod -a -b "${instroot}" -v "${kernelver}" -F "${instroot}/boot/System.map26${kernelsuffix}" >/dev/null find "${instroot}/boot" -name *.img -delete #TODO, will this delete our special stuff? echo "Applying default configuration for the Arch ISO." cp -rf ${DEF_CONFIG_DIR}/* "${instroot}" echo "Copyright (C) 2006, Arch Linux (Judd Vinet)" > "${instroot}/etc/copyright" echo "Creating initial device nodes " rm -f "${instroot}/dev/console" "${instroot}/dev/null" "${instroot}/dev/zero" mknod -m 644 "${instroot}/dev/console" c 5 1 mknod -m 666 "${instroot}/dev/null" c 1 3 mknod -m 666 "${instroot}/dev/zero" c 1 5 echo "Creating default home directory" mkdir -p "${instroot}/home/arch" # Cleanup echo "Cleaning up ISO root files..." find "${instroot}" -name *.pacnew -name *.pacsave -name *.pacorig -delete kill_dirs="var/abs var/cache/man var/cache/pacman var/log/* var/mail tmp usr/include initrd" for x in ${kill_dirs}; do if [ -e "${instroot}/${x}" ]; then rm -rf "${instroot}/${x}" fi done find "${instroot}/lib" -name *.a -delete find "${instroot}/usr/lib" -name *.a -delete # this actually takes up alot of space... for d in ${instroot}/var/lib/pacman/*; do [ "$(basename ${d})" != "local" ] && rm -rf "${d}" done if [ -e "${instroot}/boot" ]; then rm -rf "${isoroot}/boot" mv "${instroot}/boot" "${isoroot}" fi fi if [ "${command_name}" = "squash" -o "${command_name}" = "all" ]; then if [ -e "${isoroot}/archlive.sqfs" ]; then echo -n "Removing old squashfs image..." rm "${isoroot}/archlive.sqfs" echo "done." fi echo -n "Creating squashfs image. This may take some time..." start=$(date +%s) mksquashfs "${instroot}" "${isoroot}/archlive.sqfs" -root-owned > /dev/null echo "done in $(echo $start $(date +%s) | awk '{ printf "%0.2f",($2-$1)/60 }') minutes." fi if [ "${command_name}" = "iso" -o "${command_name}" = "all" ]; then kernelver=$(_kversion) basedir=${instroot} [ "${instroot:0:1}" != "/" ] && basedir="$(pwd)/${instroot}" if ! mkinitcpio -c "${CPIOCONFIG}" -b "${basedir}" -k "${kernelver}"\ -g "${isoroot}/boot/archlive.img"; then echo "initcpio image creation failed..." exit 1 fi cp ${instroot}/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/* "${isoroot}/boot/grub" fi if [ "${SKIP_ISO}" = "n" ]; then echo "Creating ISO image..." q="" [ "${QUIET}" = "y" ] && q="-q" mkisofs "${q}" -r -l -b "boot/grub/stage2_eltorito" -uid 0 -gid 0 -no-emul-boot \ -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -publisher "Arch Linux <archlinux.org>" \ -input-charset=UTF-8 -p "prepared by $NAME" -A "Arch Linux Live/Rescue CD" \ -copyright /etc/copyright -o "${isoname}" "${isoroot}" fi