INDEX ----- * Alternative boot methods (configs/releng) * ISO in loopback mode * ISO in memdisk mode * Network booting (PXE) [first stage] * DHCP + TFTP * DHCP + HTTP * HTTP/NFS/NBD [second stage] *** Alternative boot methods (configs/releng) ISO images names consist of: archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-<ARCH>.iso Where: <YYYY> Year <MM> Month <DD> Day <ARCH> i686 | x86_64 | dual(*) (*) "dual" includes both i686 and x86_64 architectures. ** ISO in loopback mode. Note: Described method is for using with GRUB2. GRUB2 is installed on target media and archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-<ARCH>.iso is at path <TARGET-PATH> on disk <D> and partition <P>, where filesystem is labeled as <TARGET-FS-LABEL>. menuentry "Arch Linux (x86_64)" { set isofile="/<TARGET-PATH>/archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-<ARCH>.iso" loopback loop (hd<D>,<P>)$isofile linux (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz archisolabel=<FS-LABEL> img_label=<TARGET-FS-LABEL> img_loop=$isofile initrd (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/archiso.img } menuentry "Arch Linux (i686)" { set isofile="/<TARGET-PATH>/archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-<ARCH>.iso" loopback loop (hd<D>,<P>)$isofile linux (loop)/arch/boot/i686/vmlinuz archisolabel=<FS-LABEL> img_label=<TARGET-FS-LABEL> img_loop=$isofile initrd (loop)/arch/boot/i686/archiso.img } ** ISO in memdisk mode. Note: Described method is for using with SYSLINUX. Anyway MEMDISK from SYSLINUX can work with other bootloaders. SYSLINUX is installed on target media and archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-<ARCH>.iso is at path <TARGET-PATH>. On 32-bit systems, is needed to pass vmalloc=nnM to the kernel, where nn is the size of the ISO image plus 64 MiB (or 128 MiB). LABEL arch_x64 LINUX memdisk INITRD /<TARGET-PATH>/archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-<ARCH>.iso APPEND iso LABEL arch_x32 LINUX memdisk INITRD /<TARGET-PATH>/archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-<ARCH>.iso APPEND iso ** Network booting (PXE). All ISOs are ready to act as PXE server, some manual steps are needed to setup the desired PXE boot mode. Alternatively it is possible to use an existing PXE server following the same logic. Note: Setup network first, adjust IP adresses, and respect all slashes "/". First stage is for loading kernel and initramfs via PXE, two methods described here: * DHCP + TFTP Note: All NIC firmwares should support this. # dnsmasq --port=0 \ --enable-tftp \ --tftp-root=/run/archiso/bootmnt \ --dhcp-range=,,86400 \ --dhcp-boot=/arch/boot/syslinux/gpxelinux.0 \ --dhcp-option-force=209,boot/syslinux/archiso.cfg \ --dhcp-option-force=210,/arch/ * DHCP + HTTP Note: Not all NIC firmware supports HTTP and DNS (if domain name is used). At least this works with iPXE and gPXE. # dnsmasq --port=0 \ --dhcp-range=,,86400 \ --dhcp-boot= \ --dhcp-option-force=209,boot/syslinux/archiso.cfg \ --dhcp-option-force=210, Once the kernel is started from PXE, SquashFS files and other misc files inside "arch" directory must be loaded (second stage). One of the following methods can be used to serve the rest of live-medium. * HTTP # darkhttpd /run/archiso/bootmnt * NFS # echo "/run/archiso/bootmnt 192.168.0.*(ro,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports # rc.d start rpcbind nfs-common nfs-server * NBD Note: Adjust ARCH_201207 as needed. # cat << EOF > /tmp/nbd-server.conf [generic] [archiso] readonly = true exportname = /dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201207 EOF # nbd-server -C /tmp/nbd-server.conf