Arch Linux
                   Installation and Live-CDs

All images give you a live console environment in which you can do
a manual or automatic installation and which can be used as maintenance and rescue systems.

All iso files can also be written to hard disks/usbkeys.

Netinstall images are the preferred install media for Arch Linux.
You can always get up to date packages using these media.
Core images contain a snapshot of the core repository, which makes them ideal
for offline installations when no Internet access is available
to install the base system.  (you can do a netinstall with these also)

Both come in i686, x86_64 or dual variant. The latter contains both and lets you choose
an architecture at boot.

How to obtain and use these installation images:
Torrents are preferred (they are webseed enabled), but you can also just get the images
from an Arch mirror.

The Official Arch Linux Install Guide gives you more info:

More info / getting in touch:

Happy installing!
Happy ARCHing!
- Arch Linux Release Engineering team