DEFAULT vesamenu.c32 PROMPT 0 MENU TITLE Arch Linux MENU BACKGROUND /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/splash.png TIMEOUT 3000 # TODO: Replace these crappy messages with something useful F1 boot.txt F2 options.txt F3 help.txt MENU WIDTH 78 MENU MARGIN 4 MENU ROWS 6 MENU VSHIFT 10 MENU TIMEOUTROW 13 MENU TABMSGROW 11 MENU CMDLINEROW 11 MENU HELPMSGROW 16 MENU HELPMSGENDROW 29 # Refer to MENU COLOR border 30;44 #40ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR title 1;36;44 #9033ccff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR sel 7;37;40 #e0ffffff #20ffffff all MENU COLOR unsel 37;44 #50ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR help 37;40 #c0ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR timeout_msg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 std MENU COLOR timeout 1;37;40 #c0ffffff #00000000 std MENU COLOR msg07 37;40 #90ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR tabmsg 31;40 #30ffffff #00000000 std LABEL arch32 TEXT HELP Boot the Arch Linux (i686) live medium. It allows you to install Arch Linux or perform system maintenance. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux (i686) LINUX /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/i686/vmlinuz26 APPEND initrd=/%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/i686/archiso.img archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=XXX rw_branch_size=75% locale=en_US.UTF-8 # Next line should be uncommented when prepare enviroment to boot from PXE. #IPAPPEND 3 LABEL arch64 TEXT HELP Boot the Arch Linux (x86_64) live medium. It allows you to install Arch Linux or perform system maintenance. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot Arch Linux (x86_64) LINUX /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz26 APPEND initrd=/%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/x86_64/archiso.img archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=XXX rw_branch_size=75% locale=en_US.UTF-8 # Next line should be uncommented when prepare enviroment to boot from PXE. #IPAPPEND 3 LABEL existing TEXT HELP Boot an existing operating system. Press TAB to edit the disk and partition number to boot. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot existing OS COM32 chain.c32 APPEND hd0 0 # LABEL memtest MENU LABEL Run Memtest86+ (RAM test) LINUX /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/memtest # LABEL hdt MENU LABEL Hardware Information (HDT) COM32 hdt.c32 APPEND modules_alias=hdt/modalias.gz pciids=hdt/pciids.gz LABEL reboot MENU LABEL Reboot COM32 reboot.c32 LABEL poweroff MENU LABEL Power Off COMBOOT ONTIMEOUT arch32