# A system with "xorg" installed import os from archinstall import generic_select, sys_command, RequirementError is_top_level_profile = True AVAILABLE_DRIVERS = { # Sub-dicts are layer-2 options to be selected # and lists are a list of packages to be installed 'AMD / ATI' : { 'amd' : ['xf86-video-amdgpu'], 'ati' : ['xf86-video-ati'] }, 'intel' : ['xf86-video-intel'], 'nvidia' : { 'open source' : ['xf86-video-nouveau'], 'proprietary' : ['nvidia'] }, 'mesa' : ['mesa'], 'fbdev' : ['xf86-video-fbdev'], 'vesa' : ['xf86-video-vesa'], 'vmware' : ['xf86-video-vmware'] } def select_driver(options): """ Some what convoluted function, which's job is simple. Select a graphics driver from a pre-defined set of popular options. (The template xorg is for beginner users, not advanced, and should there for appeal to the general public first and edge cases later) """ drivers = sorted(list(options)) if len(drivers) >= 1: for index, driver in enumerate(drivers): print(f"{index}: {driver}") print(' -- The above list are supported graphic card drivers. --') print(' -- You need to select (and read about) which one you need. --') lspci = sys_command(f'/usr/bin/lspci') for line in lspci.trace_log.split(b'\r\n'): if b' vga ' in line.lower(): if b'nvidia' in line.lower(): print(' ** nvidia card detected, suggested driver: nvidia **') elif b'amd' in line.lower(): print(' ** AMD card detected, suggested driver: AMD / ATI **') selected_driver = generic_select(drivers, 'Select your graphics card driver: ', allow_empty_input=False, options_output=False) initial_option = selected_driver # Disabled search for now, only a few profiles exist anyway # #print(' -- You can enter ? or help to search for more drivers --') #if selected_driver.lower() in ('?', 'help'): # filter_string = input('Search for layout containing (example: "sv-"): ') # new_options = search_keyboard_layout(filter_string) # return select_language(new_options) selected_driver = options[selected_driver] if type(selected_driver) == dict: driver_options = sorted(list(selected_driver)) driver_package_group = generic_select(driver_options, f'Which driver-type do you want for {initial_option}: ', allow_empty_input=False) driver_package_group = selected_driver[driver_package_group] return driver_package_group return selected_driver raise RequirementError("Selecting drivers require a least one profile to be given as an option.") def _prep_function(*args, **kwargs): """ Magic function called by the importing installer before continuing any further. It also avoids executing any other code in this stage. So it's a safe way to ask the user for more input before any other installer steps start. """ __builtins__['_gfx_driver_packages'] = archinstall.select_driver() # TODO: Add language section and/or merge it with the locale selected # earlier in for instance guided.py installer. return True # Ensures that this code only gets executed if executed # through importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("xorg", "/somewhere/xorg.py") # or through conventional import xorg if __name__ == 'xorg': try: installation.add_additional_packages(f"xorg-server xorg-xinit {' '.join(_gfx_driver_packages)}") except: installation.add_additional_packages(f"xorg-server xorg-xinit") # Prep didn't run, so there's no driver to install # with open(f'{installation.mountpoint}/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc', 'a') as X11: # X11.write('setxkbmap se\n') # with open(f'{installation.mountpoint}/etc/vconsole.conf', 'a') as vconsole: # vconsole.write('KEYMAP={keyboard_layout}\n'.format(**arguments)) # vconsole.write('FONT=lat9w-16\n') # awesome = archinstall.Application(installation, 'awesome') # awesome.install()