# A system with "xorg" installed import os from archinstall import generic_select, sys_command, RequirementError is_top_level_profile = True AVAILABLE_DRIVERS = { # Sub-dicts are layer-2 options to be selected # and lists are a list of packages to be installed 'AMD / ATI' : { 'amd' : ['xf86-video-amdgpu'], 'ati' : ['xf86-video-ati'] }, 'intel' : ['xf86-video-intel'], 'nvidia' : { 'open source' : ['xf86-video-nouveau'], 'proprietary' : ['nvidia'] }, 'mesa' : ['mesa'], 'fbdev' : ['xf86-video-fbdev'], 'vesa' : ['xf86-video-vesa'], 'vmware' : ['xf86-video-vmware'] } def select_driver(options): """ Some what convoluted function, which's job is simple. Select a graphics driver from a pre-defined set of popular options. (The template xorg is for beginner users, not advanced, and should there for appeal to the general public first and edge cases later) """ drivers = sorted(list(options)) if len(drivers) >= 1: for index, driver in enumerate(drivers): print(f"{index}: {driver}") print(' -- The above list are supported graphic card drivers. --') print(' -- You need to select (and read about) which one you need. --') lspci = sys_command(f'/usr/bin/lspci') for line in lspci.trace_log.split(b'\r\n'): if b' vga ' in line.lower(): if b'nvidia' in line.lower(): print(' ** nvidia card detected, suggested driver: nvidia **') elif b'amd' in line.lower(): print(' ** AMD card detected, suggested driver: AMD / ATI **') selected_driver = generic_select(drivers, 'Select your graphics card driver: ', allow_empty_input=False, options_output=False) initial_option = selected_driver # Disabled search for now, only a few profiles exist anyway # #print(' -- You can enter ? or help to search for more drivers --') #if selected_driver.lower() in ('?', 'help'): # filter_string = input('Search for layout containing (example: "sv-"): ') # new_options = search_keyboard_layout(filter_string) # return select_language(new_options) selected_driver = options[selected_driver] if type(selected_driver) == dict: driver_options = sorted(list(selected_driver)) driver_package_group = generic_select(driver_options, f'Which driver-type do you want for {initial_option}: ', allow_empty_input=False) driver_package_group = selected_driver[driver_package_group] return driver_package_group return selected_driver raise RequirementError("Selecting drivers require a least one profile to be given as an option.") def _prep_function(*args, **kwargs): """ Magic function called by the importing installer before continuing any further. It also avoids executing any other code in this stage. So it's a safe way to ask the user for more input before any other installer steps start. """ print('You need to select which graphics card you\'re using.') print('This in order to setup the required graphics drivers.') __builtins__['_gfx_driver_packages'] = select_driver(AVAILABLE_DRIVERS) # TODO: Add language section and/or merge it with the locale selected # earlier in for instance guided.py installer. return True # Ensures that this code only gets executed if executed # through importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("xorg", "/somewhere/xorg.py") # or through conventional import xorg if __name__ == 'xorg': try: installation.add_additional_packages(f"xorg-server xorg-xinit {' '.join(_gfx_driver_packages)}") except: installation.add_additional_packages(f"xorg-server xorg-xinit") # Prep didn't run, so there's no driver to install # with open(f'{installation.mountpoint}/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc', 'a') as X11: # X11.write('setxkbmap se\n') # with open(f'{installation.mountpoint}/etc/vconsole.conf', 'a') as vconsole: # vconsole.write('KEYMAP={keyboard_layout}\n'.format(**arguments)) # vconsole.write('FONT=lat9w-16\n') # awesome = archinstall.Application(installation, 'awesome') # awesome.install()