# A desktop environment selector. import archinstall, os def _prep_function(*args, **kwargs): """ Magic function called by the importing installer before continuing any further. It also avoids executing any other code in this stage. So it's a safe way to ask the user for more input before any other installer steps start. """ supported_desktops = ['gnome', 'kde', 'awesome'] dektop = archinstall.generic_select(supported_desktops, 'Select your desired desktop environemtn: ') profile = archinstall.Profile(None, dektop) # Loading the instructions with a custom namespace, ensures that a __name__ comparison is never triggered. with profile.load_instructions(namespace=f"{dektop}.py") as imported: if hasattr(imported, '_prep_function'): return imported._prep_function() else: print(f"Deprecated (??): {dektop} profile has no _prep_function() anymore") if __name__ == 'desktop': print('The desktop.py profile should never be executed as a stand-alone.') """ This "profile" is a meta-profile. It will not return itself, there for this __name__ will never be executed. Instead, whatever profile was selected will have it's handle returned and that __name__ will be executed later on. """