# A desktop environment using "Awesome" window manager. import archinstall def _prep_function(*args, **kwargs): """ Magic function called by the importing installer before continuing any further. It also avoids executing any other code in this stage. So it's a safe way to ask the user for more input before any other installer steps start. """ # Awesome WM requires that xorg is installed profile = archinstall.Profile(None, 'xorg') with profile.load_instructions(namespace='xorg.py') as imported: if hasattr(imported, '_prep_function'): return imported._prep_function() else: print('Deprecated (??): xorg profile has no _prep_function() anymore') # Ensures that this code only gets executed if executed # through importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("awesome", "/somewhere/awesome.py") # or through conventional import awesome if __name__ == 'awesome': # Install the application awesome from the template under /applications/ awesome = archinstall.Application(installation, 'awesome') awesome.install() # Then setup and configure the desktop environment: awesome editor = "nano" filebrowser = "nemo gpicview-gtk3" webbrowser = "chromium" virtulization = "qemu ovmf" utils = "openssh sshfs git htop pkgfile scrot dhclient wget smbclient cifs-utils libu2f-host" installation.add_additional_packages(f"{webbrowser} {utils} {virtulization} {filebrowser} {editor}") alacritty = archinstall.Application(installation, 'alacritty') alacritty.install() # TODO: Copy a full configuration to ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua instead. with open(f'{installation.mountpoint}/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua', 'r') as awesome_rc_lua: awesome_lua = awesome_rc_lua.read() ## Replace xterm with alacritty for a smoother experience. awesome_lua = awesome_rc_lua.replace('"xterm"', '"alacritty"') with open(f'{installation.mountpoint}/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua', 'w') as awesome_rc_lua: awesome_rc_lua.write(awesome_lua) ## TODO: Configure the right-click-menu to contain the above packages that were installed. (as a user config) ## Remove some interfering nemo settings installation.arch_chroot("gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons false") installation.arch_chroot("xdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search")