#!/bin/bash # offline_mirror_path - is used to temporarily store build AUR packages # in order to "host" them to the build process. # The path will be on the build machine, not inside the build itself. work_dir=$1 arch=$2 offline_mirror_path="/tmp/aur_offline" # A func to download, build and host AUR packages to the ISO build process build_aur () { old_dir=`pwd` package=$1 # Prep with a build-user (removed at the end): # TODO: Check if already exists, if so, randomize name/don't remove at the end. # TODO: Don't give permission to wheel, give it only to this user (easy, but needs debugging first) useradd -m -G wheel builder sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NO/' /etc/sudoers # Extract the AUR package. cd /tmp rm -rf ${package} ${package}.tar.gz wget "https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/${package}.tar.gz" tar xvzf "${package}.tar.gz" cd ${package} build_dir=$(pwd) chown -R builder.builder /tmp/${package} echo " => Buiilding ${package}" su - builder -c "(cd ${build_dir}; makepkg -s --noconfirm)" >/dev/null 2>&1 echo " => Adding ${package} to local AUR hosting directory ${offline_mirror_path}" mkdir -p ${offline_mirror_path} sh -c "cp *.xz ${offline_mirror_path}/" sh -c "repo-add ${offline_mirror_path}/aur_offline.db.tar.gz ${offline_mirror_path}/*.xz" ## Long term storage inside the ISO? (if we want to install from CD to disk or host it to others) # sh -c "mv *.xz ${old_dir}/$2/$1.pkg.tar.xz" cd ${old_dir} userdel builder rm -rf /home/builder rm -rf /tmp/${package} rm /tmp/${package}.tar.gz } echo "Starting to sync upstream changes to offline mirror." rm -rf /tmp/sync /tmp/local echo " => Building AUR packages (found in packages.aur)" for package in $(cat ${work_dir}/packages.aur); do build_aur package done if [[ -z $(cat ${work_dir}/pacman.conf | grep '\[aur_offline\]') ]]; then echo " => Adding offline mirror to the chroot environment" echo "[aur_offline]" >> ${work_dir}/pacman.conf echo "Server = file:///tmp/aur_offline" >> ${work_dir}/pacman.conf echo "SigLevel = Optional TrustAll" >> ${work_dir}/pacman.conf fi ## Long term storage, if we want to be able to index our newly build files ## while installing down to disk later, we need to index the AUR packages. #echo " => Adding packages to offline database" #sh -c "repo-add --new ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/srv/http/archlinux/arch_offline/os/${arch}/arch_offline.db.tar.gz ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/srv/http/archlinux/arch_offline/os/${arch}/*.pkg.tar.xz" >/dev/null 2>&1 pacman --config ${work_dir}/pacman.conf -Sy pacman -Sy echo "Done syncing offline mirror."