import logging import os import pathlib import archinstall def ask_harddrives(): # Ask which harddrives/block-devices we will install to # and convert them into archinstall.BlockDevice() objects. if archinstall.arguments.get('harddrives', None) is None: archinstall.arguments['harddrives'] = archinstall.generic_multi_select(archinstall.all_disks(), text="Select one or more harddrives to use and configure (leave blank to skip this step): ", allow_empty=True) if not archinstall.arguments['harddrives']: archinstall.log("You decided to skip harddrive selection",fg="red",level=logging.INFO) archinstall.log(f"and will use whatever drive-setup is mounted at {['MOUNT_POINT']} (experimental)",fg="red",level=logging.INFO) archinstall.log("WARNING: Archinstall won't check the suitability of this setup",fg="red",level=logging.INFO) if input("Do you wish to continue ? [Y/n]").strip().lower() == 'n': exit(1) else: if archinstall.arguments.get('disk_layouts', None) is None: archinstall.arguments['disk_layouts'] = archinstall.select_disk_layout(archinstall.arguments['harddrives'], archinstall.arguments.get('advanced', False)) # Get disk encryption password (or skip if blank) if archinstall.arguments.get('!encryption-password', None) is None: if passwd := archinstall.get_password(prompt='Enter disk encryption password (leave blank for no encryption): '): archinstall.arguments['!encryption-password'] = passwd if archinstall.arguments.get('!encryption-password', None): # If no partitions was marked as encrypted, but a password was supplied and we have some disks to format.. # Then we need to identify which partitions to encrypt. This will default to / (root). if len(list(archinstall.encrypted_partitions(archinstall.arguments['disk_layouts']))) == 0: archinstall.arguments['disk_layouts'] = archinstall.select_encrypted_partitions(archinstall.arguments['disk_layouts'], archinstall.arguments['!encryption-password']) # Ask which boot-loader to use (will only ask if we're in BIOS (non-efi) mode) if not archinstall.arguments.get("bootloader", None): archinstall.arguments["bootloader"] = archinstall.ask_for_bootloader(archinstall.arguments.get('advanced', False)) if not archinstall.arguments.get('swap', None): archinstall.arguments['swap'] = archinstall.ask_for_swap() def ask_user_questions(): """ First, we'll ask the user for a bunch of user input. Not until we're satisfied with what we want to install will we continue with the actual installation steps. """ ask_harddrives() def perform_disk_operations(): """ Issue a final warning before we continue with something un-revertable. We mention the drive one last time, and count from 5 to 0. """ if archinstall.arguments.get('harddrives', None): print(f" ! Formatting {archinstall.arguments['harddrives']} in ", end='') archinstall.do_countdown() """ Setup the blockdevice, filesystem (and optionally encryption). Once that's done, we'll hand over to perform_installation() """ mode = archinstall.GPT if archinstall.has_uefi() is False: mode = archinstall.MBR for drive in archinstall.arguments.get('harddrives', []): if dl_disk := archinstall.arguments.get('disk_layouts', {}).get(drive.path): with archinstall.Filesystem(drive, mode) as fs: fs.load_layout(dl_disk) def perform_installation(mountpoint): """ Performs the installation steps on a block device. Only requirement is that the block devices are formatted and setup prior to entering this function. """ with archinstall.Installer(mountpoint, kernels=None) as installation: # Mount all the drives to the desired mountpoint # This *can* be done outside of the installation, but the installer can deal with it. if archinstall.arguments.get('disk_layouts'): installation.mount_ordered_layout(archinstall.arguments['disk_layouts']) # Placing /boot check during installation because this will catch both re-use and wipe scenarios. for partition in installation.partitions: if partition.mountpoint == + '/boot': if partition.size <= 0.25: # in GB raise archinstall.DiskError(f"The selected /boot partition in use is not large enough to properly install a boot loader. Please resize it to at least 256MB and re-run the installation.") # to generate a fstab directory holder. Avoids an error on exit and at the same time checks the procedure target = pathlib.Path(f"{mountpoint}/etc/fstab") if not target.parent.exists(): target.parent.mkdir(parents=True) # For support reasons, we'll log the disk layout post installation (crash or no crash) archinstall.log(f"Disk states after installing: {archinstall.disk_layouts()}", level=logging.DEBUG) def log_execution_environment(): # Log various information about hardware before starting the installation. This might assist in troubleshooting archinstall.log(f"Hardware model detected: {archinstall.sys_vendor()} {archinstall.product_name()}; UEFI mode: {archinstall.has_uefi()}", level=logging.DEBUG) archinstall.log(f"Processor model detected: {archinstall.cpu_model()}", level=logging.DEBUG) archinstall.log(f"Memory statistics: {archinstall.mem_available()} available out of {archinstall.mem_total()} total installed", level=logging.DEBUG) archinstall.log(f"Virtualization detected: {archinstall.virtualization()}; is VM: {archinstall.is_vm()}", level=logging.DEBUG) archinstall.log(f"Graphics devices detected: {archinstall.graphics_devices().keys()}", level=logging.DEBUG) # For support reasons, we'll log the disk layout pre installation to match against post-installation layout archinstall.log(f"Disk states before installing: {archinstall.disk_layouts()}", level=logging.DEBUG) if archinstall.arguments.get('help'): print("See `man archinstall` for help.") exit(0) if os.getuid() != 0: print("Archinstall requires root privileges to run. See --help for more.") exit(1) log_execution_environment() if not archinstall.check_mirror_reachable(): log_file = os.path.join('LOG_PATH', None),'LOG_FILE', None)) archinstall.log(f"Arch Linux mirrors are not reachable. Please check your internet connection and the log file '{log_file}'.", level=logging.INFO, fg="red") exit(1) if not archinstall.arguments.get('silent'): ask_user_questions() archinstall.output_configs(archinstall.arguments,show=False if archinstall.arguments.get('silent') else True) if archinstall.arguments.get('dry_run'): exit(0) if not archinstall.arguments.get('silent'): input('Press Enter to continue.') perform_disk_operations() perform_installation('MOUNT_POINT', '/mnt'))